Media and Democrats attempted to end American democracy

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2020 Apr 10, 8:43am   2,320 views  41 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The Russia investigation into President Trump's 2016 campaign was "one of the greatest travesties in American history," Attorney General William Barr said Thursday during an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle."

Barr said he has seen troubling signs from U.S. Attorney John Durham's ongoing probe into the origins of the two-year probe, which resulted in no allegations of wrongdoing against the president.

"My own view is that the evidence shows that we're not dealing with just the mistakes or sloppiness," Barr told host Laura Ingraham. "There was something far more troubling here. We're going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted."

Trump "has every right to be frustrated" by the investigation, Barr added.

"What happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history -- without any basis," Barr said. "They started this investigation of his campaign. And even more concerning, actually, is what happened after the campaign. A whole pattern of events while he was president ... to sabotage the presidency ... or at least have the effect of sabotaging the presidency."

Barr appointed Durham to review the events leading up to the 2016 presidential election and the origins of the Russia probe, through Trump’s Jan. 20, 2017, inauguration.

During Thursday's show Barr also addressed what he described as abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), saying he believed "safeguards" would "enable us to go forward with this important tool."

" I think it's very sad and the people who abused FISA have a lot to answer for," he said, "because this was an important tool to protect the American people.

"They abused it. They undercut public confidence in FISA but also the FBI as an institution and we have to rebuild that."

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz last year said the FBI made repeated errors and misrepresentations before the FISA Court in an effort to obtain the warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The court later found those warrants “lacked probable cause.”

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1   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 10, 8:50am  

Wealthy elite feel like they have power to be above the law. The kind of shit they get away with is astonishing. You and I would get executed for a fraction of fuckery those people do.
2   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 10, 8:51am  

The Kavanaugh thing was bad enough, but this is treason.
3   Onvacation   2020 Apr 10, 9:03am  

thomasdong1776 says
one of our two major parties simply doesn’t believe in democracy.

Fortunately, Trump has, so far, survived the attacks of these vile people.
4   richwicks   2020 Apr 10, 9:52am  

thomasdong1776 says
This November, it’s all too possible that Trump will eke out an Electoral College win thanks to widespread voter suppression.

Oh come on, he's up against what looks to be a pedophile who was caught red handed exploiting the coup in Ukraine by having his son on the board of Burisma, a job he was unqualified for at every level, and appeared to be selling access to his office. On top of that the man is senile if not insane.


And if you don't think he's a probable pedophile, start at 6:50.

Yeah, the only reason that man might lose against Trump is because of voter suppression, not because he's a corrupt, creepy, nutcase. Get serious. If you haven't seen this full video before, or the relevant parts of it, you will during the election cycle. Yeah, go ahead and elect that, it will be hilarious. Finally, we won't have somebody that is president that embarrasses the United States.

It's funny enough that this is the Democratic nominee, or presumptive. Don't worry, I don't think democrats actually voted for him, I'm just saying the DNC pushed him to the top. Some "democratic" party :)
5   richwicks   2020 Apr 10, 11:22am  

thomasdong1776 says

And the person that supposedly said that is.... whom?
6   marcus   2020 Apr 10, 11:35am  

thomasdong1776 says
So that’s why what just happened in Wisconsin scares me more than either disease or depression. For it shows that one of our two major parties simply doesn’t believe in democracy. Authoritarian rule may be just around the corner.

ThomasDong has given a very real example of democracy being killed, where as the OP's partisan nonsensical accusation is about something that's questionable to say the least, and certainly no more suspect than the way republicans had Ken Star go after Clinton with their multi year witch that culminated with Clinton being impeached for lying (sot of) about a sex act with an intern.
7   marcus   2020 Apr 10, 11:42am  

richwicks says
And if you don't think he's a probable pedophile, start at 6:50.

He's talking about when he was a lifeguard when he was like what 18, at a pool in a black area, and little kids being fascinated with him, and liking him. Why do you project perversion on to something that sounds so innocent ? (at least to those of us in the reality based world).

These days sure are different when it comes to that sort of thing.

I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but I certainly favor him over Trump.
8   richwicks   2020 Apr 10, 11:56am  

marcus says
He's talking about when he was a lifeguard when he was like what 18, at a pool in a black areas, and little kids being fascinated with him, and liking him. Why do you project perversion on to something that sounds so innocent ?

Are you fucking kidding me?


You think that's innocent?

marcus says
These days sure are different when it comes to that sort of thing.

I was born in 1971. No. They weren't.

marcus says
I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but I certainly favor him over Trump.



