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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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83769   marcus   2017 May 16, 12:33pm  

CBOEtrader says

we can NOT definitively judge Trump's decision w hysterics.

I don't see hysterics. I see another data point.

People such as David Brooks reacting so strongly (with his piece about Trumps childishness) are showing a pent up disappointment. It's not just this, it's not just Comey firing and this. It's Not just the crazy tweets, the Comey firing and this. It accumulates and unfortunately will continue to accumulate. It's the trend that people are reacting to so strongly. Not one thing.

But it's true that his supporters aren't there yet. But more and more you're going to be hearing from all the conservatives that were reluctant supporters in the first place.

83770   bob2356   2017 May 16, 1:13pm  

CBOEtrader says

Knowing less than all relevant facts is enough to make a hysterical judgement to you? Got it.

Some of us like to think critically.

So where was all this critical thinking and waiting for relevant facts when Obama was president? It's different now some how?

83771   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 16, 1:23pm  

Is that what this is all about? I thought it was because Trump gave Russia 3 scoops of ice cream.

83772   Rew   2017 May 16, 1:28pm  

Fun things on Twitter right now ...

A German Paper:

This Tweet:
WaPo: The president shat himself.
White House: The president would never shit himself.

Every. Fucking. Day.

83773   Rew   2017 May 16, 1:31pm  

bob2356 says

So where was all this critical thinking and waiting for relevant facts when Obama was president? It's different now some how?

But but ...


(laughing my ass off)

When facts and truth are on your side, what more can you do but laugh your ass off.

(my best Anderson Cooper eye roll goes here)

83774   Rew   2017 May 16, 1:33pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Nothing secret here. TSA announced laptop restrictions on aviation from the MENA months ago.

So you have the full transcript of what was said and discussed? I'd like to read it. Post it here please.

83775   Patrick   2017 May 16, 1:34pm  

Rew says

So you have the full transcript of what was said and discussed? I'd like to read it. Post it here please.

So you have the full transcript of what was said and discussed? I'd like to read it. Post it here please.


83776   Shaman   2017 May 16, 1:43pm  

Hah! Troll methodology never changes!

83777   Rew   2017 May 16, 1:44pm  

rando says

So you have the full transcript of what was said and discussed? I'd like to read it. Post it here please.

It has been requested by Senate Intel Committee. :) We are waiting. (tapping feet). We are also waiting for the Comey tapes. (tap tap tap)
Say it with me Patrick: Tapes, Transcripts, and Taxes

Since Trump declassified what was talked about the transcripts can become public knowledge, right? We should just get those out in the open now. Nothing to hide. :)

Trump probably couldn't hold onto the Presidency with a single one of the "Ts" above, released.

83778   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 16, 1:47pm  

Driving public policy.

83779   Rew   2017 May 16, 1:48pm  

Straw Man says

By doing what? Driving Suburbans?

By preventing humanity from uniting against a systemic threat and taking action so we can survive.

83780   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 16, 1:49pm  

Rew says

Trump probably couldn't hold onto the Presidency with a single one of the "Ts" above, released.

I think that the personal taxes wouldn't be that informative. He would have to include the tax reports of all of the companies he holds majority share in.

His strange behavior is increasing interest in these things that people would otherwise let pass.rando says

So you have the full transcript of what was said and discussed?

People in his own administration are leaking things to the press. Why do you suppose this is if not for genuine concern. Conservatives are stating that this was a leak from a long time Trump supporter.

83781   lostand confused   2017 May 16, 1:52pm  

Phillipines-is it safe with that Duerte guy in power??

83782   Rew   2017 May 16, 1:52pm  

Being confirmed in news now, the additional information Trump shared was: city of origination of the ISIS threat and some details of our counter operations.

83783   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 16, 1:54pm  

Straw Man says

By doing what? Driving Suburbans?

If one person drives a Suburban 15K miles a year, it's not going to end the world. If everybody does it, it will make a dent. Same goes for frequent air travel.

It's kind of like voting. If one person votes for Trump, nothing happens. If millions do it, we have a circus.

83784   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 1:59pm  

CBOEtrader says

In dan's mind antifa, Youtube/Google/FB, SJW's, ISIS, top universities banning offensive course content, and every western liberal democracy with anti-hate speech laws are all conservatives.

Actually, no. And you don't get to decide what my position is. I do.

