Trump wants to do away with H-1B visas!!!!!

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2015 Oct 31, 6:48pm   23,834 views  58 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


DT: Day one. This is why I got into this race. Because the everyday working person in this country is getting screwed. Lobbyists write the rules to benefit the rich and powerful. They buy off Senators like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to help them get rich at the expense of working Americans by using H-1B visas–so called “high tech” visas–to replace American workers in all sorts of solid middle class jobs. If I am President, I will not issue any H-1B visas to companies that replace American workers and my Department of Justice will pursue action against them.


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2   zzyzzx   2015 Oct 31, 6:55pm  

We are graduating two times more students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) than find jobs in those fields every year. We have a surplus of talented Americans and we need them to get jobs first. I am calling TODAY on Disney to hire back every one of the workers they replaced.

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Oct 31, 6:59pm  

That's it, I'm down with Trump.

I think he's the first candidate in US History to flat out not bullshit about the nonsense STEM shortage...

I bet Hillary's position is something like "I talk to Silly Con valley executives who tell me without South Asians with fake tech school diplomas working for $11/hr..."

4   MMR   2015 Oct 31, 7:12pm  

thunderlips11 says

fake tech school diplomas

Also fake resumes that claim '10 years experience'. Some manage to swim but many sink. It's disgusting the extent to which the culture of cheating and lying is tolerated, even condoned in Indian engineering programs.

5   MMR   2015 Oct 31, 7:38pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Call me when Trump is hunting H-1B

Is it the H1-B that should be hunted or their employer?

6   zzyzzx   2015 Oct 31, 7:42pm  

MMR says

Is it the H1-B that should be hunted or their employer?


7   MMR   2015 Oct 31, 8:40pm  

zzyzzx says


zzyzzx says

We are graduating two times more students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) than find jobs in those fields every year

Except they aren't US nationals; They are foreign and would probably need an H1-B or J-1 visa to stay in the country. The 10% undergrad number is also trending upward for this reason:

"Abdou Youssef, the chairman of the computer science department at George Washington University in Washington, said the national trends reported by the CRA are consistent with what he has seen in his own department.

Youssef said that as economies overseas improve and the middle class expands in China, India and to some extent South America, enrollments in U.S. graduate schools increase. "They can afford to come... and they are coming in large numbers to master's and Ph.D. programs," he said."


International students make up 70% of Grad EE students in the US not to mention In computer science, international students make up 63 percent of the full-time graduate students. In industrial engineering, economics, chemical engineering, materials engineering and mechanical engineering more than half the full-time graduate students are foreign nationals


Would it make sense for U.S. companies to ignore such a large pool of talent if they want to compete globally? It is a reasonable question and I think most companies would say it would not make sense to ignore this talent pool.

Sounds like what you are advocating is for H1-B abusing companies to hire US citizen undergrads or the 30% of advanced degree holders that carry a passport. While I don't agree with anyone saying that there is a STEM shortage per se, I doubt that all those jobs could be filled by US passport holders alone.

Having said that, I agree that the jobs that can be filled by citizens should be filled by citizens first and then (and only then) should the H1B program be used to fill in gaps. By limiting the H1-B census, it will be easier for employers to hire the most qualified of the lot instead of just dumping warm bodies on job sites, also partially accomplished using the L-1 in wake of the H1-B caps.

In addition to H1-B reform, I would also suggest that it would be easier for US passport holders to get employed by closing the loopholes on the L-1 visas



8   Vicente   2015 Oct 31, 9:59pm  

Call it KKKrazy says

Why not sic the DOJ on ALL companies that replace American workers with undocumented workers?

Put Real Americans(tm) in jail? Heaven forbid!!!!

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Oct 31, 10:44pm  

US Natives and Residents earning STEM degrees to outpace domestic STEM job creation by 55%. STEM glut.

A compelling body of research is now available, from many leading academic researchers and from respected research organizations such as the National Bureau of Economic Research, the RAND Corporation, and the Urban Institute. No one has been able to find any evidence indicating current widespread labor market shortages or hiring difficulties in science and engineering occupations that require bachelors degrees or higher, although some are forecasting high growth in occupations that require post-high school training but not a bachelors degree. All have concluded that U.S. higher education produces far more science and engineering graduates annually than there are S&E job openings—the only disagreement is whether it is 100 percent or 200 percent more. Were there to be a genuine shortage at present, there would be evidence of employers raising wage offers to attract the scientists and engineers they want. But the evidence points in the other direction: Most studies report that real wages in many—but not all—science and engineering occupations have been flat or slow-growing, and unemployment as high or higher than in many comparably-skilled occupations.

