Bouncing Dead Cats

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2006 Oct 23, 2:17am   13,674 views  126 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Dead Cat
Plateau, pause, recovery, "bear trap"? Maybe it's just a good, old fashioned, "dead cat bounce".

The technical reasons usually given for such false recoveries in equity markets have to do with things like short interest, "overbought/oversold" strength conditions, and speculative self-fulfilling prophecy. But everyone knows (except some desperate realtor who write newsletters in SFWoman's neighborhood), the housing market is not the stock market.

The question is, why do you think a "dead cat bounce" could/would/will/is happening in residential real estate?

--Randy H


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44   OO   2006 Oct 23, 10:32am  

I took a look of these "million-dollar-homes" in San Ramon, even after 10-15% reduction, they are still horrible deals compared to the squatter huts in west valley.

Sure there are lots of craps out here, but at least these are craps with 1/4 acre land - all the value is in the land anyway. These San Ramon houses have no yards! They are built on sub-5000sft land, grant it, they are new, but I have seen many new houses built in the last couple of years up close and personal, they are bound to fall apart in a decade or so. These cookie cutter houses won't last.

I would rather pay $1M for an 1/4-acre land in Monte Sereno than $1M for a McMansion in San Ramon. In fact, if you go south to Almaden, you can get a 1500 sft home in a liveable condition on an 1/4-acre land.

45   OO   2006 Oct 23, 10:35am  

I don't think the Fed dares to raise rate. It will keep talking, but no action will be taken, which is the only way to engineer a soft landing for the US currency and the US economy.

I expect a rate drop in early 2007. By 2008, I believe we will be back to the 2.x% zone for short term rate.

46   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 10:39am  

Claire Says:
I hear that the (Central) Bank of England is poised to raise rates in November, and there’s the possibility of another raise early next year - I’m thinking this will mean that the US will have to raise rates too? What does everyone else think?

they are intending to lift them in oz also, also in november and next year i believe.

i think the whole thing is ridiculous. they lower rates and gleefully watch a housing bubble form. after it's all over, and people are way over-committed, and the RE industry has constructed a sea of myths about how it always goes up etc, and 40% of new mortgages are for 'investment', they then announce they will raise interest rates again, and it will just have to be a bit 'painful' for those consumers/voters/citizens who paid too much. whose interests are they acting in anyway? altho i've said before it's a bit lame to have only 1 lever of monetary policy to do anything with. if the Reserve only has only 1 lever, it's necessary to use other regulators to control the after-effects, e.g. prudential lending regulators, state govts, etc etc. but that would require anticipation and thoughtfulness...

47   OO   2006 Oct 23, 10:45am  


I don't think Oz will raise rate after the Nov one either. ajh mentioned before that the current central banker was appointed by the finance minister who'd like to get elected as the PM after John Howard, I don't think he wants to rock the boat.

I think you guys will stay flat at 6.25%.

48   Claire   2006 Oct 23, 10:46am  

We shall all see...I think rates will rise.

49   HARM   2006 Oct 23, 10:47am  

imagine buying $100K or more stuff using a credit card and then turning around and selling it (as if it were hot) and then doing some matress stuffing.

Imagine... imagine...??? I don't need to "imagine" this at all. All I need to do is look out my front window at all the new SUVs, boats, lawn ornaments, pergraniteel and spouse, uh... "upgrades" I see in my neighborhood. Almost all of it paid for with Fed-GSE MEW bubble bucks.

it was very easy to do this, don’t you think there would be tens of thousands of people doing this?

There are. Closer to tens of MILLIONS actually. Which is one of the reasons why a Silver Lake tear-down is going for half a million. Each successive GF is paying for the SUV/pergraniteel/plasma/Euro-vacation excess of the previous GF.

Need I remind you, for every ten thousand people that do this, it is $1 trillion dollars lost. I don’t believe that credit card companies are THAT stupid.

