Same old White Trash propaganda.

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2015 Sep 13, 8:24am   23,143 views  59 comments

by HEY YOU   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


"Deliberate or subconscious, showing these images during worship, displaying them around a sanctuary, showing them as singers sing, is a form of racism and white supremacy. Jesus didn't look like that."

Most Christians are racist?

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1   Shaman   2015 Sep 13, 8:38am  

White Jesus is the only Jesus that matters to WASPs.

Then again, we don't have even a painting or etch a sketch of the real Jesus.

2   marcus   2015 Sep 13, 10:05am  

"white trash propaganda" is a little harsh. Pretty much all white Christians have imagined Jesus as being "white" for quite a few centuries.

When you look at one of the best guesses (below) of what he really looked like, the short hair is far more a departure from the Jesus I imagined as a
child than the skin tone or other features.

4   Strategist   2015 Sep 13, 10:19am  

Ironman says

Quigley says

Then again, we don't have even a painting or etch a sketch of the real Jesus.

Wait, you mean there were no camera phones back then?

Not even an iPhone. If they had iPhone's back then, Jesus would have changed his mind about dying for us.

5   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 13, 10:41am  

I don't think Jesus neither cares what color you think he was, nor needs your fake outrage over it.

6   marcus   2015 Sep 13, 10:58am  

Yeah, the blond hair one you showed Patrick, is extreme. For me, most of the images I saw as a kid were different from eachother, and art going further back varied even more, so we knew that we don't really know, and in church they were mostly statues or in stained glass.

7   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 13, 11:03am  

Someone should tell the Jews then that Moses wasn't a Rabi from Poland.

8   FortWayne   2015 Sep 13, 11:52am  

Liberals (like Dan) hate religion these days passionately, they would do anything and write anything to destroy it or it's credibility.

9   marcus   2015 Sep 13, 12:19pm  

I'm a liberal.

10   Strategist   2015 Sep 13, 12:42pm  

FortWayne says

Liberals (like Dan) hate religion these days passionately, they would do anything and write anything to destroy it or it's credibility.

Dan and others like him are phonies. They don't hate religion, they hate Christianity. You should see how nice he is to Jihadi terrorists.

11   Dan8267   2015 Sep 13, 12:44pm  

FortWayne says

Liberals (like Dan) hate religion these days passionately, they would do anything and write anything to destroy it or it's credibility.

Wrong. I wouldn't lie to destroy it, and that's not necessary.

And religion has zero credibility to destroy.

Furthermore, loving religion is not a good thing. 9/11 was a faith-based initiative.

Brought to you by religion

12   Dan8267   2015 Sep 13, 12:46pm  

HEY YOU says

Most Christians are racist?

Does the pope shit in the woods?

Do you really think Christianity would be popular in this country if all those images of Jesus looked like this?

If Jesus actually did have a second coming, Fort Wayne would call him a thug.

13   Strategist   2015 Sep 13, 12:50pm  

Dan8267 says

Do you really think Christianity would be popular in this country if all those images of Jesus looked like this?

Man created God in his image, therefore in Europe God looks white, in Africa God looks Black, and in China God looks Chinese.
Take the example of Buddha who was Indian. All the Buddhist idols depicting Buddha have him looking Chinese.

14   Dan8267   2015 Sep 13, 1:06pm  

Strategist says

Dan and others like him are phonies.

Care to back up that accusation, Holden Caulfield? I believe everything I post and I can justify my beliefs, the factual ones with evidence and the value judgements with reason. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't make me a phony. However, making false accusations like that does make you dishonest and hypocritical.

I never claimed you didn't believe that batshit crazy things you posted. If you aren't man enough to actually challenge my beliefs in honest debate like an adult, that says far more about you than me.

Strategist says

They don't hate religion, they hate Christianity.

No, I hate all religions and have stated so on the record many times. The specific mythology of a religion doesn't matter. They are all hierarchical power structures based on lies and ran by corrupt authority figures who serve only their own selfish interests. History has shown that religion has caused far more suffering than good, prevented the advancement of morality and social justice, and every good people claim religion does has also been done without religion and without the negative effects of religion. I can go into pages of detailed examples backed with volumes of evidence if you like.

As for Christianity, I only speak of it more because it is, by far, the dominate religion in the United States. If Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or Smurf worship were the dominate religion and greatly affecting U.S. policy, law, education, and civil rights, then I'd be talking about that primarily instead. Does it really not make sense to you that when talking about religion in the United States, Christianity is the main religion discussed? I don't remember Buddhists being responsible for the Defense of Marriage Act or undermining evolution teaching and replacing it with creationism. It wasn't the Jews who placed the Ten Commandments in public court houses or refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. No one held up a sign saying "Zeus hates fags" at the funerals of soldiers.

