Majority of College Educated Dems are Hormone/Genital Denialists

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2017 Nov 14, 9:42am   7,282 views  45 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

#Politics #Gender #AntiSexualReproductionTheory

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1   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 14, 10:06am  

This question is so vague that it practically screams to get a response this way. If you take it literally, it is quite meaningless. Genetically, most people are XY or XX. In reality, there are also XXX, XXY, and XYY people born. These people do not fit a neat definition of male or female. There are also people with not normal genetalia, and that seems to go on a scale. Once you move beyond those issues, you will find that even if you take a group of people with fairly normal genetic and genetal makeup, you will still find hormone levels are all over the place rather than being binary. A cursory look at female athletes, dudes with manboobs, and women with facial hair will demonstrate that.

Personally, I don't understand the desire to switch genders, and don't think that it's something that people ought to 'choose' as if there were no biological category. But I'm happy to go along with what they want if they and their shrinks seem to think that is what is best for them.
What I don't understand is the right's infatuation with the topic. From my perspective, it sure seems like the religious leaders are using it to show how godless, inferior, and lacking of morals the non-religious and liberal crowd is. That solidifies their (church leaders) position as the one true light that the sheep should follow.

The Russian trolls probably love this issue as much as the BLM issue, because it further divides the electorate. You think our leaders want to divide and conquer, what do you think other nation states want? Do they want a happy unified country that supports their government, or a country full of hatred and squabbling?
2   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 14, 10:11am  

Bones don't lie, it's a shame they quit teaching Biology in School.
3   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 10:12am  

Why do some people view trans issues as so important?

Is it a desire to be pegged by a tranny, or to blow one?

As a Freedom loving American, this is so far down the list of important issues that it doesn’t even register.

It seems to be near top the list of many SJWs
4   WookieMan   2017 Nov 14, 11:11am  

YesYNot says
What I don't understand is the right's infatuation with the topic. From my perspective, it sure seems like the religious leaders are using it to show how godless, inferior, and lacking of morals the non-religious and liberal crowd is. That solidifies their (church leaders) position as the one true light that the sheep should follow.

I'm not sure I would categorize this as a religious or non-religious topic. People (not you) that deny genders exist as a basic M or F fact, in 99% of the population, are complete and utter morons. I don't disagree religious leaders may use it as propaganda, but who the hell wouldn't? It's easier then taking candy from a baby.

There are anomalies in all data sets. The people with deformities or strange genitalia mutations are just that, anomalies. While they should be treated as equals and not hurt because of their differences, they by no means should get to dictate that there are more than 2 genders. That's just not logical.
5   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 14, 11:16am  

YesYNot says
you will still find hormone levels are all over the place rather than being binary

Yeah that's all very well, there 2 clear clusters.
6   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 14, 11:56am  

I agree that there are 2 clear clusters, and that some vast majority are clearly men or women / boys or girls. That all seems rather obvious. I just don't think that's enough information to specify an answer to the polling question.
7   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 14, 12:13pm  

errc says
Why do some people view trans issues as so important?

I don't know. Some people think that it's a major human rights violation not to have transgender safe bathrooms, or to change the law allowing self-appointed members of one gender into the bathrooms of another.

The real problem is the US has so much equality under the law, that those who seek to display MORAL RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! must continually press at the extreme margins to find something to bitch about. They also want pre-pubescent children to have the right to take hormones and get complicated, invasive elective surgeries (ironically while many of them are opposing circumcision, tattoos, and piercings which are far less invasive, safer, reversible/removable, and the former even has major health benefits).

This is going to cause so much pain and heartache, it's going to be unbelievable. Many Cluster B parents are going to engage in Transtrender Virtual Signalling for Peer Group Accolades and pressure their kids to get sex changes.

Also, many same people who act like it's a New Holocaust not to re-write the laws for self-appointed bathroom access by 0.1-0.35% of the population, sneer at millions of underemployed rustbelters wishing them death by narcotics.

