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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   169,882 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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112511   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 12, 1:14pm  

We just saw multiple cities burned down by Black Supremacist and Left Wing Mobs and Opportunistic looters. Over 14 people were killed by "Peaceful Protesters", about one a day for the first 2 weeks of the protests until June 8th. Much more by now.

Black Israelites just tried to blow up a Kosher Supermarket in NJ. It was only serendipity they got caught because their stolen U-haul was seen by an undercover cop meeting with an informant nearby on a totally different case, at the shooting of a random Jew earlier in the week.

Had there been ONE event by the far right, the media would have hyped it to the moon.

More Deaths from Protesters than the entire number of unarmed individuals shot by all police in 2019.
112512   goofus   2020 Jul 12, 1:22pm  

When every white is a "supremacist," according to SPLC and ADL, any white crimes will appear to be "inspired by the far right," even shootings in self-defense.

The reverse is far closer to the truth: black on white crimes are through the roof, including a woman in Indianapolis yesterday who said "all lives matter" and was executed for her impertinence. But these don't count as hate crimes, officially.
112513   goofus   2020 Jul 12, 1:29pm  

The piece has to bring in Dylan Roof from 2015 and the New Zealand mosque shooter. Otherwise, there's scant evidence of "right wing extremism."

Jazz_Music posts the same thing three times? He makes up in quantity what he lacks in quality. Accusations of "supremacism" are not evidence, and a white committing a crime is not de facto a "supremacist" committing a crime. The whole argument hinges on insinuation.
112514   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 12, 1:30pm  

"Attacks" include what? Some swastika graffitti, half of which is by Left Wing Minorities?
112515   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 12, 1:33pm  

goofus says
The piece has to bring in Dylan Roof from 2015 and the New Zealand mosque shooter. Otherwise, there's scant evidence of "right wing extremism."

Yep! Mentally ill and 5 years ago in one; the far side of the World and not the US in another.
112516   RWSGFY   2020 Jul 12, 1:34pm  

112517   RWSGFY   2020 Jul 12, 1:35pm  

Marxist racist BLM is "right-wing" now?
112518   Shaman   2020 Jul 12, 1:40pm  

If it wasn’t for old news, fake news, and irrelevant hyperbole, the OP would have nothing to post!
112519   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jul 12, 1:40pm  


What the fuck kind of ambiguous bullshit are you pushing Panther?
112520   GNL   2020 Jul 12, 3:03pm  

Ceffer says
Fear of plague does everything the psychopathic political control element wants: strikes terror, pits people against one another, prevent gathering, and allows the government to impose series of proscriptive and punitive actions on the populace with the terrorized populace' own complicity. The fear of pandemic is a political tool that allows implementation of social control elements that the populace would otherwise bridle at. It is the perfect political duck blind and social control device.

I do not believe truer words have ever been spoken on Patrick.net.
112521   mostly reader   2020 Jul 12, 3:09pm  

I watched. Peter Bergen (the interviewee) talks about terrorism, quotes some numbers (nothing that would support the title), states that right-wing terrorism has been more or less constant, and that there is an uptick in anti-Trump and black nationalist terrorism.

There's almost no correlation between the content and the assertion in the title. Which is one of the more obvious tells of propaganda.
112522   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 12, 3:13pm  

jazz_music says


Less than we've seen in the last weekend from far left.
112523   SoTex   2020 Jul 12, 3:19pm  

Yeah, I'll probably be deleting this post soon. Just wanted to support my sister not necessarily change any minds (including my own).

That's a large hospital that serves S. Texas with a lot of poor, over-weight, generally unhealthy people. They are definitely slammed though! I was beginning to think this wouldn't happen there...
112524   mell   2020 Jul 12, 3:28pm  

just_adhom_preaching says
Yeah, I'll probably be deleting this post soon. Just wanted to support my sister not necessarily change any minds (including my own).

That's a large hospital that serves S. Texas with a lot of poor, over-weight, generally unhealthy people. They are definitely slammed though! I was beginning to think this wouldn't happen there...