Not that simple. These people by and large have been spending their monopoly money, which as we know has been driving the consumer economy for the last 5+ years. And the credit card companies have been successfully shifting all that deliquency risk onto other borrowers, via sky-high interest rates and fees (ever wonder why all the CCs were still charging 18%+ interest when the Fed dropped rates to 1%?). And if they ever do get into a really bad jam, they'll just ask the Fed (taxpayer) to bail them out, a-la LTCM.

Privatize profits, socialize risk. Hmmm.... where have I heard that before? :-)

50   OO   2006 Oct 23, 10:58am  

Well, what I am particularly concerned about is what will happen to those of us who choose to pay off our credit card in full every month?

When massive CC defaults happen, CC companies need to recoup their loss somewhere. As far as I know, my CC company makes no dime from me for as long as I've stayed with them, and the only fee they could collect was merchant fees, but I get the float for 28 days. Not only that, I am getting 1% back for all my purchases.

So, I know I am a money-losing customer for my CC companies. When they get into deep doo doo, will they just slap a hefty annual fee to pay for my own cost? That's won't be nice. :-(

51   skibum   2006 Oct 23, 10:59am  


Good point. Flat, rather than dropping inventories at this time of year doesn't bode well for the Spring selling season, either.

52   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 11:19am  

so what about Barack Obama? is he the bush-killing, hillary-killing, kerry-killing, gore-killing arriviste he is made out to be? he actually appears honest... President Barack Obama -- not very establishment, is it?

53   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 11:23am  

OT... and not highly relevant to housing, just retirement for boomers... 'super' = 401(k) or whatever...

A super shock for boomers

THE baby boomer retirement shock was not supposed to be this bad. Half of all women in the boomer generation - those aged 45 to 60 - have just $8000 or less saved in superannuation.

If they were relying on men for a comfortable retirement, many will be disappointed: the average male baby boomer has a relatively modest $87,000 in super. Half have less than $30,700.

Research by Simon Kelly from the University of Canberra's National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling confirms what generations X and Y have suspected for years: the boomers will not have enough to live in the manner they are accustomed to.

"The baby boomers have terrific expectations for their retirement but very little savings apart from their houses," he said. "Most of them are going to have a fairly modest retirement."

54   StuckInBA   2006 Oct 23, 11:28am  


CC companies will love us. 28 day float is better than loosing the money altogether for them. Thy also make Tx fee. So they won'tsump us.

55   Claire   2006 Oct 23, 11:30am  

OO - I heard that fees are in the pipeline for people that don't use CC's - I think I read it in TIME magazine or maybe Consumer Reports, I guess I'll be cutting back on the number I have if they start charging or switch to one that doesn't!

56   StuckInBA   2006 Oct 23, 11:36am  

justme and skibum,

Exactly. I was thinking the same. Inventory not disappearing is the BIG news. Compare things YOY and not MOM. That "days of inventory" indicator is increasing and increasing and increasing.

Common folks. Nothing gos down in a straight line like an arrow. There are lots of folks who very seriously believe, that it will only go down 5-10% before shooting up. We need these people to buy and move on to the next milestone.

Every RE agent now says the same think like a parrot. The real story is, 6 months ago, they were saying it only goes up, 3 months ago they said it's a flat market and now this new tune of only 5-10% down. We have a real short term memory.

Frankly, I have no interest in tracking the market till next spring. Remember, this spring was the peak of medain in BA. No matter what, next spring will bring the first YOY -ve in a string selling season. Let's talk about psychology then.

57   OO   2006 Oct 23, 11:44am  


don't worry, that is a 20-year plan. In the next 5 years, they have no choice but to hold the bags.

Right now China is seeing a shrinking, not a growing middle class due to the same reason we encounter - a gigantic asset bubble. Worse than us, Chinese govt shirked major responsbilities on education and medicare. The govt used to pick up the bill for education and medicare for the urban population, this is no longer the case. So their middle class is squeezed even more than ours.

I am not saying that we shouldn't worry about overspending and overborrowing, but it is not an urgent matter as of now. I'd say our recession will hit before they build up a big enough base for middle class - which means they have more to worry than us at this point.

