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2020 Nov 8, 5:30pm   3,419 views  66 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Fuck yeah AMERICA!!!!!

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2   Ceffer   2020 Nov 8, 6:10pm  

Trump has been the past master at exposing the systemic corruptions of America. i want him to go through the challenge even if he does not succeed in retaining the Presidency to complete his tableau of showing the American public the termite rot and that they no longer matter with their stupid little vote.
4   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 8, 6:18pm  

The cheating in Pennsylvania was so fucking outrageous, people I know who were there are still pissed to this day. How they kicked everyone out, boarded up windows, and inserted fake ballots. Most fucked up shit ever! State needs to go to Trump and those people need to be tried for treason.
5   Shaman   2020 Nov 8, 6:37pm  

Pennsylvania and Nevada would give Trump the win.
6   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 8, 6:38pm  

Shaman says
Pennsylvania and Nevada would give Trump the win.

that's if they get cheating fixed :(
8   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 8, 7:10pm  

joshuatrio says


The problem is they won't be able to segregate fraudulent ballots. Because they were shuffled into all other ballots, they weren't separate. It's really fucked up what those guys did to cheat.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 8, 7:14pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
The problem is they won't be able to segregate fraudulent ballots. Because they were shuffled into all other ballots, they weren't separate. It's really fucked up what those guys did to cheat.

If it goes before SCOTUS, the PA SOS is doomed. Even if Roberts cucks out on fighting for the very legal precedent he helped establish personally.
10   Ceffer   2020 Nov 8, 7:35pm  

I hope that all this stuff about Trump monitoring and setting the vote fraudsters up for prosecution is true. However, if conservative pundits have a true glaring fault, it is to cry wolf over and over claiming pending indictments and the flaming sword of God coming down imminently to smite the offenders, and it never happens. It is a cheap stunt to keep the click baiters and audience excited, and it the one feature of their discourse I wish they would restrain.

I guess we'll see.
11   ignoreme   2020 Nov 8, 7:40pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
The problem is they won't be able to segregate fraudulent ballots. Because they were shuffled into all other ballots, they weren't separate. It's really fucked up what those guys did to cheat.

What I’ve been saying for days.

You can’t prove that Trump won.

You can’t prove that Biden lost.

Do you really expect the courts to overturn the result of an election where an indeterminate amount of voter fraud has occurred?

We’ve had decades to fix this. Why are there not federal voting laws? This is 100% our fault and we deserve it.
12   Ceffer   2020 Nov 8, 7:49pm  

They do have process in place. It has just seldom been invoked. They cite the Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton event early in the USA history where the House was called upon to elect and led to the Burr/Hamilton duel.

State electors can rectify the matter. Recounts and audits of ballots and voting machines can re-cast the votes the way they were supposed to be. The House could wind up electing the President. I would imagine there are other legal strategies that I am not aware of. SCOTUS overturning the spurious fabricated ad hoc policies in violation of written law that allowed the introduction of late manufactured ballots by itself could turn things around. The question is if any of these things will actually happen.
13   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 8, 7:56pm  

Ceffer says
I hope that all this stuff about Trump monitoring and setting the vote fraudsters up for prosecution is true. However, if conservative pundits have a true glaring fault, it is to cry wolf over and over claiming pending indictments and the flaming sword of God coming down imminently to smite the offenders, and it never happens. It is a cheap stunt to keep the click baiters and audience excited, and it the one feature of their discourse I wish they would restrain.

When you're trying to take down a Drug operation, you don't bust the first Crack dealer that sold you rock on the streets. That's why Strozk and Page aren't in jail.

It all makes perfect sense now, everything. How Trump always manages to have the destroyed and missing digital devices and devices, the lost emails everything.
Why Barr announced, that technically Obama didn't break any laws unmasking and spying on Trump. This wont mean they get away with crimes they committed otherwise.
The indictments are still forthcoming, we're going to see it all start happening when the Election is turned around.

The old adage it's not over 'til it's over.

People not going to jail yet, doesn't mean the investigation still isn't play. If you're monitoring all of them, and you know what they are doing .And you know they are going to try to take you down on a Ukraine phone call. You let them keep going and digging deeper holes. If they are planing to take you out through a crooked election, you let them do it. If you go stop the election and try to put in a voting system that can't be cheated. But leave the same Election stealing experts in place, They'll just figure out how to cheat your unbeatable system. You have got to take out the rats, and you have to get them all. In every institution at every level. Beginning with the elections. It makes sense, Trump didn't want to disrupt them while they were offering themselves up and exposing their own dirt.