There's no need to remove this. It does make sense for older people to isolate/distance, unless they prefer company and don't care. It is real and killing many older folks. And if it's transmitted via droplets only and old/fragile people know how to use a surgical mask and practice hard there's nothing wrong with wearing one for self-protection. But then use a throw away surgical mask and use it once or twice max for short indoor use only, and not this bandana bs which is a germ factory and doesn't do squat except for hindering your oxygen intake.
112525   MrEd   2020 Jul 12, 3:32pm  

make up for lost sales tax revenue...
Onvacation says
But what could possibly be the rationale for fining someone for not wearing a mask in their own car?
112526   mell   2020 Jul 12, 3:39pm  

Also I think the antibody tests are now available for everyone for ~$100 - if you test positive then you likely came in contact with it and had no issues - either had or developed immunity - so it's pretty much guaranteed you won't have issues next time as well so you can go mingle, no matter what age.
112527   Onvacation   2020 Jul 12, 4:17pm  

Ceffer says
. The fear of pandemic is a political tool that allows implementation of social control elements that the populace would otherwise bridle at. It is the perfect political duck blind and social control device.

Another excellent analysis. Thanks.
112528   GlocknLoad   2020 Jul 12, 6:43pm  

Are you talking to yourself?
112529   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 12, 6:45pm  

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I can give you hundreds of Scumbag Liberal examples you can't even post one.
112530   RWSGFY   2020 Jul 12, 6:49pm  

marcus says
marcus says

What's "this"? Your post is empty.
112531   marcus   2020 Jul 12, 8:00pm  

According to the list of my comments (not including other ones that might have been deleted). My comments on the political humor thread were:

1 that was a reaction to a stupid meme about Soros on the 10th.

4 posts that on thread on the 5th, but spread out on that day.

1 on the July 2nd

several on the 1st

1 on the 30th

etc. (I'm only talking about the political humor thread with this list)

But then last night I posted I don't know, 6 I think, and half were just deleted. Not flagged, just outright deleted.

SO I have to assume that either some moronic hypocritical right wing authoritarian just deleted them, or maybe it's Patrick. Patrick, if I hurt your feelings, or offended you (which you used to say was okay back in your free speech days), it only means my definition of racism is different than yours. Besides, I only have said something along the lines that a particular focus or obsession seems racist to me.

In any case, I will gladly leave, since this site has become an altright hellhole anyway. But I would love to know what happened, before I do.
112532   GNL   2020 Jul 12, 8:08pm  


If you decide to leave, please make it clear why you're leaving. If you're accusing Patrick of something, make it clear.

Also, please tell us what it is, exactly you stand for.
112533   marcus   2020 Jul 12, 8:08pm  

Apparently it's true that Power corrupts,

even if it's laughably just the power Patrick gives some retard to monitor the activity on a forum thread
112534   mell   2020 Jul 12, 8:11pm  

AFAIK nothing was deleted but I don't check the flag section very often. Seems more like a technical error maybe? There's no reason to delete any of these posts.
112535   marcus   2020 Jul 12, 8:17pm  

At least three of my posts from last night were outright deleted. They were still there this morning.

The other possibility is that someone hacked my computer, which seems unlikely, but I would like to know if that's the case.
112536   Ceffer   2020 Jul 14, 6:38am  

Truth be told, you will want a mask anyway because of all the blood spray from the twitching, bullet ridden corpses.
112537   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Jul 14, 7:24am  

Belt-fed open carry is the only way.

112538   RC2006   2020 Jul 14, 5:52pm  

Dark days ahead, feel sorry for any whites that live near or in black hoods. Going to be a lot of dead hipsters.
112539   Shaman   2020 Jul 14, 6:07pm  

RC2006 says
Going to be a lot of dead hipsters.

Maybe there needs to be.
White leftists are ruining the country in every conceivable way.
I won’t miss them. Conservatives will ride out the holocaust and take control on the other side.
112540   Booger   2020 Jul 14, 6:10pm  

Patrick says
If you are white and want to live, you should buy several guns and a lot of ammo immediately.

Yet still another instance where a M134 solves all your problems.
112541   WookieMan   2020 Jul 14, 6:25pm  

I'm usually with you guys, but I think you're buying the hype. BLM is a bunch of cowards. There literally is no threat outside of one off killings, no different the the random ass hole cop that kills a black felon. It's not good, but there will be no escalation beyond a few unfortunate deaths. Blacks cannot even unite together as a community to help each other. You really think they can organize a genocide? Not happening. They can't even get along with themselves from block to block in cities.
112542   HeadSet   2020 Jul 14, 6:34pm  

Blacks cannot even unite together as a community to help each other. You really think they can organize a genocide?

The Blacks in this case are just one of the pawns for those that control BLM and Antifa. After all. someone was able to finance and organize all those riots, including pre-placed bricks.
112543   Patrick   2020 Jul 14, 6:44pm  

WookieMan says
Blacks cannot even unite together as a community to help each other. You really think they can organize a genocide? Not happening.