Oh well, a segment of the snotty Petit Bourgeois have been virtue signalling this since they found "Breast Meat" luche and salacious, preferring "White Meat" instead.
8   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 12:21pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
errc says
Why do some people view trans issues as so important?

I don't know. Some people think that it's a major human rights violation not to have transgender safe bathrooms, or to change the law allowing self-appointed members of one gender into the bathrooms of another.

The real problem is the US has so much equality under the law, that those who seek to display MORAL RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! must continually press at the extreme margins to find something to bitch about.

I thought equality under the law was a right guaranteed by the Constitution?

But I agree that Christian SJWs thrusting their moral righteousness into our government and onto our People, is the gravest of tragedies
9   missing   2017 Nov 14, 12:21pm  

Aren't the words "man" and "woman" defined in the dictionary?

if there is a need for additional terms (words) then the dictionary should be expanded, rather than fight to redefine existing terms.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 14, 12:23pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah that's all very well, there 2 clear clusters.

Yes, it's called Sexual Reproduction, a biological fact.

However, it's at odds with Blank Slate Theories of "Everything is Social Conditioning", so the idea that the vast, vast majority are "heteronormative" and this that Nature/Biology both desires and normalizes this is a major threat to their Belief System.

Ergo, Hormone/Genital Denialism. Must save the Blank Slate Theory, so humans can be perfected into New Soviet Man Reborn in the Blood of Christ Social Justice Utopianism.

Denial of Human Primates being encapsulated in the pressures of Sexual Selection/Sexual Reproduction, with the occasional outlier from CIS-GENDER NORMALITY, is to Blank Slaters what Young Earth Creationism is to "God did it" types (or what Psychology/Neuroscience is to the concept of "Evil" and the "Ghost in the Machine".)

Same reason lesbian feminists loathe EvoPsych.
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 14, 12:30pm  

errc says
But I agree that Christian SJWs thrusting their moral righteousness into our government and onto our People, is the gravest of tragedies

Extreme Christians were the threat 20, 30 years ago.

They never had the reach into Academia, and increasingly, Corporate HR and Employee Policies, like Social Justice Warriors do.

Extreme Christianity is a rapidly fading power; SJWism is not.

Toxic Masculinity and Whiteness is the D&D and Heavy Metal Music of today.



Diversity Advocates are the Satanic Cult Investigators of 2017.

A Moral Panic.
12   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 12:36pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
errc says
But I agree that Christian SJWs thrusting their moral righteousness into our government and onto our People, is the gravest of tragedies

Extreme Christians were the threat 20, 30 years ago.

They never had the reach into Academia, and increasingly, Corporate HR and Employee Policies, like Social Justice Warriors do.

Extreme Christianity is a rapidly fading power; SJWism is not.

Ah, but they did have immense influence in government and politics. If your claim is true that the OG SJWs are a fading power, can you link to any of their UnAmerican laws have been repealed?
13   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 14, 12:41pm  

YesYNot says
I agree that there are 2 clear clusters, and that some vast majority are clearly men or women / boys or girls. That all seems rather obvious. I just don't think that's enough information to specify an answer to the polling question.

That's how many people interpret the question. I agree not a very good question.
Then there are people (on both sides) who answer it based on how they think society should be organized.

My take is: in order to think clearly, you need to use concepts and language that match the clear clusters.

Respect the outliers. Respect individuals. But don't twist the entire society and concept/language so that they don't feel outliers.
14   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 14, 12:54pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

My take is: in order to think clearly,

I think that you need to use carefully crafted questions, or accept that you are not measuring anything useful. When asked questions like that, I generally refuse to answer, which just irritates the person running the survey. 2 scoops is trying to read too much into it.

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Many Cluster B parents are going to engage in Transtrender Virtual Signalling for Peer Group Accolades and pressure their kids to get sex changes.
If this ever becomes a thing, I would agree it would be a problem. IDK what cluster B parents are, but this seems like a big made up issue designed to get people on your team all worked up. Many parents might be pressured (by their friends or the kids counselor) into 'supporting' their kid in some situations, but I seriously doubt that parents are convincing their kids to go down this road.
15   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 14, 1:24pm  

YesYNot says
2 scoops is trying to read too much into it.