Remember Trump's announcement yesterday. We will be preparing our Prosecution in the Courts. You don't go to SCOTUS for prosecution.
14   richwicks   2020 Nov 8, 8:04pm  

ignoreme says
This is 100% our fault and we deserve it.

Not "our fault".

Our government's fault. They like corruption, they refuse to change it.
15   ignoreme   2020 Nov 8, 8:06pm  

Tenpoundbass says
It all makes perfect sense now, everything. How Trump always manages to have the destroyed and missing digital devices and devices, the lost emails everything.
Why Barr announced, that technically Obama didn't break any laws unmasking and spying on Trump. This wont mean they get away with crimes they committed otherwise.
The indictments are still forthcoming, we're going to see it all start happening when the Election is turned around.

I wish you were right. But honestly, given the last 4 years if any of this actually happens I’d be shocked.

If he’d just built the wall, e verify, and got rid of H1B we wouldn’t have to do any of this. 100% of the population would have voted for him.
16   ignoreme   2020 Nov 8, 8:08pm  

richwicks says
Not "our fault".

Our government's fault. They like corruption, they refuse to change it.

We vote for it. Gleefully accept it when it benefits our team. At the very least don’t give a shit about stopping it.

At a certain point, I think the people living in this country deserves a Biden president.
17   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Nov 8, 8:16pm  

ignoreme says
richwicks says
Not "our fault".

Our government's fault. They like corruption, they refuse to change it.

We vote for it. Gleefully accept it when it benefits our team. At the very least don’t give a shit about stopping it.

At a certain point, I think the people living in this country deserves a Biden president.

No one deserves a Biden, but we will get what we put up with. Elites are afraid of BLM, they aren’t afraid of conservatives. So they don’t see a problem with giving election to Biden to calm blmers. They think you can feed the beast, like fools.
18   Ceffer   2020 Nov 8, 8:18pm  

I could believe that Biden is a herald of the downfall that our country may have earned. ApocalypseBiden.
19   ignoreme   2020 Nov 8, 8:25pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
No one deserves a Biden,

A large percentage of the population voted for Biden simply because lady Gaga told them Trump was racist. They surely deserve a Biden president.

At the end of the day, I’m a religious guy. At the end of the day, Biden’s base was college educated women. At the end of the day, the main issue of college educated women is abortion access.

I believe Biden is our punishment for the sin of abortion.
20   Reality   2020 Nov 8, 8:40pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
No one deserves a Biden, but we will get what we put up with.


Elites are afraid of BLM, they aren’t afraid of conservatives.

I don't think many people are afraid of BLM, which was an entirely artificial creation, with hardly any grass-root support . . . which was why they had to release so many criminals from the jails to get the Burn Loot and Murder started, and had to ship their rag-tag gang from one city to another.

So they don’t see a problem with giving election to Biden to calm blmers. They think you can feed the beast, like fools.

The Obama experiment already proved that placating the lowest denominator didn't work. Not even the black neighborhoods embraced BLM. It's the suburban white female kids that projected their own racism onto assuming other people are racists therefore virtual-signalling while providing human meat shields for the Burn-Loot-Murder criminals released from prisons.
21   SoTex   2020 Nov 8, 8:42pm  

Ceffer says

I much prefer ApocalypseFuck. o_O
22   Reality   2020 Nov 8, 8:45pm  

ignoreme says
At the end of the day, I’m a religious guy. At the end of the day, Biden’s base was college educated women. At the end of the day, the main issue of college educated women is abortion access.

I believe Biden is our punishment for the sin of abortion.

The punishment for the sin of abortion is the demographic collapse of the left (the side that embraced abortion). That's why the left had to engage in this massive election fraud to give Biden any chance whatsoever.
23   richwicks   2020 Nov 8, 9:01pm  

Reality says
The punishment for the sin of abortion is the demographic collapse of the left (the side that embraced abortion). That's why the left had to engage in this massive election fraud to give Biden any chance whatsoever.

This is exactly right.

Although I really did have a problem with Conservatives, 20 years ago, I knew this would happen - they would out-populate the other side in time. Conservatives have mellowed out considerably over time. They are no longer the bible beating Creationists of God Hates Fags and evangelical fraudsters Peter Popoff, Jim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, and Ted Haggard. They are now reasonable sane people, but that's not at all how I perceived them in the 1990s.

But the left, they are insane. Abortion up until the moment of birth? I can understand the first trimester, even the 2nd in some extraordinary cases, but 3rd? That's just infanticide.
25   clambo   2020 Nov 9, 12:55pm  

“I’m here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum.” (They Live)

The rallies are a great idea; the media will have to report it although they don’t want to.

