Good News About Housing Recovery Your Kids Will be Living With You for a Long T

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2014 Feb 23, 2:47am   4,222 views  24 comments

by Bubbabeefcake   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


There is some good news about today’s housing recovery, as far as I’m concerned… chances are my daughter will be moving back home after college and living with us for years after that. So, yay! I’m not kidding… we miss having her around, and since I can’t turn back the clock… well, this news is the next best thing. Recently released surveys from both Gallup and Pew Research Center showed that as many as 36 percent of Americans 18 to 31 years old are still living with their parents the highest level ever recorded. And Time Magazine says weve got...


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1   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 23, 4:49am  

But of course all these lazy little free loader junkies deserve this! Just ask any of my sober students who work two jobs. The young people with college degrees are not in a better situation than those who are in the trades. At the same time that decent jobs are scarce, the powers that be are making unions out to be the enemy, with their right to work propaganda. The few that have decent jobs are having their pensions eliminated, their health benefits are either being eliminated, or cut, and their pay is either being lowered, or they are being paid the same wage for doing two people's job. Why are we screwing the next generation? People act like they enjoy living at home? Hey, over 40 crew, be honest, would you have liked living with your in-laws or parents while raising your young family? Can you even stand having your in-laws stay for a week? So do not assume these young people are making an easy choice. Would you have liked to live in your old bedroom after graduating summa cum laude? Can you answer with a YES to any of the following: Could you have honestly afforded a home three times your income in your twenties or thirties? Could you have afforded the rents in the City? Was there a time you could afford to have one parent work with your median income job? Could you afford a vacation? Do you have a pension? Lifetime medical? Answer yes in your mind to any of these questions and then back off bashing this new generation, because the majority of them will never be able to answer yes to any of these questions. I watched these so called spoiled brats grow up in my studio. If anything, I thought the kids seemed under way too much pressure for being so young. They were thinking about college applications in the third grade. They worked hard in college, or their trades, and often work two jobs, and one spouse working is unheard of. None of my students are addicts and most are more prudent with their money than anyone my age ever was in their twenties or thirties. These kids are stressed, depressed and have little hope for a future, so stop blaming them. One thing is for sure, they didn't create this mess or the destruction of the middle-class, we did, and they are living in the mess we created. So for the love of the young people in my life - back off.

2   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 23, 5:38am  

We also now have "sponsored" ballet dancers. People not in the ballet world have no idea what I mean by this. For example, the lead dancer for our local professional ballet company is the owner of Fry's Electrics mistress. Mr. Fry is an old and disgusting man with a gorgeous ballet dancer in her twenties, what do you think is happening? The media will not even touch the fact. A lot of dancers are turning to being sponsored because the other two jobs they work while dancing are not paying the bills. Most ballet dancers are young and gorgeous, both the men and women, and they are living in an area of billionaires who have no soul. One of the lead males is "kept" by one of the wives of a major Apple executive. What do you think I am talking about is happening here? Turn over the San Jose Mercury News, who's the biggest donor? The elite are actively trying to destroy the dancer's union, with claims that being sponsored should be enough. Of course there will not be an article exposing this new shady practice in our local paper. The media is the biggest tool for the elite who want to go back to an age of feudalism or slavery. True slavery is not PC, so they are going for the closest they can get without upsetting the peasants. We haven't seen anything like it in the ballet world since the era of Degas. It's a really bad sign for our society. We are turning back the clock to Charles Dicken's London, and few of us are doing a darn thing to help stop this terrible progression. If anything, we are supporting the progression.

3   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 23, 6:11am  

Unfortunately, you are correct Mr. Shostakovich.

4   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Feb 23, 6:19am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Professional success is all about sucking cock!

Welcome to America!

Yes. Sucking my cock. Like your mother did when you were a child so she could feed you food instead of you suckling on her breasts all the time.

5   Blurtman   2014 Feb 23, 6:26am  

Multi-millionaire elderly (64 yo) Vera Wang is boffing Evan Lysacek.

6   HydroCabron   2014 Feb 23, 6:30am  

hrhjuliet says

A lot of dancers are turning to being sponsored

It may be getting worse for dancers, but ballet has a long tradition of sleeping with the choreographer/impresario or his rich friends in order to be in the company.