58   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 11:51am  

Randy and Allah,

Hehe, that hyper rational economist didn't bother to learn anything about non-monetary utility or psychology.

I guess he would never be able to think himself out of a "keeping up with the Joneses" situation.

I think people are much more rational, not less, than the hypothesis used by economists who study them. While economists only look at monetized value, real people also mentally account for other forms of value.


You don't sound like a troll. If you were speaking as a troll, then you must be of a much superior breed of trolls, so much so as to lack intrinsic trollishness.

Your hypothesis is an interesting one, though it's difficult to collect datapoints ahead of time. (Is there a zip code separated data on cash-out mortgage refinancing or HELOC?) However, it will be an interesting thing to observe in real time in the next 5 years or so.


The null hypothesis correlating technology know-how (sufficient for IPO money) and sane financial management is a bit shaky. My dad is a physics Ph.D, but he still has trouble understanding the utility of diversification and efficiency frontier (something I, whose math skills dropped off after basic linear algebra, was able to grasp).


Sadly, besides bankruptcy (which might be a lot more of a dark mark after all the fallout from this round of loose credit), there is no other penalty for merely being a reckless spendthrift. However, the credit card companies now have an extra incentive be very rough to those within their mercy, ie those with above median income - if only to discourage more bankruptcies. I predict future chapter 13 BKs will be painful, even if there is little recovery of actual money by the lender.

59   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 11:51am  

I don’t think Oz will raise rate after the Nov one either. ajh mentioned before that the current central banker was appointed by the finance minister who’d like to get elected as the PM after John Howard, I don’t think he wants to rock the boat.

it's hard to know. the reserve is meant to be independent of the govt, and has made a number of recent rate rises, as in the US. the election cycle is definitely a factor tho, and the govt campaigned on no interest rate rises 3 years ago, heh, then the reserve promptly raised rates anyhow. there's a lot of game-playing and spin that goes on, as political parties know that the electorate simply can't put 2 and 2 together to connect the different facets of the economy, and don't know who's responsible for what...

altho the treasurer makes the appointment, it doesn't imply that the reserve bank head is politically beholden to the guy, altho macfarlane trod very carefully and didn't want to be a 'third force' in political wrangling by actually informing the public about what's really going on...

Reserve's new chief warns rate rise likely

THE top priority of the new Reserve Bank governor, Glenn Stevens, is to ensure the recent rise in inflation is stopped - and it's likely higher interest rates will be needed to achieve this.

In his first speech since taking over, Mr Stevens told a business dinner last night that "some months ago we were saying it is still more likely that rates will rise than they will fall … that is still the case".

He emphasised the risks to the economy if rising inflation was not kept in check.

60   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 11:54am  

1 lever...

61   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 11:58am  

"Right now China is seeing a shrinking, not a growing middle class due to the same reason we encounter - a gigantic asset bubble. Worse than us, Chinese govt shirked major responsbilities on education and medicare. The govt used to pick up the bill for education and medicare for the urban population, this is no longer the case. So their middle class is squeezed even more than ours."

Yeah, pretty much. The reality for anyone who didn't buy in (or have parents who bought in) before 2002 is that they'll spend the next 30 years paying off an 800 sq ft flat. - that means over 50% of total of a two income family in the top 20 percent. Right now, much of the spending seems to be fueled by people who did buy into RE before 2002 and also the civil servants who got a major jump in compensation in the last 5 years (something like 150-250%).

62   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 12:02pm  

Did you guys really think the CC gravy train would last forever?

I would pity the CC companies and issuing banks, since they've got tons of retrenching after giving CC to anyone with a pulse...but they were the ones giving CC to anyone with a pulse.

63   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 12:07pm  

BTW, kudos to Randy H or HARM for posting such an adorable picture.

64   Paul189   2006 Oct 23, 12:13pm  


A slight tangent but it may signal that AMEX senses some borrowers in the UK even with perfect credit are in over their heads!

