I hate jab passports — and you should too

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2021 Apr 7, 8:39am   2,073 views  90 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Who believes that the government, Big Tech and corporations have our best interest at heart?

The widespread implementation of some kind of digital vaccine passport or ‘vaxport’ appears to be a foregone conclusion in the United States — but not if I can help it. I’m going hard against it while there’s still time. You should too.

It’s a very simple question: do I trust the government, Big Tech and corporations not to abuse this power? The answer is NO. Absolutely not. And why should I? Why would anyone? I could have just stopped at ‘do I trust the government, Big Tech and corporations?’ Opposing vaccine passports seems like something that should unite people across the entire political spectrum.

Over the past decade we’ve had all of these institutions sell our data, spy on us and lie to us. The concept of a ‘vaxport’ also demands that we trust our medical data will remain secure, which is a joke. All of our information has been spilled all over the internet by some of the most ‘secure’ companies online.

And before you come running into my mentions waving your yellow ‘International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis’ card bragging about how many countries you’ve been in where you needed to show your vaccinations (you didn’t) and how all of us dumb, ignorant rednecks need to leave our bubble — I’m not talking about international travel. What a country demands for entry in is completely up to that country. A digital domestic passport system to partake in society is very different than needing to show physical proof that you got your yellow fever shot before you enter Uganda.

For me, all the arguments for the idea of this dystopian nightmare rest on the premise that the government, Big Tech and corporations have our best interest at heart. This is absurd on its face.

Here are the questions we should be asking the people in charge of rolling this program out. Why do we need these if the vaccines work? The point of the vaccine is to protect us from the virus when we’re out in the world and it turns out — they’re working! Hooray! These vaccines are a miracle of modern science and we should all be celebrating. Not only that, much of the evidence coming out shows that not only do the vaccines work, but they work against many of the variants, too. Why are people so invested in controlling whether or not everyone around them has the vaccine if this is the case? Get your vaccine, stop asking everyone else if they got theirs — it’s none of your business — and get on with your life.

And who are we to force people who might be vaccine-hesitant into getting a vaccine that has only been tested for a year and we have no idea what the long-term side effects will be? I’m happy to take my chances for science and for humanity on this vaccine — but make no mistake — we are all guinea pigs. Given you can’t sue pharmaceutical companies, we are guinea pigs with no recourse. Someone has to do it. I’m OK with it — but I would never force someone who wasn’t comfortable with the idea to get the jab. Their body, their choice — right? Or are we not doing that anymore?

And let’s talk about the idea of choice because this is another lie being sold to anyone who opposes this idea. ‘You don’t have to get the vaccine, Bridget. Or the vaxport.’ Sure but even when I get the vaccine, if I don’t get the vaxport, I’ll still be unable to participate in some aspects of society. This is not a choice. This is the government who has taken away all of your freedoms and is giving them back to you now conditionally. Instead of mandating the vaccine, they’re going to rely on manufacturing consent using social pressure and private companies. It’s shady. It’s creepy. And we’re just supposed to say, ‘Thank you, Daddy.’

Pro-vaxport folks will try to use your support of the free markets against you by saying, ‘this is just private businesses taking steps to protect their customers.’ Only that’s not the case. In fact, it’s the public sector and the private sector collaborating. Though Dr Fauci has said the federal government won’t require vaccine passports, the Biden administration has said they are ‘working on creating a set of standards for people to prove they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19.’

But what exactly is the scope of the vaxport? We really won’t know what the parameters are until they’re released. By then it will be too late to resist. Isn’t that convenient? And it’s much harder to undo a disaster of a policy or program than it is to cut that bad idea off at the pass. Where will they be necessary? Do I need one to fly domestically? Get into a museum? A restaurant? Do you need one to go to work? Cross state lines? What about people who have medical conditions? What about folks who don’t have smartphones? What about our right to keep our health information private?

One of my favorite dumb arguments is, ‘What’s the big deal? You’re already giving up more information on your phone and using google.’ Yes, I’ve given up my soul to social media, my privacy to Google and my information to the entire internet — so why not sacrifice my body and medical history too?

