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38244   EInvestor   2013 Oct 7, 2:54am  

Everyone should have health insurance but the insured (beneficiary) should pay for it, NOT employers or tax payers via subsidies. This is called personal responsibility but it's not in Democrats dictionary. They want everyone to have everything but want someone else to pay for it!

38245   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 3:00am  

EInvestor says

This is called personal responsibility which is not in Democratic dictionary.

There are also things called "forces beyond a person's control" which is not in the Republican dictionary.

Example: a person is laid off, and then gets a serious illness.

Example2: a person is seriously injured on the job and cannot work for a long period of time

Example3: a whole generation is suckered into believing that a college degree = a good paying job

Example4: a whole generation is suckered into massive student loan debt which will burden the entire economy for decades to come.

Example5: a person is born into poverty


38246   Y   2013 Oct 7, 3:01am  

# or
freak80 says

Call it Crazy says

Your kidding, right???


BTW: Your =/= You're

38247   MershedPerturders   2013 Oct 7, 3:03am  

seriously what the hell is this loser doing?

is he just some bored idiot with nothing better to do? he's literally on here all the time just ranting away about how various policies which favor him personally are the best thing to do.

does anyone care what duck man the elitiest asian californian really think?

no not many people. but if he keeps posting he might finally get to feel smart.

38248   HEY YOU   2013 Oct 7, 3:10am  

How many on Patnet know some lazy asshole(s) on Disability that could do some type of work,FMTT,I said "WORK".
I know a few that say they will work anytime for cash.

Some of the natives here,Oregon, tell me they know people who have been on Disability most of their lives. Grain of salt?

38249   anonymous   2013 Oct 7, 3:10am  

What he's doing is throwing a temper tantrum because his parents won't listen to him anymore.

How many other mid aged dem voters are just big whiny brats that didn't like getting dragged to Sunday school by their dumb ass tea bag parents?

Waaaaah waaaaah, mommy and daddy keep voting republican and going to church, so like all the other uber cool califarians, let's pout about stupid christian right wingers all day.

That's what freedom is all about

38250   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 3:14am  

sbh says

Most adults realize they learn the most from people with whom they disagree.

I agree.

38251   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 3:16am  


It's much easier to pick on the weak than the strong, isn't it?

Just like on the playground.

38252   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 3:21am  

sbh says

it's time to grab your wallets and pay up as FAUX NOISE and the GOP monetize your ignorance.

And it's been going on for the last 10 years at least.

38253   edvard2   2013 Oct 7, 3:27am  

another post about entitlement programs and how anything beneficial must be a bad thing- aka- typical GOP crap. Moving on...

38254   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 3:33am  

Call it Crazy says

Pick on the weak, dysfunctional government that administers the program


Isn't a weak government exactly what you want?

I thought it was the goddam liberals who wanted a strong government.

38255   edvard2   2013 Oct 7, 3:33am  

Call it Crazy says

Pick on the weak, dysfunctional government that administers the program... I guess your right!!

Yeah, and I'm going to take a gander that this- along with any other entitlement program is waste in the eyes of those on the right... that is until come the day that they too might need those services.

38256   HEY YOU   2013 Oct 7, 3:35am  

I'm from the Gubbermint. I'm here to tell you "The Truth,the whole Truth & nothing but the Truth, So help me Politics."

38257   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 4:16am  

Call it Crazy says

you guys like waste, fraud, abuse and cost over-runs on government programs...

I don't like it. It should stop.

I don't like the waste, fraud, abuse, and cost over-runs in the military-industrial complex either. Remember, it was a Republican president (Eisenhower) that warned us of the military-industrial complex.

The Republicans don't seem to bitch about wasteful military spending on useless wars. And wars kill lots of people.

38258   tatupu70   2013 Oct 7, 4:28am  

Straw Man says

Less hours = less pay. Duh.

Not really. Less pay for 1 person, same pay for 2 people.

38259   HEY YOU   2013 Oct 7, 4:36am  

SoftShell says

Stop projecting.

Save it for your psychiatrist.

HEY YOU says

Yes,this is cornhole joke on the American people.

I hope you enjoy the the Rep/Con/Teas fucking you with their big Red,White & Blue Dick.Could it be your smiling?