Also, there are no democracies in the world today. Really, do I have to explain that?

83785   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 2:02pm  

Wow, errc, you still have a stick up your ass about that joke? For someone with a Jim Carey avatar, you are ironically devoid of a sense of humor. You should ditch the fake outrage. No one thinks you are a better person for displaying false offense.

83786   anonymous   2017 May 16, 2:05pm  

Dan8267 says

Wow, errc, you still have a stick up your ass about that joke? For someone with a Jim Carey avatar, you are ironically devoid of a sense of humor. You should ditch the fake outrage. No one thinks you are a better person for displaying false offense.

How do you figure i still give half a shit?

83787   CBOEtrader   2017 May 16, 2:07pm  

DanTheCuck says

Liberals have never, ever burned books. Conservatives frequently do.

These are anti free speech groups today: antifa, Youtube/Google/FB, SJW's, ISIS, top universities banning offensive course content, and every western liberal democracy with anti-hate speech laws.

By your own words you define the anti free speech fanatics as conservatives.

83788   RWSGFY   2017 May 16, 2:26pm  

YesYNot says

If one person drives a Suburban 15K miles a year, it's not going to end the world. If everybody does it, it will make a dent. Same goes for frequent air travel.

I agree. Let's wait until everyone stops driving Suburbans to stop driving our. In meantime let's bitch and moan and post graphs.

83789   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 2:34pm  

bob2356 says

Article 1 section 8 of the constitution

...was made irrelevant after WWII.

83790   marcus   2017 May 16, 2:40pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Do these people have a vested interest in preventing a "Border Tax"?

Tinfoil hat time. I guess that's progress, in a way.

83791   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 2:42pm  

You posted a reference to a joke long forgotten. Your actions divulge your obsession.

83792   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 2:44pm  

CBOEtrader says

These are anti free speech groups today: antifa, Youtube/Google/FB, SJW's, ISIS, top universitie

YouTube, Google, and to some extent Facebook, do not give a damn about speech content, but care deeply about advertiser dollars and advertisers don't want their products or companies associated with negative imagery, controversy, or anything else that would cause people to be less likely to make an emotional and unwise purchase. They care about money, not the content of speech. Even Facebook, which you can make some case likes to steer public opinion on politics, will gladly give in its principles to chase dollars like Republicans caving in on national security and Russia's sphere of influence to get deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Antifa, ISIS, and most universities are conservatives. They may be different tribes from the conservative right, but they believe in the same core principles and tactics. Just different flavors of the same shit. None of those three things are even remotely liberal. Milo Yiannopoulos is far more liberal than any of them. At least he believes in the free and open debating of ideas. That's essentially what liberalism is about, liberty.

83793   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 2:47pm  

I think I understand Trump's strategy. When the inevitable trial against him starts, he can plead insanity because no sane person would admit on television to committing multiple crimes. I think with the right lawyer, he'll get off.

83794   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 16, 2:51pm  

The funny thing is this latest story was leaked by Trump insider(s) and has been corroborated by Trump himself but yet you have the cultists on here blaming the media. It truly is bizzaro world.

83795   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 16, 2:56pm  

marcus says

Tinfoil hat time. I guess that's progress, in a way.

Yes, because Jeff Bezos and Carlos Slim are dedicated to American Workers' prosperity.

83796   marcus   2017 May 16, 2:58pm  

joeyjojojunior says

It truly is bizzaro world.

Post truth weirdness.

We're definitely getting closer and closer to the real Orwellian deal (1984).

83797   anonymous   2017 May 16, 3:00pm  


So, its a good chance to buy the stock at 0.44 lower if you want to tack on

83798   HEY YOU   2017 May 16, 4:38pm  

AGW will kill all of you.
Be careful who you piss-off. Too late!
Mother Nature is coming for your ass.

This is ~10,000 words with many links.
Many will not see this much info on C.C. in one place.

"As nearly as I can distinguish, only the latter three feedback processes are reversible at a temporal scale relevant to our species. Once you pull the tab on the can of beer, there’s no keeping the carbon dioxide from bubbling up and out. These feedbacks are not additive, they are multiplicative: They not only reinforce within a feedback, the feedbacks also reinforce among themselves (as realized even by Business Insider on 3 October 2013). Now that we’ve entered the era of expensive oil, I can’t imagine we’ll voluntarily terminate the process of drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic (or anywhere else). Nor will we willingly forgo a few dollars by failing to take advantage of the long-sought Northwest Passage or make any attempt to slow economic growth."


