Russia or the Neocons: Who endangers American democracy?

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2016 Oct 31, 3:46am   2,823 views  16 comments

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Political discourse of American mass media is inundated with another wave of Russophobia and fear mongering. Besides the obvious military threat (Russia’s nuclear arsenal), or the challenges to the US foreign policy (the conflicts in Ukraine or Syria), a new fear has been introduced into the news: the US political system is endangered by Russia’s computer hacking, informational warfare, and its support of Donald Trump.

The Atlantic warns of the “The Dangers of the Putin-Trump relationship,” articulating the already familiar litany of complaints: “Russia is directly interfering in the US elections … it is a dangerous escalation that threatens the integrity of the US electoral process.” While US Today allows notorious neocon named Max Boot to discover not just the threat, but an actual war. His “Time to Get Real About Russia Cyber War,” is rather blunt: “Our democracy is under attack by Russia, but almost no one is treating the situation with the gravity it deserves.”

Well, nobody treats the situation with the gravity it deserves because they are treating it with much greater gravity. In fact, some of the commentators are so grave, that they are ready to give in already. Zack Beauchamp concludes his tirades against Russian hacking in the following manner: “Russia’s strategy is even more dangerous that it appears. Not only does it undermine democracy using the press but it actually gets the press to undermine itself. And there’s not much we can reasonably do about it, either.”

these Joe McCarthy type accusations against both Russia and Trump seem to pursue only one goal: to give the veneer of respectability to the neocons’ and other Republican luminaries’ desertion of their own party. Thus, endless “confessions” of reformed Republicans and hardcore neocons, expressing their born-again zeal for the Democratic Candidate, Hillary Clinton.

The neocons are not switching parties because they’ve seen the light. They are enamored with Hillary Clinton’s record of foreign policy and her willingness to embrace the US globalist claims. As reported by Rania Khalek in Intercept, Robert Kagan, one of the leading neocons, the co-founder of the notorious PNAC (Project for the New American Century, the blueprint of the recent policies of aggression and regime change intended to cement US hegemony in world affairs), has been on the record for quite some time: “I would say all Republican foreign policy professionals are anti-Trump,” Kagan told …at a “foreign policy professionals for Hillary” fundraiser… –I would say that a majority of people in my circle will vote for Hillary.”

The neocons are very public about their desertion, and bear it as a badge of honor. Dubious honor, since in their pursuit of an ideal candidate for their agenda, neocons do not just betray their former party, but the very foundations of American democracy: the two party system.

Their desertion reveals that American political system has finally internalized Francis Fukuyama proud words about the end of history. We’ve reached the consensus; there is no need to argue or challenge, history has ended, the truths are revealed and they are now the property of the elites united into one globalist Imperial party bent on equating American prosperity with the American hegemony over world affairs.

To any objective observer it is clear that is not Russia that endangers US democracy but the political corruption, the rule of 1% oligarchy, and mad pursuit of PNAC policies. Even greater danger to democracy lies in the neocons’ desertion to the Hillary camp.

Yet, for many neocons, it is Hillary or bust. James Kirchik goes out of his way trying to convince his fellow conservatives that it is Clinton who is a true conservative, and therefore, the last American hope: “It’s come to this: Hillary Clinton is the one person standing between America and the abyss.”

Kirchick fails to mention, however, that it is Clintons’ and Obama’s implementation of neocons’ policies which is nothing short of revolutionary. Military adventures, drastic regime changes, alliance redrawing, the willingness to sacrifice American lives and money in their pursuit, all these misguided policies that meet no political resistance –that’s what revolutionary.

Trump’s realism and pragmatic approach to politics appears as revolutionary only to the ideologues who refuse to pause in their drive to reshape the modern world according to their childish dreams.

This radical reworking of democratic and conservative process of slow incremental improvements into the hegemony of corporate sponsored elites is indeed revolutionary: a modern day version of Lenin’s hegemony of proletariat and its avant-garde, the elite party, all over again.

Hillary Clinton is as conservative as Brezhnev, who, in his failure to modify or change the radical agenda set up by the party of Lenin and Stalin, was indeed, a conservative. Only an intellectual of Kirchick’s magnitude can see something Oakeshottian in this embrace of one party system.

Full Article: https://off-guardian.org/2016/10/30/russia-or-the-neocons-who-endangers-american-democracy/#comments

#Clinton #Trump #NeoCons #Russia

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1   bob2356   2016 Oct 31, 6:20am  

anonymous says

these Joe McCarthy type accusations against both Russia and Trump seem to pursue only one goal: to give the veneer of respectability to the neocons’ and other Republican luminaries’ desertion of their own party. Thus, endless “confessions” of reformed Republicans and hardcore neocons, expressing their born-again zeal for the Democratic Candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Just because the neocons are idiots doesn't mean russia isn't a real danger on several levels. Putin is seriously aggressive and is pursuing a very anti western policy path. He has pulled out of the non proliferation treaty, moved missles to europe, and promised "asymmetrical" and "painful" actions against the US. Russian media (aka the russian government) has been hyping up the possibility of nuclear war for almost a year now and preparing the citizens for the idea of surviving a nuclear exchange. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-nuclear-weapon-training-attack-radiation-moscow-vladimir-putin-a7345461.html http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-prepares-nuclear-war-wwiii-2016-10

If anything this isn't being taken seriously enough because of all of the distractions of the election. Putin is way too shrewd not to be aware of this. Russians aren't people just like us with a funny accent and bad haircuts. They have an entirely different society and value system. They can act in ways can seem totally irrational to western thought. Gobbling up eastern europe again or a big chunk of the middle east would be a very possible and probable long term goal. Territorial expansion has been a constant russian goal since the vikings paddled up the neva and organized the tribes.

anonymous says

Trump’s realism and pragmatic approach to politics appears as revolutionary only to the ideologues who refuse to pause in their drive to reshape the modern world according to their childish dreams.

