Dan and the other whinny ass cry babbies on this board Thunderdome

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2017 May 31, 6:59am   2,306 views  30 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

This is why you pathetic losers are failures at politics.

Dan has me on block I can't participate in his threads, because he's a little piss mouse.
Yet he has the audacity to go into my threads and mark them ad hominem.
How did you losers get so fucked up?
You fucking losers that don't get free speech and are afraid of what other people says, and blocks other user. Stay the fuck out of my threads. I'm not talking to you confused Liberal Faggots.

Dan8267 claims this comment is ad hominem:

Oh poor poor fucking me, my whole life is one big screw up, I'm such a miserable cocksucker my whole shitty existience is because Boomers Exist!

Booo Fuckinghooo You godamn pansy ass pathetic Losers!

- XGeneration that thought my homeroom class in 1st grade was a bunch of whinny ass crybabies. Boy was I right!
Get a life it's not to late assholes!
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1   anonymous   2017 May 31, 7:25am  

It is strange that anyone still uses the ignore feature now that Call it Crazy is gone. Dan comes off as insecure, so you just have to take that into account when dealing with him.

2   Shaman   2017 May 31, 7:34am  

Dan has blocked half the board of active members. His fragile ego can't take open discussion of his often outrageously ridiculous theories.

3   FortWayne   2017 May 31, 8:05am  

Welcome to the club.

Block feature just shows who are the sensitive types.

4   Y   2017 May 31, 8:05am  

Repeated anal poundings will neuter any sense of masculinity that possibly existed.
I was hoping that with Georgies closing, things would improve...

Quigley says

Dan has blocked half the board of active members. His fragile ego can't take open discussion of his often outrageously ridiculous theories.

5   HEY YOU   2017 May 31, 8:11am  

"Is this a private fight or can anyone join in?"

6   Automan Empire   2017 May 31, 10:49am  

How I make babby?

^^^^^ Question posted by people who have no business making a babby [sic]. Hilarious to find it in a rant thread title by a putative grownup.

7   Dan8267   2017 May 31, 11:01am  

The butthurt is great in this thread. Look at all the hypocritical crybabies who are whining about me banning them from my threads. Tough shit. Deal with it you special snowflakes. If you want to be let back into my threads, grow up and start having conversations like adults instead of six graders.

TPB, errc, Quigley, FortWayne, and BlueSardine should be ashamed of their posts which ironically demonstrate exactly why these trolls are banned from my threads. When you children get the emotional maturity to discuss issues with people who disagree with your opinions, then and only then will you be let back to the adult's table.

As this thread demonstrates, your freedom of speech to whine, and bitch, and troll has not been hindered in any way. But in productive conversations there are rules, and if you cannot follow those rules, as in real life, you will be kicked out of the conversation so that the conversation can continue. There is no real world example of letting any asshole do whatever he wants no matter how disruptive. If you start shouting chants like "racist go away" as SJWs do at talks, then you will be physically removed from the room by force. Don't believe me, try this shit in the real world.

The above trolls prove that the conservative left and the conservative right are identical in all important ways, differing only in a few arbitrary cultural preferences. Conservatives are immature, unable to hold an adult conversation, unable to appreciate humor, unable to be serious and address their opponent's actual points, and utterly incapable of any intellectual honesty. And when they don't get their way, they throw a tantrum like the one in this thread.


Oh, and yes "Booo Fuckinghooo You godamn pansy ass pathetic Losers!" is an ad hominem attack. You don't have to be a fucking genius to understand that. If you don't like the Thunderdome rule, then bitch to @Patrick. Personally, I think he improved the site slightly by it. I would, however, go further and get rid of Thunderdome threads as they are completely non-productive. They were an idea worth trying, but clearly they don't work.

8   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 31, 11:05am  

I can care less about blocking fine, then leave me alone.
Guys like that want a bullhorn and an unwilling audience gagged and tied to a whipping post.

If you chew through the gag and say fuck you, they are the most outraged at the audacity of your actions.

9   Tenpoundbass   2017 May 31, 11:08am  

Dan8267 says


Oh, and yes "Booo Fuckinghooo You godamn pansy ass pathetic Losers!" is an ad hominem attack. You don't have to be a fucking genius to understand that. If you don't like the Thunderdome rule, then bitch to @Patrick. Personally, I think he improved the site slightly by it. I would, however, go further and get rid of Thunderdome threads as they are completely non-productive. They were an idea worth trying, but clearly they don't work.

