Trump lashes out at Muslim...

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2016 Jul 30, 8:13pm   21,020 views  124 comments

by FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

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32   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 1:00pm  

Ironman says

What was that you said about being honest and not misleading?

I am being honest. When there are 30% democrats and 26% republicans, you can state this as either 4 points more democrats or 15% more democrats. When you use one terminology in one case and the other terminology in the other case to make your point look better, you are just making yourself look like a dishonest participant. Or, more colorfully, when you do that you look like a dishonest douchebag. Did you do that on accident, because you don't understand math? If so, then I will apologize. If not, why did you use that trick?Ironman says

Yes, let's carry on and on for a week

It will be carried on for as long as Donald is stupid enough to talk about it. Hopefully, he will attempt to avenge his honor.

33   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 1:03pm  

Ironman says

Yes, let's carry on and on for a week with this minor issue

The RNC trotted out grieving relatives to attack Hillary. She kept her mouth shut, and it died down.

This would have dropped immediately after the Democratic National Convention, but Lil' Donny Birther always responds to attacks. He has kept it going as the Democrats have stayed out of the way: if your enemy is determined to destroy himself, don't get in his way.

34   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 1:13pm  

I look forward to seeing how 'Bloomberg' writes about Trump after Trump said he wanted to punch the little one in the face so hard his head spun around. Smart move, that. Can't wait until he is working 'for' all of us.


35   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 31, 1:27pm  

Ironman says

whiners just can't handle direct statements

9/11 happened because of the Failure, standard operating procedure, of Republicans.
Republican WMD LIE killed American servicemen.

Let me get Republican whiners a crying towel.

36   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 31, 1:29pm  

Fuck anyone that says Trump hasn't read The U.S. Constitution,
although it was 140 characters at a time.

37   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 1:49pm  

Ironman says

Which makes your statement a lie again.

I acknowledge that in my initial post, here: http://patrick.net/?p=1293902&c=1309843#comment-1309843

Why do you attempt to call me a liar, when I provided you with the links you are using and acknowledged that the lead has disappeared. In my example of 30% and 26% is using the numbers that you were using here: http://patrick.net/?p=1293902&c=1309849#comment-1309849

You know what you did. I pointed it out. You couldn't respond to it, so you changed the subject and called me a liar. That's why people don't want to talk to you. OK, go ahead and make up some more shit if you want. I'm done.

38   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 1:50pm  

Here's John Allen responding to Trump in general and directly referencing Kahn's family. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ret-gen-john-allen-donald-trump-credibility/story?id=41021091

39   mell   2016 Jul 31, 6:33pm  

HydroCabron says

Trump's campaign begins and ends with identity politics. When pressed for policy details, his response is "Just watch - I alone can fix this. Now let me tell you what these Muslims did to us."

Trump has a program on his website, it is the left who constantly chooses not to debate the policies but go for "racist", "misogynist", "fat birther". A losing strategy thus far. It's the wrong way if you want to beat him.

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 31, 6:38pm  

MMR says

Makes for good tv, something Hillary can't do in addition to being as much of a compulsive liar as trump

Father needs to ask himself about his son joining an illegal war, when it was clear at the time - and proven now that the 'missing pages' have been released - that Saudi Arabia, not Saddam Hussein, were the main drivers behind 9/11.

We should also ask why it's not a big deal that a major party candidate gets so much money from a country that is the #1 or #2 funder of Islamist Terrorism worldwide, Saudi Arabia.

Thousands of US Citizens did NOT die in a Night Wolves Terror Attack, but in a Saudi Islamist Terror Attack, on 9/11.

41   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 6:47pm  

mell says

Trump has a program on his website, it is the left who constantly chooses not to debate the policies but go for "racist", "misogynist", "fat birther".

He is fat.
He is a birther.
He is racist.
He is a misogynist.

To deny these facts is simple political correctness.

42   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 7:03pm  

“My advice to our nominee would be to start talking about the issues that the American people care about, and to start doing it now,” McConnell said. “In addition to that, it’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with, or various minority groups in the country, and get on message.”

McConnell's an asshole. Will trump have the balls to attack him? Sir tweets a lot has miles to go before he sleeps.

43   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 7:39pm  

mell says

Trump has a program on his website, it is the left who constantly chooses not to debate the policies but go for "racist", "misogynist", "fat birther".

Thanks for the clarification.

I was under the mistaken impression that Trump has called Rubio "Little Marco," that he routinely tweets "crooked Hillary" and has said "lock her up," and that he said Ted Cruz's wife was ugly, bragged Melania was prettier.

Thank you for the information that Trump is a deep policy thinker running a high-road campaign.

Here is a list of 250 people, places and things Trump has insulted on Twitter: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html

44   Strategist   2016 Jul 31, 7:42pm  

HydroCabron says

Ted Cruz's wife was ugly, bragged Melania was prettier.