Dancers of both genders have often been handed out to wealthy company contributors. Balanchine was incapable of having a lead ballerina he didn't sleep with: when Suzanne Farrell married someone else, he kicked her out of the NY City Ballet.

7   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 23, 6:31am  

Yes, Mr. Blurtman, I think I also mentioned in my post that women are also perpetrators.

8   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 23, 6:43am  

El HydroCabron says

hrhjuliet says

A lot of dancers are turning to being sponsored

It may be getting worse for dancers, but ballet has a long tradition of sleeping with the choreographer/impresario or his rich friends in order to be in the company.

Dancers of both genders have often been handed out to wealthy company contributors. Balanchine was incapable of having a lead ballerina he didn't sleep with: when Suzanne Farrell married someone else, he kicked her out of the NY City Ballet.

True about Balanchine, but in that case it was more like sexual harassment in the work place; he was a dancer himself, and the boss. There is a history of it, especially in the Degas era, but before that only the upper-class danced ballet, and before that only upper-class men. They were naturally not subjected to this form of prostitution. This changed around the time the whole world embraced the world of Charles Dicken's London, and the practice honestly stopped altogether in the 1930s except in extremely isolated instances, and when I was dancing it was almost unheard of. We all knew about Balanchine, but unless you were his muse, you had nothing to worry about. Most didn't sleep with Balanchine for the money, they did it to be his muse and have a master work made on them, and by that they saw themselves as becoming eternal through his legacy. This new sponsorship is honestly a return of something that the ballet world has not seen in generations. It fits with the active destruction of the middle-class. Throughout history it has been a symptom of class warfare, and the practice is increasing right along with the decline of the middle-class.

9   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 23, 8:26am  

Well we all did swear 25 to 15 years ago, "Our kids will never be raised like I was..."

Guess we were all right.

10   smaulgld   2014 Feb 23, 9:50am  

While Millennials are screwed economically
http://smaulgld.com/millennials-not-part-of-the-club-yet/ ...

perhaps their quality of lives might be enhanced by developing adult relationships with their parents

11   Blurtman   2014 Feb 23, 11:29am  

hrhjuliet says

Yes, Mr. Blurtman, I think I also mentioned in my post that women are also perpetrators.

It's the New Feudalism. Soon Bankers will be allowed to directly rape the daughters of the peasants.

12   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 23, 12:11pm  

Blurtman says

hrhjuliet says

Yes, Mr. Blurtman, I think I also mentioned in my post that women are also perpetrators.

It's the New Feudalism. Soon Bankers will be allowed to directly rape the daughters of the peasants.

They can't already? Only a matter of time.

13   turtledove   2014 Feb 25, 4:20am  

Attractive people using their looks to snag a rich partner..... I think that's been going on since the beginning of time :)

The only way we will find happiness going into the future is to throw out the old rule book. What worked for our parents and their parents isn't going to work for us and future generations (based on the information we have at present).

When we were kids, all our parents wanted us to go to college. They associated college with a bright future, and up through their generation, that was generally true. Everything from how they made their money (work, investments, etc...) to what was considered important is changing rapidly.

I'm the first to admit that I have no idea how to advise my children. My plan is to avoid rigid plans. The achievements that lead to success are not the same as they were in past generations. It's hard to accept that everything we were taught is now wrong: Go to college! Get a car! Be a grownup and live on your own! Get a good job! Get married and have some kids! Buy a house! Invest in safe investments with decent returns!

New rules: Go to college only if the cost-benefit proves it to be the best choice; Wait on the car because cars now cost what houses used to cost and gas/insurance will bankrupt you; Get a minimum wage job, if you can find one, and hope it has benefits; Don't get married because you can't afford it (and you certainly cannot afford kids) UNLESS the prospective partner has benefits or a high paying job (trust fund will do, too); Move in with your parents because there is no way you could afford rent/mortgage, and this is the only way you will ever have any money to save or enjoy life; Invest at the craps tables in Vegas (you might hit the big one).

14   CrazyMan   2014 Feb 25, 4:43am  

In the olden days, people had 6 kids to help tend to the farm.

Now they're going to have 6 kids to help pay off the house.

