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1   Booger   2019 May 20, 6:51pm  

Tesla can always issue more stock
2   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 21, 6:17pm  

Ha ha ha ha LOL... I told ya they was shit!
3   WookieMan   2019 May 21, 8:09pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I told ya they was shit!

The cars themselves or with money?
4   clambo   2019 May 21, 9:42pm  

Buy one and preserve it in a garage for 30 years; it will be a collectible soon like the De Lorean cars ended up.

Maybe not; there were fewer De Loreans made I think.

The company cannot succeed; to sell a lot of cars, they must make them cheaper. However, it's impossible probably today to do.

The Chevy Bolt is cheaper than the Model 3 by a bit and GM admits it loses money on every one sold.

I think eventually cars will be electric, plug in hybrids, fuel cell and natural gas or a combination of these. I believe that the % of electric cars made will increase over time.

But Tesla has too much debt and a kook is in charge.
5   WookieMan   2019 May 22, 3:32am  

clambo says
The company cannot succeed; to sell a lot of cars, they must make them cheaper. However, it's impossible probably today to do.

I agree mostly. Making them cheaper obviously makes them available to a larger market. I think the bigger issue with Tesla and other automaker's pure EV cars is range and recharge time. I would never buy any makers EV until I can get about 320-350 miles per charge (consistently, regardless or weather) and it only takes 5 min. to charge.

That's why your 2nd to last line is probably the best solution for a while until the battery technology improves even more. Unfortunately for Tesla, adding adding even a small combustion engine to the design would probably sink them even further into the red.

I don't think the Tesla name ever goes away though. If they do crash and burn, another automaker will buy it out. Say a company like Toyota. With their supply chain and bulk purchasing power, they could lower the build cost quite a bit I image.

Think even little things like the original brake pads. Toyota can probably get those 20% cheaper out the gate by simply clicking a button and ordering 1 million brake pads (over simplification, I know). Think about all the other swappable parts (tires, wheels, axles, etc) with little to no reengineering and costs could be cut in the manufacturing process by the right automaker that's already putting the same stuff on other models. They could then sell it for cheaper or keep it the same with what could be profitable margins.

Never have liked Musk, but even when I swing into the Western burbs of Chicago, I'll see at least a couple Tesla's. That's pretty impressive for how young the company really is when you consider the vast number of choices people have when shopping for cars.
6   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 3:46am  

clambo says
The company cannot succeed; to sell a lot of cars, they must make them cheaper.

Cheaper than what? Per KBB the average new car price in US was $37,577 in December of 2018.
7   clambo   2019 May 22, 8:13am  

I see a ton of Chevy Bolts running around lately and they're a few grand cheaper than the Model 3 but have a range of 238 miles. GM says it loses money on them.

The Model 3 that costs $35,000 is like a unicorn or bigfoot; it's supposed to exist but is almost never seen. Model 3s seen in the field are more expensive.

The idea of paying a "deposit" for a car then patiently waiting is nutty.
8   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 22, 8:26am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
The idea of paying a "deposit" for a car then patiently waiting is nutty.

The very wealthy get them quick though. Go figure.

I haven't seen one modest middle class worker that drives one. Even though I must know or have ran across thousands that said they would drive one.
The brother and sister owners of the company I work for. Each got a Tesla all with in the same month, of coming into a big windfall of the company.

They did not wait very long, they got theirs as soon as they ordered it.

It's an elitism scam Obama sold the idiots that believed that shit. How much tax dollars did Obama give him over the years?
9   Shaman   2019 May 22, 8:38am  

I’m not sure it’s parts that make the Tesla’s so expensive as much as it is a lack of experience with the manufacturing process. They wasted shit tons of money trying for a fully robotic assembly line that was eventually scrapped, and now they must train people to make autos.
10   Goran_K   2019 May 22, 8:39am  

I actually want a Tesla. WTF is wrong with me?
11   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 22, 8:56am  

Goran_K says
I actually want a Tesla. WTF is wrong with me?

They are cool looking cars, just hella expensive. Financially it's just money down the drain, but so is most things we spend money on right?
12   Goran_K   2019 May 22, 8:57am  

FortWayneIndiana says
Goran_K says
I actually want a Tesla. WTF is wrong with me?