Well at least Biden was an outspoken supporter of the Iraq War, at least he supported the bombing of Libya and Syria, at least he had his son at Burisma to exploit the coup of Ukraine. I must keep it in mind most people don't really have any moral principles, they just say they do.
9   HeadSet   2020 Apr 10, 5:24pm  

Clinton being impeached for lying (sot of) about a sex act with an intern.

Clinton was impeached for perjury and suborning perjury in the Kathleen Willey sexual assault case, with perjury and suborning perjury being actual crimes.
10   richwicks   2020 Apr 10, 7:44pm  

HeadSet says
Clinton was impeached for perjury and suborning perjury in the Kathleen Willey sexual assault case, with perjury and suborning perjury being actual crimes.

You can't blame a guy for trying to cover up his sexual liaison with a girl that was only slightly older than his daughter.

You can blame a guy for ordering an air strike on the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant to cover it up though because Clinton bombed that plant on the same day Monica Lewinski testified that she indeed gave him a BJ. That's the only reason he bombed it.

William Clinton is a complete sociopath. I think it is rare we end up with a president who isn't.
11   richwicks   2020 Apr 10, 8:41pm  

jazz_music says
marcus says
I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but I certainly favor him over Trump

and buy the video


Because he's not started a new war yet, like Barack Obama did, like George W. Bush did, like William Clinton did, like George H. Bush did, like Ronald Reagan did?

What are your principles? Need a mass murderer to be your leader? What precisely do you want as a president? Somebody that reads the teleprompter that was written by a team to tell you everything is as it should be?
12   richwicks   2020 Apr 10, 11:53pm  

richwicks says
richwicks says
please edit this and post just one video at a time, thanks

Seriously? I'm not allowed to explain logic and show data, within a non defined limit you define without my knowledge, deleting my original post in its entirety without me being allowed to at least edit it?


It's not possible to explain how somebody is incorrect in a sound bite in all cases.
13   Shaman   2020 Apr 11, 5:49am  

What we’ve seen so far is this:
1)Democrats hate Trump with a white hot passion.
2)Most Democrats believe the MSM completely and with no skepticism. They rely on the media to tell them how to vote. They are sheep. Baa-aaaa
3)the media told them to vote for Biden so they will
4)Most Americans are not Democrats. Democrats are actually a small minority of the electorate.
5)The largest group is independents, many of whom will be horrified by all the problems with Joe. They will vote for the incumbent.
6)Republicans love them some Trump. They will enthusiastically vote for ORANGEMANBAD for reasons many and varied.
Trump will win the Independent vote by a wide margin, making the smallish 22% Democrat vote irrelevant.
15   Patrick   2020 Apr 11, 11:35am  

richwicks says
deleting my original post in its entirety without me being allowed to at least edit it?

@richwicks was a whole post deleted?
16   Patrick   2020 Apr 11, 11:35am  

Tenpoundbass says

You have to admit the timing is really suspect.
17   mell   2020 Apr 11, 12:10pm  

Patrick says
Tenpoundbass says

You have to admit the timing is really suspect.

This was a brutal punch into what was a thriving economy, prob one of the best we ever had. I was thinking of getting closer to financial semi-independence (taking on contract work instead if full time gigs) within the next 5 years maybe if trading went well. Now it's probably more like 10. Although if house prices come down significantly it may balance it out a bit. Still pretty fit so don't mind helping orange man to restart the economy to 4 more years of anti globalization policies. Have been pulling 12 hour days the past weeks from home to do my part to get our company through this.
18   marcus   2020 Apr 11, 5:49pm  

richwicks says
I was born in 1971. No. They weren't.

I'm quite a bit older, and yeah, things are different.

Around the time you were born, or ten years later, if some lifeguard said he enjoyed that the little kids liked him, and that he sometimes enjoyed the really little ones getting in his lap, it would be nearly impossible for retarded haters to sell a lot of people on the idea that the guy was actually sexually aroused by that, just becasue of that.

But we're talking like 1960 or so. Then even less so were people thinking that there is a significant chance that individuals are that perverted.

At that time, it someone assumed that a man was sexually aroused by little kids getting in his lap, just becasue he sometimes liked it little kids getting in his lap, it would probably be assumed that it says way more about the accusers perversions.

I still tend to see it that way.
19   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 11, 6:39pm  

jazz_music says
Only some Americans are still interested in Fox' fairytales.

The wealthy pleasure themselves while watching, not kidding.

Activism is the only future for America regardless.

Make your own employment or unionize. Save your money. Run for office. Volunteer. Boycott. Demonstrate. Protest.