Hey, maybe set up vaccinations for those who attend. 😎
26   Ceffer   2020 Nov 9, 2:52pm  

Yes, I think Trump is 100 percent right to go on the stump over the voter fraud, because he is the only voice in the broad information sphere that they can't stifle. The public has to know who their domestic traitors and insurgents are.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 9, 2:54pm  

Reality says
The punishment for the sin of abortion is the demographic collapse of the left (the side that embraced abortion). That's why the left had to engage in this massive election fraud to give Biden any chance whatsoever.

Demographics suck long term for Leftists. Read "Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?" Even if their stranglehold on Media, Academia, and K-12 continues, eventually there will be so many conservative parents and so few Leftists to keep replacing dying/retiring Leftist Clerisy, they'll HAVE to hire non-Leftists. It'll be a trickle that turns into a flood.

We're living in peak Leftism-Postmodernism right now, unless they go full authoritarian boldly and openly (which may happen, they did brazenly try to steal when there was no way they could reasonably cover it up even with media helping)
28   mell   2020 Nov 9, 3:12pm  

But the procreation of leftoids is not via giving birth and passing on the genes - there's little of that though some - it's via indoctrinating someone else's kids to adopt the leftoid diseased state of mind. And they have been doing a pretty good job at that with kids breaking with their parents cause they voted for the orange man. It's not as simple as birth numbers.
29   Shaman   2020 Nov 9, 3:21pm  

mell says
it's via indoctrinating someone else's kids to adopt the leftoid diseased state of mind.

This is all too true.
Protect your kids from Leftists!
I’m having trouble with my teenaged daughter. She’s picked up a lot of bad ideas from the Left teachers and friends and media. Trying to dismantle, but I fear that I’m too late to raise her as a based conservative. Hope not. Not making the same mistake of not talking politics with my son. He’s getting the truth early before leftist teachers try to indoctrinate him. Fifth or sixth grade seems ideal for starting this process of immunizing kids against the ideas of the Left.
30   joshuatrio   2020 Nov 9, 3:32pm  

It's coming to light!!!!
31   rocketjoe79   2020 Nov 9, 5:17pm  

Shaman says
mell says
it's via indoctrinating someone else's kids to adopt the leftoid diseased state of mind.

This is all too true.
Protect your kids from Leftists!
I’m having trouble with my teenaged daughter. She’s picked up a lot of bad ideas from the Left teachers and friends and media. Trying to dismantle, but I fear that I’m too late to raise her as a based conservative. Hope not. Not making the same mistake of not talking politics with my son. He’s getting the truth early before leftist teachers try to indoctrinate him. Fifth or sixth grade seems ideal for starting this process of immunizing kids against the ideas of the Left.

Day One of School: Learn the Pledge of Allegiance. At home, read to them from both sides of the aisle. Teach critical thinking, not dogma. I made this mistake with my kids too.
Oh, and forget Public school. Conservative or at least center thinking private schools only.
32   Patrick   2020 Nov 9, 5:39pm  

mell says
it's via indoctrinating someone else's kids to adopt the leftoid diseased state of mind

That works only on kids without a strong tradition. Sadly, that's most kids at the moment, but not for very long.
34   Patrick   2020 Nov 9, 5:50pm  

Why on Twitter?

That is just so damn stupid.

Don't make yourself dependent on your enemy to even be heard.
35   ForcedTQ   2020 Nov 9, 7:08pm  

Patrick says
Why on Twitter?

That is just so damn stupid.

Don't make yourself dependent on your enemy to even be heard.

No shit. At least start the move to Parler!
36   Patrick   2020 Nov 9, 7:13pm  

Moving to non-corrupt media also sets you up for good future reliability of having your voice heard.

Twitter is obviously very corrupt.
37   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Nov 9, 7:20pm  

Patrick says
Why on Twitter?

That is just so damn stupid.

Don't make yourself dependent on your enemy to even be heard.

Where else? Foxnews cuts them off.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 9, 7:21pm  

I strongly suspect that 80% of males 25-35 have never initiated a fight. Maybe 2/3 have walked away from any real fight with punches and never got clocked in the face.

This is a major social problem.
39   Patrick   2020 Nov 9, 7:40pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Patrick says
Why on Twitter?

That is just so damn stupid.

Don't make yourself dependent on your enemy to even be heard.

Where else? Foxnews cuts them off.

A freaking plain old Nginx static content server hosted in Iceland. Literally like $100/month for kick ass hardware.

OK, if you want to host videos, that's going to cost for bandwidth, say up to $1000/month. Trump can afford it, it can't be shut down, and it's damn simple. There are literally a million tech guys who could set that up in a matter of a few days.

Just upload the video. Pass out the link. Done.

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