Most of the folks I see loudly bullying people into getting the vaccine passport (and by default, the vaccine) are limousine liberals in blue states who haven’t left their homes in a year. And we get it. You all want to get back to your SoulCycle classes and Coachella because you’ve been on a steady diet of NPR and CNN and you’re terrified. But newsflash: red states have been some form of partially open since last July. There is no need for a vaccine passport to ‘get back to normal’ if you’ve already been back to normal for almost a year. In fact, governors of states like Florida, Missouri, Mississippi and Texas have already come out in favor of banning the passports in their states.

The people in favor of this Black Mirror nonsense will also bury you with a barrage of bad faith attacks: ‘You just want to kill people’, false equivalencies: ‘You need immunizations to go to school’, shame tactics: ‘Grow up and be an adult’ and ideas that are such utter rubbish they don’t deserve a response: ‘No shirt, no shoes, no vaccination, no service.’

A year ago you were called a conspiracy theorist if you said bio-security ID was on the way. It’s also the same people who, if this was Trump floating the idea, would be screaming we are LITERALLY NAZI GERMANY and as much as I hate trite comparisons that cheapen the Holocaust, in this case, I’d probably be fighting alongside them.

Speaking of the #Resistance, what happened to literally everything is racist? Given that our most vaccine-hesitant populations tend to be disadvantaged groups and people of color — wouldn’t this system be excluding those very populations? Isn’t the very idea of vaccine passports actually racist since the people who will be left behind are the communities who justifiably have the most distrust in the government and healthcare systems?

After giving them access to our health records, where does it end? Our finances? Our voting history? Allow me for a moment to don my tinfoil hat. How long before I need to prove I took a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion test to inoculate myself against my implicit bias? Now you can tell me this is far-fetched, or a lazy ‘slippery slope’ argument. But just last summer during the mostly peaceful protests, hundreds of experts in epidemiology and medicine came out and said, ‘the real epidemic is racism’. By that logic, why not force people to prove they‘ve immunized themselves against bigotry?

Perhaps I’m still kicking myself for believing it would be ‘just two weeks to flatten the curve’. Maybe I’m overcompensating for the shame of being gullible enough to believe our leaders and ‘experts’. Or maybe I learned my lesson and I’m fighting while I can. As comedian Dave Smith said, if there is enough backlash, the powers that be will realize they have to ‘boil that frog a little longer’.

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1   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 7:58pm  


New York's vaccine passport program is already failing

The Cuomo-IBM idiocracy can't produce a good product.

Liberty advocates, rejoice! The idiocracy is going to save us from another form of COVID tyranny. Thanks to a combination of bungling authoritarians and decaying legacy corporations, these entities are simply too incompetent to pull off a functioning vaccine passport program.

New York’s rollout of its vaccine passport already has the markings of a five alarm dumpster fire. The New York State “Excelsior Pass” vaccine passport system, which was created by IBM, has so many issues that I wouldn’t be surprised if the program was scrapped altogether before the end of the calendar year. It has massive security flaws, a shrinking customer base by design, it remains incredibly impractical, and it’s incredibly easy to manipulate. Excelsior Pass sucks, thanks to the idiocracy that was responsible for its design and implementation.
2   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 8:00pm  


1. They place major limits on freedom
Before the pandemic, citizens in many countries were able to freely visit bars, cinemas, restaurants, sporting events, and more without restriction.

Vaccine passports erode this freedom by requiring people to show proof that they’ve been vaccinated or recently tested negative for COVID-19 before they can participate in these same activities.

Essentially, vaccine passports create a two-class system. Those with vaccine passports are given the freedom to enter any business premises and full access to all the products and services that these businesses provide. Those who refuse vaccine passports have these freedoms stripped away and are denied access to a wide range of important products and services.

2. They erode privacy
Vaccine passports often collect biometric data and connect with cloud-based databases that contain sensitive personal information such as vaccination status and COVID-19 test results.

While some systems have introduced security measures to prevent this data from getting into the wrong hands (such as using random long numbers as identifiers), other systems have been shown to be lacking. For example, investigative journalist there have been reports that New York’s vaccine passport system has incredibly lax security protocols, making it easy for a random individual to steal your data.

The implementation of other digital coronavirus tracking systems has also shown that when these types of systems are introduced, the data they collect and store is often shared with numerous third parties. For example, in the UK, data that was collected to comply with its contact tracing law ended up being sold to third parties and a new law was introduced that allowed the police to access data of people who are self-isolating.