I called him. He said he would be with you all week.

38260   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 7, 4:38am  

SoftShell says

20,000 pages of law

Say....who wrote that dang ol' 20,000 pages anyway?

38261   edvard2   2013 Oct 7, 5:17am  

Call it Crazy says

Sorry, I forgot that you guys like waste, fraud, abuse and cost over-runs on government programs...

No, and I didn't say that. What I'm saying is how ironic it is that for starters- the GOP is every bit as much, and if you look at the math- more guilty of government waste, and yet the flag that the GOP and its eager followers wave is that ALL social welfare programs are a waste, ALL users of it abuse it, and ALL of these are totally not needed. There is a reason for this tactic: Its meant to create a wedge so that GOP constituents will be distracted from the wasteful things their own party does right under their noses, all the while carrying on this diatribe against the very programs that these constituents at one time or another in their lives will need.

Hence the irony here. Yes- these social programs are all a big waste until YOU or anyone else who rails against them actually needs them.

38262   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Oct 7, 5:29am  

Lol posting this on the Internet, of course you're gonna get a bunch of hyper defensiveness. Who the hell do you think posts online all day?

38263   Vicente   2013 Oct 7, 5:35am  

Get back to me when you've eliminated the overabundance of these:

38264   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 7, 5:38am  

edvard2 says

another post about entitlement programs and how anything beneficial must be a bad

How about another post about how anything wasteful must be bad

You just don't get it, do you? You must love paying high taxes so that people too damm lazy to work don't have to!

38265   edvard2   2013 Oct 7, 5:59am  

zzyzzx says

You just don't get it, do you? You must love paying high taxes so that people too damm lazy to work don't have to!

There is nothing "To Get". What you seem to be insinuating is that I don't "Get" or in other words agree with what you are saying- which is that all people on welfare are lazy and thus the system is wasteful. The reason I don't agree with that assessment is because it really wouldn't matter whether this was a liberal or a conservative-backed program: no matter what it is, there will ALWAYS be people who abuse whatever system happens to be. That's human nature. But furthermore, its grossly out of reason to hold the small minority of those who do in fact mis-use welfare and then proclaim that ALL of those on welfare are the same.

What I DO get though is that when the GOP rails against welfare, and other entitlement programs, their reasoning for doing so is extremely apparent: They simply want to draw attention away from their own programs by placing blame on others who can't defend themselves. Sure- its a slimy thing to do, but it obviously pushes buttons in the heads of their constituency, who eagerly lap it up and parrot it back.

38266   Vicente   2013 Oct 7, 6:19am  

In the first week of the shutdown, we've spent approaching 2 MILLON Congress?


You want some obvious waste, start there. Some 10,000 staffers are all whirring away too let's not forget them.

38267   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 6:43am  

zzyzzx says

You just don't get it, do you? You must love paying high taxes so that people too damm lazy to work don't have to!

You just don't get it, do you? You must love working 9-5 every day so that people who own a part of your labor (like Warren Buffett) don't have to work! And you must love paying a higher tax rate than Buffett does.

The parasites at the bottom are relatively harmless. And many of them would love to lead productive lives, but they can't because of disability and/or age.

The parasites at the top have enough money to buy the government and enslave you. In fact, they already have. They already own the labor of the bottom 99.9%.

38268   ttsmyf   2013 Oct 7, 7:11am  

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Monday, October 7, 2013 __ Level is 95.4

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes indeed, go here:

38269   edvard2   2013 Oct 7, 7:57am  

Call it Crazy says

Where do you see anything in the OP about the GOP???? It's about general government waste in general, and the small subset of the population involved...... Try READING the article...

Because the term "GOP" doesn't need to be mentioned in light of of the subject as well as the OP posting it. We all know the OP has a right-leaning agenda and reliably agrees with general GOP initiatives. The GOP's message has been consistent and reliable, which makes it easy for their constituents to remember. Cut funding to any and all social programs while feathering their own nests for their own programs, meanwhile using "Lazy people" as convenient skapegoat and to be as distractions.

38270   edvard2   2013 Oct 7, 8:20am  

Call it Crazy says

If you'll notice above, the original article came from CBS News... I don't think they are known as "right wing" or GOP friendly...

