Ann Coulter turns interest in World Cup into a multiculturalism bashing issue.

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2014 Jun 26, 8:31am   33,781 views  110 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (12)   💰tip   ignore  


Excerpt: "If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time."

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1   Rin   2014 Jun 26, 8:33am  

Considering that the craziest soccer fans are British, and thus, already know the Queen's English, I find this to be hilarious.


I guess we need to stop all British immigration to America. Actually, make that all of Europe.

2   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 26, 8:36am  

Rin says

I guess we need to stop all British immigration to America.

Works for me. I don't want to be around "those people."

I mean no disrespect, but Ann Coulter should be waterboarded with urine. That's not disrespectful, because it's actually generous. Also - again, with all due respect - Ann Coulter should be waterboarded with still-warm camel urine mixed with stale, fermenting hippo vomit. No disrespect intended.

3   Rin   2014 Jun 26, 8:45am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

but Ann Coulter should be

Wasted effort. Don't auto companies need real life test crash dummies, since Mannequins are obviously less permeable to damage?

4   marcus   2014 Jun 26, 8:50am  

She's outdone herself on this one. OF course 90% of the republican base will be right with her.

"Dang ferrenurs. DOn't they know that our football, with 300 plus pound guys putting a serious hurt on eachother, is the only real sport ?"

THe truth is, that increasing appreciation of soccer and a higher number of soccer fans in the US is inevitable.

Is she really equating increasing ethnic diversity (ie a lower proportion of Americans being "white") as moral decay ?

5   Rin   2014 Jun 26, 8:58am  

marcus says

Is she really equating increasing ethnic diversity (ie a lower proportion of Americans being white) as moral decay ?

Of course she is. That's the whole point of the rant. The darkening of the country is leading to an increase in soccer fandom and thus, a moral decay.

Hence Soccer, a 19th century English (Read: white ppl & the key mother country of the USA) export to the globe ...


is un-American because of the third worlders who're partaking in it.

I guess then she'll blame this on the fall of the British Empire, since they couldn't keep those third worlders, under their thumb.

6   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jun 26, 9:56am  

marcus says

THe truth is, that increasing appreciation of soccer and a higher number of soccer fans in the US is inevitable.

Just wait till Belgium kicks you out, and soccer fans in the US will go back to the "world" series as the closest approximation to global dominance in any game.

7   Mark   2014 Jun 26, 9:57am  

She's a sick and twisted puppy for sure! I'm sure the Fox gang, Limbaugh,Beck,etc. will soon extol her viewpoint. The right establishment is terrified on a new "colored America"

8   corntrollio   2014 Jun 26, 10:00am  

Rin says

I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer.

This is quite transparently trying to say "WASPs," right?

Funny that she tried to equate a cable audience with broadcast. The whole thing reads like something in The Onion.

9   Rin   2014 Jun 26, 10:32am  

corntrollio says

Rin says

I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer.

This is quite transparently trying to say "WASPs," right?

Her touch 'n cheek bigotry is so far off, that it doesn't even make sense from a racist p.o.v. My great-grandfather was born in England and he's also a WASP.

Seriously, the fact that Soccer was born in Britain but reached the shores of countless nations, doesn't make it a sport of the so-called *invading third worlders* into America.

It's a sport, embraced by much of the world: white, black, brown, Asian, and all the shades in the middle, and not having to do with either British or American superiority, over others.

10   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 26, 11:32am  

That Adam's apple tells me there is a surprise waiting inside those jeans.

I am fine with this, but it's not my thing, personally.

11   marcus   2014 Jun 26, 11:41am  

Rin says

touch 'n cheek bigotry

Tongue in cheek, right ? She is trying to be cute, and light about it, which is her style, which I totally hate. She thinks that if she makes it like she's half kidding, and only half serious that she therefore gets to be outrageously ignorant and hateful.

Not unlike at least one of our trolls around here.

Apparently that shtik does sell books, which doesn't mean she has any talent, it just means we have an amazing number of morons in this country.

12   Philistine   2014 Jun 26, 12:14pm  

corntrollio says

Funny that she tried to equate a cable audience with broadcast. The whole thing reads like something in The Onion.

