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11   WookieMan   2022 Sep 24, 8:42am  

WillyWanker says

Now that I live in Spain I feel more unease during this political crisis.

Not the feedback I'm getting from my SIL who was in Austria when it started and now Germany. She says things seem normal. It's a conversation, but no one seems worried. I think the media is war saber rattling for Russia and the US. The average person here or in Europe generally doesn't care is my take on it all. Even if Putin did a small nuke I wouldn't care. Let him destroy what he wants to obtain. Retardation.

He doesn't have the balls to nuke a NATO country. We could launch 3-4 strategic nukes and Russia is toast for decades. Putin would have to launch 20+ around the world, assume they hit and work. Not happening. They can't take a sliver of Ukraine for fucks sake. And now they're getting 300k drunks to shoot guns and drive antiquated tanks. Winning strategy.
12   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Sep 24, 9:21am  

jykiodfgr says

Nah, sending the zoomers who are mostly liberals over to die is a good idea.

Now I could definitely get behind the idea of conscripting a bunch of fat pink and blue haired idiots and putting them in PT for a year of push-ups, running, lean meals, and some good old fashioned USA 1950’s era non stop propaganda brainwashing. Either turn then each into Animal Mother or blow their brains out ala Gomer Pyle.
13   Booger   2022 Sep 24, 10:14am  

GNL says

Would you say the same thing about the USA USA USA and the Middle East?

I'd say that we should be using our own (US and Canada) oil resources to not need imports from anyone else and let the people in the Middle East kill each other. Now if someone like Kuwait or Saudi Arabia genuinely needs US military assistance, and is willing to pay the full cost, I would entertain offers.
14   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 24, 10:23am  

ZipperTits says

All nice and good.

But WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with us?

Nothing. Not our fight.

The alternative is to let Putin reconstruct the Soviet Union which would involve several NATO countries at this point. Are you OK with Putin moving on to other countries after Ukraine?
15   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 24, 10:26am  

WookieMan says

He doesn't have the balls to nuke a NATO country. We could launch 3-4 strategic nukes and Russia is toast for decades. Putin would have to launch 20+ around the world, assume they hit and work.

I'm wondering if Putin understands this, and if so then maybe if using nukes use a tactical one? I don't know if anyone would ever nuke a piece of land that they intend to incorporate into their own country. Plus for the nukes that Putin would potentially send AND that happen to actually work, I wonder if at least some of them could get shot down.
16   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 24, 10:28am  

WillyWanker says

Now that I live in Spain I feel more unease during this political crisis.

I don't care how many people Putin drafts, I don't see the Russian army making it to the Pyrenees!
17   WookieMan   2022 Sep 24, 10:37am  

ZipperTits says

WookieMan says

They can't take a sliver of Ukraine for fucks sake.

They have taken a sliver.and it is one that produces 95% of Ukranian GDP.

Nah. If they did why in the flying fuck do they need 300k more troops called up? That's a massive amount in modern times and to invade a neighboring country...?? We sent 130k to Iraq across the globe and outside of the random suicide bombing or IED we controlled a country somewhat similar(ish) sized remotely.

The sliver that Russia thinks they control is still up in the air. They're losing badly. They'll get what they want in the end, but they look weak. Modern technology does not bring motivated men to fight a war #videogames. Those days are done. This is all military contractors and mercenaries, and people pumping weapons into Ukraine as a testing ground. So now Russia has to destroy its demographics for something that's likely to be in limbo for a decade.

There was a solution and Russia is broke. Especially if they cut off Europe from gas/oil. I expect Russian billionaires to flee once the payments aren't coming in this winter from Europe. If Europe can withstand a cold winter, Russia is fucked. These oligarchs will leave with their money and Russia will be broke. Put this way. Would you stay and finance a war you've not been winning or leave and go to the Bahamas or somewhere else? Putin is in trouble within his own country. This isn't N. Korea or China. Russians have access to outside tech and info.
18   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 10:51am  

WookieMan says

He doesn't have the balls to nuke a NATO country. We could launch 3-4 strategic nukes and Russia is toast for decades

China, Russia, the United States, and China ALL have the capability of radiating every inch of planet Earth several times over.
19   Misc   2022 Sep 24, 11:29am  

richwicks says

WookieMan says

He doesn't have the balls to nuke a NATO country. We could launch 3-4 strategic nukes and Russia is toast for decades

China, Russia, the United States, and China ALL have the capability of radiating every inch of planet Earth several times over.