LOL. He really said that? I told you he was honest.

45   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 7:53pm  

Ironman says

Oh, you forgot to say "Fat Birther".

That triggers you, doesn't it? You sure have a sad every time you see it.

Why don't you go to your safe space?

46   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 8:12pm  

mell says

A losing strategy thus far. It's the wrong way if you want to beat him.

I'm looking around patnet for some high-minded discussion of Hillary's policies. You know, something persuasive, not stooping to personal vilification.

But I'm finding mostly threads full of terms like "gunt." These threads were certainly started by the left, as the right is too high-minded for that sort of thing.

I'll keep poking around.

47   mell   2016 Jul 31, 8:49pm  

HydroCabron says

I was under the mistaken impression that Trump has called Rubio "Little Marco," that he routinely tweets "crooked Hillary" and has said "lock her up," and that he said Ted Cruz's wife was ugly, bragged Melania was prettier.

If you take most of these incidents it usually was the other side starting out with a personal attack. They never even bothered to debate his policies. He was the first one to successfully overcome Godwin's law. Gotta give him fat credit for that. For most politicians it's usually the end of the line once the racist mysoginist gendrist bullshit card is played. I think it's fine to debate along the lines of whether he is presidential enough or even not smart enough/stupid as long as arguments are made based on policies. But calling somebody misogynist who had many successful relationships and happy spouses/kids or calling somebody racist who fought for Jewish and black people to live/work at his properties back then when it was much harder to be a SJW is simply dumber than trumper.

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 31, 10:26pm  

Let's go back to 9/11. If we had a stricter Visa policy, and vetting actually meant something, 9/11 wouldn't have happened, then the kid wouldn't have had to die and would have been alive.

49   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 11:28pm  

HydroCabron says

That triggers you, doesn't it? You sure have a sad every time you see it.


50   deepcgi   2016 Aug 1, 12:25am  

A thin-skinned, two-faced, easily offended, treading-lightly, politically correct politician is the last thing this or any other first world nation needs right now.

Whether they are only using it as an excuse or not, radical Islamic (not Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or Zoroastrian) terrorists are at the center of this runaway, cowardly barbarism.

They have sexism, child abuse, scripture and most importantly oil money and rapid worldwide publicity already working in their favor. We do not need an enabler as commander in chief.

Waving the constitution at Trump is not where this man or this media should be focusing their anger.

Hypocritically, you would clearly disregard the gold star Bengazi mother in the same way. There is no point in denying that double standard. Unlike Hillary Clinton, Trump had no direct or indirect part in the death of the soldier. You are foolish if you think she has more respect for their religion. She simply lies and hides her true feelings.

Personally, I don't like Donald Trump. I think he games the system and has taken far too much advantage of the Federal Reserve system for his own engradizement, but he is thick-skinned and politically incorrect on an issue that is spreading like last stage cancer through the entire first world.

Today we need George Patton at the helm more than we need the quintessential double-speaking, above the law, elitist politician.

Radical Islam mixed with oil money and worldwide publicity IS the problem. They wear no uniform, have no honor, and chant in the name of a false god as they murder innocent civilians. The gold star father's anger would be better targeted at those radicals.

Why do I know the Arabic word for "infidel" and not an Arabic word for slime-ball, evil, murderous, backward, sexist, abusers of the Koran?

It is the first and greatest responsibility of decent Muslims everywhere to come up with that new insulting and derogatory term for these cowardly jerks. They need to stand-up and call it out to these radicals with the same fervor as he waved the constitution at Mr. Trump - even if it means taking up arms against their fellow Muslims in defense of righteousness - because the division reveals true evil. Let an internal Muslim revolution settle this in the name of Allah. It is impossible that a true God would sanction this behavior, let alone reward it.

51   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 1, 4:39am  

mell says

But calling somebody misogynist who had many successful relationships and happy spouses

"Many successful relationships?"

That's one way to spin "twice-divorced serial adulterer who'd like to bang his daughter."

I also enjoyed "Fox viewers give low marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!" and "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever."

The list of nasty remarks Trump has made about women is a target-rich environment.

52   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 1, 9:29am  

What is Trump's angle here? He was still tweeting about it this morning. Is he trying to win this debate, distract from the Crimea debacle, or distract from Hillary's four Pinocchio gaffe yesterday?

53   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 1, 11:04am  

YesYNot says

What is Trump's angle here?


He has spent his adult life surrounded by yes-men who say "Yeah, Boss!", "Great idea, Boss!" and "Whatever you say, Boss!"

He sees every personal interaction as a contest, in which one party wins and the other loses. He has no idea how to back down, or how to handle being despised without hitting back. As Willie Brown said, if you're going to be in politics, you have to handle having millions of people openly despise you.