I thought it was an open secret that she was a satire-comedy performer--the kind that shits on her own audience even as they ask for more. She is the antidote to Camille Paglia.

marcus says

Apparently that shtick does sell books

It turns out the difference between Both Sides is that her audience is too gullible to get the joke and mistakes comedy as drama. Really if you view her as the absurdist harpie that she really is, it's shreds funnier than anything the libbies have going.

13   Rin   2014 Jun 26, 12:25pm  

Philistine says

satire-comedy performer

Regardless, the fact that her shtick is calling ppl, darkies/2nd class citizens, as a way of propping up her satire is not very funny.

This is almost akin to those ppl, at the Germany vs Ghana World Cup games, showing up in *blackface* or Nazi body tattoos, to assert the white man's dominion in the game of soccer.

The fact that soccer has become popular, among numerous races and nationalities should say something good about how the sport has evolved over the century & half that it's been around.

14   marcus   2014 Jun 26, 12:25pm  

Philistine says

I thought it was an open secret that she was a satire-comedy performer--the kind that shits on her own audience even as they ask for more.

THat has occured to me, but I don't think so. I've seen her on talk shows a few times. She does exaggerate her real feelings, but I believe that she really does feel that way (emotion being the key factor as it is with most extremists). But then yeah, she knows how it sells, so at some point she becomes a parody of herself.

15   New Renter   2014 Jun 26, 1:45pm  

Call it Crazy says

New Renter says

Why does anyone bother listening to Ann Coulter?

Maybe because of this??

Because she holds gun to your head?

I suppose under those conditions it makes sense.

16   New Renter   2014 Jun 26, 1:56pm  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

That Adam's apple tells me there is a surprise waiting inside those jeans.

I am fine with this, but it's not my thing, personally.

Call it Crazy says

New Renter says

Call it Crazy says

New Renter says

Why does anyone bother listening to Ann Coulter?

Maybe because of this??

Because she holds gun to your head?

I suppose under those conditions it makes sense.

Remember this line: "Are you feeling lucky, punk?"

With that? Not so much!

18   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Jun 26, 4:33pm  

Typical liberal strawman. Argue against someone that no one actually listens too.

You dingbats probably carry on conversations with crazy mentally ill people babbling out of their minds on the streets.

19   Ceffer   2014 Jun 26, 5:08pm  

The Daughters of the American Revolution play soccer nude, everybody knows that.

20   mmmarvel   2014 Jun 26, 8:47pm  

New Renter says

Why does anyone bother listening to Ann Coulter?

I don't usually listen (or read) her but this rant made national waves so I'm aware of it. Personally, watching soccer (to me) is on par with watching paint dry. My wife likes the game (born in this country and as white as can be) but I refer to it (to needle her a bit) as kickball. Absolutely NO interest in the game, to me, the most boring thing since watching grass grow; no, watching grass grow IS more exciting. But yah know - to each their own.

21   Y   2014 Jun 26, 11:11pm  

No such thing as an "Adams apple"...
As soon as Eve took the first bite, she assumed ownership of it.

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

That Adam's apple tells me there is a surprise waiting inside those jeans.

22   Y   2014 Jun 26, 11:13pm  

So....which is it?

marcus says

She does exaggerate her real feelings, but I believe that she really does feel that way

23   Y   2014 Jun 26, 11:17pm  

We have been trained to worship the "score", be it "runs", "goals", "touchdowns" etc..etc...
Soccer is the opposite. Scoring is secondary. The art of the game is in ball control and precision passing. That is where enjoyment of the sport is extracted.

mmmarvel says

Absolutely NO interest in the game, to me, the most boring thing since watching grass grow; no, watching grass grow IS more exciting. But yah know - to each their own.

24   mmmarvel   2014 Jun 26, 11:21pm  

SoftShell says

Soccer is the opposite. Scoring is secondary. The art of the game is in ball
control and precision passing. That is where enjoyment of the sport is

Obviously I'm not sophisticated enough - wonder if it's a bad thing that I'm proud of that fact.

25   New Renter   2014 Jun 27, 12:48am  

jmmmarvel says

New Renter says

Why does anyone bother listening to Ann Coulter?

