ICE officers are ready to round up and deport a million illegals, Trump official says

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2019 Jul 9, 3:57am   3,156 views  57 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Federal authorities are preparing to deport a million illegal immigrants, a top Trump official has said.

Ken Cuccinelli, the acting head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said ICE officers would target a million people who have been handed 'final removal orders' by a judge.

Speaking to Face the Nation on CBS he insisted that ICE officers were just 'doing their job' and said deportations 'should be going on on a rolling basis', amid fierce political tensions over immigration.

President Trump last month promised that 'millions of illegal aliens' would be removed from the United States.

This is good news.

Illegal immigrants drive down wages for the poorest American citizens, with lots of help from the US Chamber of Commerce, appropriately abbreviated as the CoC. The CoC, which is basically the bosses' union, cares about nothing but business profits and are more than willing to push US citizens further into poverty to do it.

The election of Trump was in large part resistance to the CoC's assault on Americans.

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2   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jul 9, 5:46am  

I’m not so sure these people are contributing to the economy. Most are criminals, other than their illegal status.
3   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 6:11am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
I’m not so sure these people are contributing to the economy. Most are criminals, other than their illegal status.

I don't necessarily think they are either. Just saying in a simple example if you had a town of 100 peple and 5 of them are illegal, then you're going to probably lose 5% roughly of your sales tax revenue. Maybe a property wouldn't be built if those 5 weren't there and you have less property tax revenue or shit sits vacant and there are foreclosures bringing down values. Those revenues on a local level are important (not always needed, but that's another conversation). Federally and state level, those illegals are contributing little to nothing, but even most legal citizens barely pay any federal taxes anyway and use most the resources.

It's obviously one of Trump's election pitches, so I think he's dealing with the border. The existing illegals, that aren't criminals, that are productive, should be penalized heavily, but I'm not sure they should be tossed. I'm literally saying we should tax/garnish any income, forever at the rate of 5-10% for the good ones that want to stay (and they will). Toss the criminals for sure. Let's call it amnesty with consequences.
4   Shaman   2019 Jul 9, 6:21am  

I’m mostly in agreement with Wookieman. Give those who have shown good faith a path to citizenship, and toss the criminals. This accomplishes the goal of removing illegals from the workforce, since the people will now have either a legal status of Americans or they will be Mexicans living in Mexico.
5   Goran_K   2019 Jul 9, 6:27am  

Thinking of it as “well they pay some taxes” ignores that they pay a far overall lower tax rate than regular citizens. They pay basically zero income tax at the federal and state level since most of their income is “under the table” and remitted back to Mexico (to the tune of 120-200 billion USD annually according to NPR).

Not only that, since most of them are low skilled, low wage earners, they are far more dependent on social services than regular citizens, I saw this first hand in California. The Los Angeles Housing authority admitted publicly that 1/3 of its housing subsidy recipients were non-citizens. Many of them don’t earn enough or have jobs that provide health insurance so they overwhelm state clinics and hospitals.

Lastly there is a very long line of potential LEGAL immigrants from Bangalore, Taipei, or Krakow that are waiting in line, willing to get citizenship the right way and fully willing to contribute to the tax base while brining over advanced degrees and a real ability to attain gainful employment without relying on the welfare system to survive. Why do Mexican illegals get special treatment for their line cutting ways?

The truth is Democrats/Leftist love illegal aliens and the current immigration system (which they could’ve fixed from 2008-2016) because it creates a dependent class of poor losers who will continue to vote Democrat (legally or not). That doctor from Poland waiting to come over the “right way” may not vote Democrat since he wouldn’t be dependent on welfare to survive.

Democrats have loved plantation type politics for centuries, whether it’s the 17th century or the 21st.
6   Patrick   2019 Jul 9, 6:57am  

Illegals are not here for our benefit.

Most of them are here primarily to drain cash from the US and send it to Mexico.

Legal immigrants don't send nearly as much out.
7   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 9, 6:58am  

Deport their asses!
8   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 7:00am  

Goran_K says
Why do Mexican illegals get special treatment for their line cutting ways?

