Democrats' attempt at a coup d'etat has failed

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2020 Feb 1, 5:16pm   2,593 views  47 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Even the overtly partisan NY Times has to quote some of the truth, because it has become so glaringly obvious:


“This was clearly a political coup d’état carried out by a group of people who were amazingly, openly dishonest and I think it’s going to be repudiated,” said former Speaker Newt Gingrich, a strong ally of the president’s. “He’s been beaten up for three solid years and he’s still standing. That’s an amazing achievement if you think about it.” ...

“He is going to ratchet it up to another level now,” said Anthony Scaramucci, the onetime White House communications director who has broken with Mr. Trump. “He’s going to be Trump to the third power now. He’s not going to be exponential Trump because that’s not enough Trump. It’s going to be Trump to the third power.”

The globalist corporate-funded corrupt Democrats, having failed at the ballot box, attempted to use non-democratic mean to undermine democracy. They failed even at that.

This is all excellent news for US citizens and US workers. I also congratulate the citizens of Great Britain for also standing up to the tyranny of the Left and winning the implementation of Brexit at about the same time. As someone of Irish origin, I'm not a particular fan of Britain, but I can honestly be proud of them here.

As for the Democrats, I invite them to repudiate all of the (racist, feminist, bizarre sexuality) resentments which have made their party so odious to honest working people and to concentrate on labor issue alone in the future, so that they can once again win elections. We are, after all, still in this country together.

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1   clambo   2020 Feb 1, 6:20pm  

The media and their democrat ilk have lost yet again.
They will never learn.
2   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 1, 8:06pm  

They’ll keep trying, that’s for sure.

clambo says
The media and their democrat ilk have lost yet again.
They will never learn.
4   marcus   2020 Feb 2, 2:11pm  

Patrick says
He’s not going to be exponential Trump because that’s not enough Trump. It’s going to be Trump to the third power


Patrick says
Democrats' attempt at a coup d'etat has failed

Yes there are those so dishonest with themselves that they have that opinion. But I'm guessing most honest republicans know that Trump needed to be called out for what he did. It's far worse than any of the shit they tried to get BIll or Hillary for. Hypocrisy much ?

But fact is, the republicans in the senate that aren't total dishonest scumbags are going to admit that what Trump did was very wrong, and that it wasn't about not having evidence. It was about getting him off the hook, and or that they didn't believe it was impeachable (they felt it not being an impeachable offense was a reasonable argument (Dershowitz' argument)) .

To me this means that what the oligarchs want is socialism, because they are setting things up for a socialist dictator when the pendulum swings back.
6   marcus   2020 Feb 2, 2:13pm  


Idiocracy has arrived.

7   RC2006   2020 Feb 2, 2:13pm  

marcus says

Hence the term "Limousine liberal".
8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Feb 2, 4:19pm  

marcus says
Patrick says
He’s not going to be exponential Trump because that’s not enough Trump. It’s going to be Trump to the third power


Patrick says
Democrats' attempt at a coup d'etat has failed

Yes there are those so dishonest with themselves that they have that opinion. But I'm guessing most honest republicans know that Trump needed to be called out for what he did. It's far worse than any of the shit they tried to get BIll or Hillary for. Hypocrisy much ?

But fact is, the republicans in the senate that aren't total dishonest scumbags are going to admit that what Trump did was very wrong, and that it wasn't about not having evidence. It was about getting him off the hook, and or that they didn't believe it was impeachable (they felt it not being an impeachable offense was a reasonable argument (Dershowitz' argument)) .

To me thi...


One of the most delusional posts ever on Pat.net.
9   Patrick   2020 Feb 2, 6:55pm  

Trump brought up Joe Biden's corruption.

That's all that Trump did.

Why is Biden not being charged? He openly bragged that he got the guy investigating his son's company fired, using his position in the US government to do it.
10   marcus   2020 Feb 2, 8:30pm  

Patrick says

Why is Biden not being charged? He openly bragged that he got the guy investigating his son's company fired, using his position in the US government to do it.

I know you're not a stupid man, and that you must be honest at least sometimes. So you tell me ? Why ? Can you tell me what democrat senators would say to that question ? Do you even know ?

I'll give you a hint. All of our allies also wanted that corrupt prosecutor out. It wasn't about Burisma or helping out Biden's son. There was never any evidence that it was, although there was a conflict of interest in Bidens son taking that job. I'm sure there will probably be an investigation at some point. But Trump never did anything the previous years when something like a billion in aid went to Ukraine. Only like weeks after Biden threw his hat in the ring did Trump ask for that announcement by Ukraine and hold up aid contingent on that. If Trump wanted to investigate Biden relative to Ukraine, there are channels through our justice department for doing that. Presumably it wasn't investigated further in the justice dept becasue they deal with real facts and knowledge, not right wing conspiracy theories. If they had a case, of course they would have pursued it. What Trump was doing is something different. That is, getting a statement from a foreign leader that would seem to support a wild ass right wing conspiracy theory that was well known to be false.