65   Paul189   2006 Oct 23, 12:20pm  

Apartment supply in my area just went down by 2 units - the building is on fire three doors down across the street.

66   OO   2006 Oct 23, 12:24pm  

astrid, thanks for the comment.

DS, re: the article on super and retirement assumptions, it is again the same type of entitlement echoed in the American counterparts that pisses me off. $45K per person for a comfortable retirement life? What the heck!

My parents live in QLD, with 1 home and 1 car entirely paid off, and spend less than $35K as a couple on everything else, ranging from private medicare to international travel. They can't fathom their life being more comfortable.

Senior cards in different states typically offer a variety of govt subsidies for 65+, ranging from serious tax breaks, free denture to 50% car registratoin or public transportation, and then there's the commonwealth subsidy on phones, gas, electricity, etc. Unless a retired couple demand to eat out every day, go on a 3-month cruise vacation every year, there is really no reason why each one needs $45K to support his/her lifestyle.

A recent Barron's article displays the same exact attitude, talking about some "mere" millionaires finding it hard to retire on an after-tax-$100K lifestyle. I mean, why on earth do you need $100K a year when you have had your house and car paid for? My wife and I will have a hard time parting with $50K a year if we are empty-nesters.

67   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 12:47pm  


Yeah, the housing cost and family wealth issues come up a lot amongst my parents' friends' children. As only children, these kids can look forward to inheriting practically every cent their parents have. There's a huge spread in likely lifetime wealth of a child of two Shanghai civil servants (with networth over 1M RMB and often 2M+ RMB) and the likely wealth of a child of two peasants (or even a child of two urban factory workers). The gap btwn the two is greater than the average lifetime earning capacity of the child.

The one child policy produces some interesting outcomes similar to English primogeniture. I wonder about the average tradeoff between square footage of parental residence of one party and the inches in height of the other party (Shanghai girls seem all very biased for tall boys).

68   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 12:58pm  


I'm not surprised at all. Shanghai girls think very highly of themselves - they tend to look down on expat Chinese, esp. those from Malaysia or Taiwan. They prefer Shanghai boys, or failing that, either southern boys who went to college in Shanghai or boys from the Yangtze delta region. The big boom in Shanghai real estate has really upped the networth of many Shanghai boys, so there's even more incentive to look locally.

In Shanghai, the MINI Cooper is known as the "mistress car", to the extent that a decent woman won't drive a MINI for fear of being confused as a kept woman.

69   astrid   2006 Oct 23, 1:09pm  

I'd say the Shanghai girls' highest preference would still be FOB Chinese tech geeks (preferably ones employed by Google or Microsoft). They do respect technical competence and an American visa, but they prefer a pliable husband who could be molded to suit their whims and who doesn't have foreign habits.

70   Randy H   2006 Oct 23, 1:17pm  

We shall all see…I think rates will rise.

I'll take the other side of that bet with everyone here. Rates won't rise for quite a while to come. And the reason will have _absolutely nothing_ to do with the dollar vis-a-vis FX. It will purely be domestic inflation, with perhaps a minor factor of import costs, none of which being from any Anglo-economy country.

- The US has not had a dollar rate policy in over 20 years.
- When the US did have a strong dollar policy in the 80s it was a disaster, causing huge damage to US manufacturers.
- A weaker dollar helps exports.
- A weaker dollar helps domestic producers.
- A weaker dollar helps US debt repayments.

Australia, Canada, UK, South Africa, New Zealand are all carry-trades, meaning that any rate moves they make have only a fractional effect on the USD real-rate versus nominal-rate (which for anyone who knows the equation is an expression of inflation).

71   Randy H   2006 Oct 23, 1:25pm  


China may ultimately pull off their grand strategy. There's a lot between here and there yet to come though. The biggest hitch in their plan is the pressurized inflation they've managed to keep jamming into the closet. They use very draconian capital controls and "sterilization" techniques to prevent hot money, arbitrage, and ultimately inflation from naturally working through the system. If someone can give me an example of any major economy that's managed to transition to equilibrium through centrally planned, controlled, non-free markets I'd love to hear where I missed that chapter in econ history. Rather I think that the longer China dodges the realities of free trade the more they jeopardize their great plan.