10   bob2356   2015 Nov 1, 5:16am  

thunderlips11 says

No one has been able to find any evidence indicating current widespread labor market shortages or hiring difficulties in science and engineering occupations that require bachelors degrees or higher

Absolutely not true. There is a severe shortage of science and engineering candidates with master's degrees and 10 years experience willing to work 90 hours a week for 40k a year that are fluent in hindi. There are clearly no qualified american candidates so there should be unlimited H-1b visa's until lazy american stem workers get with the program.

11   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 1, 6:43am  

It will be refreshing to have someone in there that Loves Americans.

12   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 1, 6:43am  

...and gets along with everybody.

13   mmmarvel   2015 Nov 1, 7:44am  

thunderlips11 says

I bet Hillary's position is something like "I talk to Silly Con valley executives who tell me without South Asians with fake tech school diplomas working for $11/hr..."

Oh, they got a raise??

14   lostand confused   2015 Nov 1, 8:26am  

If Trump makes this a major campaign issues-watch the donations to Hillary's foundation soar from tech companies. I think she already got 140 million bucks and gets 300k per speech. next the major H1B users will be inviting her for "speeches" and pay her 3 million per hour.

15   drew_eckhardt   2015 Nov 1, 8:34am  

thunderlips11 says

US Natives and Residents earning STEM degrees to outpace domestic STEM job creation by 55%. STEM glut.

The devil is in the details.

Competent computer science graduates have ample employment opportunities. Math and physics majors do not. Simultaneous shortages and surpluses are possible just as they are in post-secondary education as a whole.

16   bob2356   2015 Nov 1, 8:38am  

drew_eckhardt says

Competent computer science graduates have ample employment opportunities.

Then pay scales are going up nicely. Whoops, maybe not.

17   HEY YOU   2015 Nov 1, 9:21am  

Anti-Americanism is breeding!

"Corporations are People" can hire anyone they choose & charge whatever they choose as in health insurance & medical care.

If anyone doesn't like it, they must be Communist,Unregulated Free Market Capitalism Haters.


18   gsr   2015 Nov 1, 9:57am  

From http://fusion.net/story/223664/donald-trump-mark-zuckerberg-h1b-visa-gop-debate/

Later in the debate, Quick pointed out Trump’s mistake. “I read it on the Donald J. Trump website,” she told him, asking for his actual position.

“I’m in favor of people coming into this country legally. You can call it anything you want,” he said. But he didn’t address his blatant contradiction on Zuckerberg earlier.

At the debate, Trump seemed to endorse Zuckerberg’s position of increasing the cap on these highly-coveted visas. “He’s complaining about the fact that we’re losing some of the most talented people,” Trump said of Zuckerberg. Immigrants, he said, “go to Harvard, they go to Princeton, they go to Yale, and they go back to their countries.”

But his website seems to suggest that he opposes raising the annual cap on H-1B’s, making the argument that the visa program hurts minorities and women workers by increasing competition for jobs.

The argument he made tonight, at least, is surprisingly pro-immigrant for Trump, and on an issue that is a big deal for young immigrants and big tech companies alike. (The crowd at Columbia University’s School of Public and International Affairs, where I’m watching the debate, erupted in cheers at the statement.)

19   KgK one   2015 Nov 1, 11:26am  

Why try to fix 2percent of jobs, go after 50 percent. That is manufacturing jobs. Ch Ina has been subsidizing manufactrring and stealing jobs. For a factory there could be 5000 employees and side business jobs but 10 high tech it jobs.

So why chase 2 percent of It jobs, specially when it takes lot of math which most Americans cant do. Also you want smart people to come to this country and keep it rich. Most inventions, business, etc were started by immigrants.

You hear lot about it on internet because, IT folks can blog online, but manufacturing people dont as much.

20   drew_eckhardt   2015 Nov 1, 3:55pm  

bob2356 says

Competent computer science graduates have ample employment opportunities.

Then pay scales are going up nicely. Whoops, maybe not.

They are going way up.

New graduates at big Silicon Valley companies now get $100-$115K base salaries with $170-$190K total compensation.

21   FortWayne   2015 Nov 1, 4:11pm  

Trump is da man!