Yes I don't get everyone bitching about the Boomers, and spreading hate about them, while turning around and electing

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren.
They Idolize Noam Chomsky and Warren Buffet, and other Old as fuck billionaires while blaming the Old 1%'ers for life's problems,
All while hiding behind the few Boomers in America that has enough money to not have to chose between Cat food or Medicare part B payment for Dinner.

10   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 May 31, 3:09pm  

Dan8267 says

The butthurt is great in this thread. Look at all the hypocritical crybabies who are whining about me banning them from my threads. Tough shit. Deal with it you special snowflakes. If you want to be let back into my threads, grow up and start having conversations like adults instead of six graders.

Say what I approve, or face the BanHammer!!!

Also, isn't the one who blocks people the one creating a safe-space?

Finally, with all the shit TPB has probably been taking concerning Trump, I think a vent thread was probably long overdue.

11   Shaman   2017 May 31, 4:10pm  

Dan8267 says

way. But in productive conversations there are rules, and if you cannot follow those rules, as in real life, you will be kicked out of the conversation so that the conversation can continue. There is no real world example of letting any asshole do whatever he wants no matter how disruptive. If you start shouting chants like "racist go away" as SJWs do at talks, then you will be physically removed from the room by force. Don't believe me, try this shit in the real world.

Hah! I'm pretty sure I haven't ad hominemed you, and I don't repeat myself, but feel free to repost which of my posts gave you the tremendous butt hurt.
It'll let me know what I'm doing right!

12   Dan8267   2017 May 31, 4:16pm  

Quigley says

Hah! I'm pretty sure I haven't ad hominemed you, and I don't repeat myself, but feel free to repost which of my posts gave you the tremendous butt hurt.

Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that the post you just made is an ad hominem and trolling? Also, the only one with butthurt here is you. I don't give a shit what you think of me. I think at least as lowly of you. However, I have no reason to let into my threads someone who goes out of his way to troll.

Your post justifies my banning of you, dumb ass.


13   HEY YOU   2017 May 31, 4:25pm  

The most vicious attack is calling one a Democrat or Republican because it doesn't get any worse than that.

14   Ceffer   2017 May 31, 4:37pm  

Tenpoundbass says

This is why you pathetic losers are failures at politics. Etc. Etc.

I wish you would just say what is really on your mind. Patnet is not a place for subtlety.

15   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 2, 9:40am  

Dan8267 says

No, you ignorant slut. A safe space is a place where ideas you don't like cannot be mentioned.

Like your threads... Where you've banned everyone who disagrees with you and poses any real threat to you poorly reasoned ideas.

16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 2, 9:45am  

Dan8267 says

Again, I'll let you back in when you grow the fuck up.

Grow up like this...

Dan8267 says

No, you little sissy.

Dan8267 says

being a disruptive little bitch

Dan8267 says

No, you ignorant slut.

Dan8267 says

Are you really so stupid

Dan8267 says

I don't give a shit

17   Dan8267   2017 Jun 2, 11:45am  

Wow, the butthurt in you still hasn't subsided? You should see a doctor about that.

18   Dan8267   2017 Jun 2, 11:49am  

NuttBoxer says

Where you've banned everyone who disagrees with you and poses any real threat to you poorly reasoned ideas.

ROFLMAO That's the funnies thing I've heard in a long time. You actually think your "arguments" -- and I use that term so very loosely -- pose any kind of threat? How cute.

No, there are plenty of people who debate me at an adult level on my threads. You and the other butthurt trolls aren't among them, and your posts in this thread demonstrates why.

But hey, prove me wrong. Accept the standing challenge
to debate me.

I reissue my standing challenge to debate any person on any subject in a thread moderated by Patrick and judged by real world judges with debate experience. There is no subject and no idea that I am afraid to address or debate. None.

Or are you too much of a pussy?


19   RWSGFY   2017 Jun 2, 12:30pm  

Dan8267 says

There is no subject and no idea that I am afraid to address or debate. None.

Sounds like "jack of all trades, master of none".