You argument that I pick on Christianity only, or even primarily, is just plain stupid. As an alleged teacher, you really should have better reading comprehension and thinking skills. I suspect that you are typical of the low-skill, low-thought teachers that make the American education system a sad joke.

Regardless of your person dislike of me, you should be man enough to be able to argue against what I actually say instead of making Straw Men arguments. Hell, I make it easy for my opponents to criticize my ideas by laying them all out clearly. If you can't make a legitimate argument against my ideas, then either my ideas are unassailable or you are an idiot. Please note that these two things aren't mutually exclusive.

Strategist says

You should see how nice he is to Jihadi terrorists.

Please feel free to provide any quote or reference to support such a vile accusation. I've gone on the record stating that all religions, including Islam, are evil and the world would be far better without them. I've even laid out plans to eliminate Islam from the Middle East without the use of violence or threats on other threads.

But maybe you're trying to make the point that because I believe in honest, open trials of terrorist suspects that I'm supporting terrorists. Yes, to a mindless fool like yourself, supporting our system of justice in which the accused is brought before a public trial and an impartial jury decides their guilt based on evidence rather than emotional manipulation must seem like supporting terrorists to you. Oh Marcus, Call It Crazy, Fort Wayne, and Strategist have much in common.

You'll never understand that we uphold our principles of justice, not for the criminal, but for our society. Maybe you think that torturing terrorists is a good idea, too, and you will never understand how engaging in that evil causes a society to corrode from the inside. No, I don't support terrorists, and unlike you, I don't want our society to be run by terrorists torturing other terrorists. Quite frankly, it sickens me that there are people like you in our society who cannot even reach this extremely low bar of ethical standards.

Oh, and one last thing. You are not a liberal. You soil that term by calling yourself one.

15   Dan8267   2015 Sep 13, 1:41pm  

Honey, I posted that meme regarding your posts long before you copied me.

The difference is that people like you know they are lying and come to accept the lie whereas, although you don't want to believe the facts I present, I back them up with actual evidence. For example, man is causing climate change. Anyone who denies man-made climate change is the embodiment of George Costanza's self-deception.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 13, 3:26pm  

1 Corinthians 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

But that doesn't make me giggle as much as Mary.

It's amazing how a dirt poor Middle Eastern Jewish Peasant from the 1st Century AD looks so much like a blonde, freckled 15th Century Noblewoman from Castile, she could be Isabella's sister.

This is what traditional Jewish women from the Middle East in the 20th Century look like:

Damn is Ofra Haza (third pic) sexy as HELL.

17   FortWayne   2015 Sep 13, 5:01pm  

Dan8267 says

Brought to you by religion

No Dan, it wasn't brought on by religion. It was brought on by hate and envy. They hate us for our freedoms, among other things. Religion or no religion, when bad men want to hurt someone they'll find an excuse.

18   Strategist   2015 Sep 13, 6:52pm  

FortWayne says

No Dan, it wasn't brought on by religion. It was brought on by hate and envy. They hate us for our freedoms, among other things. Religion or no religion, when bad men want to hurt someone they'll find an excuse.

They hate EVERYONE they disagree with for ANY reason, including other Muslims.
They hate America the most because we proved to be superior with our progress and technology. They cannot fathom anyone else being superior to their religion. They must have cheated, they are Satan, and Allah wants to destroy them.

19   Dan8267   2015 Sep 13, 9:16pm  

FortWayne says

No Dan, it wasn't brought on by religion.

To deny that 9/11 wasn't caused by religion is a blatant lie. Same goes for the opposition to marriage equality, the yelling of god hates fags at funerals, and the indoctrination of children into creationism or "intelligent design".

20   resistance   2015 Sep 13, 9:54pm  

FortWayne says

No Dan, it wasn't brought on by religion.

I don't see how you can even think for a moment that 9/11 was not about religion.

Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a 1998 fatwā signed by bin Laden and others, calling for the killing of Americans,[10] are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[40] In bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America", he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include

U.S. support of Israel[41][42]
Support for the "attacks against Muslims" in Somalia
Support of Russian "atrocities against Muslims" in Chechnya
Pro-American governments in the Middle East (who "act as your agents") being against Muslim interests
Support of Indian "oppression against Muslims" in Kashmir
The presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia[43][44]
The sanctions against Iraq[45]


Sure, there are political components, but then Islam was always a political religion which explicitly attempts to take over governments and forcibly convert the people, or allow Christians or Jews to pay the jizya, or kill them if they refuse to either convert or pay. This policy has never been abnegated, and is still official Islam. Convert, pay, or die.