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 1, 4:34pm  

drew_eckhardt says

New graduates at big Silicon Valley companies now get $100-$115K base salaries with $170-$190K total compensation.

What percentage of new graduates get these 6 figure jobs out of the gate?

23   Rin   2015 Nov 1, 10:45pm  

HEY YOU says

go to Harvard, they go to Princeton, they go to Yale

Americans who attend the aforementioned schools are either premed/prelaw or aim for placement in financial services or management consulting firms. And this includes STEM majors.

Seriously, does anyone know anything about Ivies? This isn't the Univ of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign, an elite state school who's mainly known for engineering, where STEM graduates mostly aim for STEM jobs only, because places like McKinsey don't care for middle class types.

24   bob2356   2015 Nov 2, 4:01am  

drew_eckhardt says

bob2356 says

Competent computer science graduates have ample employment opportunities.

Then pay scales are going up nicely. Whoops, maybe not.

They are going way up.

New graduates at big Silicon Valley companies now get $100-$115K base salaries with $170-$190K total compensation.

Pay scales for everyone are higher in Silicon Valley. Since you are in the know, how many new graduates were hired last year at 100k+ out of how many graduates.

25   lostand confused   2015 Nov 2, 4:19am  

Rin says

Seriously, does anyone know anything about Ivies?

Well, according to Glenn Reynolds-Law professor in TN- to end inequality, one must end Ivy leagues. LOL-soon they will say to end inequality-grab everybody's money and redistribute it equally-oh wait!!


26   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 2, 10:19am  

Yep, Ivy Leagues discriminate against Asians and also Jews and smart White Rural/Midwestern Kids.

It's done by the power of "Leadership" and "Extracurricular Activities."

Why do Academic Institutions look at Rowing Club membership and use it to select a candidate with a lower SAT/ACT/GPA score than another with a far better score?

It would be like the NFL refusing to draft a Kicker with a great record and drafting one with a worse record, on the grounds the worse kicker was on the Chess Club and is more "well rounded".

One more chance, Mr. Simms....

27   FortWayne   2015 Nov 2, 6:57pm  

The left must really hate Trump, he is doing everything that America wants to see a president do. A real presidential material, unlike Hillary.

28   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 2, 8:07pm  

lostand confused says

If Trump makes this a major campaign issues-watch the donations to Hillary's foundation soar from tech companies.

The tech companies are as passe as the media. Both have lost favor with the masses.

The MSM is going to have to go back to being that nice family man(who very well may be a serial rapist in real life) on TV who always champions the moral high ground and has a can do spirit.
Wears a sweater at Christmas time and can distinguish the difference between man stuff and girl stuff. Before they ever become relevant again. Americans are easy to bullshit and can be kept entertained while rob them deaf dumb and blind. They will be captured by facetime on their computer, phone, or television. But there's got to be entertainment. They can tell the difference between crappy programming and just down right Propaganda Shit. Crappy Programming they are used to. 5 year old Mexican Boys in an Elementary School Girlsroom, not so much.

Tech companies could stand on their heads and scream until they turned Blue. Nobody gives a shit about a Tweet anymore. When was the last time you heard someone implode from a Tweet?
Not since Trump I'll tell you that. Shit we can't even be bothered with the highcrimes of treason in HIllaries email inbox, what's Google gonna do to Trump that they haven't already done?
The worst thing all of them could do is Ignore Trump.

But then there wouldn't be ANY ratings or traffic.

29   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 2, 8:50pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The tech companies are as passe as the media. Both have lost favor with the masses.

The tech companies aren't running for office.

Hillary and others are. They're using the tech companies' money to do so.

Wall Street, Monsanto, big unions, military contractors, Philip Morris and the Koch Bros. have never been popular as political candidates. That's why they don't run for office. They give money to people who run for office.

Sheldon Adelson couldn't get elected to an HOA board, but, thanks to Citizens United, he could keep his own boutique candidate, Newt Gingrich, in the race well into the 2012 primaries. For this we have you to thank, for voting a Republican ticket all these years - thanks, guy!

30   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 5:30am  

FortWayne says

The left must really hate Trump, he is doing everything that America wants to see a president do. A real presidential material, unlike Hillary.

Trump's positions on the issues (save immigration) are probably to the left of Hillary. Why do the idiots on here keep thinking Dems wouldn't like him?

