Trump takes action against social media censorship of conservative voices

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2020 May 28, 5:49pm   2,440 views  80 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


In the next few hours, you may hear a lot about this Executive Order. Leftwing media will claim it addresses a fake problem because tech bias doesn’t exist. Democrats in Congress will say the President is exceeding his authority. Some in the Beltway establishment will say the order doesn’t do that much in the first place.

All of these are lies. Here are a few of the key actions in President Trump’s order:

Makes it U.S. policy that platforms who selectively edit, censor, or are not acting in “good faith” with regards to content will not receive the liability protection included in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
Directs the Commerce Department to petition the FCC to make clarifying rules on Section 230 in line with U.S. policy
Helps stop millions of taxpayer dollars from being wasted by federal agencies on advertising with biased social media platforms
Ensures the Justice Department will review more than 16,000 complaints about politically motivated censorship that were collected by the White House in advance of a Social Media Summit held last year
Mobilizes State Attorneys General—who have massive subpoena and consumer protection authorities—to ensure social media platforms are not engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices
Acts as federal law and lists the many ways in which tech platforms act with bias against viewpoints they disagree with

Massive corporations that treat millions of American citizens unfairly shouldn’t expect special privileges and protections under the law. With President Trump’s Executive Order today, our country is one step closer to having an honest, fair public debate.

Read President Trump’s Executive Order on censorship here.


He's totally right on this one.

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45   Patrick   2020 May 29, 5:28pm  

marcus says

Why was this flagged ?

That should not have been flagged.

@OccasionalCortex please stop that.

Flag only things that are directly insulting other users personally.
46   Patrick   2020 May 29, 5:35pm  

But to the point of the image: it is wrong to censor "bullshit" because "bullshit" literally says nothing at all other than "I am having a temper tantrum."

There needs to be a clear obvious rational reason to censor anything. Like directly insulting other users, or advocating violence.

Otherwise, it's wrong.
47   marcus   2020 May 29, 6:01pm  

Patrick says
censor "bullshit"

Fact checking is not censoring. It is rude to fact check a President, but realize, we aren't talking about a president making a promise he can't keep. We are talking about made up facts.

Why isn't having a President that makes up his own facts more of an issue ? Of course it is with the majority, that is all of us people that aren't in the cult.

But also having a President that tweets so much ? Wtf ? I just looked it up. His record of 142 tweets on Jan 20, broke his previous record of 123 on December 12.

So in addition to being a dishonest narcissist and possibly sociopath, apparently he also suffers from OCD. Makes my Patrick.net habit seem relatively tame.
48   Patrick   2020 May 29, 6:26pm  

My point is only that everyone should have their say, as long as they are not being personal about it.

Listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they have nothing valuable to say.
49   Hircus   2020 May 29, 6:40pm  

OccasionalCortex says
He was waiting for Zuck or Jack to totally fuck up.

Trump invited Zuck and Peter Thiel (a conservative tech investor) to the whitehouse for a private dinner back in Nov 2019. Ever since then, I feel like Zuck has changed, and specifically he's warmed up with Trump. I forget the specifics, but I've seen a few comments from Zuck since then that stuck out to me as much more pro Trump than usual. I think Trump solved his Zuck problem in that meeting.

Also, Zuck broke ranks with Twitter today, and said he does not support Twitter-like censoring, which he talks about in the first minute:

Towards the end, Zuck also some made comments about how proud he was to be an american due to us going back to the moon, and how he felt the govt+private partnership was working well for these space projects, and some other stuff. Zuck isn't stupid - he knows how important his words are, and he probably tries to be deliberate with most things he says, making sure they serve him a beneficial a purpose. So, to me, these words smelled kinda MAGA'ish.
50   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 6:57pm  

What Section 230 Means, by a lawyer who wrote a thesis on it in Law School.

51   Hircus   2020 May 29, 8:37pm  

Here's more "fact checking" and "integrity maintaining" by Twitter

"Glorifying Violence"


If they applied the same standard to other tweets, they'd have to markup millions of tweets.
52   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 8:46pm  

Hircus says
Here's more "fact checking" and "integrity maintaining" by Twitter



You can't see it on the timeline, so I post it here.

Calling Rioters thugs is now "Glorifying Violence." according to Twitter.

Smack them down, Trump, bankrupt that shit.
53   marcus   2020 May 29, 8:53pm  


"when the looting starts the shooting starts."
55   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 9:19pm  

marcus says

"when the looting starts the shooting starts."