The truth is Democrats/Leftist love illegal aliens and the current immigration system (which they could’ve fixed from 2008-2016) because it creates a dependent class of poor losers who will continue to vote Democrat (legally or not). That doctor from Poland waiting to come over the “right way” may not vote Democrat since he wouldn’t be dependent on welfare to survive.

I don't think they should get special treatment for cutting in line so to speak. If they want to stay I think they should be punished for life (an extra tax/garnishment of ALL income or capital gains) and still be required to get citizenship within a certain period of time or they're gone. I think the productive illegals would agree to this. If they don't, they're gone. Very cut and dry.

I think it's a win win really. We still dump the shitheads. Get to keep the producing ones, all while collecting extra revenue from them. It will never happen of course, but there's a way to do amnesty right that benefits current citizens. Local economies will be hurt if 1 million people are sent back. Some of these illegals have been trained and do have valuable skills in trades. I know they got trained in the skills by illegally entering the country, but certain industries, no matter how often it gets said, would suffer as they readjust to losing that workforce. Doesn't make what they did right, but if we have citizen owned small businesses going out of business because of unenforced laws for the last 20-30 years, I'm not sure that's the business owners fault.

And again, I'm thrilled our laws are being enforced, but it's a tricky situation when past Democrat AND Republican administrations have just looked the other way and let things get to where they are now. It's also why I've rarely commented on the topic here. I'm not out to convert anyone to any ideology on this topic. Law were broken, the opinion to deport them all is completely valid and correct. I just think we have the leverage and could potentially reap some gains from amnesty and start enforcing the laws for once moving forward.
9   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 9, 7:10am  

Trump needs to act, stop trolling with his intentions. He should bust down doors at 1am and have as many on a plane and bus headed south before 7am. Before the activist Judges can be reached on Speed Dial.
10   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 7:11am  

Patrick says
Illegals are not here for our benefit.

Most of them are here primarily to drain cash from the US and send it to Mexico.

Legal immigrants don't send nearly as much out.

This is true. I'll add another layer to this. Any illegal that wants to stay has to revoke their citizenship from their home country. And any money sent back home is taxed at 10% (or higher) regardless. These ideas will never happen, but if amnesty is ever going to happen, we need to get some money back from these fuckers. The thing is, they'll pay it too so they can stay.
11   Goran_K   2019 Jul 9, 8:23am  

1. Secure the border (Build the Wall, fiber optic wire detection networks, increase DHS budget for enforcement, etc)
2. Adopt Scandinavian strict requirements for citizenship (must speak english, must have degree or special trade, must prove ability to support yourself, etc)
3. Get rid of DACA, Driver's Licenses for illegals, or any funding for illegal alien social services.
4. Deport all illegal aliens and force them to come back the right way.

This is basically how Japan, Finland, Norway, Australia, and other civilized countries handle immigration.

This is the only way to "fix" the problem. Everything else is a compromise that eventually leads back to the fuckery we're already in.
12   mell   2019 Jul 9, 8:34am  

WookieMan says
Patrick says
This is good news.

Illegal immigrants drive down wages for the poorest American citizens, with lots of help from the US Chamber of Commerce, appropriately abbreviated as the CoC. The CoC, which is basically the bosses' union, cares about nothing but business profits and are more than willing to push US citizens further into poverty to do it.

I think it's good news that we're going to enforce our laws, but it's a double edged sword. Even if they're low wage jobs and some of the illegals are unemployed, taking 1 million people out of the economy will have some detrimental economic impact. While they may be evading taxes and using government provided resources, it's impossible to avoid sales/gas tax, all of which every illegal is paying. They're also paying rent (property tax). This is a lot of money for local economies. That's why these sanctuary cities are all up in arms. They've made their own bed,...