I don't usually listen (or read) her but this rant made national waves so I'm aware of it. Personally, watching soccer (to me) is on par with watching paint dry. My wife likes the game (born in this country and as white as can be) but I refer to it (to needle her a bit) as kickball. Absolutely NO interest in the game, to me, the most boring thing since watching grass grow; no, watching grass grow IS more exciting. But yah know - to each their own.

That's true of watching most professional sports.


But to each their own.

26   PolishKnight   2014 Jun 27, 1:03am  

marcus says

Rin says

touch 'n cheek bigotry

Tongue in cheek, right ? She is trying to be cute, and light about it, which is her style, which I totally hate. She thinks that if she makes it like she's half kidding, and only half serious that she therefore gets to be outrageously ignorant and hateful.

Not unlike at least one of our trolls around here.

Apparently that shtik does sell books, which doesn't mean she has any talent, it just means we have an amazing number of morons in this country.

Making fun of soccer is outrageously ignorant and hateful? What thin skin you have! How long would you survive in Oakland?

27   mmmarvel   2014 Jun 27, 1:39am  

Call it Crazy says

I'm assuming that none of your kids played soccer??

Nope - they did track, basketball, swimming, volleyball, uh yeah, that was more than enough.

28   NDrLoR   2014 Jun 27, 1:56am  

I asked someone who taught why soccer had become all the rage in the schools and he said because it's cheap, they don't have to have any equipment, just a ball to kick around.

29   edvard2   2014 Jun 27, 2:19am  

That entire article was ridiculous. I'd be curious if any of even the most out-there right wingers would possibly agree with what it said.

30   Strategist   2014 Jun 27, 2:28am  

Rin says

Excerpt: "If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time."

It's comments like these that turn off an average person from supporting the Republican party. I wonder if she realizes the harm she is doing to her own party.

31   dublin hillz   2014 Jun 27, 4:12am  

Strategist says

Rin says

Excerpt: "If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time."

It's comments like these that turn off an average person from supporting the Republican party. I wonder if she realizes the harm she is doing to her own party.

People like her and sarah say the most divisive stuff and then turn around and accuse barack and dems of being divisive. I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they come accross when they say the shit they say.

32   dublin hillz   2014 Jun 27, 4:15am  

What was truly myopic in her "analysis" is that she basically accused the liberals and minorities of pushing soccer; however in europe the right wing reactionaries have embraced the sport to the fullest. In fact some soccer squads had right wing neo-nazi groups form "fan clubs." Players from africa are subject to horrible abuse that not only involves racial venom but also antics like throwing bananas on the field. There's a reason why you see "say no to racism" banners at high profile soccer games - because the racists in europe have used the sport as a stage to sprout their agenda.

33   edvard2   2014 Jun 27, 4:27am  

dublin hillz says

People like her and sarah say the most divisive stuff and then turn around and accuse barack and dems of being divisive. I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they come accross when they say the shit they say.

The real reason is that whether its intentional and they know it or they somehow actually believe what they say, I can't help to think that it would be very easy to come onto the airwaves or in the general public's eye and spout the most ridiculous right-winger crap, knowing full well that there's a lot of money to be made in doing so. Its a cheap trick. Make controversial statements, get the typical token minority of the conservatives who actually believe those statements, then turn around and sell them crap.

34   Rin   2014 Jun 27, 6:09am  

Strategist says

It's comments like these that turn off an average person from supporting the Republican party. I wonder if she realizes the harm she is doing to her own party.

edvard2 says

they somehow actually believe what they say

Well, if you follow the line of rhetoric, this is how it goes...

AC: Soccer is promoted by an increase in a third world demographic.

Response: Soccer had originated in 19th century England, the mother nation of America. Many Americans have ancestry from the British Isles, since colonial times and afterwards.

AC: Well obviously, Britain having an Empire, pushed its sport onto its overseas colonies. And now, with the collapse of the Empire, it's a 3rd world venue.

Response: Wasn't the US, Canada, & Australia also British colonies?

AC: Yes, but it's ok for white colonies to have self-determination, as whites had brought civilization to the world anyways. It's another thing for places like Uganda, Nigeria, the Near East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia from doing the same.