And regardless of the security protocols that are in place, digital health records are at constant risk of being breached. Every year, millions of patient records are exposed in data breaches.

Outside of the digital data privacy concerns, vaccine passports also publicly expose some health data by design. Everyone who enters a premises that deploys vaccine passports is publicly revealing details of their vaccination status or health status to those around them.

3. They give more power to institutions that have restricted freedom and privacy during the pandemic
Governments and tech companies have used the pandemic to restrict people’s movements, police what they can say online, and harvest their personal data.

Vaccine passports give these institutions even more power to continue down this path and exert an unprecedented level of control over their constituents.

Governments gain almost complete over people’s movements because they can set the criteria that dictates who is allowed to travel and enter business premises.

The tech companies who are contracted to create and maintain vaccine passports also benefit greatly because users are forced to use their technology, hand over their data, and abide by their rules.

4. They pave the way for more invasive measures
Vaccine passports introduce digital infrastructure that can be used to restrict people’s access to products and services based on any criteria. For now, this criteria is related to coronavirus vaccine status and test results but in the future, the criteria could be greatly expanded.

The growth of China’s social credit system highlights how vaccine passports could rapidly evolve into a sinister digital surveillance system. Since its introduction in 2009, this system has become deeply ingrained in China and uses a wide range of factors to deny millions of citizens access to train and plane tickets. Something as minor as playing loud music on a train or jaywalking is all it takes for a Chinese citizen’s social credit score to be lowered.

What makes this potential future even more chilling is that public figures such as former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Chinese government are calling for a global vaccine passport scheme. If such a scheme were introduced, it would mean one system would be able to set the criteria that dictate freedom of movement for the entire world.

5. They're unnecessary
The current COVID-19 vaccines are allegedly up to 95% effective at protecting against the coronavirus with symptoms which means that anyone who wants a vaccine can get a high level of protection from the virus.

Coronavirus cases and deaths in countries with a high level of COVID-19 vaccine uptake have greatly declined. For example, in Israel and the UK (the top two countries in terms of vaccine uptake), cases have dropped by 79% and deaths have dropped by 90% since they began their COVID-19 vaccine rollouts.

Yet even though vaccinated people have a very low risk of contracting the virus and the spread of the virus has been greatly reduced in countries with a high level of vaccine uptake, supporters of vaccine passports insist that this freedom-restricting technology is necessary to slow the spread.

Not only does the data suggest that the spread of the coronavirus is slowing without vaccine passports but making a negative COVID-19 test result one of the vaccine passport criteria also reduces their effectiveness.

No test is 100% accurate which means there will be false positives (which result in people being denied access to premises when they don’t have COVID-19) and false negatives (which result in people given access to premises when they have COVID-19).
3   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 8:52pm  

Hopefully they pave the way to voter ID. Because vaccine passports cannot happen without that. Minorities can't get ID's or passports. So how could they get a vaccine passport for the cold?
4   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 9:52pm  

You're expecting logical consistency?
5   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 10:22pm  

Patrick says
You're expecting logical consistency?

Lol. No. Wishful thinking. Sometimes positivity can work, or at least I hope.
6   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Apr 8, 5:25pm  

If they can get enough people to take the experimental DNA shot, I'm pretty sure they'll try to force the rest of us to get it by issuing passports, or some kind of restrictions. This is already happening in Israel.
7   WookieMan   2021 Apr 8, 10:24pm  

NuttBoxer says
If they can get enough people to take the experimental DNA shot, I'm pretty sure they'll try to force the rest of us to get it by issuing passports, or some kind of restrictions. This is already happening in Israel.

I agree there will be a push for it. But we have existing laws that make it an impossibility to enforce without a Constitutional amendment. We can go down a huge rabbit hole of vaccines and conditions people have, that need to provide proof they've been vaccinated or don't have a communicable disease.

Put this way, I no longer want to take a plane, bus or public transit with anyone that has AIDS if a vaccine passport is implemented. I want to know if the house I'm renting or buying had someone with AIDS in it. There's no logic to a vaccine passport. None. There's also no reason for it. We've gotten by for decades with AIDS being allowed to spread freely without any kind of passport for a much riskier, life affecting disease. I mean is a QR code/passport coming for herpes?