You might like the part which denies Hindus and atheists (like Dan) the right to pay to save their lives. They get only the convert or die options in official Islam.

21   Dan8267   2015 Sep 13, 11:12pm  

Yeah, and ISIS has nothing to do with Islam either. People will deny anything to support their pet agendas.

22   Ceffer   2015 Sep 14, 10:10am  

Jesus was an effete, effeminate metrosexual manger twit: to wit, a Republican.

23   dublin hillz   2015 Sep 14, 10:41am  

Sure, there are political components, but then Islam was always a political religion which explicitly attempts to take over governments and forcibly convert the people, or allow Christians or Jews to pay the jizya, or kill them if they refuse to either convert or pay. This policy has never been abnegated, and is still official Islam. Convert, pay, or die.

Yup and they have open disdain for democracy because they consider man's laws to be an offense to god. Therefore, a democratic society must not allow islamists to form parties and partake in a democratic process just like they must not allow communists to run (because communists consider dictatorship of proletariat to be a proper form of government and view democracy as a tool by the wealthy elites to fool the masses into false class consciousness). It sounds great and all to allow these movements to partake in elections, the problem is if either one of them win, there will not be any more elections in the future and hence no opportunity to reset and start over should dissatisfaction occur.

24   socal2   2015 Sep 14, 12:08pm  

I don't see how you can even think for a moment that 9/11 was not about religion.

Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a 1998 fatwā signed by bin Laden and others, calling for the killing of Americans,[10] are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[40] In bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America", he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include

U.S. support of Israel[41][42]

Support for the "attacks against Muslims" in Somalia

Support of Russian "atrocities against Muslims" in Chechnya

Pro-American governments in the Middle East (who "act as your agents") being against Muslim interests

Support of Indian "oppression against Muslims" in Kashmir

The presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia[43][44]

The sanctions against Iraq[45]

It's about ISLAM. Why are people too scared or too PC to call it out, instead of lumping up ISLAM's dysfunction as "Religion"? There is only 1 major religion on this planet that is incapable of coexisting with the rest of humanity.

BTW - most of Bin Laden's grievances are bunk.

- America risked the lives of our pilots and soldiers to save Sunni Muslims in the Balkans (twice) against Genocide.
- America risked the lives of our soldiers to try and end famine and genocide in Somalia
- US Troops were INVITED into Saudi Arabia to protect religious Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Gulf States and Kuwait from "Secular" Saddam Hussein
- Sanctions in Iraq were implemented to prevent Saddam Hussein from attacking his religious Sunni neighbors. But sanctions and No-Fly-Zones also protected Shia and Kurds which are not the "right kind of Muslims"
- America sides with Israelis over nutter Sunnis like Hamas. What's the difference between Hamas and ISIS?

On top of all that, America supported Afgans against the Communists in the 1980's, favored Pakistan over India and simply packed up and left when the Communists retreated. And for that, the fucking ingrates attacked us on 9/11?

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 14, 1:12pm  

The most interesting thing is how little effort or interest, other than a few words here and there, Wahabis put into Israel.

They seem far more interested in converting Shi'a or insufficently pious Sunni Muslims.

Hamas is not a Wahabi Sunni organization.

26   socal2   2015 Sep 14, 1:24pm  

thunderlips11 says

Hamas is not a Wahabi Sunni organization.

Hamas identifies as Salafists - as does ISIS.

"Article 5 Demonstrates its Salafist roots and connections to the Muslim brotherhood. [21]"

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 14, 1:28pm  

But it's not Wahabi, right?

28   socal2   2015 Sep 14, 1:37pm  

socal2 says

But it's not Wahabi, right?

They say there is essentially no difference.

Hamas just has better PR and more fanboys in the West because they sell their fight only to the Jews in Israel. When in fact, Hamas wants the same caliphate over all the land they lost from the Crusades and fall of the Ottoman Empire like ISIS purports to want.

29   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 14, 1:40pm  

socal2 says

They say there is essentially no difference.

There is a difference. Wahabism is more extreme and puritanical than Salafism. The foremost Scholar on the Middle East, Bernard Lewis:

So what you are getting now in the Muslim world, all over the Muslim world, and more particularly among the Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries is the spread of the Wahhabi version of Islam, which, as I said, is about as typical of what you might call mainstream Islam as the KKK of mainstream Christianity. Wahhabism is the major trend of that sort. There are others, the so-called Salafia. It’s run along parallel lines to the Wahhabis, but they are less violent and less extreme – still violent and extreme but less so than the Wahhabis.