Response: So you're saying that emerging nations should not be independent and be under a Viceroy or a Governor-General?

AC: That's right. Savages should not be able have self-determination and life was better when the sun never set on the British Empire.

Response: And that would halt the popularity of soccer in America?

AC: That's correct. The British would only give exit visas, to their wealthiest subjects, and only to attend Oxford/Cambridge but then, send 'em back to their home countries if they don't have enough money to live in Britain.

America would be free of these free loaders and then, we can have our football, baseball, basketball, and sometimes hockey.

35   clambo   2014 Jun 27, 6:12am  

When you are paid to write, you sometimes are clutching at straws to find topics.

I think although soccer sucks mostly, the premier league in England was fun to watch.

In the U.S.A., some pro sports are completely unwatchable: NBA basketball is one. NFL is losing it, there are too many commercials and now they are putting in too many rules, too many instant replays, etc.

It's boring to watch most sports anyway, but since in soccer it's hard to score it's kinda fun to see them all trying.

I like college football if I watch sports at all.

36   edvard2   2014 Jun 27, 6:17am  

I'm not a sports fan at all even though I enjoy participating in some of them. Maybe its because growing up in the rural south the only thing going on in high school seemed to be the football team, which got a huge amount of money from the school's budget. I guess I was a little bitter about it.

37   Rin   2014 Jun 27, 6:21am  

clambo says

When you are paid to write, you sometimes are clutching at straws to find topics.

I think although soccer sucks mostly

Yes, but many Americans don't watch soccer. I'd say that half the American football/baseball/basketball sports fans I know of, find it boring.

But yet, none of 'em use it to bash ppl from 3rd world nations. It's one thing to say that soccer sucks; it's another to say that soccer sucks because of the color of the fanbase.

38   Mark   2014 Jun 27, 6:36am  

Too bad we can't get people committed like we could in "old America" that she's always
pining away for. She'd be in a rubber room pronto! A sick and twisted puppy for sure!

39   PolishKnight   2014 Jun 28, 12:36am  

Rin says

AC: Yes, but it's ok for white colonies to have self-determination, as whites had brought civilization to the world anyways. It's another thing for places like Uganda, Nigeria, the Near East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia from doing the same.

To turn this around a bit, why don't hardcore progressives move to Oakland, Detroit, and SouthEast DC since these are far more loyal Democrat party constituencies than, say, Northern Virginia? Clearly, these neighborhoods should be far more tolerant and enlightened than the red stater Republican neighborhoods many of them seem to prefer to move into when real estate prices get too high.

Also, when Obama himself refers to "developed" nations when modeling our healthcare laws, perhaps instead he should look to Southeast Asia for their enlightened labor laws and San Francisco can model their gay marriage laws after Uganda. Also, look at how Mexico treats their illegal immigrants and follow their example.

Liberalism is nuts. I much prefer Catholicism. Less craziness.

40   PolishKnight   2014 Jun 28, 12:46am  

edvard2 says

Make controversial statements, get the typical token minority of the conservatives who actually believe those statements, then turn around and sell them crap.

This reminds me of a recent commercial I found especially amusing. It was so ridiculous that I couldn't help but laugh. It's the Cadillac "fame" commercial. It features various monarchs (mostly dark skinned) over the ages riding in their various vehicles. One is an Egyptian Pharaoh with a sled pulled by masses of slaves. The next is a (probably) East Indian King riding on an Elephant. And then there's French royalty with a princess looking out at a small white boy running alongside. The commercial then switches to a smiling African American woman and her African American husband riding in a huge, gas guzzling SUV and arrive at a fancy home where the camera pans to her high heeled shoe and then next you see her petite white butler come to carry her bags. So the message is clear: You can be like those powerful, slave owning monarchs of old and put your feet down on a small white boy slave.

Hey, with commercials like that, it makes me NOT want to buy a gas guzzling SUV with potentially fatal manufacturing defects. I'm so upset! Let's go back to the bikini models appearing out of nowhere to make middle aged white guys want to buy watered down beer, please?

So for me, most of the ads even during the superbowl are unmemoriable and perhaps that's a good thing. I helps cut down on the amount of unneeded crap I might otherwise be tempted to buy.

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