The economist had a piece over a year ago about how if China were to float the RMB -- which cannot be done practically without also opening up capital flows -- they'd suffer inflation requiring upwards of 30-35% rates to control. The ensuing credit crunch alone would disrupt their plans, but the real threat would be instant loss of absolute labor advantage they enjoy now. Many of their low-end products (which is mostly what we import) would barely hold adjusted value above the cost of shipping.

72   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 1:36pm  

$45K per person for a comfortable retirement life? What the heck! My parents live in QLD, with 1 home and 1 car entirely paid off, and spend less than $35K as a couple on everything else, ranging from private medicare to international travel. They can’t fathom their life being more comfortable.

yes, that part's quite true. the super funds seem to want to scare people into investing more with these sorts of stories, or something. once you've got a house paid off, your cost of living goes down dramatically. but, we now know how market forces right now are trying to prevent people from ever owning, and to try to concentrate ownership into the hands of boomer landlords... that means there will be a generation of lifelong renters coming up soon, who were never allowed to get equity in a place...

73   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 1:46pm  

If someone can give me an example of any major economy that’s managed to transition to equilibrium through centrally planned, controlled, non-free markets I’d love to hear where I missed that chapter in econ history. Rather I think that the longer China dodges the realities of free trade the more they jeopardize their great plan.

well, we haven't had very much history to test that -- we are only talking about perhaps a century of this kind of thinking about economies, the rise of modern capitalism and significant international flows of capital, and so on. further, is china really a centrally planned, controlled economy these days when you look at doctrinaire beijing isolated in the north and the commercial centres of shanghai, macau, hong kong etc operating in the south? decision making and deal making about how introduce offshored factories into china has been devolved a whole lot lower than that. besides, they still have a billion low-paid labourers to draw from, and that is the essence of the labour arbitrage that has driven the success of china in this period of industrialisation and re-commercialisation. i don't think they're necessarily forcibly holding down inflation, localised wage inflation is simply an artifact of prosperity and improving conditions, but there is still a huge, almost inexhaustible, pool of cheap labour to draw from for a long time to come. we are certainly witnessing a number of social changes which parallel the advent of industrialism in the western world tho -- improving conditions, higher salaries, greater individuation and rising expectations, etc, at least for some...

74   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 1:47pm  

If someone can give me an example of any major economy that’s managed to transition to equilibrium through centrally planned, controlled, non-free markets I’d love to hear where I missed that chapter in econ history. Rather I think that the longer China dodges the realities of free trade the more they jeopardize their great plan.

well, we haven't had very much history to test that -- we are only talking about perhaps a century of this kind of thinking about economies, the rise of modern capitalism and significant international flows of capital, and so on. further, is china really a centrally planned, controlled economy these days when you look at doctrinaire beijing isolated in the north and the commercial centres of shanghai, macau, hong kong etc operating in the south? decision making and deal making about how introduce offshored factories into china has been devolved a whole lot lower than that. besides, they still have a billion low-paid labourers to draw from, and that is the essence of the labour arbitrage that has driven the success of china in this period of industrialisation and re-commercia1isation. i don't think they're necessarily forcibly holding down inflation, localised wage inflation is simply an artifact of prosperity and improving conditions, but there is still a huge, almost inexhaustible, pool of cheap labour to draw from for a long time to come. we are certainly witnessing a number of social changes which parallel the advent of industrialism in the western world tho -- improving conditions, higher salaries, greater individuation and rising expectations, etc, at least for some...

75   Different Sean   2006 Oct 23, 1:52pm  

different countries will raise and lower interest rates depending on their own domestic situation. while there are contemporaneous parallels between countries through carry trade, there are also differences, depending on who your trading partners are and what your chief commodities are. australia's 'old economy' has actually shielded it from some of the vagaries of dotcom booms/busts and asian speculation crashes etc. interest rates will be adjusted up if inflation looks to be a problem for a particular economy...