Americans will take their jobs for higher pay and thus pay more taxes and stimulate the economy more. Plus less crime and tax evasion. Many send the money home so it flows out of the US which is not good. These raids are huge wins.
13   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 8:57am  

mell says
Americans will take their jobs for higher pay and thus pay more taxes and stimulate the economy more. Plus less crime and tax evasion. Many send the money home so it flows out of the US which is not good. These raids are huge wins.

The higher pay will pull from corporate/business profits though. There is no template for the illegal situation to go smoothly. They broke the law. They should be punished. I just don't think it's as simple as deporting a million people and prosperity with rain all over the land and everyone's wages will go up. I just think kicking them all out is not leveraging a situation where we have MASSIVE leverage to get things from these people if they want to stay after breaking our laws. And if they don't want to stay because of taxes or whatnot that we impose, then they're still deported.
14   Goran_K   2019 Jul 9, 9:02am  

WookieMan says
The higher pay will pull from corporate/business profits though.

Are you making the point that the business environment would be worse off if illegal aliens left? Because you'd be wrong. That's a major "lefty" talking point that has been debunked numerous times because those making the point never take into account the tax environment, and benefits of having a higher earning, better educated workforce and customer base, and the negative effects of wage suppression overall...
15   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 9:18am  

Goran_K says
WookieMan says
The higher pay will pull from corporate/business profits though.

Wait are you making the point that the business environment would be worse off if illegal aliens left?

My point is we're in a high leverage situation. We're going to spend a bunch of resources to round up a bunch of people. Why not just have our guys go after the ones actively crossing the border and extract what we can from the current illegals living here. If they don't comply, boot 'em. I have zero problem with deportation. An opportunity is lost once we kick them out though.

As someone that has worked for someone hiring illegals, yes many businesses will get hurt losing the cheap labor. I didn't like the practice, but it wasn't my business. It's fine if wages go up. Ultimately the businesses will just charge more for their product and the consumer will pay more and the owners make the same amount. Or they'll cut employees to offset the increased cost of their overall workforce. It ultimately won't hurt the business, but there's a higher likelihood less people are working if wages are higher. Less spending from them on other things. It trickles all over.

Illegals broke the law. But we're not sitting here with some binary A or B choice. There's nuance. I'd disagree mass deportation helps things. We lose leverage over those people that could be future citizens if they come out of the shadows. Heck, if Trump did it, they'd likely be Republican supporters for life. Hence why either party can't get shit done when they don't have complete control.
16   Goran_K   2019 Jul 9, 9:23am  

WookieMan says
Ultimately the businesses will just charge more for their product and the consumer will pay more and the owners make the same amount. Or they'll cut employees to offset the increased cost of their overall workforce. It ultimately won't hurt the business, but there's a higher likelihood less people are working if wages are higher. Less spending from them on other things. It trickles all over.

Again, people who make this point always ignore the tax environment, and benefits of having a higher earning, better educated workforce and customer base, and the negative effects of wage suppression overall and having a large welfare dependent population.

Do you honestly think the overall economy is better off because of illegals? Let's not concentrate on the micro level and examine individual firms, I'm talking about the overall economy.
17   socal2   2019 Jul 9, 9:35am  

Goran_K says
Do you honestly think the overall economy is better off because of illegals? Let's not concentrate on the micro level and examine individual firms, I'm talking about the overall economy.

Just look at California with the highest poverty rate in the country. We also have the highest illegal population in the country. Coincidence?

WookieMan says
I don't think they should get special treatment for cutting in line so to speak.

Yet in California, illegals are now eligible for free healthcare. Whereas, people like me would be fined if I didn't have private health insurance or buy into Obamacare.

WookieMan says
Why not just have our guys go after the ones actively crossing the border and extract what we can from the current illegals living here.

We need to send a message as a deterrent. Right now, illegals rightfully believe that they are basically off scott-free if they can sneak across the border. So people will keep trying unless they know the government and society will continue to pursue them even if they successfully break in.
18   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 10:07am  

Goran_K says
Do you honestly think the overall economy is better off because of illegals? Let's not concentrate on the micro level and examine individual firms, I'm talking about the overall economy.