They are cool looking cars, just hella expensive. Financially it's just money down the drain, but so is most things we spend money on right?

I collect sports memorabilia too. I waste tons of money.
13   NDrLoR   2019 May 22, 9:05am  

WookieMan says
I would never buy any makers EV until I can get about 320-350 miles per charge (consistently, regardless or weather) and it only takes 5 min. to charge.
Equivalent to range of gasoline engine and fill-up time.

WookieMan says
until the battery technology improves even more
It's like they can't ever get much past 1903.
14   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 9:11am  

clambo says
he Model 3 that costs $35,000 is like a unicorn or bigfoot; it's supposed to exist but is almost never seen.

What is this? News from 2017? 2 weeks and it's yours if you want one. They are all over the place in SFBA.
15   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 9:12am  

Tenpoundbass says
Hugolas_Madurez says
The idea of paying a "deposit" for a car then patiently waiting is nutty.

The very wealthy get them quick though. Go figure.

Quote accurately. I didn't say what you say I said.
16   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 9:13am  

Tenpoundbass says
It's an elitism scam

Average-priced car is "elitist scam"? WTF? Is Camcord "elitist" now too? Is $50K Silverado "elitist"?
17   socal2   2019 May 22, 9:41am  

Goran_K says
I actually want a Tesla. WTF is wrong with me?

Nothing wrong if you want to drive one of the fastest and most fun cars on the planet.
18   socal2   2019 May 22, 9:49am  

WookieMan says
I would never buy any makers EV until I can get about 320-350 miles per charge (consistently, regardless or weather) and it only takes 5 min. to charge.

I believe about 99% of Americans drive less than 40 miles a day. Why deprive yourself from one of the most fun and fast cars on the planet because you have to do a road trip to grandma's house once a year? It is pretty easy and cheap to rent an ICE car if you are going to do a big road trip. The Tesla charging network is very robust and can get you over 150 miles in about 20 minutes - the time it takes to take a piss, stretch and buy a snack on the trip.
19   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 22, 10:14am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
Average-priced car is "elitist scam"? WTF? Is Camcord "elitist" now too? Is $50K Silverado "elitist"?

Are there tax incintives with those other cars?
Have you ever met a middle class person driving a Tesla?

Everyone I see on the road, has an executive behind the wheel and have a gate barcode for a Million++ Dollar Condo on the back window.
These aren't schlub cars. While there are no shortage of middle class people driving cars that cost more than Teslas.
This isn't about affordability, it's about the exclusive club of Rich people driving cars subsidized by tax payers.

Burn it all down. Well never mind, the Tesla cars are doing it for us. Thanks Tesla Cars!
20   Rin   2019 May 22, 10:17am  

I don't get it; why are you folks so captivated by this EV/Tesla fandom?

I mean it's looking like some Trekkie or (pre-Kathleen Kennedy) Star Wars convention goers.

Seriously, my only interest in things like Lamborghini was when I was a kid and liked action movies with rocket launchers, etc, ala Buckaroo Banzai and as we know, the Lambo with Adrienne Barbeau's big tits popping out, was the central feature of 'Cannonball Run' which was the most watched DVD/VHS back in its cable TV heyday.

With the above stated, today I'm a grown up and prefer to be driven around by a chauffeur and enjoy life.
21   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 10:18am  

Tenpoundbass says
Have you ever met a middle class person driving a Tesla?

Every day. In fucking droves.
22   Rin   2019 May 22, 10:19am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
Tenpoundbass says
Have you ever met a middle class person driving a Tesla?

Every day. In fucking droves.

Droves? The droves I see around me in Boston are the same ICEs: Porsche, Lexus, BMW, Infinity, etc, etc
23   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 10:20am  

Rin says
Hugolas_Madurez says
Tenpoundbass says
Have you ever met a middle class person driving a Tesla?

Every day. In fucking droves.