America’s future is in production, not worthless stupid activism which produces nothing but poverty.
20   finehoe   2020 Apr 11, 8:33pm  

Why does FOX not consider itself "the media"?
21   marcus   2020 Apr 11, 8:37pm  

They know they aren't legit.
22   NDrLoR   2020 Apr 11, 8:40pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
America’s future is in production

jazz_music says
Run for office. Volunteer. Boycott. Demonstrate. Protest

Not one of those things are productive.
23   rdm   2020 Apr 11, 9:17pm  

Shaman says
What we’ve seen so far is this:
1)Democrats hate Trump with a white hot passion.
2)Most Democrats believe the MSM completely and with no skepticism. They rely on the media to tell them how to vote. They are sheep. Baa-aaaa
3)the media told them to vote for Biden so they will
4)Most Americans are not Democrats. Democrats are actually a small minority of the electorate.
5)The largest group is independents, many of whom will be horrified by all the problems with Joe. They will vote for the incumbent.
6)Republicans love them some Trump. They will enthusiastically vote for ORANGEMANBAD for reasons many and varied.
Trump will win the Independent vote by a wide margin, making the smallish 22% Democrat vote irrelevant.

I changed this a bit to make it reflect reality, By the way weren't you the poster that thought in 2018 the Republicans would hold the house and increase the margin of their majority?

What we’ve seen so far is this:
1)Republicans love Trump with a white hot passion.
2)Most Republicans believe Fox (Hannity and such) completely and with no skepticism. They rely on Fox to tell them how to vote. They are sheep. Baa-aaaa
3) Fox and their preachers told them to vote for Trump so they will
4)Most Americans are not Republicans. Republicans are actually a small and diminishing minority of the electorate.
5)The largest group is independents and women many of whom are horrified by all the problems and abject incompetence of Trump. They will vote for anybody but Trump.
6)Republicans love them some Trump. They will enthusiastically vote for ORANGEMANBAD for reasons many and varied but mainly to own the libs.
Trump will lose the popular vote by a wide margin, and lose the electoral college making his 30-35 % base totally irrelevant.
24   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 11, 10:06pm  

Put the pipe down boss.
25   Shaman   2020 Apr 12, 8:28am  

rdm says
By the way weren't you the poster that thought in 2018 the Republicans would hold the house and increase the margin of their majority?

I was. Worked for the Senate, but it’s hard to anticipate the wide scale cheating the Democrats did to secure marginal House races. It’s much easier to stuff local ballot boxes with mail in votes to take Congressional seats than it is to take a Senate seat this way. Cheating was rampant especially in California where seven seats were flipped.

I’m sticking to my prediction that Republicans are going to clean up in 2020. A lot can still happen between now and November, but so far it looks like a bigly Trumpian win. Biden is a joke and may not even survive until the election. And the down ballot races will suffer from the lack of voter enthusiasm on the Left. Many progressives will feel like they have no good choices, and many Bernie supporters will either not vote or vote for Trump instead.
18-35 year olds are evenly split 44% each between Trump and Biden.
26   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 12, 9:38am  

NDrLoR says
Not one of those things are productive.

That literally describes all sjw outrage culture. Worthless, unproductive trash of bitter losers angry at the world.
27   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 12, 9:43am  

I'm resigned to be quite happy with a Bloody revolt if they manage to get rid of Trump and there is no forward movement on the Sedition that is deeply entrenched in our Government. There's no fucking way in Hell these mother fuckers will ever government me if Trump is removed and they think that all will be forgotten.

Either way THEY are Done! Even if the don't think so.
28   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 12, 9:45am  

thomasdong1776 says
And now we’re a weakened population: We’re facing a dire illness; unemployment is at record rates; people can’t get out in protest, and can’t get together to organize.


This is what is meant by saying that truth is not a leftist value.

Are you even truthful with yourself?
29   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 12, 10:32am  

Deep_State says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
This is what is meant by saying that truth is not a leftist value

But then again the truth is not a rightist value either.

An honest man would admit this.

Yes it is. Left is picking genders out there, and when you tell them there’s only 2, they go ape shit and shut all truth down like disgusting apes tossing fecies.

Truth is not a left wing value.
30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 12, 10:38am  

What’s a rightist?
31   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 12, 10:43am  

FWIW, a leftist is someone who has this as their religion...their Ten Commandments

The Rules
"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
"Never go outside the expertise of your people."
"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
"Keep the pressure on."
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside."
"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

IE, many modern democrat politicians including nearly all their leadership, majority of “journalists”, etc.
32   Shaman   2020 Apr 12, 11:00am  

Deep_State says
Lol, I know it sucks to be wrong but was there any evidence of cheating?

