Collateral Damage

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2006 Aug 23, 2:26pm   18,135 views  166 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We've been called JBRs (jealous bitter renters). Once hurled at us by genuine real estate bulls and trolls, the term has faded as our collective perspective has gained mainstream recognition. But I see a risk. We risk being seen as cruel, ungracious winners, bad sports. Of course we will have our schadenfreude. But I ask you to reflect for just a moment about those who will become unfortunate collateral damage of the Bubble popping. The real estate boom has created many jobs. Not just for agents and mortgage brokers, but contractors, home builders, office workers, IT support techs, retail clerks, document couriers, janitors, etc. Directly and indirectly, as the residential real estate industry shrinks back to its normal size relative to the rest of the economy, many workers will likely lose their jobs. Sadly, those lowest on the totem pole will probably suffer the worst.

Many, if not most, of these people are just hard working, everyday folks who took jobs where they could find them. They didn't cause this mayhem, but they will get burned by it. As things unwind, I ask you to consider those who are the innocent casualties, while enjoying the fruits of your self discipline.

It's always better to be a gracious winner and a good sport.

--Randy H


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71   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:00am  

Peter P,

My mammoth hunting skills are a bit rusty, but maybe I should go deer hunting this fall to practice for the RE hard landing.


Yeah, people will have to learn their own lessons. But at least your "third daughter" has skills that can be applied outside of RE and they're young. So hopefully they'll make it out somehow.

72   DinOR   2006 Aug 24, 4:04am  


You've got your own blog? Cool. Lay it on us.

But you have to stay out of Costco! (It's a weird "cult") that only costs $35 to join. There's never any parking and I'm not sure you save all that much. Me and Mrs. D? We've come full circle. As empty nesters we now have reverted back to like it was when we were dating. Either eating out every night or going to a local market and cooking what we just bought!

If it weren't for the salad crisper I'm pretty sure we could get by without a fridge. (We used to keep the beer in a styrofoam cooler). "The life of Reilly!"

73   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:08am  


"Last night he tells me his work colleague who did buy a townhouse for 400,000 or so, says that it is now worth 600,000, and we should have bought one too"

That's the sort of Monday morning quarterbacking that makes me bitterly resentful that my parents didn't go into debt buying Microsoft shares in 1990.

74   DinOR   2006 Aug 24, 4:13am  


I will straighten your husband out!

Jeebus, If my Aunt had balls she would have been my Uncle!

As we revisit "Great Moments in Flipper Wet Dreams" 05 prices in 06, 04 prices in 07, 03 prices...... in 07, 02 prices....... in 07, 01 prices in 08 and 2000 prices...... in 08/09 you make extra sure to bring up the carrying costs as we pass each "grave marker".

"Welcome to Lago!"

75   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:15am  


Yeesh, Costco-basher!@#$!!@?!

I'm single and I buy 80% of my groceries there (the rest going to Trader Joe's and various Asian supermarkets). It saves time and money (though most of the money goes back to buying some kind of less than necessary electronic gadgets) to shop there, and they actually pay their employees a living wage.


Yes, they sell coffins and other things


Don't knock it, it's probably a decent quality coffin at a good price.

They also sell jewelry, designer bags, bulk florals, etc.

76   Glen   2006 Aug 24, 4:19am  

I could live with renting all my life and I could even live with living in a 400 sq ft studio for the rest of my life. But I can’t live without a job.

The bubble is a test of our confidence in our future earnings prospects. As long as the ratio of dwellings to people remains at around 1-3, and you are willing to bunk with at least 2 family members or roommates, you should be able to keep yourself appropriately housed if you can earn a median income and avoid ruinous debt. In the last depression (deflationary), it was leveraged farmers and stock speculators who got hit the worst. Even at the height of the depression, 2/3 of the workforce was employed.

Even in a hyperinflationary scenario, your income should hyperinflate in line with the rent on your apartment (while home prices, which have already hyperinflated, start to stagnate). If wages are not hyperinflating, then it is impossible for rents to hyperinflate unless the population grows faster than the total supply of housing (owned and rented). In a deflationary scenario, rents will fall along with incomes. In the inflationary '70s we had high inflation and high income growth (good for owners of real assets like RE, bad--but not ruinous--for renters).