Massive overreach if this ever goes down here in the states. Other countries have every right to request a test or vaccines to get in. But you cannot restrict interstate travel. They didn't even check for a negative covid test for my BIL/SIL coming back from Austria even though it was "required." Most everything you read on covid is a pre-determined narrative. The reality is vastly different.

The out in the open brainwashing from this has been staggering. Of the 30+ people I know that got it, one felt pretty sick. Worst flu he's gotten. Went to the doc to get tested and that was it. Everyone else was fatigue or thought they had a sinus infection OR, and this is big, didn't even know they had it. We know AIDS is rampant in the gay community. We know covid harms elderly past their life expectancy and usually unhealthy. Educate those people on how they can take care of themselves. Not make everyone else suffer.
8   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Apr 9, 2:56pm  

I'd suggest that rather than some "passport" becoming the law, government will simply pressure business's the same way they have for masks. There is no law that mandates wearing a mask, but look around..
9   Onvacation   2021 Apr 9, 2:59pm  

WookieMan says
I agree there will be a push for it. But we have existing laws that make it an impossibility to enforce without a Constitutional amendment.

I suppose next you'll say they can't suspend the bill of rights without an amendment.
You so funny
10   Onvacation   2021 Apr 9, 3:07pm  

NuttBoxer says
There is no law that mandates wearing a mask, but look around..

But there are "county health mandates". Even those of us that think masks are worse than useless as used, use them to pick up food or go shopping. If the stores don't enforce the mandates they lose their license.

We have all been conditioned to put on a mask to get food.
11   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 9:05pm  


The rule, on the other hand, is not voluntary: establishments that are found to be serving unregistered patrons will pay fines of £1,000.

“Requiring every single person who enters a cafe or pub to show their phone screen and hand over their personal details poses a serious risk to privacy and data rights and is based on exclusion, criminal sanctions and police enforcement,” said Madeleine Stone of Big Brother Watch.

Big Brother Watch looks like a good organization:


I just donated 20 pounds to them, and a pound tip for the donation site they use.
12   WookieMan   2021 Apr 10, 9:38am  

Onvacation says
I suppose next you'll say they can't suspend the bill of rights without an amendment.

I mean government can do anything technically. Who is going to stop them? I think we'd be nearing pitchforks and torches (guns) if we get to a legit federal vaccine passport level though. I'd physically fight back for sure. No need to say what I'd do and get anyone in trouble, but you fuck with my freedom to move about? Enjoy the consequences.
13   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 10:10am  

WE THE PEOPLE are going to stop them.

We have to mess with the systems they use to take away our rights.

It would be more than justified, for example, to hack any so-called "vaccine passport" system to make it unusable.

The most important thing is to recruit from members of the police and military to be on the side of truth and the Constitution. All those police and military have plenty of family in the US. We all have connections to them. And given that they are in the police and military, they tend conservative and pro-Constitution to begin with.
14   Hircus   2021 Apr 10, 10:27am  

Scanning a barcode in an app is such obvious bullshit. You still need to show ID to prevent everyone from just showing the same duplicated barcode. Now, if you need to show ID, why not just scan people's state ID card? I'm pretty sure all IDs have barcodes now.

I know why - they want to get us accustomed to having govt tracking software on our phones "for the greater good".

Well, in this case, it could also be that IBM was able to extract many additional billions from NY by creating this "sophisticated" app, opposed to just proposing they scan ID cards. IBM is the king of extracting money from stupid ass govt bureaucrats. And, govts are fucking stupid when it comes to technology spending. Modern IBM would not exist w/o their parasitic symbiotic relationship with stupid govts with open checkbooks around the world.

And, damn near everyone is fucking stupid when it comes to apps - like lemmings, they install all kinds of apps, allowing their data to be harvested. I'd estimate 90% of apps don't need to be an app, and instead could have been created as a mobile-first webpage while still offering an excellent user experience. But, the lemmings want "apps!".
15   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 10:34am  

Hircus says
I'd estimate 90% of apps don't need to be an app, and instead could have been created as a mobile-first webpage while still offering an excellent user experience.

Thank you @Hircus

I tried to say this at work, but was overruled. "Progressive web apps" run in a browser and can do just about everything an app can do.

No install, no App store or Play store to censor you or take a cut, and far greater security for the end user.
16   HeadSet   2021 Apr 10, 11:31am  

Patrick says
No install, no App store or Play store to censor you or take a cut, and far greater security for the end user.