83799   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 5:39pm  

More recent news. Netflix has pussied out and decided not to stream The Red Pill, obviously because they are worries about jackass SJW backlash. Quite frankly, anyone who is offended by this documentary is just plain evil. It's like being offended at Jews for Schindler's List.

The Red Pill: Netflix says no, Nimbin says yes

83800   FortWayne   2017 May 16, 5:43pm  

Left bans everything they don't like Dan, your team is out there Dan making freedom cry.

83801   CBOEtrader   2017 May 16, 5:51pm  

Rew says

But but ...






(laughing my ass off)

When facts and truth are on your side, what more can you do but laugh your ass off.

(my best Anderson Cooper eye roll goes here)

You literally have zero facts on your side. Show us facts for russia/trump collusion. Show us anything besides wild conjecture.

Seth Rich was actually murdered less than 2 weeks before the DNC leaks were published by wikileaks, hisfamily private detective ex- investigator is saying seth rich was emailing with wikileaks founder, DNC wont release their server to the FBI to check the only supposed evidence we have of russia hacking... These are all verifiable facts.

Compare that to your verifiable facts.

83802   CBOEtrader   2017 May 16, 5:57pm  

marcus says

joeyjojojunior says

It truly is bizzaro world.

Post truth weirdness.

We're definitely getting closer and closer to the real Orwellian deal (1984).

You believe a fantasy w zero factual support sold to you by talking heads, so yes we agree this is 1984.

83803   Dan8267   2017 May 16, 5:57pm  

Name one thing other than religion that I have proposed banning. Oh, and don't tell me you aren't for banning some religions like the Islamic ones.

Religion and liberty are mutually exclusive, and if I have to choose between freedom of religion, which we have never had, and free of speech, I'll choose the later. I would ban religion, not because I hate it, but because it infringes upon our rights and freedoms.

But go ahead, and try to name something I don't like that I've proposed banning. There are lots of things I don't like: cowboy hats, speedos, toupee, breast implants, rap and hip hop, every single sport ever created, murder porn news, police dramas, soap operas, every Justin Beaver song.

So, name the things I've proposed banning. Name the things Noam Chomsky proposed banning. Can't do that, can you? Every single argument you have ever made has been a straw man. That is why we can be certain your position is weak.

83804   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 16, 5:57pm  

Yep, folks, keep bringing up that server. It is THE place to start if you want evidence of Russian Hacking, the only potential physical evidence known and accessible. Why doesn't the DNC turn it over? Why, how could these endless rumors of Russian Hacking benefit them more than coming to a firm conclusion about it one way or the other?

WaPo: Comey cleared Flynn back in January

83805   CBOEtrader   2017 May 16, 5:59pm  

marcus says

I don't see hysterics. I see another data point.

There is no data. There are no facts. Seeing something that isnt there is the literal definition of delusional.

83806   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 16, 6:01pm  

Rew says






Except, those claims were derided in the media, and whenever the media covered that, the sneering and mockery of those opinions were overwhelming.

Now almsot the Entire Legacy Media is peddling "SECRET RUSSIAN!" "THERE WERE NO WIRETAPS!" "TONS OF RUSSIAN MONEY BUT NOT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE!" "COMEY FIRING A CONSPIRACY!" like the Free Republic or American Thinker did with those other stories.

That's the difference.

83807   CBOEtrader   2017 May 16, 6:02pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Yep, folks, keep bringing up that server. It is THE place to start if you want evidence of Russian Hacking, the only potential physical evidence known and accessible. Why doesn't the DNC turn it over? Why, how could these endless rumors of Russian Hacking benefit them more than coming to a firm conclusion about it one way or the other?

WaPo: Comey cleared Flynn back in January


Our independent investigators, aka the fbi, needs to start w the DNC server, seth rich, and anthony weiner. I'm sure once they are done with those investigations they'd be 100% sure about the russians.

Its a win-win for everyone.

83808   Ceffer   2017 May 16, 7:12pm  

Like the good ole days when they had to tell Reagan where to go all the time, point for him, and hope he would travel in a straight line.

However, Reagan was a Jolly Zheimer, and Trumpligula is a Blowhard Zheimer.

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