77   Peter P   2006 Aug 24, 4:21am  

Even in a hyperinflationary scenario, your income should hyperinflate in line with the rent on your apartment (while home prices, which have already hyperinflated, start to stagnate).

You get a raise = economic growth
Everybody gets a raise = inflation
Everybody gets a raise but you = hyperinflation

78   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 4:21am  

Robert Cote',

They aren’t productive. In some cases they are anti-productive. Keeping the 6% plus closing costs monopoly alive is part of our current problem.

RTFA. Collateral Damage. I didn't realize so many people were unfamiliar with that concept.

79   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:24am  


What's wrong with Francis Fukuyama? I thought he detached himself from the neocons. You do know who he is, right?


I wouldn't call Pat Buchanan a classic conservative. But then my idea of a classical conservative is Edmund Burke.

80   Peter P   2006 Aug 24, 4:30am  


81   DinOR   2006 Aug 24, 4:30am  


I'm sorry. We've been members there over the years and for males it's a nightmare! What should take an hour out your weekend TOPS becomes a shopping adventure. Please to notice the guys that have given up and actually think shopping is FUN! Let's make a day out of going to Costco! (That's why you can never find a decent parking place). Besides if you go every week it's basically the same stuff anyway.

They DO pay decent wages and that I applaud. It's just as an independent I'm somewhat expected to shop with other independents. It's kind of how things work in Oregon.

82   Peter P   2006 Aug 24, 4:32am  

Every human being deserves punishment.

83   Glen   2006 Aug 24, 4:33am  

"Devil's chickens"--that is outstanding. I suppose the FBs are deviled eggs, then.

84   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 4:33am  

Peter P,

Sometimes I don't get you.

85   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:34am  


Sorry, I wasn't very clear in that statement. What I meant to do was the idea of a perma housing bubble versus a major housing bubble crash. I could live with the prospect of a permanently inflated housing prices (though I don't think for a second that this permanently high plateau is possible) but I may not be able to live with a depression.

The Great Depression in the US is by no means the worst depression in the World's history. Worse would be Germany in the 1930s or most of Africa today.

But you're right, paranoia aside, there's very little chance that my boyfriend and I and our family members will be unemployable. We may have to settle for a lower standard of living for a while, but our cash savings and learnt skills will see us through.

86   DinOR   2006 Aug 24, 4:41am  


Punished's post left me........ puzzled? Thanks for putting it into perspective. Hey dug your blog! There used to be a really good one called "Boycott Hollywood" that did a really great job exposing the facade but took a strange bend and went totally political. Sad.

I can't help but get a little steamed when anyone says "I check back from time to time and prices are still going up". So now that all this time has passed you guys are FINALLY right yada yada. (Like the sun even shines on a dog's a$$ somedays). Sheesh. Enough already.

87   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 4:41am  

Are punished's comments any more vitriolic than others in this thread? I don't really see anyone chiding "anon" for claiming that any and everyone who dared take a job even tangentially related to real-estate should have better understood cyclical industry rotation.

88   HARM   2006 Aug 24, 4:41am  

I second Peter P with that 'Huh?'

Either "Punished" is pulling our leg or s/he's a clueless troll.

89   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 4:43am  

Let me get this straight, Robert.

The children of a home depot clerk who applied when they hung up the sign "help wanted" because the RE boom was creating excess demand is an "active participant" deserving of due comeuppance?

Give me a break.

90   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:43am  


My boyfriend hates shopping but copes with Costco because they always have free food samplers. Same with Trader Joe's. He puts up with the longer shopping trips for the free food. The books, CD/DVD, hardware and electronics sections can also distract him while I shop.

Parking can be a problem for some Costcos, though I find that to be less of a problem in CA because there's a lot of Costcos there.

91   FRIFY   2006 Aug 24, 4:43am  


Jump now while the jumpings good. Get off this site and start surfing for a new job while the economy is still humming.

If you work with that realtor gal who bought three cash-buring rentals on ARMs to be managed by her stay-at-home husband was managing, tell her we were asking about her trip to Fiji.