And I presume no vector to install malware? And would this "Progressive Web App" have access to the phone's GPS, accelerometer, and camera?
17   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 12:47pm  

HeadSet says
And I presume no vector to install malware? And would this "Progressive Web App" have access to the phone's GPS, accelerometer, and camera?


No vector to install malware, unless the browser itself has been compromised, but then you're fucked anyway.

PWA's have to explicitly pop up a permission dialog to access the phone's GPS, accelerometer, and camera.
18   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 12:49pm  


My legislation prohibits the mandating of vaccine passports “as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place.” I’m hopeful it will be voted on at the Privacy Committee’s April 22 hearing.

Having to surrender your personal health information just to go about daily life is an appalling notion, one utterly incompatible with a free society. Passports would inevitably come to be used for other purposes, extending the ethos of control from this last year into the indefinite future.

The Newsom Administration claims “there are not current plans to impose” a passport system. Yet it’s already taken a step in that direction with new guidelines for public events. And this is the same Governor who once promised he wouldn’t shut down schools and said “localism is determinative” on business restrictions.

Speaking of business restrictions, another of my bills, AB 54, will be heard next Tuesday. This legislation aims to restore licenses that were revoked for non-compliance with lockdown orders. That same day the bill I’m authoring with James Gallagher to stop censorship on social media will be heard by the Judiciary Committee.

Meanwhile, the anti-Recall chicanery has taken another turn. There’s a new bill to let the target of a recall (like Gavin Newsom) get the list of people who signed, so his cronies can harass them into withdrawing their signatures. Nothing terrifies our political class like a free and fair vote.

Finally, some good news. The U.S. Supreme Court just ruled against Newsom on religious freedom for the fifth time, lifting his restrictions on in-home gatherings.

Wouldn't having to expose your medical records to businesses violate HIPAA anyway?

I'm writing my CA legislators to support AB 54. Found them here.

19   HeadSet   2021 Apr 10, 2:33pm  

Patrick says
Wouldn't having to expose your medical records to businesses violate HIPAA anyway?

Absolutely! If someone at the Cab Company send a confirmation to an insurer via email that Patrick K was dropped off at an address that has a Dialysis Center, that cab company can get in trouble for allowing HIPPA info over a insecure means. That is how low the HIPPA bar is.
20   Misc   2021 Apr 10, 2:58pm  

HeadSet says
Patrick says
Wouldn't having to expose your medical records to businesses violate HIPAA anyway?

Absolutely! If someone at the Cab Company send a confirmation to an insurer via email that Patrick K was dropped off at an address that has a Dialysis Center, that cab company can get in trouble for allowing HIPPA info over a insecure means. That is how low the HIPPA bar is.

21   Patrick   2021 Apr 11, 4:11pm  


In an interview, National Health Authority chief R.S. Sharma says UIDAI's facial recognition algorithms will soon be rolled out at vaccination centres.

India is committing a crime against humanity with this draconian measure.
23   WookieMan   2021 Apr 12, 3:45am  

Patrick says

It's beyond that though. I don't want people with AIDS in my restaurant. Whether one is more transmissible is irrelevant. AIDS is substantially more life altering and lethal. I don't want those people near me.

I'm being hyperbolic and I'm not afraid of AIDS as I know how it's transmitted. But it's 100% valid. Go ahead and do a vaccine passport. I will start a non-profit tomorrow to collect money to ban people with AIDS from doing anything.

Patrick says
In an interview, National Health Authority chief R.S. Sharma says UIDAI's facial recognition algorithms will soon be rolled out at vaccination centres.

India is committing a crime against humanity with this draconian measure.

This has already been going on in the US for a while. You're just not being told about it. Casinos have been doing it for over a decade. To think the government hasn't dabbled in it would be crazy. The states (drivers license) and fed (passport) likely have a clear image of your face to throw into a d-base and track where you've been. You need ID's, but I don't think the average citizen understands how the data is stored and can be manipulated to be able to track people. It's 100% happening, just not sure to what level.
25   Patrick   2021 Apr 12, 8:40am  

WookieMan says
The states (drivers license) and fed (passport) likely have a clear image of your face to throw into a d-base and track where you've been.

Ironically, masks are pretty good for defeating facial recognition!

