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1   marcus   2013 Dec 28, 1:54am  

That's what I want from a preacher. Hate that I can relate to .

Hey if a little hate sprinkled in to the sermon is what it takes to keep his business profitable, then so be it.

2   Strategist   2013 Dec 28, 2:20am  

I am deeply offended by his remarks.
This is a secular nation, not a Christian nation.

3   marcus   2013 Dec 28, 2:28am  

He was preaching to the choir (literally), a bunch of fundamentalists who watch faux news and who love to get their blood boiling about the supposed war on Christmas.

It's laughable really. In the entire country there's a few minor incidents or symbolic gestures of people suggesting that "happy holidays" is preferable since it works for everybody, and these dim bulb morons actually enjoy getting all worked up with their hatred of some phantom enemy that doesn't even exist. "IT's A WAR ON CHRISTMAS! AAHHHH!"

It's funny but also depressing, that our country actually has millions of people that respond to this bullshit.

4   indigenous   2013 Dec 28, 2:41am  

To me the problem stems from conflating religion and government. They are two separate things.

This is not a problem from the sense that it enables religion as most agree. Rather is a problem in that it elevates government to a sacred level which it most certainly is not.

This has occurred tacitly by using a style of speech that infers this. E.G. the Gettysburg address starts out with 4 score and 7 years ago which means 1776.

Then goes on to say: "But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract."

Heinous crimes were committed by not so honest Abe. This is pure bullshit which is tacitly communicated to be hallowed.

5   HEY YOU   2013 Dec 28, 5:52am  

If you don't like what's going on in America: “Planes are leaving every hour on the hour. Get on one," Can I help you with your bags?

6   mell   2013 Dec 28, 6:48am  

marcus says

It's laughable really. In the entire country there's a few minor incidents or symbolic gestures of people suggesting that "happy holidays" is preferable since it works for everybody,

It's laughable to suggest to anybody to say happy holidays instead of merry christmas. Nobody should force you to listen to anybody on religious steroids, and nobody does. Equally nobody should "suggest" to anybody to use a different term for their celebrated holidays, whatever those may be. Political correctness is the biggest scourge of the 21st century.

7   MAGA   2013 Dec 28, 10:05am  

Christmas is a Christian Holiday? Jesus was born on December 25? Really?

8   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 28, 10:33am  

Strategist says

This is a secular nation, not a Christian nation.

“It was built by Christian people who believed in the word of God. ... If our belief in God offends you, move,” Hagee said before informing atheists that "we don’t want you and we won’t miss you, I promise you.”

AMEN! we are nowhere near being a secular nation... nada !

9   lostand confused   2013 Dec 28, 11:07am  

Hagee-that name sounds familiar. Is that the anti gay guy who pushed successfully to ban gay adoption in FL- but was secretly hiring gay hookers?? I don't know, there are so many of these hypocrites whose income seems to be derived from drumming up hate among a certain subset of this country.

10   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 28, 11:14am  

sbh says

Nearly 10 % of Americans are atheists and it infuriates the conservatives. It sends them flailing onto the floor, chewing on the rug and foaming at the mouth. Freedom! For fuck sake! You're not supposed to be free to think on your own!

LOL! doubtful... its your choice to believe what you want.. no one is trying to turn you.

No one is offended some are atheist... no is attacking atheist.. what you have here is the reaction

to be attacked by atheist... next time.. let it go as many Christians have done in the past.

11   Y   2013 Dec 28, 11:39am  

In all likelihood, there are an equal percentage of foaming at the mouth atheists, out of the whole lot of hellbound heathens complaining about "Merry Christmas", as there are foaming at the loins christians , out of the whole lot of single cell amoebic borg complaining about "Happy Holidays".

Both sides should let it go and avoid shellfish at all costs.

12   Bigsby   2013 Dec 28, 11:45am  

thomaswong.1986 says

No one is offended some are atheist... no is attacking atheist..

What's the topic of this thread?

13   Y   2013 Dec 28, 11:54am  

International travel.

Bigsby says

thomaswong.1986 says

No one is offended some are atheist... no is attacking atheist..

What's the topic of this thread?

14   marcus   2013 Dec 28, 12:19pm  

jvolstad says

Christmas is a Christian Holiday?

I reckon. But remember, Santa is an anagram for....

15   Strategist   2013 Dec 28, 1:05pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Strategist says

This is a secular nation, not a Christian nation.

“It was built by Christian people who believed in the word of God. ... If our belief in God offends you, move,” Hagee said before informing atheists that "we don’t want you and we won’t miss you, I promise you.”

AMEN! we are nowhere near being a secular nation... nada !

This nation was built by people escaping religious persecution. We welcome you, but we do not welcome your religious values.
You will not be allowed to burn witches, stone anyone, or kill gays.
You will not stop others from attaining "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
Human rights take precedence over any religious rights you may have.