He is reading political narratives.
This entire question of trans people is brought up by the left as the next fight after gay marriages.
An other distraction, dividing the vulgum pecus, while laws are being bought.

But really a deeply confused and silly fight.
When you see laws like in Canada where wrong pronoun usage is criminalized, you have to say these people are lost.
We have pronouns defined in an emergent and useful way. We don't need to fight that top-down.
16   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 14, 1:27pm  

That, and identity politics.
Symptoms of a political left sinking into the swamp.
17   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 1:28pm  

Why not strike a deal and keep it simple. People born with male reproductive parts use the men’s room, and people born with female reproductive parts use the ladies room?
18   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 14, 1:38pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
That, and identity politics.
Symptoms of a political left sinking into the swamp.
Left and right are both guilty of identity politics. I started a thread on that topic. The bathroom issue is just one example of that. I've expressed in comment 1 why the religious leaders on the right love to turn this into a culture war.
As for the left continuing to fight for the rights of minorities, they have a pretty good track record over the last 40 yrs. Today's right has conceded most of the fights and is farther to the left than even the Clintons were a quarter of a century ago. The left will probably go to far before they stop, but they have a better history than the right with regard to civil liberties. Those on the right have a 40 yr history of being wrong. It would be more than 40 yrs, but the definition of who is the right and who is the left is too vague to go back further than that.
19   Ceffer   2017 Nov 14, 2:08pm  

Anybody who doesn't believe in creative gender identity needs a good face flogging with a transgender pecker.
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 14, 4:05pm  

What state run insitution demanded all non-Christians leave Campus? And complained they were being oppressed when a Professor stood up to them? And attacked that professor on campus, with the blessing of his PhD peers?

What Fortune 500 Corporation endorses Christian values in their employment policy and fires those who dare suggest otherwise, in a memo?

How many public universities have extreme Christian groups, backed by a multitude of professors, demanding reparations from non-Christians, particularly Pagans, due to Arena Martyrdom and other historical injustices?

What Public Broadcasting Arm regularly promotes Christian Martyrdom and building Relationships with Jesus in every news cast?

The solution, of course, is to require Gender Studies majors to take at least 3 hard science courses in biology, neuroscience, etc. After all, you can't be an expert in Gender if you know absolutely nothing about hormones, genes, etc. But then again, science is a patriarchical institution, and, as Feminist Ingaray Luce famously said, "objectivity is male subjectivity." (along with: "Why should the speed of light be privileged over other needful speeds?")
21   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 14, 4:23pm  

YesYNot says
Left and right are both guilty of identity politics.

I didn't read your thread on this, however I think white nationalism, like the KKK was going out of fashion and basically limited to a few nuts, until democrats insisted on identity politics for minorities as a political strategy to get a majority, largely based on the upsurge of latinos.

White nationalism and minorities identity politics are mirror images of each other. You can't coalesce one tribe without coalescing its out-group.
22   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 4:33pm  

When the President was asked on why he invaded Iraq, instead of Saudi Arabia who was responsible for 9/11, a move that would wind up costing incalculable lives, trillions of dollars, and would give rise to modern day Islamic Terrorism and ISIS:

Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former Prime Minister and now Palestinian President, that "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq', and I did."

And Bush is quoted as telling the two men, "I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And by God, I'm gonna do it."
23   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 14, 4:34pm  

YesYNot says
I've expressed in comment 1 why the religious leaders on the right love to turn this into a culture war.

But of course. This is how tribalism works. The more you insist on imposing one idea seen as extreme, the more you bolster people with the opposite idea.
This is how politics work.
The swamp knows it well. This is how they divide us based on trivial issues - while buying our laws.

YesYNot says
As for the left continuing to fight for the rights of minorities, they have a pretty good track record over the last 40 yrs.