Trump illegally held up aid with a condition of that announcement from Ukraine to get the aid. This is a fact and will eventually come out more fully.

I know you can't see it, but republicans are scum. Way worse than democrats, even if democrats have let all those types you don't like in to their tent. I too don't care for lefty identity politics, but that's not even close to enough to cause me to side with the scumbags. And you're right they should focus on labor issues, health care, the environment, etc. They haven't abandoned those as much as you claim, but hey, you have to have a justification for liking Great Leader.
11   Shaman   2020 Feb 2, 10:51pm  

marcus says
Trump illegally held up aid with a condition of that announcement from Ukraine to get the aid. This is a fact and will eventually come out more fully.

Whether or not that is a fact is extremely debatable, and it will not come up again once The acquittal goes through on Wednesday. Impeachment is over. Didn’t work, didn’t matter, and probably made the Democrats look like assholes to most of the nation.
They hoped to smear the President and hurt him in the election, just as they accused him of doing to Biden.
But the public ain’t stupid. This was always a bogus charge and no amount of flowery lawyer words will obfuscate the fact that it was a weak argument, a weak charge, and half the country thinks Biden is corrupt and deserves it.
12   Bd6r   2020 Feb 3, 12:13pm  

marcus says
Only like weeks after Biden threw his hat in the ring

So as soon as someone declares zirself a Presidential candidate, nothing should be done about their potential corruption?

How about FBI spying on their campaign? Is that OK?
13   WookieMan   2020 Feb 3, 1:29pm  

marcus says
Trump illegally held up aid with a condition of that announcement from Ukraine to get the aid. This is a fact and will eventually come out more fully.

What? Then why didn't they state the "illegal" act in the impeachment articles??? You understand that the party you are defending didn't even think what he did was illegal, right?
14   Shaman   2020 Feb 4, 7:54am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
This shameful episode won't be over until

Until the neoconservative Democrats get their way and get one of their own back in the White House. Until then they will kick and scream and have their paid mouthpieces in the media to scream about ORANGEMANBAD 24/7 for years and years and years.

So far it’s not working. Viewers are tuning them out, turning them off, and are rightfully skeptical of anything they say after hundreds of fake news scandals from the supposedly trustworthy legacy media.

Now we have Bloomberg, who owns a quarter of said media, running for President. He will probably be the nominee after the corrupt and thoroughly disreputable DNC steals the nomination for him.
It’s going to be a shit show of epic proportions!
And the Democrats are going to be irrelevant for a generation. Until the old hippie Boomers die and the Millennials grow the fuck up and stop being offended by every stupid thing.
15   Shaman   2020 Feb 4, 8:15am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
He's hated for what he's done to our country,

What has he done that was so bad?
1)declined to get us into any new wars? Terrible!
2)cut corporate taxes to bring back investment and launch a new golden age of this economy? Horrible!
3)mandatory prison sentence reform? Despicable!
4)won the trade war with China and secured much more favorable deals with our trading partners?

Or was it that he defied the legacy media who was trying to smear him? Or maybe that he couldn’t be charged with Russian Collusion because after three years the FBI couldn’t find any evidence that it was true? Maybe his gloating on Twitter has your panties in a tangle? Probably.
But name one thing he’s done that has seriously hurt this country?
And no, TDS doesn’t count. That’s self inflicted
17   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 4, 8:42am  

Now they have pivoted their focus to Bernie Sanders, by trying to discredit their own caucus in Iowa.
18   ForcedTQ   2020 Feb 4, 8:45am  

marcus says

Idiocracy has arrived.

Idiocracy is believing that our Republic is a Democracy...
19   Shaman   2020 Feb 4, 9:39am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Trump wants to negotiate individual agreements between each country, so that he has more opportunities at corruption.

Or maybe it’s because they are INDIVIDUAL countries and not blocks like the EU. And now you’re concerned about possible corruption? That rich, coming from a guy who thinks Biden did nothing wrong
20   HeadSet   2020 Feb 4, 10:10am  

4)won the trade war with China and secured much more favorable deals with our trading partners?

This includes the NAFTA replacement, which is much better for the US, but also includes a provision for minimum wages for auto workers in Mexico. That provison will either keep auto production in the US where labor and environmental laws apply, or increase the benefits for Mexican workers.
22   socal2   2020 Feb 4, 10:42am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Trump is likely the most corrupt president we have had.

For real? Not Harding, Buchanan, Johnson, Nixon.....?