As soon as we are told not to wear masks, then I will start wearing one.
26   MMR   2021 Apr 12, 10:38am  

what if the data is stored as an NFT owned by you and any use of your data, whatever the context, triggers a type of royalty payment?
27   Patrick   2021 Apr 12, 6:36pm  


Legal Disclaimer
This is not meant to be passed off as a real passport.

It won't get you anywhere except maybe inside of patriotic businesses. And the homes of cool Americans who like bacon and bourbon and puppies and guns.

This is not meant to actually try and misrepresent yourself as having been vaccinated for COVID-19. Let's not be confused with those people. They are the people who wear masks alone in their Prius and wear condoms alone in bed at night.

This is a passport for those of us who "identify" as being vaccinated. For those of us who are sick and tired of being told what to do with our bodies. And for the growing number of Americans who are just... done.
28   Eric Holder   2021 Apr 13, 12:17pm  

Patrick says
Ironically, masks are pretty good for defeating facial recognition!

As soon as we are told not to wear masks, then I will start wearing one.

Yep, I believe the prohibition on any kind of face covering while driving is in the fucking CVC. And back when I used to visit physical bank locations there were signs posted prohibiting entry with face covered too. But now they can't ask you to remove that balaclava, can they? =))
29   Patrick   2021 Apr 13, 8:31pm  

Eric Holder says
the prohibition on any kind of face covering while driving is in the fucking CVC.

Lol, yes, I'm sure that's true. The police should be giving out tickets for that.
30   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Apr 14, 10:08am  

I was thinking about the mask mandates, and coerced vaccine/experimental shot(JJ is a vaccine, Pfizer is DNA hacking), and where this leads is not good. I'm not talking about the health impact, but the infringement of sovereign freedom over one's body. If someone else can mandate what you put on, and in, your own body, you have ceased to be an autonomous entity, and are now someone else's chattel. How long before every thought and action are dictated for you?
31   WookieMan   2021 Apr 14, 11:35am  

NuttBoxer says
If someone else can mandate what you put on, and in, your own body, you have ceased to be an autonomous entity, and are now someone else's chattel. How long before every thought and action are dictated for you?

You are correct and this is all being done. Hence why I don't listen. Only thing that gets me is travel and my most recent trip I didn't wear a mask on the flight or airport. I'm not some warrior or pioneer, but we need more people to do this. Employees are done confronting people from my experience if you're willing to test them and potential confrontation.

I'm usually wearing a hat on travel days. Just tip your cap and keep walking regardless of what they ask regarding your mask. Neck gaiter. Don't get yourself in actual trouble which is why I recommend a neck gaiter, but they'll just ignore you generally. Pretend you're deaf so to speak. I was astonished on my last trip how flight attendants and airport staff gave zero shits. Everyone is done with this.

Airports theoretically are a highly transmissible area for virus. If you haven't gotten it in over a year now, the bill of goods being sold by the media is BS. That's the reality.
32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Apr 15, 9:46am  

WookieMan says
Only thing that gets me is travel and my most recent trip I didn't wear a mask on the flight or airport.

I never wear a mask anywhere until asked, and I refuse to cover my nose(CO2 poisoning). Even with the new Biden mandates, no one cares. TSA asked me if I had a mask, and said to put it on before I got to the conveyor belt for my luggage. No fine, no threats, no shits given.
33   WookieMan   2021 Apr 15, 10:23am  

NuttBoxer says
I never wear a mask anywhere until asked, and I refuse to cover my nose(CO2 poisoning). Even with the new Biden mandates, no one cares. TSA asked me if I had a mask, and said to put it on before I got to the conveyor belt for my luggage. No fine, no threats, no shits given.

Don't even think they can fine you. It's more the legal right to deny service/entry and not get in trouble for the denial. Which is likely unconstitutional though it's a grey area. No shirt no service type thing. Something over a part of your body that supports you staying alive is a different animal in my opinion.

Hopefully there's some case ongoing out there with someone that has deep pockets fighting this. I throw the neck gaiter on every morning like a shirt. Very rarely do I need it, but if I need something and they're going to be confrontational about it, I'll just pull it up with a big🖕to the person asking. BS for sure, but I still have to live my life in these fucked up times.