30   Shaman   2015 Sep 14, 1:42pm  

Islam is the scorpion. It will sting the fox carrying it across the river even if they both drown as a result because that is its nature. We have been fooled long enough by protestations of peace.

Salaam is a lie when the word for your religion means "submit."

31   socal2   2015 Sep 14, 1:55pm  

That's a relief! The Salafists are "still violent and extreme, but less so than the Wahhabis".

The Salafists probably have a court proceeding of sorts before they throw gay people off tall buildings.

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 14, 2:18pm  

Quigley says

Islam is the scorpion. It will sting the fox carrying it across the river even if they both drown as a result because that is its nature. We have been fooled long enough by protestations of peace.

Quigley says

That's a relief! The Salafists are "still violent and extreme, but less so than the Wahhabis".

So the conclusion is, why are we friends with Saudi Arabia, not only the homeland of extreme Wahabism, but the #1 exporter of Wahabism.

Saudi Arabia IS backing fundamentalist terrorism against Assad, just like they backed fundamentalist "Foreign Fighters" in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Libya, etc.

They're so desperate have their Fundy pals win in Syria, they offered the Russians OPEC membership and a cut in oil output.

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Sep 14, 2:41pm  

Saudi Arabia funds Wahabi Militant camps in Yemen. It bombs the fuck out of universities, hospitals, etc. Anything to demoralize the Shi'a. The funny this is, when not flying above the clouds bombing from above in their US-provided F-15s and F-16s, Saudis can't piss themselves and run away fast enough when confronted with enemies on the ground.

There is nothing funnier than an encounter with the Saudi National Guard, whose motto is "We advance in a different direction, Inshallah!" They fled from Saddam's forces when they were inside M-60 Tanks with US Air Support against export grade stripped down T-55s with their ammo half duds - that's how inept they are.

If you support Christendom or the West, you ought to be behind Assad, also. There are no democracy activists in Syria, only shades of Salafyi/Wahabi groups. We already witnessed a huge chunk of alleged "Freedom Fighters" marching off to join ISIS after months of US training and equipment provision.

34   David9   2015 Sep 14, 9:29pm  

Stupid Assholes ! Grow a F*cking Brain.

35   Dan8267   2015 Sep 15, 10:22am  

Jesus was the mother of all socialists. If you hate socialism, you hate Jesus.

36   FortWayne   2015 Sep 15, 10:59am  

I don't see how you can even think for a moment that 9/11 was not about religion.

To Osama Bin Laden this wasn't about religion, this is about power and control. About his ego and about his hatred toward America. Religion was a convenient pretext excuse, if there was no religion he would have called it something else.

37   Dan8267   2015 Sep 15, 12:23pm  

FortWayne says

To Osama Bin Laden this wasn't about religion, this is about power and control.

Cop out. All religion is about power and control. That's the entire mother-fucking purpose of religion.

Name one religion that doesn't say how people should behave, who people should fuck and when, and how society should be structured, and who should in charge.

FortWayne says

Religion was a convenient pretext excuse, if there was no religion he would have called it something else.

No True Scotsman

Example 1: Angus declares that Scotsmen do not put sugar on their porridge, to which Lachlan points out that he is a Scotsman and puts sugar on his porridge. Furious, like a true Scot, Angus yells that no true Scotsman sugars his porridge.

Example 2: Fort Wayne declares that religious people don't do evil in the name of religion. Dan points to 9/11 and says the terrorists who crashed planes into the towers did evil in the name of religion. Wayne claims those terrorists aren't religious because their actions were evil.

When facts contradict your assertion, change the facts to fit your assertion. It's worked for religion for tens of thousands of years.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the blatant hypocrisy of Wayne and others calling atheism bad because Stalin and Mao were atheists. There is nothing in atheism that says commit genocide. In contrast, the religious beliefs of the 9/11 hijackers was absolute and undeniably intrinsic to their decision to kill themselves and others for the glory of their god. The religious are such hypocrites when they attack atheism.

39   komputodo   2015 Sep 16, 8:54am  

Blasphemy!! Jesus was light skinned with blue eyes and never got married or had kids and never worked. He just walked around with his crew preaching the word of GOD and nobody thought any of that was unusual.

40   Strategist   2015 Sep 16, 9:42am  

komputodo says

He just walked around with his crew preaching the word of GOD and nobody thought any of that was unusual.

In other words.....Unemployed drunk pest.

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