Nothing fails like success. They become arrogant and go too far. This is how Hitler attacked Russia.
The NYT published dozens of article on transgendered people in 2016. Then Trump got elected.
People are like "Really? This is really what you are about? You don't have anything else to talk about?"
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 14, 5:21pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
White nationalism and minorities identity politics are mirror images of each other. You can't coalesce one tribe without coalescing its out-group.

Exactly. Identity Europe is simply a mirror image of Black Lives Matter. But far smaller and much less socially acceptable.

BLM: "We wuz Kangz!!!"
Identity Europa: "We wuz Vi-Kangz!!!"
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 14, 5:23pm  

errc says
And Bush is quoted as telling the two men, "I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And by God, I'm gonna do it."

Whereas Obama allowed himself to be talked into Libya and Ukraine without any voice of God. Just Hillary, Nuland, Powers, and the other Wicked Witches of Neoliberal Internationalism.
26   NewOldUser   2017 Nov 15, 12:19am  

2 Scoops - I see you have read Ted K's manifesto. He was a really smart guy and he nailed the whole problem with Leftists. Too bad he could not control his own mind.
27   NewOldUser   2017 Nov 15, 12:24am  

errc - the reason why trans issues are brought up a lot is because they make the deviant behavior of vanilla queers that much more normalized by comparison.

This is a well known technique that the Left uses when they push their morally reprehensible agenda. Disgust their opposition to the point that their true victory slides by unnoticed inside the distraction.
28   NDrLoR   2017 Nov 15, 8:30am  

NewOldUser says
This is a well known technique that the Left uses
This all started nearly 50 years ago with the advent of the cultural/sexual revolutions which sought to overthrow traditional ideas of marriage, sexuality and any reigning taboos or stigmas pertaining to them. Thus today we have 40% out-of-wedlock births among whites and 70% plus among blacks--in the mid 60's this would have seemed both impossible and horrific. We also have an entrenched drug culture, and AIDS which was unknown before 1981. A monolithic bureaucracy of social service agencies has grown up in society's efforts to corral the human carnage caused by these pathologies. The following is an excerpt from David Horowitz's discussion of how the Left was commiserate in the spread of AIDS but also explains their theory of eliminating the idea of a normal, bourgeois society which is what all the hoopla of gender is about:

"When the “Gay Liberation” movement was born in 1969 with the Stonewall riots, its leading activists and theorists emphasized the importance of promiscuous anal sex as a behavioral repudiation of America's repressive “sex-negative” culture and its “heteronormativity” (i.e., the heterosexual and monogamous norm), as queer theorists called it. In the radical view, existing sexual norms reflected nothing about humanity’s biological experience, but were merely a social construction to preserve the privileges of a dominant group.

Like black radicals before them, gay activists rejected the idea of integration into a normally functioning civil order. Gay liberation was identified with a sexual agenda that did not seek civic tolerance, respect, and integration into the public order of bourgeois life. It was defined instead as a defiant promiscuity, the overthrow of bourgeois morals and sexual restraints -- and, consequently, of bourgeois standards"
29   HEY YOU   2017 Nov 15, 9:05am  

Why do Rep/Con/Nazis DENY that their ilk are on some form of their big govt. SOCIALIST hand outs & subsidies?
Slapped down again by their hypocrisy.
These Socialists are domestic enemies taking taxes from hard working Americans.
30   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 15, 9:41am  

Heraclitusstudent says
But of course. This is how tribalism works. The more you insist on imposing one idea seen as extreme, the more you bolster people with the opposite idea.
This is how politics work.