16   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 28, 3:24pm  

Strategist says

You will not be allowed to burn witches, stone anyone, or kill gays.

You will not stop others from attaining "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

Human rights take precedence over any religious rights you may have.

know of any burnings, stoning, and churches who are killing gays...

nadda.. as you know already its up to God to Judge...

Much of what you speak of human rights and our current form of govt came

from very religious people... so dont bother to separate the creation of human rights

and its Christian creators... they are the one and the same !

17   Strategist   2013 Dec 28, 11:52pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Strategist says

You will not be allowed to burn witches, stone anyone, or kill gays.

You will not stop others from attaining "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

Human rights take precedence over any religious rights you may have.

know of any burnings, stoning, and churches who are killing gays...

nadda.. as you know already its up to God to Judge...

Much of what you speak of human rights and our current form of govt came

from very religious people... so dont bother to separate the creation of human rights

and its Christian creators... they are the one and the same !

We don't have witch burnings anymore, not because God had a change of heart, but because we live in a secular nation with secular laws. They would throw your holy ass in prison if you even tried.
Thank God for secular laws.

18   Tenpoundbass   2013 Dec 29, 12:30am  

The Dollar says... and I quote!

"In God We Trust"

But the close second choice was...

"In future hipsters we trust"

But it just couldn't get past the Whig vote.

19   Strategist   2013 Dec 29, 5:55am  

CaptainShuddup says

The Dollar says... and I quote!

"In God We Trust"

Ever since they did that the value of the dollar has been going down.
It's what happens when you put your trust in someone that thinks it's the sun that goes round the earth.

20   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 6:01am  

Strategist says


We don't have witch burnings anymore, not because God had a change of heart, but because we live in a secular nation with secular laws. They would throw your holy ass in prison if you even tried.

Thank God for secular laws.

No.. pretty much all our laws were based on Christian philosophy. The witch burnings are often exaggerated by the secularists and frankly non issue when
you compare the formation of this nation and all the laws since.

21   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 6:11am  

sbh says

Now build a cult of bigotry around those attributes and you can run with the Christians all day long.

And where does the notion of "Natural Rights" come from. They come from Judeo-Christian ethics. Some how we are to believe a big bang theory of Human Rights came from nowhere.... yet it was the Christian nations then in Europe that created it such as Magna Carta.

The Christians of centuries past were way way ahead of you...

22   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 6:19am  

Thou shalt not kill-except if they are little kids of a foreign country standing by a cocoa field. Then you can napalm bomb them, burn them alive and actually believe the kids are going to hell. Turn the other cheek?? it is amazing how far so called Christians are from Christ.

23   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 6:42am  

lostand confused says

Thou shalt not kill-except if they are little kids of a foreign country standing by a cocoa field. Then you can napalm bomb them, burn them alive and actually believe the kids are going to hell. Turn the other cheek?? it is amazing how far so called Christians are from Christ.

some morals you have.. putting kids in a cocaine and heroin fields..

and yes.. I WOULD ! You fucking gotta problem with that !

and how many other children and adults would you save

by destroying these dangerous crime organizations. !

24   Strategist   2013 Dec 29, 6:43am  

thomaswong.1986 says

sbh says

Now build a cult of bigotry around those attributes and you can run with the Christians all day long.

And where does the notion of "Natural Rights" come from. They come from Judeo-Christian ethics. Some how we are to believe a big bang theory of Human Rights came from nowhere.... yet it was the Christian nations then in Europe that created it such as Magna Carta.

The Christians of centuries past were way way ahead of you...

How can a religion that endorses slavery know anything about natural rights?

Look at this part...
However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

How is the market for slaves these days, Thomas? Better than real estate?

25   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 6:51am  

thomaswong.1986 says

some morals you have.. putting kids in a cocaine and heroin fields..

and yes.. I WOULD ! You fucking gotta problem with that !

and how many other children and adults would you save

by destroying these dangerous crime organizations. !

I don't, as I have told you many times, but you are too dense. But you are perfectly fine burning children alive and than have the gall to come and talk about Christian values. Then you wonder why Christians get a bad rep ? Because of your kind, who have no qualms killing kids and then champion Christian values. You are so dense , that you can't even see the difference.

26   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 6:53am  

Strategist says

How can a religion that endorses slavery know anything about natural rights?

you want to compare "servants" during biblical times vs "slavery" in early Americas ?

27   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 6:54am  

lostand confused says

I don't, as I have told you many times, but you are too dense. But you are perfectly fine burning children alive and than have the gall to come and talk about Christian values.

your the one who added children to the Cocaine fields in our past discussions...

so you expect Children to be running around a crime organizations property ?