Comedy, pure comedy.

92   HARM   2006 Aug 24, 4:44am  

Since when did we all claim to be rich, independently wealthy and self-employed, or to hate network admins (one of my former jobs, btw)? And what's the deal with the "people reluctant to commit suicide by neg-am finaning = colluding to drive up rents" ?

What a load of crap.

93   FRIFY   2006 Aug 24, 4:46am  

The children of a home depot clerk who applied when they hung up the sign “help wanted” because the RE boom was creating excess demand is an “active participant” deserving of due comeuppance?

Fair point and thus do your best to educate the innocents (like Punished here) to maneuver now for the post bubble economy.

94   Glen   2006 Aug 24, 4:46am  

The Great Depression in the US is by no means the worst depression in the World’s history. Worse would be Germany in the 1930s or most of Africa today.

Agreed. Like the US, Pre-war Germany had too much debt (for war reparations, though, not McMansions). Too much debt + economic crisis + highly militaristic and chauvinistic population = bad result. Hopefully we won't repeat it.

95   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 4:48am  


The current White House is about as fiscally conservatives as a pack of sex and booze starved sailors in port after 6 months at sea. So I definitely agree that Pat Buchanan is more conservative than that bunch. But Buchanan's rhetoric always struck me as more xenophobic and popularist (similar to certain popularist politicians of the 1930s) than classically conservative.

96   Glen   2006 Aug 24, 4:52am  

Bill Clinton is more conservative than those spendaholics.

97   HARM   2006 Aug 24, 4:56am  


If you truly believe what you're saying, then you obviously haven't been hanging around here (or any housing related blog) for long. Even 6 months ago we were regularly bombarded with MP-style arrogant asshats berating us for all being JBRs, perma-bears, Gloom-n-Doomers, Bubbleheads, etc. and spewing the same tired old perma-bull "housing being unaffordable to most folks is wonderful = free market at work" self-serving crap.

Personally, I think you're a stealth troll. In any case, you're completely full of shit. Try re-directing your anger at those who created the bubble in the first place (Fed, Congress, GSEs, Administration) and those who actively participated in it with eyes wide open (flippers, speculators, unethical brokers, banks, realtors, appraisers, etc.).

If you're really a network admin working for a RE company, I recommend you brush up on your resume and keep a list of your business contacts handy.

98   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 4:57am  

As to the kids of the TarWalCostDepotget employee, they are participants in the general economy and some portion may be bubble related. to that portion they may suffer. That’s what needs to happen, anything less is the slippery slope of socialism is it not?

Unbelievable. Feeling compassion for them is $ocialism. I'm as free market as you. I'm just not cruel about it. I never suggested any bail outs. Just a little less vitriol.

Sorry that is such an imposition.

99   DinOR   2006 Aug 24, 5:01am  

Me thinks Punished has glossed over the fact that not just in the BA but from coast to coast we have seen endless condo conversions reducing the supply of rental units. Ahem, this trend is about to reverse in earnest and rentals will be both plentiful (and cheap).

Also inventory of un-sold homes at an 11 year high. Take your pick.

100   HARM   2006 Aug 24, 5:03am  

Alright, I guess we need a blog "time out" here?

When Randy H is talking about "collateral damage" (re-reading his original thread topic), he seems to primarily mean people NOT employed in the RE/mortgage industry and NOT having actively participated/profited from the Bubble in any way? Is this about right?

If so, then, yes, I wholeheartedly agree these people deserve our sympathies if they end up losing their jobs in the coming recession --through no fault of their own.

I guess what I and others got hung up on was the (possibly mistaken) impression that this group of "innocents" also included neg-am/IO FBs and SDCIA flippers.

101   FRIFY   2006 Aug 24, 5:05am  

That’s what needs to happen, anything less is the slippery slope of socialism is it not?

Insulating the beneficiaries from the pain is a worse mistake compounding all the mistakes leading up to the bubble.

Beneficiaries? Oh sweet mercy. After they're unemployed, remember to remind them about their aforementioned $7.50/hour (sans Med insurance) benefits when they carjack your ass out of your Avalon.