They don't need to.

White liberals will set up and organize the death camps. They are extremely well-funded and control all of academia, the media, major corporations, and most of government.

Blacks don't have to run the death camps past the point of murdering their white liberal assistants. They can manage that, especially since the most fanatical of the white BLM cult with gladly step into the gas chambers and drag their families with them. It's obvious from their foot washing and groveling.

112544   Patrick   2020 Jul 14, 7:05pm  

BTW, they will be called "temporary detention centers", which is accurate, as white people will be there only temporarily on their way to the gas chambers.

Or maybe "re-education camps" kinda like the Chinese model. Millions died there too.

Relevant 1984 Quotes

"A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledgehammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic." Part 1, Chapter 1, pg. 16

"one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended." Part 1, Chapter 2, pg. 23

"The past was dead, the future was unimaginable." Part 1, Chapter 2, pg. 28

"'Who controls the past', ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" Part 1, Chapter 3, pg. 37

"Comrade Ogilvy, who had never existed in the present, now existed in the past, and when once the act of forgery was forgotten, he would exist just as authentically, and upon the same evidence, as Charlemagne or Julius Caesar." Part 1, Chapter 4, pg. 50

"She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan, and there was no imbecility, absolutely none, that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it out to her." Part 1, Chapter 6, pg. 67

"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." Part 1, Chapter 7, pg. 74

"she only questioned the teachings of the Party when they in some way touched upon her own life. Often she was ready to accept the official mythology, simply because the difference between truth and falsehood did not seem important to her." Part 2, Chapter 5, pg. 154

"You will work for a while, you will be caught, you will confess, and then you will die... There is no possibility that any perceptible change will happen within our own lifetime. We are the dead." Part 2, Chapter 8, pg. 177

"Even the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages was tolerant by modern standards. Part of the reason for this was that in the past no government had the power to keep its citizens under constant surveillance. The invention of print, however, made it easier to manipulate public opinion, and the film and the radio carried the process further. With the development of television, and the technical advance which made it possible to receive and transmit simultaneously on the same instrument, private life came to an end." Part 2, Chapter 9, pg. 206-7

"There was nothing left in them except sorrow for what they had done, and love of Big Brother. It was touching to see how they loved him. They begged to be shot quickly, so that they could die while their minds were still clean." Part 3, Chapter 2, pg. 259

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull." Part 3, Chapter 3, pg. 268

"It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude; the predestined thing happened in any case." Part 3, Chapter 4, pg. 280

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother." Part 3, Chapter 6, pg. 300

"The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible." Appendix, pg. 303
112545   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 14, 7:11pm  

Patriots have seen that things are not Okily Dokily, and have gotten their getters ready just in case things get squiggly.

It's never been tried on an armed society, the Democrats and Chicoms, are jumping the gun. They have grown impatient, because nothing they try has worked to take our guns away. A commie take over with Guns, will be the biggest Commie disaster in History.

Mother Nature is destroying the CCP, I don't think Emperor Xi ping Poo will make it another year. The Chinese Communist party will collapse if the 4 gorges damn bursts.
112546   Shaman   2020 Jul 14, 7:38pm  

Patrick says
BTW, they will be called "temporary detention centers", which is accurate, as white people will be there only temporarily on their way to the gas chambers.

That could happen to leftist whites. They’ll go along happily to their own destruction. But conservatives of every color are far more robust and DISAGREEABLE!!! This is key, people have to be willing to be assholes to ensure their rights and lives aren’t trampled by other assholes. This is a universal truth.
112547   Patrick   2020 Jul 14, 7:48pm  

Yes, I think there is something to that.

White liberals are going along to their deaths because they just can't bear to stand up and disagree with other liberals. Might offend someone you know.
112548   AD   2020 Jul 14, 7:56pm  


In the mean time, expect escalation from knock out punches to something much worse.



Looks like the guy that knocked out punched is in jail: https://www.kfvs12.com/2020/07/08/man-accused-assaulting-year-old-cape-girardeau-boy-turns-himself/


112549   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 15, 3:17am  

Patrick says
BTW, they will be called "temporary detention centers",

Nah, they'll be called safe spaces
112550   Onvacation   2020 Jul 15, 3:49am  

Watkins is charged with three felonies and a misdemeanor that relate to the 2019 local election:

*Interference with law enforcement, providing false information
*Voting without being qualified
*Unlawful advance voting
*Failing to notify the DMV of change of address

Violent criminals like this should not be given bail!

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