Yep. I agree. We saw what happened when you give "Space to Grieve"

Looting innocent people's property ain't justice, it's criminal. Like what happened to this poor guy, who put his lifesavings just a little while ago into a Sports Bar, that was demolished by rioters.

56   Hircus   2020 May 29, 9:33pm  

Hircus says

NoCoupForYou says

Ok, that makes a little more sense now. I didn't see a second part of the tweet until now.

The main message I get here is not one of glorifying violence, its more a message stating reassurances that we will pursue law and order. It reassures people that resources and contingency are committed to deal with the situation.

If my house gets invaded by gunmen, will I still be allowed to cheer to arrival of the police swat team who saves me? Or will I be a bad "violence glorifier"?
57   marcus   2020 May 29, 9:35pm  

In wasn't the use of the word "thug" that twitter thought was glorifying violence.

No local law enforcement people are going to give a standing order to open fire on lootters, unless it with rubber bullets.

The President who we all know is prone to bs and hyperbole shouldn't be saying that just becasue it makes he likes to sound like a bad ass. Maybe a good way to think of what twitter is doing is they are trying to help Trump be more Presidential. I think a lot of us miss the days when Trump had better handlers handlers (such as gen Kelly) that helped prevent him from making a fool of himself on a daily basis.
58   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 9:45pm  

marcus says
No local law enforcement people are going to give a standing order to open fire on lootters, unless it with rubber bullets.

Trump explicitly mentioned the Military. Good thing you teach math and not reading comp.

marcus says
The President who we all know is prone to bs and hyperbole shouldn't be saying that just becasue it makes he likes to sound like a bad ass. Maybe a good way to think of what twitter is doing is they are trying to help Trump be more Presidential. I think a lot of us miss the days when Trump had better handlers handlers (such as gen Kelly) that helped prevent him from making a fool of himself on a daily basis.

Trump isn't the first President, Governor, or other elected US Official to threaten looters with violence. It is Legal, Moral, and Ethical for an Executive to do so.

Many leaders have not only signaled, but carried through, with violent punishments. Like Bill Clinton when he paused his Presidential Campaign in 1992 to attend the execution of a murderer in Arkansas to show he was tough on crime.

59   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 9:54pm  

Also, I hope Trump doesn't fall for the bait.

If Democrat Mayors and/or Governors want to call in the National Guard, let them do so.

If they don't, it's on them.

None of that "Let the responsible President call in the Guard, then after the cleanup, the Left blames him and calls him a Ray Cyst" shit we usually see.

California has lots of National Guard and State Troopers/CHIPs under Newsome. So does NYC. Let Newsome/DeBlasio/Cuomo do their job, or not.

Frankly, the NYPD should call in sick tonight.
60   marcus   2020 May 29, 10:00pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Good thing you don't teach reading comprehension.

It's a tweet. Open to interpretation. "the looting starts the shooting starts. "

Hey, maybe he meant something else, but it's not a question of reading comprehension.
61   marcus   2020 May 29, 10:04pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Like Bill Clinton when he paused his Presidential Campaign in 1992 to attend the execution of a murderer in Arkansas to show he was tough on crime.

So someone that is sentenced to death for a heinous murder or worse, is just like some teens following other idiots in to loot a store that's already wide open for the looting by other idiot assholes.

Advocating death for someone our system found guilty of crimes so bad they were sentenced to death, is different than advocating death for a bunch of ignorant asshole adolescents.
62   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 10:04pm  

marcus says
It's a tweet. Open to interpretation. "the looting starts the shooting starts. "
NoCoupForYou says
Trump explicitly mentioned the Military.

He did NOT mention Police or Law Enforcement. ONLY the Military.
63   marcus   2020 May 29, 10:07pm  

I only mentioned law enforcement becasue they are the ones that make these decisions. WE have standards for these things. He's not going to send the military in to kill looters.

But I guess he thinks it sounds really cool to say he will. Especially with HIS base.

What the hell are you even arguing ?
64   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 10:15pm  

marcus says
I only mentioned law enforcement becasue they are the ones that make these decisions. WE have standards for these things. He's not going to send the military in to kill looters.

Jeeze Marcus? LAW ENFORCEMENT decided to abandon their own Precinct? LAW ENFORCEMENT decides how and when to confront Rioters?

The Mayors and Governors are just ornaments, and don't tell City/State Employees what to do and how to do it in unusual situations?

C'mon, man.
65   Hircus   2020 May 29, 11:11pm  

I think its also pretty reasonable that he was just making a general statement like "As you know when the looting starts, shooting usually starts too, but we will maintain control against any difficulty."