28   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 6:58am  

lostand confused says

Then you wonder why Christians get a bad rep ? Because of your kind, who have no qualms killing kids and then champion Christian values. You are so dense , that you can't even see the difference.

if you have a child soldier pointing a AK at you,, are you going to shot or not ?

will your team also get killed because you didnt take the child soldier down first...

you failed our mission ... your not living in the real world... your in gaga land!

29   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 7:04am  

Strategist says

How is the market for slaves these days, Thomas? Better than real estate?

its no wonder the Christan world abolished/banned modern slavery...

now look at the Non-Christian nations today, and what do you see but slavery...

millions today are enslaved.. so where are the atheist fighting slavery today...

NOT A WORD.... you just ignore it allowing 20-30M to exist today in African-Asian nations.

30   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 7:11am  

lostand confused says

You are so dense , that you can't even see the difference.

you are cowards.....

ROME, ITALY (Catholic Online) - A group of 100 international experts including doctors, clergy, and academics, met at the Vatican on Monday to discuss topics associated with modern slavery and human trafficking. It is a startling fact that there are now more slaves in the world today than at any other time in history.

The Vatican reported the topics are very important to Pope Francis who is concerned that human trafficking will become increasingly lucrative and the world's largest criminal activity. The Pope himself has explained that human trafficking is an issue in his home country, Argentina, and reportedly two experts from Buenos Aries were invited to attend the conference.

The Pope plans additional meetings over the next two years.

The Holy Father was also gravely concerned that children were being used in trafficking schemes, deployed to transport and sell drugs and in some cases even to commit murder.

31   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 7:18am  

thomaswong.1986 says

your the one who added children to the Cocaine fields in our past

so you expect Children to be running around a crime organizations property

I asked if it was ok to napalm bomb children whose only crime was being adjacent to a cocoa field. You said yes. What is the matter, now trying to spin it -because it doesn't fit your Christian beliefs. lets kill some kids in the name of Jesus-Hallelujah.

thomaswong.1986 says

you are cowards.....

You are insane-kill kids and burn them alive in the name of Christ. Now that is rich. You want to bring this justice system to America????

32   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 7:21am  

lostand confused says

You are insane-kill kids and burn them alive in the name of Christ. Now that is rich. You want to bring this justice system to America????

what are they doing there ??....

think about it when you buy your next baggie of pot or grams of Coke...

Jack asses like you dont care about the millions of lives being lost everyday

in the USA because YOU NEED your drugs.... its people like you that enslave

children in Coke fields.... have a good cry over it.. coward !

33   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 7:24am  

thomaswong.1986 says

what are they doing there ??....

think about it when you buy your next baggie of pot or grams of Coke...

Napalm bomb kids in the name of Jesus-do you throw Jesus saves your souls flyers while they are running burning alive??

34   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 7:44am  

lostand confused says

Napalm bomb kids in the name of Jesus-do you throw Jesus saves your souls flyers while they are running burning alive??

think about as you sniff that gram of coke next time...

35   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 7:50am  

thomaswong.1986 says

lostand confused says

Napalm bomb kids in the name of Jesus-do you throw Jesus saves your souls flyers while they are running burning alive??

think about as you sniff that gram of coke next time...

A psychopath is a person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. I guess organized religion can be a refuge for psychopaths.

36   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 8:05am  

lostand confused says

A psychopath is a person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. I guess organized religion can be a refuge for psychopaths.

nothing immoral about stopping the evil that is created by criminals today.

you rather look the other way ... as long as the drugs flow... the slavery

and lost lives.. they are ignored and shoved aside ... you rather

not talk about it... Just give you your drugs ! crime and slavery it creates

are of no concern for you... Just blame the Christians for all the worlds problems.

That is why YOUR kind are cowards...

37   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 8:19am  

In the name of Jesus-I burn you alive and no you are not going to heaven either. Heil Hitler-err Jesus. Oh I can't believe people speak ill of Christianity or Muslims or fill in the blank when we murder kids. It is funny how much terrorists of all stripes have in common. Psycopaths are not limited to one race or religion.

38   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 8:39am  

lostand confused says

Heil Hitler-err Jesus.

is that the best you can do... where is your moral compass ?

39   lostand confused   2013 Dec 29, 8:51am  

thomaswong.1986 says

lostand confused says

Heil Hitler-err Jesus.

is that the best you can do... where is your moral compass ?

Do you throw your Jesus pamphlets with the Napalm bombs or throw them in later?

40   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 29, 9:16am  

lostand confused says

Do you throw your Jesus pamphlets with the Napalm bombs or throw them in later?

You think as a Coward... throw some more words if you like...

it aint gonna change anything... nothing like a bullet in the back of the

Narco Criminals head ... Let their fields of Coke and Heroin burn ...

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