No, I don't. But removing a million people will bring some shock to the economy. Won't be a crash by any means, but higher labor costs and fewer customers is generally not a good thing for businesses, right? I don't claim to be an economic genius, but isn't this common sense? I'm not fighting for illegals to stay, but it's just statistics. We'd recover just fine if they were all deported tomorrow, but it's not going to be as smooth as people think on the economic front.

The presumption that we deport them, wages jump on the low end and all that money gets sunk into the economy probably isn't realistic either. Remember these low paying jobs aren't paying federal taxes anyway most the time with legal or illegals. Once they hit a certain threshold, they actually start paying federal income taxes and they have less money than they realize.

Yes illegals are on welfare, but so are a bunch of citizens. We've created the incentive for a lot of people to not work and be productive. I have a high school classmate that's in infinite engagement because the second they get married she'll lose food stamps and a bunch of other beni's being a mother of two kids. Illegals broke the law getting in no doubt, but we have plenty of citizens bending/breaking rules to get free hand outs that are likely a much higher cost than illegals.

Again, leverage. We're likely in one of the best positions in a generation to get an immigration solution. Deporting a bunch of people and them being gone wipes out any leverage we had over the productive illegals. Please understand I'm not an amnesty for all guy. It seems like some are taking it that way.
19   WookieMan   2019 Jul 9, 10:13am  

socal2 says
We need to send a message as a deterrent. Right now, illegals rightfully believe that they are basically off scott-free if they can sneak across the border. So people will keep trying unless they know the government and society will continue to pursue them even if they successfully break in.

I agree with this. Which is why Goran's point 1 is sooooo important. It probably can solve 80% of the problem if people can't cross the souther border. Tax the shit out of the fuckers that are willing to stay on our terms though should also be a deterrent. And if they still want to break the law, they know we're going to skim 10-20% of their wages, if they're productive and we find them here. Again, I'm not for amnesty, but something needs to get done and some form of it needs to be on the table to get anything done. Otherwise the status quo stays and nothing has changed. For every 1 you deport 2 will come back in, one of them being the deported.
20   clambo   2019 Jul 9, 11:39am  

A million deported is a good start.

Enforce E-verify; take away the incentive to work in the USA illegally. Fine employers who employ illegal labor.

People have forgotten the dire situation in the USA in the 1930's with bread lines and unemployed people riding on freight trains to get around.

A job is a precious thing to a man and lately society here wants to give it away.

I have argued with pampered pooch females about how they do work "Americans won't do." I then tell the bitch that my mother picked strawberries in the summer, later was a chambermaid to spend summer in Nantucket island.

Since I have lived and worked in Mexico, I'm bilingual; I have been visiting since I left in the early 1980s. Living in California became a shock to see how they are coddled.

Living for a few years in Florida I met the other illegals from places like Colombia and Venezuela.

The system here is entirely dysfunctional; the people who come on tourist visas who never leave are not caught and deported; why not????

The most ignorant people believe that labor supply grows an economy and makes us richer; it is the opposite; the law of supply and demand apples to labor. More labor supply drives down wages.

Trump is entirely correct that the border has to be secured; crime is rampant in Mexico, the gangsters operate with impunity everywhere and they are enriched by sending drugs into the USA over a porous border.
21   mell   2019 Jul 9, 11:47am  

clambo says
I have argued with pampered pooch females about how they do work "Americans won't do." I then tell the bitch that my mother picked strawberries in the summer, later was a chambermaid to spend summer in Nantucket island.

What they are saying is that it is work modren womyn with a degree in gender studies won't do. Most men would if they had to. So would women back in the days.
22   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 9, 1:37pm  

Quigley says
I’m mostly in agreement with Wookieman. Give those who have shown good faith a path to citizenship, and toss the criminals. This accomplishes the goal of removing illegals from the workforce, since the people will now have either a legal status of Americans or they will be Mexicans living in Mexico.