It appears you have fallen for the massive amounts of propaganda spewed regarding nuclear war. You may even have taken part in the how much damage a 1 megaton weapon would do on your city (it was done as a classroom assignment in my high school). Where to start???? First, the largest Russian or American warhead is only 300kt (not even a megaton). It is enough to blow up a neighborhood, but not a city. It would take hundreds and hundreds of these warheads all working correctly to level a city. The US and Russia have a few thousand of these warheads. --- I will let you do your own research from here.
20   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 12:15pm  

Misc says

It would take hundreds and hundreds of these warheads all working correctly to level a city.

Missiles are essentially unstoppable, the myth that there can be a defense against them has been proven over and over and over again.

You might be able to stop a Qassam rocket, but that's it.

The Tsar Bomba can take out a city, trivially. That was a stupid display though.

Nuclear war is stupidity, and we'll never engage in it, since nobody is better off at the end of it. If the US got into a REAL tangle with China or Russia, infrastructure would be targeted, and then you just wait a few months for the population to starve and kill each other for food. Wipe out the electricity grid and everybody is fucked.
21   AD   2022 Sep 24, 12:24pm  

richwicks says

Wipe out the electricity grid and everybody is fucked.

Such as explode a few EMP bombs over the USA to take out the grid. The only question is for how long is the grid down and what can come online after a few days without any repairs needed ?

22   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Sep 24, 12:28pm  

using ukrainians by nato in war against russia, thats all this shit is. poor ukrainians are fucked. Zelenski might as well be DoD employee.
23   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 24, 2:51pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

using ukrainians by nato in war against russia, thats all this shit is. poor ukrainians are fucked. Zelenski might as well be DoD employee.

You’ve seen the payments right? He is employee of the month, again!
24   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 24, 2:53pm  

ZipperTits says

And it is a joke of a war.

Ukraine isn't allowed by the West to hit Russia proper. Just like our military wasn't allowed to hit North Vietnam.

The Ukranians are going to lose this war.

The Ukrainians already lost the war. If not for NATO supplies and Mercs they would have been annexed already.
25   Booger   2022 Sep 24, 3:51pm  

richwicks says

Missiles are essentially unstoppable, the myth that there can be a defense against them has been proven over and over and over again.

26   NuttBoxer   2022 Sep 24, 7:05pm  

clambo says

They are resisting the invasion by Putin who has a deranged fantasy of returning Russia to its former glory.

So why no attacks on any other former USSR territories? Not saying Russia doesn't do fucked up stuff. I remember that Bourdain episode in Georgia where he talked to people who said the Russians moved the fences overnight, and annexed Georgia a little at a time.

Anyway, the fact that only Ukraine is involved, has been increasingly unstable, corrupt, and extremist, and has huge foreign influence from UK and US should make you think twice before adding a Ukraine flag to your socials.
27   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 7:18pm  

ad says

richwicks says

Wipe out the electricity grid and everybody is fucked.

Such as explode a few EMP bombs over the USA to take out the grid. The only question is for how long is the grid down and what can come online after a few days without any repairs needed ?

I don't know how effective EMPs actually are. It's not actually that hard to construct power delivery that will withstand it but I'm not going to explain it, but it's pretty simple and obvious but not unless you understand how a changing magnetic field induces current.

If I was a sociopathic MIC asshole, that was in a war, and wanted to crippled the country, I'd do exactly what the US does to 3rd world nations. I'd destroy power generation plants. However if I was a benevolent dictator, I would encourage all home and business owners to have solar panels as temporary power systems. You can just dump unused energy, it's not like it HAS to go on the grid. You might only have power for 5 hours out of the day, but it would be enough to do the basics. I'd decentralize everything, and make the power grid a convenience, not a necessity.
28   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 7:21pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Zelenski might as well be DoD employee.