31   FortWayne   2015 Nov 3, 7:27am  

Because Dems mostly vote for welfare handouts and feminist issues. They resent success and responsibility.

32   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 7:38am  

FortWayne says

Because Dems mostly vote for welfare handouts and feminist issues. They resent success and responsibility.

That's what your brainwashing leaders want you to believe, but you need to open your eyes. Democrats want the rules to allow anyone the chance to succeed based on his/her abilities. They don't want success or failure determined at birth based on your parent's wealth.

33   mell   2015 Nov 3, 8:44am  

FortWayne says

Because Dems mostly vote for welfare handouts and feminist issues. They resent success and responsibility.

Correct. Goes hand in hand. That's why you must not vote Democrat unless you want to accelerate the demise of this country.

34   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 9:03am  

tatupu70 says

success or failure determined at birth based on your parent's wealth.

vote for welfare to keep them on 'their side of the tracks' can't have them going to schools in Westfield Lol....Democrat reasons for voting for welfare are as racist as republican reasons for voting against it.

35   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 9:37am  

MMR says

vote for welfare to keep them on 'their side of the tracks' can't have them going to schools in Westfield Lol....Democrat reasons for voting for welfare are as racist as republican reasons for voting against it.

huh? And they'd be able to live in Westfield without welfare?? What the hell are you talking about?

36   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 1:14pm  

tatupu70 says

huh? And they'd be able to live in Westfield without welfare?? What the hell are you talking about

maybe take some students from the overpopulated ghetto schools and bus them into Westfield?????....but your former neighbors wouldn't like that....that's one of the reasons why they vote for welfare....What are you having so much difficulty comprehending? To keep them on their side of the tracks.

Westfield is home of limousine liberals, mostly Jewish. If they're so much about equality and giving people a fair shot, they would vote for busing into Newark. The only people I know from Westfield who went to Newark for schooling are the silver spoons who went to Newark Academy, which is in Livingston, another limousine liberal sanctuary.

Those dudes wouldn't touch Newark with a ten foot pole.....or allow the 'coloreds' into their town to give them a 'fair shot' at a good life by giving themselves a chance to get educated in a good school with high per pupil spending.

In short, they are hypocrites when they call others racist.

In case you're not sure what a limousine liberal is, here is a definition


Many people were able to understand what I meant, but you feign ignorance...interesting.

37   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 1:36pm  

MMR says

maybe take some students from the overpopulated ghetto schools and bus them into Westfield?????....but your former neighbors wouldn't like that....that's one of the reasons why they vote for welfare....What are you having so much difficulty comprehending? To keep them on their side of the tracks.

You think it's Dems that want segregation? Regardless, what does welfare have to do with busing kids into different schools?

MMR says

Westfield is home of limousine liberals, mostly Jewish.

Hardly. It's the home of NYers that have moved to NJ to get a yard and raise a family. It's actually not that Jewish--maybe you're thinking of Livingston.

I'm just not sure what point you're making. Because one doesn't want to live in a poor neighborhood, it means they don't want to try to help poor people? Is that your point?

38   FortWayne   2015 Nov 3, 2:05pm  

tatupu70 says

That's what your brainwashing leaders want you to believe, but you need to open your eyes. Democrats want the rules to allow anyone the chance to succeed based on his/her abilities. They don't want success or failure determined at birth based on your parent's wealth.

Just like communists did, what you are saying isn't any different from communist manifesto. That didn't seem to work out very well for the Soviets and North Koreans. You can't redistribute your way to success. Democrats are just losers appealing to the loser mentality.

39   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 2:09pm  

FortWayne says

Just like communists did, what you are saying isn't any different from communist manifesto. That didn't seem to work out very well for the Soviets and North Koreans. You can't redistribute your way to success. Democrats are just losers appealing to the loser mentality.

What I'm saying is miles from what didn't work well for the Soviets and North Koreans. What I'm saying DID work very well HERE in the US from 1945 - 1980. The US redistributed its way to success for decades until Reagan came along.

The real redistribution started with Reagan. Money got redistributed from the middle class to the 1%. I just want to stop that.

40   lostand confused   2015 Nov 3, 2:17pm  

tatupu70 says

The real redistribution started with Reagan. Money got redistributed from the middle class to the 1%. I just want to stop that.

Huh-just because you heard it Indian Chief Warren rally/pow-wow, does not make it true.
The 1% pay close to half of taxes.

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