Doesn't shooting usually breakout when looting starts to happen? I know I've read stories about riots, especially the LA riots, where people used their guns to defend their small business or home against looters. Even individuals grab their guns because people start robbing others on the street in the crazed frenzy. Once people realize the cops ain't comin, they feel invincible and go on crime sprees, and people defend themselves with force.

"when the looting starts, the shooting starts"

Trump would do himself a whole lot of good if he improved his awful communication skills. But that doesn't make it right for Twitter to take advantage of the opportunity to set the narrative how they desire.

Glorification of violence is still a bullshit characterization even if he did mean it as a threat. He's clearly talking about using law enforcement to END the violent rioting looters - being strong and sending a message of no tolerance is desirable in times like this to scare them into respecting the authorities.
66   HeadSet   2020 May 30, 7:21am  

marcus says
I only mentioned law enforcement becasue they are the ones that make these decisions. WE have standards for these things. He's not going to send the military in to kill looters.

But I guess he thinks it sounds really cool to say he will. Especially with HIS base.

What the hell are you even arguing ?

Military in this case would be the National Guard. And the Guard (controlled by the Gov) has been deployed throughout our history during times of labor and other riots, plus national disasters specifically to prevent looting.
67   mell   2020 May 30, 8:26pm  

Patrick says
I called all of their VC's, and happened on one who said he would definitely have a word with them. He didn't seem to like the fact that they were rejecting candidates specifically for political reasons.

But such filtering of engineers for "ideological purity" is almost universal in Silicon Valley and San Francisco. Anyone who questions the mainstream media lies, distortions, and omissions in public is unlikely to be employed.

Wow, I'm surprised at these emails and that nothing really followed up on rescinding the interview offer. I guess since you didn't have an actual job offer or job yet it is easier to rescind the offer on a mere interview, but still the political motive is clearly spelled out. SV has fallen mightily since the pioneer days during the dot com boom era where libertarian forces and diversity of opinion were powering innovation that made today's SJW companies possible. Really a shame. Sorry that happened to you, meritocracy really has died in SV long ago.
68   Patrick   2020 May 31, 11:44am  

There's this:

69   marcus   2020 May 31, 1:08pm  

Trump sometimes tweets way over 100 per day. That warning is guaranteed to get a tweet viewed way more than his usual.

Cultists: "Oooohh woopie, I'm so excited, Trump triggered the thought police again, yeah, baby !!"

Meanwhile the reality based folks are wondering: "Will this country ever recover from this embarrassing shitstorm/dumpster fire ?"
70   Hircus   2020 Jun 2, 6:08am  

Zuck is wavering. Yesterday, many FB employees protested Zuck's defense of free speech and free expression. Many employees took the day off in protest, including higher ups.

Now, Zuck has said FB may reconsider their policy on politicians who use violent speech.
72   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 2, 5:10pm  

marcus says
Meanwhile the reality based folks are wondering: "Will this country ever recover from this embarrassing shitstorm/dumpster fire ?"

You mean Teachers and Academics, Diversity Counselors, Social Workers, Biased Journalists (99% of them), and PR Executives. Nobody else gives a fuck.
73   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 2, 5:11pm  

BobbyD says
Patrick says
There's this:

Hmmm, all you have to do is click the view button, it's still there.

It's not on the timeline. You have to get there by clicking the link.

Meanwhile, Khameni and Farrakhan are perfectly unadulterated.
74   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 2, 6:09pm  

Hircus says
Zuck is wavering. Yesterday, many FB employees protested Zuck's defense of free speech and free expression. Many employees took the day off in protest, including higher ups.

Now, Zuck has said FB may reconsider their policy on politicians who use violent speech.

If he was a strong leader, he would have fired their asses.
76   ignoreme   2020 Jun 18, 12:22pm  

The executive order definitely gets one thing right, and that is that the president cannot instruct the FCC to do this or anything else

Uhh he can fire your ass and get someone else to do your job.
77   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 18, 1:22pm  

FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks to Potus

Democrat, literally. Connected to Finance Industry.
78   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 21, 1:41pm  

Barr on the "Bait and Switch" by Social Media.

79   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 23, 1:21pm  

Amazon censors Part One of "Killing Free Speech" where CAIR officials talk about Shari'a limits on speech and the rights of Kaffirs, Gays, and Women.

80   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 23, 1:41pm  

Use google translate into Chinese

"as long as @realDonaldTrump
As president, there will be no "autonomous region" in Washington, DC. If they try, they will be hit hard!"

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