I'd argue that Trump has been the most investigated and obstructed President in recent history. Despite a Special Prosecutor and FBI and Impeachment investigations in the first 3 years of his administration, they found exactly jack shit.

Yet, how many politicians leave office (or use their office) and become multi-millionaires like the Obamas, Bidens and Clintons have done?

How did Bernie become a millionaire?
23   WookieMan   2020 Feb 4, 10:47am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Trump probably has over 10 conflicts of interest that blow that one out of the water.

Name just one?

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Biden should have told his less intelligent son to reject the free money job

Good point. Why didn't he then? Even after others mentioned it looked shitty? Isn't that weird?
24   RC2006   2020 Feb 4, 10:56am  

The shit that comes out of this guys mouth, can he not come up with more extreme examples?

25   socal2   2020 Feb 4, 11:09am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Nixon is the most direct comparison. It's arguable. If Nixon had the balls to obstruct congress to the degree that Trump did and if the election were a year away, he might have gotten away with it too.

Trump released the phone call transcript within days of the Whistle-blower report.

There were actual crimes that started with the Nixon impeachment. What was the crime for the Trump impeachment?
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 4, 11:09am  

Looks like Hillary's App crapped out trying to flip caucus votes to Biden.
27   socal2   2020 Feb 4, 11:11am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
I don't know. It wasn't his finest moment, and if he had balls he would have volunteered to testify in front of the Senate.

Then Biden would have to address the Chinese gig that Hunter set up too.

We have barely scratched the surface on Biden's China corruption.
28   Onvacation   2020 Feb 4, 11:16am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Biden should have told his less intelligent son to reject the free money job

Instead he extorted the Ukrainians to fire his son's investigator.
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 4, 11:18am  

Executive Privilege.

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Trump is the only person who has summarily claimed immunity to subpoenas

Former President Truman declared not only he, but his former cabinet members were not compelled to testify to HUAC. Congress backed off.


As best I can tell, Congress has never subpoenaed a sitting president to seek to compel testimony.

So the House is unprecedented in it's request.
30   socal2   2020 Feb 4, 11:20am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
If Trump were innocent, he would provide the evidence.


"Why doesn't Trump play our games and PROVE he is not a Russian spy committing treason every day and release 20 years of documents so we can keep fishing!!"
31   SoTex   2020 Feb 4, 12:46pm  

Let's start sending subpoenas to all the Democrat cranks out there.

And give Mrs. Swallows a hand towel.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 4, 1:00pm  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
people like Bolton

Cabinet covered under executive privilege.

FORMER President Truman flipped the bird at House Committees for his FORMER Staffers for things in his PAST Administration.
33   Onvacation   2020 Feb 5, 5:51am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
fire his son's investigator.
When you make up the facts, you can ake anyone look guilty.

Yep, and then call it, "obstruction of Congress".
34   ForcedTQ   2020 Feb 5, 7:22am  

There is no such law, obstruction of Congress is a joke of a charge. They were so fucked in the head that they couldn’t follow the bloody instructions in the constitution; House files articles only, Senate tries alleged crimes.
35   Onvacation   2020 Feb 6, 5:50am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Did Hillary say that she didn't have to provide her emails, because they were all covered by executive privilege, because she was a cabinet member?

No, she just deleted them.
36   socal2   2020 Feb 6, 8:50am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Did Eric Holder refuse to provide any documentation to Congress? Did the State Department refuse to provide any documentation during the Benghazi investigations? Did Hillary say that she didn't have to provide her emails, because they were all covered by executive privilege, because she was a cabinet member?

The Democrats could have subpoenaed documents and witnesses and fought it out in the courts during the impeachment process. Just like they did in the Clinton impeachment. That is how it is supposed to work.

But the Nancy-boys were in such a hurry, they fucked it all up and threw it to the Senate.

This failure is all on the Democrats.

And as Onvation points out, Hillary deleted thousands of emails and took hammers to cell phones and had a private server.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 6, 11:29am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
You can make this shit up, but you can't make thinking people believe you.

The Dems swore their case was both solid and urgent, so they rushed it to the Senate, which reviewed the evidence they said was incontrovertible and said "no".
38   Onvacation   2020 Feb 6, 11:47am  

NoCoupForYou says
The Dems swore their case was both solid and urgent, so they rushed it to the Senate, which reviewed the evidence they said was incontrovertible and said "no".

Thus, exonerated.
39   SoTex   2020 Feb 6, 12:13pm  

Next time a Democrat wins the presidency on day one I'm going to start an impeachment gofundme.

Day fucking one.
40   SoTex   2020 Feb 6, 1:05pm  

Oh I will...

It'll get cancelled or blocked or whatever but I'm going to give it a try.

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