We did that with the Reagan amnesty. If anything, it caused more illegal immigration. Now we're going to do another round of amnesty and have another round of increased illegal immigration? Round after round of "one time" amnesty is not really different than open borders and citizenship (and welfare) for the entire world.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 1:41pm  

clambo says
The system here is entirely dysfunctional; the people who come on tourist visas who never leave are not caught and deported; why not????

The US doesn't have national police who MUST report and hold visa overstays for deportation, unlike almost every country in the world.

Any and all aid to state law enforcement must come with a duty to arrest and hold for deportation any visa overstayers, straight to Federal Authorities.

Sanctuary City? Not one Federal Dollar for law enforcement.

Pay any LEO agency $200 to arrest and and $100/day to hold detainees and BOOM. They'll spend as much time doing that as speed traps.
24   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 9, 1:42pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Give those who have shown good faith a path to citizenship
When they become citizens, what's to prevent them from going on welfare like other low-skilled citizens? And, when they are working before becoming citizens, do they really generate enough surplus taxes to pay for themselves and their kids' very expensive schooling? Hint: 3 kids in California schools is $30k or more; to collect $30k in various state taxes they would need an adjusted gross income of $180k/year and to be paying full property taxes on a $1.2 MM house. Is that really typical for the people sneaking across the border? If you were that productive, seems to me you would just buy your way into a 1st-world country legally.
25   clambo   2019 Jul 9, 2:42pm  

sunnyvale's proposal is absurd, and will further bankrupt the USA while allowing the illegals the right to vote and ruin the USA completely.

No illegal alien should be granted full rights as a reward for breaking our laws knowingly.

Worse, the now citizen will import his extended family and further bankrupt medicare.

The actual cost of an illegal in the USA is the hundreds of thousands of dollars as soon as they inevitably go to the hospital.

I know several illegal alien females who had medical issues; one had surgery before having her anchor baby; another two have diabetes and an illegal boy I know went up to Stanford for free cancer treatment. Well, nothing is free; we taxpayers paid for it.

Bleeding hearts are invited to spend a year living in Mexico without staying in a nice airbnb or hotel and look for a job to see how Mexicans treat each other. They'll treat you worse of course because they won't like you competing with them for a job.
26   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 9, 4:07pm  

Quigley says
I’m mostly in agreement with Wookieman. Give those who have shown good faith a path to citizenship

Fuck, no.
27   SoTex   2019 Jul 9, 10:16pm  

Hugolas_Madurez says
Fuck, no.

Double that.

We did that shit in the 80s.
28   SoTex   2019 Jul 9, 10:21pm  

clambo says
know several illegal alien females who had medical issues; one had surgery before having her anchor baby; another two have diabetes and an illegal boy I know went up to Stanford for free cancer treatment. Well, nothing is free; we taxpayers paid for it.

I dated a Brazilian chick for a few years who had heart issues (she was 21 when I met her) and had to go to the emergency room a few times before being put on meds that reduced the visits by quite a bit.

She showed me letters from the state of CA for 3K here, 3K there where CA basically said, "Don Worry Abad It!", "We Gotcha Covered!".

All while she made more than me at the time under the table as a hot ass Au Pair in Palo Alto. Paid by some multimillionaire tech (CFO?) with a loser stay at home husband who couildn't keep a job.
29   SoTex   2019 Jul 9, 10:22pm  

She was a visa over stay. Eventually did a shame marriage to a Navy guy in San Diego to get citizenship.
30   SoTex   2019 Jul 9, 10:23pm  

Oh and she stole peoples social security numbers. Not to make money but to apply for shit like college. She just made them up and never know who the hell really owned the number.
31   SoTex   2019 Jul 9, 10:24pm  

But that's not why I don't want my country over run by the 3rd world haha... Fuck those assholes round em up!
32   clambo   2019 Jul 9, 10:49pm  

heyyou is confused; the "reps/cons" he refers to don't like Mr. Trump, they employ scab labor from south of the border.

Likewise the Wall Street Journal (CEO is an Australian) doesn't like Mr. Trump much because their editorial position favors unlimited foreign labor supply.