Haha, that's exactly what he is. The US overthrew Ukraine and they have been pushing for war ever since, even before that. Ihor Kolomoyskyi and his little turd burglar Zelenskyy were just unethical and shitty enough to accept the job.
29   GNL   2022 Sep 24, 7:27pm  

Booger says

GNL says

Would you say the same thing about the USA USA USA and the Middle East?

I'd say that we should be using our own (US and Canada) oil resources to not need imports from anyone else and let the people in the Middle East kill each other. Now if someone like Kuwait or Saudi Arabia genuinely needs US military assistance, and is willing to pay the full cost, I would entertain offers.

The Ukrainians have already lost this war. Russia is fighting NATO.
30   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 7:27pm  

ZipperTits says

Russia is toast. Demographics determined that.

I don't think so. Europe is toast, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Russia becomes a safe haven for Europeans giving up on their government and nations in the next 10 years.
31   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 7:29pm  

PeopleUnited says

The Ukrainians already lost the war. If not for NATO supplies and Mercs they would have been annexed already.

Ukraine isn't going to be annexed, pieces will be on the East, but Russia doesn't want to deal with an occupation. All the wealth of Ukraine is in the East anyhow. The Western part is basically useless.
32   GNL   2022 Sep 24, 7:49pm  

zzyzzx says

WookieMan says

He doesn't have the balls to nuke a NATO country. We could launch 3-4 strategic nukes and Russia is toast for decades. Putin would have to launch 20+ around the world, assume they hit and work.

I'm wondering if Putin understands this, and if so then maybe if using nukes use a tactical one? I don't know if anyone would ever nuke a piece of land that they intend to incorporate into their own country. Plus for the nukes that Putin would potentially send AND that happen to actually work, I wonder if at least some of them could get shot down.

This makes sense to me.
33   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Sep 24, 7:55pm  

if our retarded government pushes them by sending long range weapons. we can’t stop him, if we could we would by now. both sides know each others cards. Putin well aware his missiles can’t be shot down yet.

he also didn’t say hed target Ukraine or fire first… he said if attacked he will retaliate, since Zelenski asked US to nuke Russia.

and lastly putin said theyd shoot decision making centers… that would be Washington and Pentagon, Ukraine isn’t running this war. which is WW3.
34   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 8:01pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

and lastly putin said theyd shoot decision making centers… that would be Washington and Pentagon,

I think it's more likely it's Israel, not the United States.
35   richwicks   2022 Sep 24, 8:16pm  

ZipperTits says

richwicks says

don't think so. Europe is toast

Russian demographic collapse is way worse than Europe's.

Possibly, but at the end of this fiasco, Russia will have a functioning economy, and Europe will not.

Russia has LONG ago realized to reverse their demographic decline, they just have to stop being such assholes to their population, but they don't know how. The west just imports immigrants and continues to be assholes.

The problem with the west, is they they look a week ahead. The dickheads in power don't care about the future, they just want to live long enough to die naturally. Russia and China engage in long term planning, and the West is fucking themselves with short term thinking. The west really doesn't give a fuck about the next generation, and that includes their children. It's the "me generation" running the West now.
36   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 9:43pm  

richwicks says

Europe is toast, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Russia becomes a safe haven for Europeans giving up on their government and nations in the next 10 years.

Russia has the land and resources, but they are almost as corrupt as Ukraine, so who would really want to move there until they fix that? If you start a business and it succeeds in Russia, someone will take it from you by threats or by actual violence.

I know a Russian guy whose parents had a successful ISP business, and the police in the town stole it from his parents.
37   Ceffer   2022 Sep 24, 10:05pm  

Yup, that's the reputation. Invest in an enterprise/ company in Russia, it works out and does well, somebody gives you the choice of turning it all over and escaping, or wind up dead with your family.
38   richwicks   2022 Sep 25, 12:21pm  

Patrick says

Russia has the land and resources, but they are almost as corrupt as Ukraine, so who would really want to move there until they fix that? If you start a business and it succeeds in Russia, someone will take it from you by threats or by actual violence.

A European influx may fix that..

Patrick says

I know a Russian guy whose parents had a successful ISP business, and the police in the town stole it from his parents.

He knows how to run a business, run it off shore.

I know Russia is super corrupt, that's what's keeping it down and backward. Russia still practices a zero-sum game and that's where democrats are pushing us, and our government is general.

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