Do you miss Alex ? You can always go to youtube to reminisce

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2018 Aug 9, 6:38pm   9,108 views  41 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

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2   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 6:47pm  

"We have to let dissident voices be heard and embrace the diversity of opinion. And, we should always be cautious of any censorship, no matter where it comes from." - every single Progressive Authority Figure I knew growing up in the 80s and 90s.

Today's Educators:
3   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 6:52pm  

Alex Jones isn't a dissident voice. He knowingly and intentionally manipulates people who suffer from mental illness.

We deserve better. If he's right about SAndy Hook, somebody needs to stand up. Otherwise that case alone insufficient reason for him to be gone.

He's right about how screwed up this country is. He only adds to the problem with his distracting noise.
4   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 6:57pm  

marcus says
Alex Jones isn't a dissident voice. He knowingly and intentionally manipulates people who suffer from mental illness.

That's what they say about every dissonant voice, from Galileo to Dixie Chicks (not remotely in the same league, of course).

There's always a special exception for wha t they don't like because it's Satanic/False/Bad for the Kids/Otherwise has "no redeeming value".

That Infowars was cleaning the clock of most of Legacy Media's channels despite far more brand recognition, and their support for the ban, is pure coincidence. ;)

Imagine if every bookstore in the world caved to Muslim Pressure and refused to stock the Satanic Verses on the grounds of "Islamophobia".
5   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 9, 7:00pm  

Marcus that is the best thing you ever posted. Very talented. The video guy too!
6   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 7:00pm  

Besides, you can still go here:

7   Evan F.   2018 Aug 9, 7:01pm  

Has Alex Jones been censored?
8   Bd6r   2018 Aug 9, 7:02pm  

important question is composition of committee deciding who is a distracting noise that should be silenced.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 7:20pm  

ANYONE! Who puts up content saying that the WMDs story Is BULLSHIT!


10   MrMagic   2018 Aug 9, 7:35pm  

marcus says
Alex Jones isn't a dissident voice. He knowingly and intentionally manipulates people who suffer from mental illness.

Nah, you're thinking of that guy that's on TV every night, Rachel Maddow.

Now there's some manipulation of weak minds.
11   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 7:35pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
ANYONE! Who puts up content saying that the WMDs story Is BULLSHIT!

First off, Infowars still exists on the internet and I'm sure will thrive.

Secondly, what's the equivalent in your analogy to people harrasing the parents of children that were killed in SAndy Hook ?

Whats the equivalent to the crazy person that took an assault rifle and shot it in the infamous pizza gate place in D.C. ?

The man, Edgar Maddison Welch, drove on Dec. 4 from his hometown, Salisbury, N.C., to the Comet Ping Pong restaurant with three guns. He was investigating unfounded but widespread online reports of children held there in a child abuse scheme led by Hillary Clinton, a theory known as “Pizzagate.” But Mr. Welch, who pleaded guilty to federal weapons charges in March, rescued no children. Rather, he frightened employees and patrons, who panicked and ran.

Mr. Welch surrendered after the episode and almost immediately apologized, saying he had made an “incredibly ill-advised decision” to try to save endangered children who were never there. “The intel on this wasn’t 100 percent,” Mr. Welch, who goes by his middle name, Maddison, said in an interview with The New York Times after his arrest.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 7:35pm  

marcus says
Secondly, what's the equivalent in your analogy to people harrasing the parents of children that were killed in SAndy Hook ?

Sorry, you've Fallen for the Propaganda. He told people NOT to harass or bother the Sandy Hook Parents. Oops, I guess the Media "Forgot" to report that, eh?

13   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 7:39pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
He told people NOT to harass or bother the Sandy Hook Parents. Oops, I guess the Media "Forgot" to report that, eh?

What after they had been for years ?

Don't you mean he told his fans not to bother the actors that were used in the hoax ?

Everyone knows that he eventually had to apologize and retract, but we had people on this forum selling that nonsense years after it happened.
14   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 7:40pm  

marcus says
Don't you mean he told his fans not to bother the actors that were used in the hoax ?


Free Speech goes too far!
15   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 7:42pm  

These are different times. WE don't even know how many people are working 24/7 in Russia as we speak coming up with the next pizza gate or Sandy hook, to feed Jones.
16   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 7:44pm  

marcus says
These are different times. WE don't even know how many people are working in Russia as we speak coming up with the next pizza gate to feed Jones.

Iron Maiden is a Soviet Plot to weaken America by turning kids from the Church and Gawwwwwd!

Listen to the wife of a Great American Senator! All these concerned moms - they don't want their kids becoming SOVIET SATANS!

Don't you see your Free Speech Absolutism will DESTROY AMERICA?
17   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 7:46pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Free Speech goes too far!

It's not easy for it to. But if it incites violence, based on proven lies, then it should be looked at as possibly crossing a line. Especially if private/publicly owned companies want to choose to exclude it from their social media feeds.