15   Dan8267   2014 Feb 25, 6:48am  

There is some good news about today’s housing recovery, as far as I’m concerned… chances are my daughter will be moving back home after college and living with us for years after that. So, yay! I’m not kidding… we miss having her around, and since I can’t turn back the clock… well, this news is the next best thing.

And when his daughter starts parading in boys she's having sex with, I'm sure he'll still be glad she's at home.

People are going to find out just how awkward it is to have two or more sexually active generations living in the same household. Cause one thing's for sure, those Millennials aren't going to stop having sex and neither is the next generation.

16   fedwatcher   2014 Feb 26, 11:01am  

Many of us "baby boomers" were lucky enough to have places that we could continue to house our student loan debt burdened kids.

These houses are bigger than we need. But, historically we are not that far off from our parents.

It was normal to them to have three generations living in the same house. Those who came of age in the Great Depression and latter graduated to their own home without their parents living in it appreciated the freedom that granted.

If you could not help your kids graduate loan free from college, is it really that bad that they are home?

Back when I went to college it was still possible to graduate loan free. In fact I was able to grow my net worth in Graduate School. Sadly that is no longer in the cards for most.

17   Philistine   2014 Feb 26, 11:41am  

Dan8267 says

People are going to find out just how awkward it is to have two or more sexually active generations living in the same household.

So true. We can romanticize all we want, but living with Dad and Grandma gets a little weird in today's world where Grampa is in an open relationship, Mom dates your friends, and you aren't getting laid because you live at home.

My mom lived with my grandmother for a few months in between houses. I would regularly be in the telephone crossfire of grandma complaining about mom leaving the house with a bag full of lingerie and not coming home til morning, and mom complaining that grandma needed to get a (sex) life.

18   turtledove   2014 Feb 26, 12:40pm  

fedwatcher says

If you could not help your kids graduate loan free from college, is it really that bad that they are home?

And since there is no other option, we have no choice but to accept it for our kids who are inclined to go to college. That said, my mom talks about how she lived at home and worked over the summer as a summer secretary, fully paid for her own tuition and even bought herself a car. The car was a brand new Beetle at around $1200. Tuition was $200-300/semester (FL public).

That scenario isn't even possible now. Let's do the math. Kid lives at home and gets a summer job making $10/hour. He works 40 hours a week for three months (let's assume 20 working days per month at 8 hours/day). Assuming he has no withholding whatsoever, he makes $4,800 over the summer. He isn't paying for much, that's for sure.

19   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Feb 27, 12:35pm  

Blurtman says

Soon Bankers will be allowed to directly rape the daughters of the peasants.

I can't wait for some nice tight wet peasant pussy and the emasculated facial expressions of peasant fathers and brothers.

20   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Feb 27, 12:41pm  

Dan8267 says

People are going to find out just how awkward it is to have two or more sexually active generations living in the same household. Cause one thing's for sure, those Millennials aren't going to stop having sex and neither is the next generation.

Sex is a luxury. Peasants and luxury together is an oxymoron. Maybe I should hire lobbyists to require castration of anyone below $10 million net worth. (Male and female.)

You cockroaches need to stop reproducing more of your dirty little maggots you call your "baby".

PS. It's not that hard to have sex quietly. All you need is duct-tape for that loud fucking obnoxious sounding bitch and a bedroom with just the two of you with the door locked.

21   New Renter   2014 Feb 27, 7:48pm  

Blurtman says

hrhjuliet says

Yes, Mr. Blurtman, I think I also mentioned in my post that women are also perpetrators.

It's the New Feudalism. Soon Bankers will be allowed to directly rape the daughters of the peasants.

What's old is new again:


droit de prélassement (right of lounging; it was said that a lord had the right to disembowel his serfs to warm his feet in).

Sounds like AF's particular brand of bunny slippers.

22   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 28, 7:24am  

Well, if we keep buying into it then we are part of the problem.

23   Bubbabeefcake   2014 Mar 1, 3:15pm  

Well it looks like Mandelman Matters is having internet censorship

...it's been going on for 2 days now


24   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 2, 4:18am  

Interesting. I am surprised Pat.net isn't suddenly having technical difficulties.

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