20   Dan8267   2017 Jun 2, 12:59pm  

Straw Man says

Sounds like "jack of all trades, master of none".

One doesn't have to be a master of a subject to kick your ass in a debate.

21   RWSGFY   2017 Jun 2, 1:18pm  

Dan8267 says

Straw Man says

Sounds like "jack of all trades, master of none".

One doesn't have to be a master of a subject to kick your ass in a debate.

So how come you always have your ass kicked by me? Didn't you block me from commenting on your threads when your ass became too raw from my foot repeatedly connecting with it?

22   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Jun 2, 1:45pm  

fuck all coon niggers

23   Shaman   2017 Jun 2, 1:47pm  

Dan8267 says

Straw Man says

Sounds like "jack of all trades, master of none".

One doesn't have to be a master of a subject to kick your ass in a debate.

Dan sure likes that ad hominem button for when he's losing tho!

24   Dan8267   2017 Jun 2, 3:18pm  

Straw Man says

So how come you always have your ass kicked by me?

I don't. You're just delusional. All your mental masturbation is probably the cause.

Straw Man says

when your ass became too raw

Ah, and now your closeted fantasies come to light. No wonder your avatar is Putin. Sorry, but you'll have to stand in line behind Trump.

Quigley says

Dan sure likes that ad hominem button for when he's losing tho!

Name one post that I marked ad hominem that wasn't so. Oh, you can't because you're a lying sack of shit. And yes, this is ironically an ad hominem, but it's also a Thunderdome thread, bitch.

I don't know which is worse, the severe butthurt you loser have as evident by your obsessive posts about being banned or the batshit delusions you have that anyone with even half a brain would find any of your posts convincing, insightful, or well supported by evidence. Even Trump tweets carry more weight.

Then again, most of you numbnuts probably think Trump's tweets are genius.

25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 5, 11:03am  

Dan8267 says

pose any kind of threat? How cute.

Dan, your logic holds no water, and if you're any kind of decent programmer, you already know this. If my comments are really just cheap shots as you claim, why not simply use ad-hominem to remove them, while leaving the comments you "dominated" in your post to show how much better your ideas are?

No, ad-hominem isn't an option for you because it wouldn't stick. You have to purge myself and others completely because our non-personal attack remarks expose you for who you are, and the only recourse you have is to remove us from your safe space.

You have become what you despise, deal with it.

26   Dan8267   2017 Jun 5, 11:14am  

A week later and the butthurt is still strong? Go see a doctor. I don't give a shit what your opinions are. I have no respect for you. Deal with that you #whineyLittleBitch.

You will remained banned like the bitch you are because you lack even the most basic maturity to participate in an adult conversation. It's not a safe-space. It's an adult space.


27   Shaman   2017 Jun 5, 11:51am  

I don't care about your threads as I find most of your opinions to be so misguided they're not even wrong! You'd have to be slightly more on point to get to "inaccurate." As is, your arguments are as twisted as a syphilitic weasel. If anyone finds your rantings educational, they're probably as bugfuck nutty in the melon as you! Congratulations on discovering the ban button! It means I no longer have to pay attention to your drivel.

28   Dan8267   2017 Jun 5, 2:12pm  

Another person who's opinion neither I nor any other intelligent person gives a shit about. The ignorant on the Internet often call people wiser than they are fools and idiots. Your childish name calling means nothing. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

29   Shaman   2017 Jun 5, 2:36pm  

Dan8267 says

"Another person who's opinion neither I nor any other intelligent person gives a shit about."

Yawn. Very unimaginative retort, hackneyed and cliche. A lot of patnet posters might disagree, particularly evident in our respective amount of likes and dislikes

"The ignorant on the Internet often call people wiser than they are fools and idiots."

And? This is supposed to be news? Were you referring to yourself or someone else?

"Your childish name calling means nothing."

I Actually didn't engage in name calling! If you were actually as smart as you pretend to be, you'd have the reading comprehension to discover this for yourself!

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

What a tired cliche! And which metaphorical door would this be? The one where I can't post on Patnet anymore? Oh wait, that's not true. You've exercised (perhaps abused would be a more apt verb here) your limited power to restrict me from posting on your retarded threads. Wow, well that's a door I'll hardly miss, anymore than it would "hit" me.

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