Again, you will note Infowars and Alex Jones have not been banned from the internet.
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 7:49pm  

marcus says
Again, you will note Infowars and Alex Jones have not been banned from the internet.

They've only been removed from 90% of where people search out and find things to read and watch, Social Media.

"You can still sell your newsletter, you just can't advertise in any periodical. I don't see how this will hurt the dissimulation of information."
19   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 7:53pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Don't you see your Free Speech Absolutism will DESTROY AMERICA?

If the government were involved or if he had been banned from the internet your paranoia might be justified.

I'm of the opinion that if someone were to intentionally yell fire in a crowded theater, knowing there was no fire, and people were trampled to death as a result, that he would not be able to claim he was just exercising free speech. He would be guilty of a crime.

Yes, this famous analogy is over used, but it fits here. The truth is we all know there are limits to free speech, and also that the limits are not well defined. People use vague terms such as hate speech. In this case it's not a government ruling, it was decided as social media policy. You need to weight the benefit of not manipulating mentally ill people, versus the downside of censorship. I think this was done in a thoughtful way, by civic minded social media companies, and that a slippery slope argument is idiotic at this point.
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 8:36pm  

marcus says
I'm of the opinion that if someone were to intentionally yell fire in a crowded theater, knowing there was no fire, and people were trampled to death as a result, that he would not be able to claim he was just exercising free speech. He would be guilty of a crime.

And, it never happened. Totally apocryphal story.

marcus says
I think this was done in a thoughtful way, by civic minded social media companies, and that a slippery slope argument is idiotic at this point.

It was done to appease NGOs stuffed with Oligarch Cash and Racist Socialist Activists. The same ones that hate Infowars love Jeong's appointment to the NYT and think Farrakhan is a legit voice of Oppressed POCs.

Hey, why ARE Official Farrakhan pages and channels still up on Facebook and Youtube?
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 8:38pm  

BTW, the same reason the parents are magically suing for defamation on Sandy Hook now, and not years ago when it happened.

I'm sure some very nice lawyers and foundations offered to "Help" sue Alex.
22   marcus   2018 Aug 9, 8:41pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
The same ones that hate Infowars love Jeong's appointment to the NYT and think Farrakhan is a legit voice of Oppressed POCs.

I don't hate all of infowars, but I hate Alex Jones (even though he can be entertaining), and yet I'm not psyched about at all about Jeong or Farrakan.

The world doesn't always fit your simple us against them model.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 9, 8:46pm  

marcus says
The world doesn't always fit your simple us against them model.

Way to miss the point. Alex was banned for undefined hate speech against Gays, Transsexuals, and Muslims. Not specifics were provided.

Farrakhan and Jeong are open racists whose hate speech against Whites and Jews (and Males) is open and obiquitous.
24   bob2356   2018 Aug 9, 9:01pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says

It was done to appease NGOs stuffed with Oligarch Cash and Racist Socialist Activists. The same ones that hate Infowars love Jeong's appointment to the NYT and think Farrakhan is a legit voice of Oppressed POCs.

It was done because jones is full of shit and everyone on the planet knows it except a single patnet poster.
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 10, 1:27am  

bob2356 says
It was done because jones is full of shit and everyone on the planet knows it except a single patnet poster.

Is Full of Shit in the TOC?

When are all the Big Foot, Nessie, and UFOs are killing us with Vaccines videos gonna be pulled?
26   lostand confused   2018 Aug 10, 3:47am  

Interesting, we are living through historical times. Other failed, evil leftist regimes are always blamed as the government. But one must remember those governments were there by populist regimes-by angry emotion filled masses. Once they started suppressing the "bad: groups, they turned one everyone and suppressed everybody.

It is easy to blame, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler-but the masses are what got them there-and the masses and their cheerleaders the liberal corporations are now suppressing speech they don't like-this ahs bene going on in schools and universities for long and has hit the adult arena now. What is frightening is will this spread and will the thugs take over first against the conservative voices of freedom and self responsibility or will the freedom loving folks push back against the gloabalist collectivist scum?
27   lostand confused   2018 Aug 10, 5:58am  

Aphroman says
Conservatives hate freedom and self responsibility, they just like to crow about it

Maybe a generation or two ago-that si when Berkely liberlas started the free speech movement. Now the pendulum has swung the other way-the abused have become the abuser. The same berkely is now ground zero for anti speech and the same liberlas are now banning free speech. You folks just think you are angels from the sky and never do any wrong while beating and bloodying people on the streets for voicing an opinion contrary to what si accepted/approved by the collectivist mob.
28   lostand confused   2018 Aug 10, 6:28am  

Aphroman says
You didn’t refute my point anywhere in there

I’m still waiting to hear the big important stuff Conservatives are being denied the ability to say a/o talk about

You make my point for me. We determine what is important, we tell you what you can speak-there-that is the modern liberl/Nazi/socialist/commie-thanks for being so open about it.
29   FortWayne   2018 Aug 10, 8:07am  

All this violence against Trumps supporters promoted by msm. So ban msm now? Come on Marcus, way too easy of an argument. Because we know this isn’t about justice, but simple lie suppression of dissident voices. MSM hates conservatives.

marcus says
TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Free Speech goes too far!