Knowing you're a privacy guy, it might not be a bad thing for you? Right? Or are you like me that wearing anything on my face causes anxiety or is it a defiance thing (which I agree with). The ear straps are the worst too. Fuck that. I found the thinnest gaiter and haven't had an issue for the most part. In a month though I maybe use it 2-3 times after getting heat from someone. So it's not often. I just stay away from cities.
34   mell   2021 Apr 15, 9:01pm  

NuttBoxer says
WookieMan says
Only thing that gets me is travel and my most recent trip I didn't wear a mask on the flight or airport.

I never wear a mask anywhere until asked, and I refuse to cover my nose(CO2 poisoning). Even with the new Biden mandates, no one cares. TSA asked me if I had a mask, and said to put it on before I got to the conveyor belt for my luggage. No fine, no threats, no shits given.

While I don't think you'll get any co2 poisoning from short stints of wearing a mask the longer and more often you wear it there will eventually be negative effects on your health. Just for shits though I wanted to look at arguments of the most mask adverse and put masks cause co2 poisoning into gulag. And it comes back displaying a total of 10 distinct websites before repeating itself, all from the fall of 2020 and all screaming "deboonked!! No face masks don't cause co2 poisoning!" How is this still called a search engine? It's political propaganda lol. I mean show me at least both sides I'm sure there are plenty of articles on either side. How is this any different from communist Soviet union or china?! Just short of re-education camps.
35   Onvacation   2021 Apr 16, 1:41pm  

mell says
masks cause co2 poisoning

First Duck duck result from the last month:

I never ask anyone to wear a mask. Why? I have no right to obstruct anyone’s breathing. I have no right to cause widely demonstrated and clinically confirmed hypoxic injuries to the brain, heart and musculoskeletal system known in the peer-reviewed research to be caused by masking. Yes, I am sorry that you have been told over the last year that masks don’t reduce oxygen, by emphatic and dogmatic people, but the fact remains that oxygen deficit during mask-wearing is very thoroughly established in peer-reviewed clinical data. Here[1], here[2] and here[3], for example.

And yes, surgeons also suffer from deoxygenation.[4] Excess of carbon dioxide, as it accumulates inside a mask, also is a mild poisoning of the entire body, and this is also established in clinical data. [5] [6] So if you demand that a child, a worker, a traveler, a consumer or anyone else wear a mask, you have been demanding that they mildly poison themselves.


How could anyone believe that masks don't restrict breathing?
36   WookieMan   2021 Apr 16, 3:00pm  

Onvacation says
I never ask anyone to wear a mask. Why? I have no right to obstruct anyone’s breathing.

This is really the crux of it all. I or anyone has no right to tell someone how to fucking breath. Everyone will get this if they have 20-30 years to live. There's no disputing this. Hospitals have never been remotely near being overrun during the peak case period. Early on the same clip was used for ICU's on all my local affiliates (don't have cable).

Now it's the same poke shots over and over and over again. There's no doubt this is organized brainwashing. Watch local news. There are clips of 10 people getting the poke every half hour and it's the SAME clips on every station. You can be a simpleton and figure this shit out. Sure maybe they're buying stock footage of people being injected. But why? Did they not go to a vaccination site and get their own footage? No and journalism doesn't exist anymore. It's stock footage everyone is using and they don't think people are smart enough to figure that out. Most aren't.
38   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 16, 10:25pm  

It all started with telling business owners they must ONLY cater to non-smokers.
39   HeadSet   2021 Apr 17, 7:16am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
It all started with telling business owners they must ONLY cater to non-smokers.

Even though I like non-smoking establishments, the decision of smoke free or not should be up to the owner. But it "started" even before the smoking ban:
A Chinese Restaurant is banned from hiring only ethnic Chinese servers and cooks
A barber shop is not allowed to have a policy of "Blacks Only."
Optimus Club (community service, like Kiwanis) was forced to accept female members
Dawidowitzski's bar is not allowed to be Polish Only

Such socialized attacks on private property rights and freedom of association should have been stopped in the bud. I would not be surprised to see people get slandered as "bigots" for not wanting to date or marry outside their own race.
40   PeopleUnited   2021 Apr 17, 7:34am  

HeadSet says
I would not be surprised to see people get slandered as "bigots" for not wanting to date or marry outside their own race.

I would not be surprised to see at some point hordes of depraved lunatics knocking on your door demanding to sodomize any young males in the house, after all are you a bigot if you do not consent?

“And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭19:5-7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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