Virginia Imam Calls for Female Genital Mutilation to Prevent "Hyper-Sexuality"

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2017 Jun 6, 8:19am   3,188 views  19 comments

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A Virginia imam has been filmed advocating for female genital mutilation, describing it as the 'honorable thing to do' for young girls . . . . . . .

'There used to be a lady who used to do this for women, or, I mean, young girls.

'She is expected to cut only the tip of the sexual sensitive part in the girl, so that she is not hyper-sexually active.

'This is the purpose.' . . . .

[Y]ou see in societies where circumcision of girls is completely prohibited, hyper-sexuality takes over the entire society, and a woman is not satisfied with one person, or two, or three,' he said.

'This is, God forbid, now happening even in Muslim societies where they prohibit circumcision.

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1   Strategist   2017 Jun 6, 9:19am  

Herb says

A Virginia imam has been filmed advocating for female genital mutilation, describing it as the 'honorable thing to do' for young girls . . . . . . .

'There used to be a lady who used to do this for women, or, I mean, young girls.

'She is expected to cut only the tip of the sexual sensitive part in the girl, so that she is not hyper-sexually active.

'This is the purpose.' . . . .

[Y]ou see in societies where circumcision of girls is completely prohibited, hyper-sexuality takes over the entire society, and a woman is not satisfied with one person, or two, or three,' he said.

'This is, God forbid, now happening even in Muslim societies where they prohibit circumcision.

Folks, this is how religious Muslims think. No common sense, Koranic education, 7th century primitive beliefs, barbarism, and violent to no end.
This is the type of lunatic who needs to be deported.

2   Patrick   2017 Jun 6, 9:54am  

There an unspoken psychopathology going on with feminists, where they actually deeply desire to be restrained by dominant men, but Western men have proven themselves too pussified and intimidated by feminists to assert their traditional dominant role in relationships, much less even defend their own women and children against murderous invaders, which is the most fundamental job of men in any society. In short, Western women are disappointed in their own weak men.

And so feminists ironically continue to demand immigration of yet more Muslims as examples of "real men" exactly because Muslims refuse to bow to feminist demands and because they are successfully invading the west and murdering with no consequences at all for their entire support network of terrorist families and terrorist mosques.

Feminism is in large part simply a test of masculinity, and Western men have failed that test completely. The prospect of deportation of families of terrorists or closing of terror mosques is still remote, and so Western men are still failing.

I'm not supporting female genital mutilation in the least, just pointing out why feminists tacitly support Islamic terror through yet more Islamic immigration. It's all a big shit test.

The answer is for Western men to grow balls again and aggressively kick the fuckers out and prevent anyone even remotely related to them from entering ever again, political correctness be damned.

3   🎂 Rin   2017 Jun 6, 12:09pm  

How about the Imam, putting the death sentence, fatwa, on Mickey Mouse?


Excerpt: “The mouse is one of Satan’s soldiers and is steered by him. If a mouse falls into a pot of food – if the food is solid, you should chuck out the mouse and the food touching it, and if it is liquid – you should chuck out the whole thing, because the mouse is impure."

“According to Islamic law, the mouse is a repulsive, corrupting creature. How do you think children view mice today – after Tom and Jerry?"

“Even creatures that are repulsive by nature, by logic and according to Islamic law, have become wonderful and are loved by children. Even mice. Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases.”

4   🎂 Rin   2017 Jun 6, 12:11pm  

Rin says

Tom and Jerry

And the question I have is why a middle aged cleric is watching 'Tom and Jerry'. Is this some latent pedophilia, disguised as research?

And also, what's he complaining about? Tom's been trying to kill Jerry for ages.

5   Patrick   2017 Jun 6, 12:47pm  

Miss Piggy is also forbidden in Muslim countries:


Piggy banks also forbidden.

6   curious2   2017 Jun 6, 1:28pm  

Every SJW should be informed of this report and the many similar Islamic developments in America ASAP, and often. If they want to protest something, they should start by protesting Islam.

7   anonymous   2017 Jun 6, 2:21pm  

Patrick's comments on psychopathic feminist "deep desires" do not fully fathom their Marianas Abyss longing for things Islamic :)


My further comments or lack of further comments should not be seen as an endorsement or rejection of comments on my post, but I do agree with Strategist insofar as to deporting the crazy cleric and his followers.

I also will say that I strongly condemn medievalism, anti-scientific creeds, sexual repression, obscurantism, and violent proselytizing in ALL religions, not just Islam. Anyone who thinks that Islam is uniquely violent, however, would be well-recommended to study the history of European CHRISTIAN religious wars, the crusades, the Albigensian, Templar, and Cathar repressions, the Inquisition, witchcraft mania for three centuries, etc ad infinitum. Or if you think Buddhists are peaceable and loving, conditions in medieval Tibet or Japanese Buddhist warrior-monks during the on-going internecine wars in Japanese history. Religion is a curse at all times, in all nations, and in all forms. Islam stands out today because of the failure of Islamic countries to modernize, and their subsequent subservient position in the world order. combined with insoluble domestic problems, to say nothing of their intersectarian and political quarrels, and the export (as well as internalization) of religio-political terrorism. And that the teaching of Mohammed stressed violent prosetylization against unbelievers.

