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1   HeadSet   2018 May 3, 6:53am  

After hearing what Kanye actually said about the "choice," it seems clear that what he meant was - why no rebellion in that 400 years, especially with the high numbers of slaves involved. Kanye further explained this is why black slavery was more mental than physical, since the slaves had in their heads that rebellion was impossible, when in reality the slaves may have had the sheer numbers to do so. Kanye also claims that this same "mental slavery" is holding back blacks today. That mental slavery being that society is so stacked against the black man that the only way a black man can get anything is if it is given to him by a pandering Dem party.

Kanye's detractors are obscuring his point by straw-manning that Kanye meant black were slaves because they liked it, not because they were mentally conditioned to keep being slaves.
2   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 May 3, 7:54am  

HeadSet says
Kanye further explained this is why black slavery was more mental than physical, since the slaves had in their heads that rebellion was impossible, when in reality the slaves may have had the sheer numbers to do so.

It takes more than sheer numbers to have a rebellion. It also takes cooperation and organization, which is hard when a group is being isolated, separated from family members, and prevented from getting educated or getting paid. Large groups of people have been subjugated throughout history. It's simply idiotic to say that it was by choice. One might say that the subjugation was deemed preferable to the alternative (getting beat and hung) to individual slaves.
In a way, comparing the current Democratic platform to slavers running a plantation is very similar to the Democratic talking point that dumb white Christians are getting used and abused by the wealthy class, who manipulates poor whites by playing to their racist emotions and fears. These whites are so stupid that they sell out their own economic interest to promote feelings of cultural superiority. The plantation/slave meme is just more graphic, and cartoonish. It either extremely plays down what slavery is or extremely exaggerates the fault of Democratic talking points. Either way, it's offensive, which is clearly why it is being used.
Democrats can be accused of playing up black feelings of victimhood, which when taken too far is a counterproductive way for individual blacks to think. However, at the group level, if they do not cooperate to get better treatment by the justice system, the tax system, etc., one could argue that they are choosing their current plight. They have every right to advocate for their position.
3   socal2   2018 May 3, 8:47am  

It takes more than sheer numbers to have a rebellion. It also takes cooperation and organization, which is hard when a group is being isolated, separated from family members, and prevented from getting educated or getting paid.

I thought he was talking about the here and now where some people are using slavery to explain the failures of the black community today.

Black families were much more intact with the fathers in the home 50 years ago during the bad old days of segregation. Yet once the US Government passed the Civil Rights laws, the black family started going to shit with single parenthood and resultant dysfunction of poverty, crime and lack of education.

Isn't it a CHOICE for black men and women to choose not to get married and raise their children together?
5   Ceffer   2018 May 3, 1:40pm  

Maybe Dems can hand out free cell phones again like Obama did.
6   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 3, 2:24pm  

They know what Kanye said. They're deliberately miscommunicating it on purpose.

Media doesn't report the news, nor is it mere opinion. They are communicating a narrative and their goal is to virtue signal and establish what is acceptable belief and what is/isn't racism and sexism and homophobia, etc.
7   Shaman   2018 May 3, 4:44pm  

Democrats can be accused of playing up black feelings of victimhood, which when taken too far is a counterproductive way for individual blacks to think.

Actually it’s a counterproductive way for ANYONE to EVER think for any amount of time! When you assign yourself the role of victim, you give up your agency to act to change or ameliorate the situation. You put yourself in a box where you can have a nice pity party and maybe a cry. Meanwhile, you’ve just limited your options and eliminated your ability to succeed.

So ya, by encouraging black people to think this way, Democrats are putting them in mental slavery. Kanye is right.
8   Automan Empire   2018 May 3, 7:01pm  

Ummm... what's a Kanye?
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 5, 9:08pm  

No wonder, check out these lyrics:

He's not just left the Plantation, he burned it down on the way out.

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