Most of the fat cats and corporate globalist bigwhigs are against the American worker so they are against Mr. Trump.
33   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 9, 11:40pm  

clambo says
sunnyvale's proposal is absurd

Huh? I'm in full agreement of you. What are you talking about? To whitt: "to collect $30k in various state taxes they would need an adjusted gross income of $180k/year and to be paying full property taxes on a $1.2 MM house. Is that really typical for the people sneaking across the border?"
34   Patrick   2019 Jul 10, 3:22am  

Hugolas_Madurez says
Quigley says
I’m mostly in agreement with Wookieman. Give those who have shown good faith a path to citizenship

Fuck, no.

Right! They have already shown bad faith by breaking into the US. They have proven that they do not respect our laws.

I have a problem with rewarding crime.

There are plenty of qualified people with valuable skills who are going through the correct legal process for citizenship. The people who cut in line by jumping the border are shitting on those good people.
35   zzyzzx   2019 Jul 10, 8:18am  

WookieMan says
removing a million people will bring some shock to the economy.

Wages will go up. Traffic will be less. Housing costs will be lower.
36   Hircus   2019 Jul 10, 10:13am  

I agree w/ the idea that there needs to be repercussions to discourage it. If we reward it, or don't punish it, it will continue to flourish.

But, I also feel that suddenly deporting, say ~500k from CA would be a serious hit to the top illegal labor industries, such as agriculture. I have no doubt that farm wages would rise, and new labor would be found, but I think gradually doing this would be much better than some sudden wave. If we did it quickly, I think it would cause utter mayhem, and many businesses would fold due to not having the resources or business model to quickly adapt. If we do it gradually, then the labor would be replaced with some combo of existing citizens shifting jobs + existing citizens entering workforce + new LEGAL immigrants + new John Deere equipment ... 4 very good things. Some businesses would still fold, but new businesses would rise or expand.

With that said, I also think getting mass public support for deporting and replacing millions would be tough. My general feeling is that people don't see most of them as criminals, as they feel illegal immigration is an "understandable" crime on the level of jaywalking (everyone does it, mostly because it's not really enforced).

But, that idea of a punishment tax ... that sounds more realistic to me.

I've always felt that we could give employers new tools to help them verify, and be more aggressive about fining them heavily when they violate and hire illegals. They hire illegals because the economics make sense, so we just need to change the economics of it. I bet we could accomplish that for a reasonable price. We could also make a snitch reward, where citizens are given $$ for successfully tipping off ICE, creating a huge, inexpensive enforcement team that gets deep into the cracks.
37   WillPowers   2019 Jul 10, 3:25pm  

WookieMan says
Illegals are a drag, but I'm guessing if you did the math, it's probably a net gain economy wise if they stay.

Yeah, it's a net gain for the corporations that need lots of cheap unskilled labor. It's a boon for them, but a drag for Americans who need a low paid job to survive if they can't find one.
38   zzyzzx   2019 Jul 11, 9:49am  

Every democrat who advocates for sanctuary cities is complicit in all the crime committed by illegal aliens already ordered for deportation.
39   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 11, 10:09am  

Trump is pure genius. There's absolutely no way he can deport 1 million people in two days. He should have just said, he would deport all 11 million plus illegals in this country.

So rather than the Democrats laughing at him and saying. "Oh yeah? Show me!" They are going out of their way to virtue signal to a group of people that shouldn't even be allowed to vote. They are playing into Trump's hand of dejecting the American voters to placate a group of people that shouldn't have the right to vote. This will go on through July of next year. Then I expect Trump to drop some game changing election rules that prohibit even just ONE illegal vote.

Trump comes out smelling like a rose to his base, because he would have deported 11 million illegals if not for those Commie Libs.
40   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 11, 10:14am  

My bet would be, Trump doesn't do anything major to Election laws nor Immigrants until after the Democrat primaries.

Then he will fix both of those issues for good. That way the same illegal votes that will eventually carry one of the Socialist candidates over to the nomination. Wont be around to vote in the General election. And again, the Bernie butthurters will sit the election out.

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