I must note that while many (including myself) condemn the crazy Islamic cleric, what about a sick system where a "Christian" like Greg Gianforte, who assaults journalists (violent) and believes the earth is only 6,000 years old and that Noah's Ark contained dinosaurs, can make $1.5 billion and be elected to Congress? That's a pretty sick religion and pretty medieval system too.

8   Patrick   2017 Jun 6, 2:30pm  

Relative to Islam though, Christianity is extremely tolerant and peaceful in its core teaching and in its actual practice in the modern world.

It's all a matter of degree, and the difference in degree is on the order of 1000x. Meaning Muslims are at least that much more likely to murder random people out of religious motivations than Christians are.

I'll take the Christians any day if it's a choice between them and more Muslims.

9   Strategist   2017 Jun 6, 2:55pm  

rando says

Relative to Islam though, Christianity is extremely tolerant and peaceful in its core teaching and in its actual practice in the modern world.

It's all a matter of degree, and the difference in degree is on the order of 1000x. Meaning Muslims are at least that much more likely to murder random people out of religious motivations than Christians are.

I'll take the Christians any day if it's a choice between them and more Muslims.

If God came to me and told me......Strategist, I shall give thou two choices only. Either live in a very religious Christian society, or a very religious Islamic society. Which shall it be.
I would obviously pick a very religious Christian society, because I ain't stupid. So would every sane Patnetter.

10   anonymous   2017 Jun 6, 3:16pm  

I taught English in the Sultanate of Oman for a year, close to the Yemeni border (Salalah). They were very religious. They were also unbelievably kind to me, although they tried to convince me to become Islamic (in a nice way, not aggressive). They disapproved of me going to the bar there (yes, they have them) and drinking beer, but, the bar WAS there. Some of the Muslims drank (there are Jack Muslims just like Jack Mormons), and their religious police merely drove them home if they were inebriated and put them to bed (didn't want an incident by prosecuting them). They were not punished or ostracized. The main purpose of the Salalah Institute of Technology (where I taught) was to keep young men out of madrassas, which it did. The Sultan was educated in Britain, a liberal reformer, and reputed to be gay. He banned the wearing of veils by young women, and ordered co-ed college education. He was moderate and tolerant and pretty much stopped the tribal warfare that had afflicted the country for centuries prior to his reign. The police Colonel in Salalah was nominally a Muslim, but he had been trained in Moscow during the Communist insurrection in Oman and remained a Communist at heart, even when he came in and changed sides. He was, however, a mellow and pragmatic man. I would drive out into the desert with my jebali (mountaineer -- pre-Arab peoples of the peninsula) friends, and I felt much safer there than I do here. Sometimes when I rode my mountain bike out into very remote places, I would encounter men dressed like bin Laden with AKs, who would usually greet me "Ah, Amriki, would you like some warm camel milk" and invite me to shoot at targets with them (they always won).

I think some people here have some very strong stereotypes whereby they cast all Muslims into a single mold, which is about like characterizing all Christians based on the crazy Kansas church which pickets military funerals claiming that their deaths are "God's punishment for American tolerance of homosexuality"

There are good and bad people in all religions, but, as I say, any religion is an illusion and a sure road to evil if practiced as a zealot with the desire to persecute others.

11   Patrick   2017 Jun 6, 3:29pm  

Herb says

There are good and bad people in all religions, but, as I say, any religion is an illusion and a sure road to evil if practiced as a zealot with the desire to persecute others.

I absolutely agree with you. Most Muslims are much better human beings than they are Muslims.

The problem, IMHO, is that Saudis are funding those madrassas (with money we send them for oil!) and getting Muslims around the world to practice Islam as it literally instructs them to, ie as a zealot with the desire to persecute others.

12   curious2   2017 Jun 6, 3:29pm  

Herb says

The Sultan was educated in Britain, a liberal reformer, and reputed to be gay.

I can believe that, but you should recognize that is not typical of Muslim countries. You were lucky to live in a place where the Sultan was gay and merely upholding his responsibilities to his family while trying to oppose Islam. As you wrote, you were hired specifically because he wanted western education instead of madrassahs. Unfortunately for Muslims and the world, most Sultans are not gay, and are not educated in Britain. Most do want Madrassahs, and the Pew statistics confirm most Muslims in countries with Muslim majorities want Sharia. The Sultan didn't want what most wanted, so that makes him an exception.

Spreading Islam would be doing the opposite of what he hired you to do. He hired you to bring the west to Oman, not to bring Islam to the west.