Well LA county registrars were sued to make them remove over a MILLION people from the voter rolls because the rolls were over the number of the population including a lot of dead people who got mail in ballots anyway which could and were filled out by Democrat “volunteers.”
To give just one example, a popular measure to repeal the gas tax hike was winning 58% to 42% at the end of the election 2018 night. The next day somehow a lot of mail on ballots had changed the result to make it lose badly. If every mail ballot was filled out the way the Dems wanted it would make sense, but that’s a statistical impossibility. Except that it happened.
I think that proves fraud.

Sadly, unless the culprits come forward, the foxes are guarding the hen house in California voting and will continue to get away with rampant election fraud.
33   Patrick   2020 Apr 12, 11:22am  

One X : "frequency range from 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 female infants"

XXX: "The frequency is approximately 1 in 1,000 female infants"

XXY: "The frequency of Klinefelter syndrome has been reported to be between 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000 male births."

XYY: "It may be as common as 1 in 900 male births to as rare as 1 in 1500 or even 1 in 2,000."

So we are talking about rare genetic abnormalities.
34   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 12, 11:22am  

Deep_State says
Fortwaynemobile says
Yes it is. Left is picking genders out there, and when you tell them there’s only 2, they go ape shit and shut all truth down like disgusting apes tossing fecies.

Truth is not a left wing value.

Tell me, Fortwaynemobile, if Biological sex in healthy humans is determined by the presence of the sex chromosomes in the genetic code: two X chromosomes (XX) makes a girl, whereas an X and a Y chromosome (XY) makes a boy. Then what sex is a person who is born with something other than XX or XY?

lol turns out males can give birth

Everything else is mental disorder or some sad genetic malfunction failure. That Wikipedia article is a lie written by some sjw moron, it’s not a symbol of authority unless one gullibly believe everything on internet.

Sjw stuff is so pathetic it’s funny. Like retards running around screaming “I’m not retarded”.
35   SoTex   2020 Apr 12, 12:00pm  

Deep_State says
Tell me, Fortwaynemobile, if Biological sex in healthy humans is determined by the presence of the sex chromosomes in the genetic code: two X chromosomes (XX) makes a girl, whereas an X and a Y chromosome (XY) makes a boy. Then what sex is a person who is born with something other than XX or XY?

I don't think it matters. Homo sapiens has 23 PAIRS of chromosomes. So they are something else. Sort of like Down Syndrome.
36   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 12, 4:33pm  

Deep_State says
Fortwaynemobile says
Yes it is. Left is picking genders out there, and when you tell them there’s only 2, they go ape shit and shut all truth down like disgusting apes tossing fecies.

Truth is not a left wing value.

Tell me, Fortwaynemobile, if Biological sex in healthy humans is determined by the presence of the sex chromosomes in the genetic code: two X chromosomes (XX) makes a girl, whereas an X and a Y chromosome (XY) makes a boy. Then what sex is a person who is born with something other than XX or XY?

lol turns out males can give birth


“Thomas” was born a biological female.
37   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 12, 4:34pm  

Patrick says
just_dregalicious says
I don't think it matters. Homo sapiens has 23 PAIRS of chromosomes. So they are something else. Sort of like Down Syndrome.


Birth defects happen, which is sad. But they are defects, tragically malformed. Not normal, and definitely not healthy.

Correct. The burden of proof is on the scientists to prove this “something else” isn’t a genetic defect.

They haven’t done that, and if they did, I’d bet it’s hugely politically driven.
39   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 12, 5:40pm  

Deep_State says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
FWIW, a leftist is someone who has this as their religion...their Ten Commandments

Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change. The last book written by Alinsky, it was published shortly before his death in 1972.[1]:41 His goal was to create a guide for future community organizers, to use in uniting low-income communities, or "Have-Nots", in order for them to gain social, political, legal, and economic power.[2] Within it, Alinsky compiled the lessons he had learned throughout his experiences of community organizing from 1939–1971 and targeted these lessons at the current, new generation of radicals

This is how evil and corrupt leftists are:


God bless the last man in the video for his righteous sentiments.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 12, 5:43pm  

KAVANAUGH: Take this unprovenced claim from High School 40 years ago seriously! #BELIEVEWOMEN!
BIDEN: Don't take this claim with date, time, place exactly testified from 20 years ago seriously. #BELIEVESOMEWOMENNOTOTHERS

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