Please point out trump's realism and pragmatic approach to russia rattling the nuclear saber at the US other than praising putin as a great leader.

2   Gary Anderson   2016 Oct 31, 9:28am  

Clinton is a neocon, but pragmatic, meaning no boots on the ground and no direct war with Russia. On the other hand, W and Cheney did 9/11. That is Neoconservatism at its most evil. Russia could be a threat, for meddling in the election. Putin does not realize how crazy Trump is. He should learn English and he would figure it out. But something is missing in the translation. Trump hates Iran. He wants war with Iran and Putin will be betrayed by him. Trump is an unstable hater, and Clinton is a diplomat. I choose the lesser of evil, the diplomat.

3   Gary Anderson   2016 Oct 31, 9:30am  

bob2356 says

Gobbling up eastern europe again or a big chunk of the middle east would be a very possible and probable long term goal. Territorial expansion has been a constant russian goal since the vikings paddled up the neva and organized the tribes.

I agree with most of what you say, but that overstates the case. If anything, NATO has been trying to surround Putin. It is pretty obvious.

4   Blurtman   2016 Oct 31, 9:33am  

Subversion of the media is a very scary practice in Russia. Glad to be a 'Merican!

5   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 31, 9:40am  

Yes, all 6 of our major Media Conglomerates were notoriously even handed this election season. I remember how they attempted to chase down one of the Candidates when she failed to hold a press conference for more than 250+ days, in fact they boycotted her campaign events until she agreed to answer questions. I also like the fact that the US has a very skeptical media, and particularly praise Andrea Mitchell, Megyn Kelly, Anderson Cooper, and Wolf Blitzer for their even handed coverage.

6   Tampajoe   2016 Oct 31, 9:43am  

I would do the same for Breitbart.

7   HydroCabron   2016 Oct 31, 9:53am  

This is a great opportunity for those Republicans who did not wholeheartedly support the Bush/Cheny/Rummy/Feith/Wolfowitz adventurism to finally break free of it.

Both of them must be feeling pretty good right now.

8   Blurtman   2016 Oct 31, 9:56am  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

Andrea Mitchell, Megyn Kelly, Anderson Cooper, and Wolf Blitzer

Loyal comrades!

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 31, 10:03am  

"Fact Checking" - treating the guy's statements I don't like with hyperskepticism, taking him more literally than a severe autism sufferer ("Founded ISIS"), doing everything I can to make them appear as "dark" and sinister as possible. While coming up with excuses for my girl, and giving her the benefit of the doubt and parsing her words to the point of absurdity (IE Hillary isn't for open borders, despite a lifetime political record of supporting almost every Free Trade and Open Borders bill and treaty, not to mention speeches to major banks saying she does. "She meant energy only" BS)

10   Tampajoe   2016 Oct 31, 10:05am  

Don't imply that "fact checking" is a biased media way to portray Trump as a liar. FFS, there have been many, many times where he makes blatant, obvious, unambiguous lies. The guy is a serial liar unlike any candidate in American political history.

11   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 31, 10:12am  

Did Trump claim to dodge Sniper Fire in Bosnia, make it a stump speech phrase, assert it in a campaign book, call witnesses to the contrary liars (inc. Comedian Sinbad), and then keep insisting it happened for days long after footage of her landing in Bosnia was aired, showing it to be utter BS?

12   Tampajoe   2016 Oct 31, 10:16am  

No, that's one lie Trump didn't tell. Wonders never cease, I guess.

13   Tampajoe   2016 Oct 31, 10:19am  

And Ironman--have you even read that list? Most of those aren't even lies--they are just ridiculous. "If I had a son" is a lie? "Christians need to get off their high horse" is a lie?

14   Tampajoe   2016 Oct 31, 10:38am  

OK. Does Obama have a son?

15   bob2356   2016 Oct 31, 9:34pm  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

"Fact Checking" - treating the guy's statements I don't like with hyperskepticism, taking him more literally than a severe autism sufferer ("Founded ISIS"), doing everything I can to make them appear as "dark" and sinister as possible.

What news sources do you read exactly? Taking trump literally is a problem? Pray tell, who is in charge of the interpretation of what trump says to what trump really means? When trump says murders went up in NY when they actually went down or when he claims he will save 300 billion in medicare drug purchases when medicare only spends 78 billion on drugs how should that be interpreted into the english we use every day? Trump will fix the real unemployment rate of 42%, yea all those lazy ass retirees, students, and at home parents need to be out there working. Preferably for trump industries after trump sends all the illegals he employs back to mexico. Where do I find the trumpspeak to english app?

Ever read 1984?

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

"She meant energy only" BS)

Hillary claimed she only meant energy in the third debate, the press never made that claim. Everything I read, including in breitbart, said that without the speech text they really don't know if this is true or not.

Looks like there really is a double standard. Yours.

16   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 1, 10:06am  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

I also like the fact that the US has a very skeptical media, and particularly praise Andrea Mitchell, Megyn Kelly, Anderson Cooper, and Wolf Blitzer for their even handed coverage.

But then we find out that Trump is not only a groper of women and a doer and likely rapist of children, but he, like Jim Jones, has advocated that he alone can fix the problems poor blacks have. That is not the American way.

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