Herb says

some people here have some very strong stereotypes

You are mistaken. Most people here have met many Muslims, done business with Muslims, etc. Churchill had a lot of experience with Muslims, and you should read what he wrote. The statements here are based on what Islam says and what Muslims tend to do. I try to remain patient with people who say "oh but I've met some Muslims who weren't doing what Islam says to do." That isn't the point. Islam doesn't need 100% compliance to destroy the west. Islam needs only enough to do what Islam says. Even if most Muslims wouldn't personally kill you, try visiting Pakistan, where Muslims elect a government that would kill you for saying that "any religion is an illusion..." You believe yourself to be educated and worldly, and indeed you may be, but surely you recognize there is more to the world than you know. Read about the late Governor Taseer, for example. Modern western life would be impossible under Muslim rule.

Herb says

I say, any religion is an illusion....

Blasphemer! Off with his head. Note the Islamic State has online kill lists, especially of blasphemers, including Americans living in America.

13   anonymous   2017 Jun 6, 3:47pm  

@Patrick -- thank you, Patrick

@curious2 -- it was merely rumored that he was gay by some. Many others said that he recognized the critical importance of modernizing Oman, and so he forbore marriage and children, since virtually all of the Sultans prior to him had been overthrown by their sons before they could complete their tenure, and he wished to conduct a life-work of modernization, which he has. May Allah bless him for that . . . :)

Once one got a bit out of the towns in Oman, people were still open to Westerners, but were strong against Western "vices" For instance, I suggested to my jebali friends to open a grill/restaurant at an overlook high up on the coastal mountains, with a fantastic view of the Indian Ocean, but they told me if we served liquor the villagers would burn it down.

Many Western women there were openly contemptuous of Muslim inhibitions, and wore bikinis or halters and extreme shorts while shopping at Muslim markets. Despite some disquiet about this (which was in contravention of politely-wording English signs asking them to respect local customs), the police forbore to make any arrests or issue citations, except in one case where a drunken couple openly had daytime sex on at a tourist attraction to the west of town. I am sure any reasonable Westerner would deplore the hubris and disrespect this showed to the locals, and it would be hard to reconcile the forbearance the Muslims showed continuously on these points with the stereotypes some hold. Indeed, several of my friends warned me not to accept the offer to teach there, as "they" would "cut off [your] head as soon as [you] land at the airport."

These Muslim countries are spotty with dangerous parts (for Infidels) and more accepting parts. But what you say about Pakistan is quite clearly accurate. I had a nasty experience there just stopping at the airport and dealing with Pakis on the plane.

But I still think a lot of Westerners stereotype.

14   curious2   2017 Jun 6, 3:58pm  

Herb says

if we served liquor the villagers would burn it down.

Muslim Sharia patrols have attacked bars in Copenhagen and other western cities, including burning them down and sometimes killing customers. That happens when Islam spreads to the west, because of what Islam says and motivates believers to do. The patrols don't really need every Muslim to join, only enough to burn down the disfavored western businesses and drive them out of business.

Herb says

the police forbore

because they and their bosses were under the direct control of the Sultan, who wanted to liberalize (i.e. westernize) instead of Islamicize.

Herb says

These Muslim countries are spotty with dangerous parts (for Infidels)....

Those are the parts where people are doing what Islam says to do. You don't need every last Muslim to join in cutting off your head, only enough to do the job. Lethal Sharia patrols operate with impunity and cause tragic consequences (e.g. murdering bloggers) wherever Islam gains enough power.

15   MAGA   2017 Jun 6, 4:02pm  

Where are these hyper-sexual females? I'm looking.

16   missing   2017 Jun 6, 5:00pm  

Strategist says

Either live in a very religious Christian society, or a very religious Islamic society. Which shall it be.

I would obviously pick a very religious Christian society, because I ain't stupid.

Or you ain't a man?

17   anonymous   2017 Jun 6, 5:22pm  

Sultan Qaboos (Oman) is also politic and shrewd re the mosques and Islamic clergy, having given them stipends from his copious oil, gas, and coal revenues contingent upon their good behavior, which means they support the monarchy and don't agitate for Islamic radicalism. All male heads of house there receive a stipend also, and most have nice SUVs the Sultan paid for. Such payoffs were also an essential tactic with which Qaboos quenched the Communist insurrection there early in his reign.

Curious2 was correct to say that Oman is in many ways an exceptional Islamic state, and they are lucky to have had a benevolent modernizing monarch as their ruler. What will come after his death, however, remains to be seen.

Some links for those interested:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibadi (a third and relatively tolerant branch of Islam)

18   lostand confused   2017 Jun 6, 5:40pm  

jvolstad says

Where are these hyper-sexual females? I'm looking

The one on the left :)

19   🎂 Rin   2017 Jun 6, 5:49pm  

lostand confused says

The one on the left :)


No wonder why I hate western Mass! I've always thought that that section of the state was full of fucked up idiots.

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