102   HARM   2006 Aug 24, 5:05am  

Btw, Robert --are you coming to Surfer-X's on the 3rd? It's right up the road from you and I'd really look forward to meeting you in person. Don't forget Peter P will also be there.

103   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 5:10am  


Pretty close. Where I go further is that it's hard to really say who's job is loosely supported by this bubble and who's isn't. Perhaps most of us here are only currently employed because of the marginal phantom wealth of the bubble. I even make exceptions for folks who work directly for the industry. We have many who are regulars here. Most of them are decent folks. I never admonish anyone for taking jobs where they must. I am surprised Cote seems to think they should practice some form of self-induced central economic planning. Very uncapitalistic.

What has been most telling for me is that most people here just had an outright kneejerk reaction to the idea of innocents. I didn't realize this was some sort of hegemonic war for so many people. That, itself, distresses me.

104   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 5:13am  

Robert Cote,

There are less costly alternatives to learning every single lesson first hand. Not everybody needs to be locked up for murder or embezzlement to learn that murder or white collar crimes are wrong. Some effective government regulation (like the Uniformed Commercial Code) promotes information transparency and efficiency a lot better than the hit and miss private sector approach.

As for supporting badly off kids. Yeah, maybe they won't have their parents' lessons quite as well pounded into them. Or maybe they'll lose all hope and turn to a life of crime/antisocial behavior. Letting the market sort things out is not necessarily the most efficient outcome.

105   Peter P   2006 Aug 24, 5:18am  

What has been most telling for me is that most people here just had an outright kneejerk reaction to the idea of innocents.

Interesting. I am certainly not innocent.

106   astrid   2006 Aug 24, 5:20am  


As I see it, you may have an obligation to provide a sofa and maybe some ramen to close friends/family members, until they get back on their feet. You certainly have no moral obligation to risk your own life savings to fill in holes that family members have dug themselves via expensive purchases.

107   FormerAptBroker   2006 Aug 24, 5:20am  

SFWoman Says:

> Every time I go to Costco (canned earthquake supplies,
> Horizon milk for school lunches,used to go for diapers,
> Novato Costco has really good wine and champagne)
> I end up purchasing $200 worth of books.

I may spend over $500 on wine every time I go to Costo but I have been saving a lot of money by getting all my books used from selers linked to the amazon.com site...

108   Glen   2006 Aug 24, 5:20am  

What has been most telling for me is that most people here just had an outright kneejerk reaction to the idea of innocents. I didn’t realize this was some sort of hegemonic war for so many people. That, itself, distresses me.


You may be on the leading edge of a change in sentiment. Many of us have been so annoyed by being priced out for so long that we have become angry at the whole system--lenders, regulators, borrowers, etc... We have also become perturbed as the most imprudently aggressive a**hats rubbed it in our faces while blowing their undeserved fortunes on Hummers, plastic surgery, 2nd, 3rd and 4th homes, etc...

We have been waiting, less and less patiently, for this bubble to unwind. But this anger may shift to regret when the devil chickens come home to roost and we see the fallout affect our families and friends and yes, even innocents. You are probably just a little ahead of the curve on this one.

109   DinOR   2006 Aug 24, 5:24am  

I think it may now be appropriate to put an end once and for all to the "The End is Near" spoiler claims. As we are already witnessing 2005 WASN'T REAL! Very little of 2005's pricing remains. It's off the table.

Can we just put this thing to rest already?

The long awaited correction is finally taking place. Please to notice the rate of descent? Since the rate of descent is far out pacing even the most bearish of projections, we here were infinitely more right than wrong.

What bulls will undoubtedly find equally distasteful is the fact that MSM is determined not to make the same mistake twice. I tuned into CNBC just to listen in on what everyone else seems to be mentioning and they are ALL OVER the the housing crash! All of the comments somehow lead back to the bubble! Every return from a commercial break starts abruptly with yet more news on the bubble's bursting!

110   Randy H   2006 Aug 24, 5:27am  


Did you also see that bit on CNBC about how Google is so big with so much cash that they need a special waiver to avoid being regulated as a mutual fund? lol.

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