Like I said, doesn't matter. We all know why you posted it. We know the message trying to be delivered.

38271   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 10:43am  


I specifically said that I am NOT ok with waste and fraud. Anywhere.

Did you even read my post?

A productive debate requires listening to the other person. Are we just arguing for the sake of arguing? That seems pointless...

38272   theoakman   2013 Oct 7, 12:14pm  

tatupu70 says

Sub teachers didn't get healthcare before, did they? Even if they did limit their hours, how is that making things worse?

lol, hows it making it worse? Why don't you ask the poor sub who's only allowed to make $240 a week instead of $400 because of this.

38273   Ceffer   2013 Oct 7, 12:32pm  

I can quickly reel off six upper middle class people who are not disabled and can work just fine that collect disability.

38274   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 7, 12:32pm  

Trouble is there are no job's for these forlorn "folks" (to borrow an Obamaism)
They are just not needed in the workforce.
We would be daft to not continue to pay them or to cut back on food stamps as the Slightly-More-Insane-Party has suggested.
It's fairly cheap, compared to civil unrest.

38275   ChapulinColorado   2013 Oct 7, 3:26pm  

I'm having a hard time keeping track of shadow, zombie, vampire, ghost, cloud, Frankenstein, ghouls, goblins, ware wolves, and body snatcher inventories. I think the draconian banks are re-categorizing inventory by seasonal holidays. Happy Halloween everybody.

When is the sequel to Paranormal Activity coming out?

38276   elliemae   2013 Oct 7, 4:31pm  

You mean his link to the site that blames Obama for mostly everything, and his statement that the older people are to blame for the younger people's inability to find great jobs and pay for their college?

Yea, I agree that if one is going to link to a site/study, it should at least pretend to be unbiased.

On a separate note, I live in Utah and they love 1) Cooking, 2) Mormons, and 3) People who are so fucking wealthy it's unbelievable no matter how they got that way. It doesn't matter if it's multi-level marketing, illegal internet activities, or being born with a silver spoon up one's ass and as a corporate raider slashing companies to the bone and destroying the lives of the employees in the process.

So, our "news" teams have religiously covered the book that Ann Romney purports to have written about the difficulty of raising five sons on a multimillionaire's meager income, even make the pilgrimage to MA to interview her lovely mansion. They do so at the same time that they cover how horrible the sequester has been for the people of the great state of utah.

And how it's Obama's fault, forgetting that "Romneycare" is the basis for "Obamacare." The Mormon-owned station treated him as if he were a past President, rather than the egotistical ass who was so shocked he lost the election after dissing the American people.


38277   freak80   2013 Oct 7, 11:36pm  

Ceffer says

I can quickly reel off six upper middle class people who are not disabled and can work just fine that collect disability.

Dang, I need to get in on that racket. Can you show me how? ;-)

38278   freak80   2013 Oct 8, 1:51am  

Boehner won't let them vote because the markets haven't gone down enough. ;-)

I'm thinking if the markets go down 5% congress and Obama will cover their short positions & reach a deal.

38279   EInvestor   2013 Oct 8, 2:42am  

Everyone should have health insurace and pay for it themselves, not force employers or tax payers via tax subsidy to pay for it. But then it is called personal responsibility which is not in Democrat dictionary. They want everyone to have everything but make others to pay for it !

38280   edvard2   2013 Oct 8, 3:26am  

Sqauk! Squak! Polly wanna cracker! Obama Won't Negotiate- Obama won't Negotiate! Sqauk! Squak!

38281   edvard2   2013 Oct 8, 3:28am  

All that's happening is that the GOP know they basically screwed themselves and they think if all they say is that "weallly its the Demoqwats fault!!" then maybe, just maybe enough people will actually believe them.

Like I said yesterday- these guys lost big time and they know it. Its just a matter of time before they move on and get over it.

38282   tatupu70   2013 Oct 8, 3:42am  

OK CIC. Do you think that sitting Presidents should have to bribe Congress to do its job? Is that your position?

38283   Tenpoundbass   2013 Oct 8, 4:25am  

I've got nothing, if the a Democrat Washington, with a Democrat President, can't get anything done, then perhaps they should ask the cartoon elephant, if he will do it for them.

STFU Liberals, we'll make the decisions for you.

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