It's not easy for it to. But if it incites violence, based on proven lies, then it should be looked at as possibly crossing a line. Especially if private/publicly owned companies want to choose to exclude it from their social media feeds.

Again, you will note Infowars and Alex Jones have not been banned from the internet.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 10, 8:23am  

The world's most popular Alt Media website that was saying for years it would be the target of an Establishment Conspiracy...

... was.

Thanks Big Tech! When you struck Alex down, you proved him right! Smooth Move, Ex Lax!
31   FortWayne   2018 Aug 10, 8:27am  

Downloaded their app.

He’s very pro free speech. And left is only pro left wing speech. Left started losing it, and decided to start suppressing dissent. Just like every socialist dictatorship does every time. Sheep on the left don’t care, they like being a mindless herd.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 10, 8:33am  

FortWayne says
And left is only pro left wing speech.

You have to understand.

Beause of Antonin Artaud and the Theatre of Cruelty, we have a decentered object that is the real context, the subtext. When we see the diference between the signified and the signifier, we find that the underlying structure of language is oppressive to serve the oppressor's narrative. Therefore, the minority should have the powers of the minority, and POCs must stand together against Bourgeois White Male Patriarchal Society.

There is no objective reality and so we must live an authentic life based around female objectivity, which is subjectivity.

We need to stop privileging the speed of light in Physics and begin to employ speeds more relevant to the majority of the world, who are Left-handed Lesbians from Luanda..

All smart people understand this.
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 10, 9:45am  

Aphroman says
Has anyone (the State) tried to sensor infowars.com?

Free Speech is a societal value, not just the 1st Amendment. I'm sorry you're against Free Speech.

Aphroman says
You support that Sandy Hook was a hoax?


How come Ellison, Youtube, the DNC, Facebook, won't disown this repeated, obnoxious Racist? Why did the NYT hire a racist with dozens of racist, agist, misandrist tweets to be on their editorial board?

I can only guess they condone Hate.
34   mell   2018 Aug 10, 9:53am  

Aphroman says
The last thing Americans want is The Government infringing upon private industry, forcing them to do things that may harm their business.

If that were true yes but they have been making decent money with AJ channels, ads, and products. This move likely hurt their bottom line - not much in the grand scheme of things but definitely some - but this was politically motivated against shareholder value. Could be even grounds for suing if they have given up on a large(r) revenue stream.
35   lostand confused   2018 Aug 10, 11:12am  

Aphroman says
here is no we in me

I speak for myself, not Democrats, not Republicans, not the left, or the right. Me. Which is what everyone should do. Speak for yourself. Don’t let others speak for you. The other side of that coin is you can’t speak for others. You can’t assign lies and falsehoods to others. You must allow their thoughts and words to stand alone, free of your attempt to muddy the waters by poisoning the well with Libelous disinformation. THAT IS WHAT FREE SPEECH IS ALL ABOUT

There is no muddying the water in people who rejoice in banning free speech that belongs to one side or think it is no big deal. it has been tried in many countries-Germany, Cambodia, Soviet-. there is no libelous disinformation-but hey that speaks volumes about mdoern day liberals . I will coem in with the most vile evil logic about Trump but if someone points a finger back at me-blah, blah,. blah.

Talk to someone who live dthrough Cambodia's Pol Pot regime and se how similar your kind sounds.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 11, 5:57pm  

Yep. Paint the reasonable opposition as Fascist "alt-right" bigots, while leaving the actual Fascist Alt-Right bigots alone.

Twitter/Youtube/Facebook also leaves ISIS, AQ, Farrakhan, etc. alone.
39   marcus   2018 Aug 11, 6:04pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says

Twitter/Youtube/Facebook also leaves ISIS, AQ, Farrakhan, etc. alone.

So your issue is that you want to see social media companies do this more, if they're going to do it ?

I suppose we need to see more firing of celebrity actors and directors now, by networks and disney right. I mean if they're going to do it, they should do it more, right ?
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 11, 6:58pm  

marcus says
So your issue is that you want to see social media companies do this more, if they're going to do it ?

No, I like having assholes to pummel, and I stick to my principles regardless of who is in office.

marcus says
I suppose we need to see more firing of celebrity actors and directors now, by networks and disney right. I mean if they're going to do it, they should do it more, right ?

Hey, if you can fire Roseanne over an offensive tweet, why not Gunn over several offensive tweets? "Private Company OMGERD!"

Is the NFL a private organization?

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