Droves? The droves I see around me in Boston are the same ICEs: Porsche, Lexus, BMW, Infinity, etc, etc

You need to get out more then. In SFBA the Model3 is the fucking equivalent of beige Corolla of 20 years ago.
24   RC2006   2019 May 22, 10:23am  

always three or four rolling through the pickup line at kids school
25   Rin   2019 May 22, 10:24am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
You need to get out more then. In SFBA the Model3 is the fucking equivalent of beige Corolla of 20 years ago.

You said it right there, SFBA, the land of flakes and dreamers. Realize, I'm an east coaster. My strip of land is between Boston and DC.
26   socal2   2019 May 22, 10:59am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
You need to get out more then. In SFBA the Model3 is the fucking equivalent of beige Corolla of 20 years ago.

Same in SoCal.
27   RWSGFY   2019 May 22, 11:20am  

Rin says
Hugolas_Madurez says
You need to get out more then. In SFBA the Model3 is the fucking equivalent of beige Corolla of 20 years ago.

You said it right there, SFBA, the land of flakes and dreamers. Realize, I'm an east coaster. My strip of land is between Boston and DC.

So, what's the equivalent of beige Corolla from 20 years ago in Assachussets? Same beige Corolla but with floors rusted through?
28   socal2   2019 May 22, 11:22am  

Rin says
I don't get it; why are you folks so captivated by this EV/Tesla fandom?

I don't get the hate on Tesla and Musk.

Musk is one of the few Silicon Valley types who is not a total SJW moron and actually building a product people want.

One can argue that he is struggling to be one of the first new American mass producers of cars in several decades, but I don't think anyone can credibly complain about the quality and amazing technology of Tesla cars. Tesla has set the bar that all of the other established automakers like Audi, GM, Volkswagon, Hyundai are trying to catch up.

Even if Tesla goes out of business today, they have done a great service setting the bar so high.
29   zzyzzx   2019 May 22, 11:34am  

socal2 says

I don't get the hate on Tesla and Musk.

I don't hate Musk personally or any of his companies. I just don't get the insane valuation of a stock whose stock valuation should be in line with other automakers.
30   socal2   2019 May 22, 11:54am  

zzyzzx says
I don't hate Musk personally or any of his companies. I just don't get the insane valuation of a stock whose stock valuation should be in line with other automakers.

That is certainly a fair complaint - and the stock has been correcting all year.

Again, I just look at the Teslas as a product.......and they are light years ahead of most of the competition.
31   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 22, 11:57am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
You need to get out more then. In SFBA the Model3 is the fucking equivalent of beige Corolla of 20 years ago.

Well that could explain it as well. Perhaps Musk is bias to delivering to West Coast customers over East Coast customers.
32   Heraclitusstudent   2019 May 22, 12:14pm  

socal2 says
they are light years ahead of most of the competition

In what ways?
33   socal2   2019 May 22, 12:14pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
If he wasn't a narcissistic twit, he'd sell car thing to GM and take over the world bolting big batteries and increasingly efficient solar panels to houses.

Or just focus on SpaceX which has been a remarkable success eclipsing what the US, Russia and China has done recently.
35   Heraclitusstudent   2019 May 22, 12:20pm  

If they have problems being profitable now, with a small slowdown in car sales, they will not survive the next recession.

36   Ceffer   2019 May 22, 12:25pm  

They need to build more snooty yuppie assholes as customers first.
37   Heraclitusstudent   2019 May 22, 12:29pm  

Quick make a cheap cheap SUV....
38   socal2   2019 May 22, 12:45pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
If they have problems being profitable now, with a small slowdown in car sales, they will not survive the next recession.

Many of the big traditional US automakers wouldn't have survived the last recession without a government bailout.

Tesla doesn't have the big union legacy costs as the other US automakers, so they have less of an excuse and need to get their costs in line pronto.
39   socal2   2019 May 22, 12:50pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Space freight, yeah. It's a business.

Is there any other space business right now? SpaceX is doing a commercial launch about every 2 weeks at much lower costs than its international competitors.

That is nothing to sneeze at.

A private company (SpaceX) is beating NASA, Russia and China.......all who have decades of rocket experience and the massive financial backings of large nations.
40   EBGuy   2019 May 22, 1:01pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
In what ways?

Largest battery factory in the world.

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