This is not a calculated strategy. Trump can't control himself, because he's a malignant narcissist who's spent his life among lickspittles. Look how he treats Christie, Pence, Rubio: destroy, humiliate, enslave, fuck, kill. To remain silent in the face of the Khan's criticism is to become their bitch, in his mind. He's somewhere in 2nd grade.

It's why Trump shouldn't be given the nuclear codes.

54   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 1, 11:04am  

Hillary's voting record in the Senate got his son Killed.
This guy is spitting on his own son's grave.

55   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 1, 11:06am  

Tenpoundbass says

Hillary's voting record in the Senate got his son Killed.

Yes, Hillary supported that war.

Trump openly supported that war. You supported that war. It's probably that everyone you have ever voted for supported that war.

You put that boy in his grave.

56   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 1, 11:13am  

Tenpoundbass says

Hillary's voting record in the Senate got his son Killed.

Yup. And 400,000 Syrians. Destabilizing a regime where ISIS has a presence will do that. And many tens of thousands if not more, Libyans.

57   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 12:44pm  

tRUMP triples down. Smears parents as Sharia Jihadists. Are we supposed to believe that these Jihadists raised a son that would fight in the US military? How dumb do the smearists think we are?


58   MMR   2016 Aug 2, 12:55pm  

HEY YOU says

Fuck anyone that says Trump hasn't read The U.S. Constitution,

although it was 140 characters at a time.

Obama read the constitution, so what? Didn't stop him from bastardizing it.

Fuck anyone who says that Nancy Pelosi didn't read the affordable care act...we have to forgive them, they needed "pass it to see what was in it"...I guess that's constitutional as well.

Hillary Clinton voted for patriot act, I guess that's constitutional as well.

59   MMR   2016 Aug 2, 12:57pm  

YesYNot says

Smears parents as Sharia Jihadists.

That's the conundrum with moderate Muslims, they may/may not openly angle for sharia but most will happily acquiesce if someone else fights for it on their behalf and succeeds in gaining the opportunity to practice sharia law

60   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 12:58pm  

MMR says

Obama read the constitution, so what? Didn't stop him from bastardizing it.

I think that you are admitting that Trump hasn't read the constitution, but that is OK. Your reasoning is that Obama has read it, but you think he bastardized it in some way. Good stuff.

61   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 2, 1:02pm  

YesYNot says

Smears parents as Sharia Jihadists.

Well, he certainly faced down that baby at his rally.

If he wins a dissing battle with the family of a heroic dead US soldier, hell, that would be impressive. I hope he keeps this up, and spares nothing in this fight. We need to put the families of dead soldiers in their place, so America can be great again!

62   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 1:33pm  

HydroCabron says

We need to put the families of dead soldiers in their place, so America can be great again!

Funny enough, Colbert did a skit last night asking "Is there anyone Trump won't attack?" The next morning, he goes after a baby.


64   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 2, 5:54pm  

YesYNot says

Funny enough, Colbert did a skit last night asking "Is there anyone Trump won't attack?" The next morning, he goes after a baby.

Think about this.

One candidate has a proven voting record of supporting every war, Patriot Act passage and renewal, and as Sec of State presided over two horrible Civil Wars resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands. While ISIS was expanding in Syria, she was working with Google to track and encourage Assad Defectors to destabilize and weaken his regime's capacity to fight ISIS.

But Trump says mean things sometimes.

65   marcus   2016 Aug 2, 6:05pm  

That video doesn't play. When you post a youtube video, if you do an edit after that, you have to repost the youtube url because its broken in the process.

Here, found it:www.youtube.com/embed/UcSV2MkFENk

66   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 6:08pm  

marcus says

That video doesn't play.

Thanks. Fixed. The video is mediocre, but timing is funny.

67   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 2, 6:11pm  

thunderlips11 says

But Trump says mean things sometimes.

He also says inconsistent things. Literally i don't know if there is a position he hadn't been on both sides of, including Iraq and Syria conflicts. He lies constantly, and is totally unprepared and doesn't seem to care. Being mean doesn't cover it. Having no decency is more apt.

68   marcus   2016 Aug 2, 6:14pm  

Oh, I see I found a different one. Good though.

69   Strategist   2016 Aug 2, 6:17pm  

YesYNot says

thunderlips11 says

But Trump says mean things sometimes.

He also says inconsistent things. Literally i don't know if there is a position he hadn't been on both sides of, including Iraq and Syria conflicts. He lies constantly, and is totally unprepared and doesn't seem to care. Being mean doesn't cover it. Having no decency is more apt.

Trump's odds of winning just declined. I believe it was due to Khan.
I think the Dems intentionally had Khan speak at the convention, knowing Trump would foolishly attack him back. Brilliant strategy.

70   marcus   2016 Aug 2, 6:20pm  

It doesn't take strategy to get Trump to screw himself over.

Does anyone think that when he originally decided to run, that even he thought he could make it this far ? Arguably he doesn't want to President.

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