Yeah, to a degree, that's why it's hard for a party to retain the Presidency after 8 years. Last time it happened was after Reagan. That's part of why Trump won. Another part is that Trump is actually a good marketer and brander. As I said during the campaign, his skill set is well suited to running a campaign. Maybe not so good for being President.
IMO Trump's election has energized the left the same way that Obama/Clinton energized the right in 2016. That's unlikely to subside over time.
32   lostand confused   2018 Apr 21, 5:04am  

IMO Trump's election has energized the left the same way that Obama/Clinton energized the right in 2016. That's unlikely to subside over time

It has energized the elft to go cuckoo and throw all rationalism to the wind. They howl to the moon, talk about blowing up the white house, absolutely show no rationality. They are driven by pure hate and no logic-they have shed all shreds of humanity. They are having a mental breakdown.
33   Shaman   2018 Apr 21, 6:34am  

What I don't understand is the right's infatuation with the topic.

You were doing so well up until this point! Then you based the rest of your argument on this one faulty assumption. Conservatives aren’t interested in trannies. We are getting trans people and trans issues force fed to us daily by media of all sorts, protests, lawsuits, and general rabble rousing on the left designed to RAISE ATTENTION to trans people and their fucking ISSUES! Most of us would be fucking happy to never hear about these disgusting issues ever again!
34   Y   2018 Apr 21, 6:56am  

Could this be the origin of the phrase "clusterfuck"
Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah that's all very well, there 2 clear clusters.
35   Y   2018 Apr 21, 7:01am  

missing says
if there is a need for additional terms (words) then the dictionary should be expanded, rather than fight to redefine existing terms.
36   Y   2018 Apr 21, 7:14am  

At the heart of it it's basic negotiations 101.
Ask for too much and accept what you really wanted and portray it as a win win
NewOldUser says
errc - the reason why trans issues are brought up a lot is because they make the deviant behavior of vanilla queers that much more normalized by comparison.

This is a well known technique that the Left uses when they push their morally reprehensible agenda. Disgust their opposition to the point that their true victory slides by unnoticed inside the distraction.
37   Y   2018 Apr 21, 7:16am  

It's why left hates trump so much.
38   Y   2018 Apr 21, 7:17am  

The art of the deal unmasks basic leftist strategies
39   marcus   2018 Apr 21, 7:40am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
that those who seek to display MORAL RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! must continually press at the extreme margins to find something to bitch about. They also want pre-pubescent children to have the right to take hormones and get complicated, invasive elective surgeries

Interesting the degree to which all of these are wrapped together in one generalization. The bathroom issue is one that never should have blown up if it weren't for Sean Hannity and folks like yourself that think they can get the base all worked up about those freaky left wingers, over such a non issue, as giving those small number of trans folks a public restroom.

I don't like the promotion of transexuality and the truth is I'm probably transphobic, and it's not moral righteousness that makes me think they should have a restroom. It's the problem solver in me. That problem could have been solved much more quietly.

AS for people that want young children to take homones and consider changing genders ? THose are fucked up people that number about as many as actual trans folks, or probably less, way under 1%. If they happen to be democrats, that's sort of like someone that believes in genocide of all non whites happening to be republican. What kind of person would generalize those beliefs on to many republicans, many conservatives or many right wingers ?
40   marcus   2018 Apr 21, 7:53am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
sneer at millions of underemployed rustbelters wishing them death by narcotics.

Btw, as we continue to consider whether the luddites are finally going to be right about concerns of technology eliminating jobs, there may have to be some big changes in our economic model to deal with it.

My point here being that something akin to increased socialism may be the solution. i.e. guaranteed income or jobs funded in ways that are not related to direct expected productivity or profits attributable to said jobs.

I don't buy the idea that nationalism and closing ourselves off from the world is a solution. The causes of the plight of those underemployed are many and the other side of the coin is billions of people being lifted up economically. (yes - not Americans ). Yes globalization. What if the solution ends up being government programs. I'm not saying that would be a good thing. It's just that I don't see corporations stepping in and solving it. They could be taxed on their robots, but then what if china isn't taxing their robots, being willing to let their people have a lower standard of living.

The questions are huge and plentiful.

What do you say we get all worked up emotionally and morally indignant about solutions that don't make any sense ? OR perhaps we could just act like we care deeply (moral righteousness) about people we don't give a fuck about, and just blame the problem on the other political party implying somehow that our savior or our party has solutions.

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