76   StuckInBA   2006 Oct 23, 2:08pm  

I am also in the camp of no rate increases, and if anything rate cuts in the middle of 2007 if not earlier. Economics be damned, political pressure before 2008 elections will win hands down.

So IMO it's wise to have "some" money in Gold, ForEx and international stocks.


77   StuckInBA   2006 Oct 23, 2:19pm  

@eburbed and SFGuy,

We have beaten to death the issue of GOOG holding up the BA market. My take is a bit different now.

Psychology of BA residents is tied to the stock market far more than most parts of the country. Employees routinely invest in ESPP, have varying degrees of stock options, invest in 401K and are tuned to IPO, buy-out news. The good news in stock market lifts the spirit. This is undeniable.

So even if lot of people don't make millions, they generally feel upbeat about economy and their financial future. Add to that the feeling - as long as BA produces rich folks, house prices will keep going up. Buy now or be priced out forever.

Psychology is way more important than fundamentals. If stock market indeed keeps going up, the day of reckoning will take a looooong time in BA. So long, that waiting for that day is fruitless if you can extract utility out of the home, depending upon your unique personal situation. I don't think that's likely to happen, stocks seem overbought to me, but it is not that crazy a scenario either.

78   StuckInBA   2006 Oct 23, 2:21pm  

If you want to feel better, see the drop after a week of gain in asking prices. Updated today.


79   skibum   2006 Oct 23, 2:21pm  

I'm all for leaving ConfusedRenter on this board if all he does is post his lame arguments and Realtor-spin. I'm all for beating on the pinata. However, if he keeps posting the same Marina/Pac Heights "I'm so surprised this place went over asking price" crap, I say let's give him the boot.

I say, let's put him on probation. One more realtor ad with some MLS link that he keeps re-posting, and outta here. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

80   StuckInBA   2006 Oct 23, 2:35pm  

Sorry to beat the dead horse ....

I just read on Views from Silicon Valley that Y-o-y volume was negative for the 22nd straight months (since December, 2004) and 25th out of the last 26 months.

More than 2 years of slowing sales and inventory build-up hasn't translated into substantial price declines yet. I think I now understand what Randy meant about stickiness. Maybe, but I am a slow person.

Unless the belief about BA's invincibility is shaken, there won't be big declines. That process has just started. We will see what happens in spring.

81   Randy H   2006 Oct 23, 2:46pm  


Be warned.

We've seen this same listing multiple times now. You could at least pick another outlier and try to hide your identity: MP, FR. Next time I see this thing you go into auto-moderation where most your posts will drown with the Jukubot spam.

Did you happen to see the MBA related discussions last thread? We talked a lot about investment bank Junior Associates who don't make the cut. Perhaps if you'd studied harder on the GMAT you could have kept playing with the big boys instead of peddling overpriced condos to new batch of recruits.

I'm just curious, what was your last bonus before you got bumped? You do know that your idol, that other sub-famous IB guy turned real estate "investor", moved to NYC and *rents* there, no? His genius was selling a book claiming that anyone could make more than an IB by getting a RE 'license'. You shoulda gone for your Series 7 .. oh, that's right, sorry. You've got to be bright enough to pass the test.

82   SP   2006 Oct 23, 3:35pm  

Bloomberg just reported that CDS prices have gone up, indicating that the increased risk of default is (finally?) making itself felt in the secondary MBS market. To my untrained eye, this looks like something that will inevitably cause mortgage interest rates to rise, no matter what Heli-Ben decides to do with the fed rate.

Not really my area, but perhaps DinOR or Randy can comment more authoritatively?


83   SP   2006 Oct 23, 3:51pm  

OO Says:
don’t worry, that is a 20-year plan. In the next 5 years, they have no choice but to hold the bags.

Also, I have read (don't have the link anymore) that due to easy lending, there is overinvestment in some industries to the extent of 6X the worldwide demand. The over-capacity (and related bad-loans) will also lead to a slippery situation for them.


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