I hate jab passports — and you should too

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2021 Apr 7, 8:39am   2,066 views  90 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Who believes that the government, Big Tech and corporations have our best interest at heart?

The widespread implementation of some kind of digital vaccine passport or ‘vaxport’ appears to be a foregone conclusion in the United States — but not if I can help it. I’m going hard against it while there’s still time. You should too.

It’s a very simple question: do I trust the government, Big Tech and corporations not to abuse this power? The answer is NO. Absolutely not. And why should I? Why would anyone? I could have just stopped at ‘do I trust the government, Big Tech and corporations?’ Opposing vaccine passports seems like something that should unite people across the entire political spectrum.

Over the past decade we’ve had all of these institutions sell our data, spy on us and lie to us. The concept of a ‘vaxport’ also demands that we trust our medical data will remain secure, which is a joke. All of our information has been spilled all over the internet by some of the most ‘secure’ companies online.

And before you come running into my mentions waving your yellow ‘International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis’ card bragging about how many countries you’ve been in where you needed to show your vaccinations (you didn’t) and how all of us dumb, ignorant rednecks need to leave our bubble — I’m not talking about international travel. What a country demands for entry in is completely up to that country. A digital domestic passport system to partake in society is very different than needing to show physical proof that you got your yellow fever shot before you enter Uganda.

For me, all the arguments for the idea of this dystopian nightmare rest on the premise that the government, Big Tech and corporations have our best interest at heart. This is absurd on its face.

Here are the questions we should be asking the people in charge of rolling this program out. Why do we need these if the vaccines work? The point of the vaccine is to protect us from the virus when we’re out in the world and it turns out — they’re working! Hooray! These vaccines are a miracle of modern science and we should all be celebrating. Not only that, much of the evidence coming out shows that not only do the vaccines work, but they work against many of the variants, too. Why are people so invested in controlling whether or not everyone around them has the vaccine if this is the case? Get your vaccine, stop asking everyone else if they got theirs — it’s none of your business — and get on with your life.

And who are we to force people who might be vaccine-hesitant into getting a vaccine that has only been tested for a year and we have no idea what the long-term side effects will be? I’m happy to take my chances for science and for humanity on this vaccine — but make no mistake — we are all guinea pigs. Given you can’t sue pharmaceutical companies, we are guinea pigs with no recourse. Someone has to do it. I’m OK with it — but I would never force someone who wasn’t comfortable with the idea to get the jab. Their body, their choice — right? Or are we not doing that anymore?

And let’s talk about the idea of choice because this is another lie being sold to anyone who opposes this idea. ‘You don’t have to get the vaccine, Bridget. Or the vaxport.’ Sure but even when I get the vaccine, if I don’t get the vaxport, I’ll still be unable to participate in some aspects of society. This is not a choice. This is the government who has taken away all of your freedoms and is giving them back to you now conditionally. Instead of mandating the vaccine, they’re going to rely on manufacturing consent using social pressure and private companies. It’s shady. It’s creepy. And we’re just supposed to say, ‘Thank you, Daddy.’

Pro-vaxport folks will try to use your support of the free markets against you by saying, ‘this is just private businesses taking steps to protect their customers.’ Only that’s not the case. In fact, it’s the public sector and the private sector collaborating. Though Dr Fauci has said the federal government won’t require vaccine passports, the Biden administration has said they are ‘working on creating a set of standards for people to prove they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19.’

But what exactly is the scope of the vaxport? We really won’t know what the parameters are until they’re released. By then it will be too late to resist. Isn’t that convenient? And it’s much harder to undo a disaster of a policy or program than it is to cut that bad idea off at the pass. Where will they be necessary? Do I need one to fly domestically? Get into a museum? A restaurant? Do you need one to go to work? Cross state lines? What about people who have medical conditions? What about folks who don’t have smartphones? What about our right to keep our health information private?

One of my favorite dumb arguments is, ‘What’s the big deal? You’re already giving up more information on your phone and using google.’ Yes, I’ve given up my soul to social media, my privacy to Google and my information to the entire internet — so why not sacrifice my body and medical history too?

Most of the folks I see loudly bullying people into getting the vaccine passport (and by default, the vaccine) are limousine liberals in blue states who haven’t left their homes in a year. And we get it. You all want to get back to your SoulCycle classes and Coachella because you’ve been on a steady diet of NPR and CNN and you’re terrified. But newsflash: red states have been some form of partially open since last July. There is no need for a vaccine passport to ‘get back to normal’ if you’ve already been back to normal for almost a year. In fact, governors of states like Florida, Missouri, Mississippi and Texas have already come out in favor of banning the passports in their states.

The people in favor of this Black Mirror nonsense will also bury you with a barrage of bad faith attacks: ‘You just want to kill people’, false equivalencies: ‘You need immunizations to go to school’, shame tactics: ‘Grow up and be an adult’ and ideas that are such utter rubbish they don’t deserve a response: ‘No shirt, no shoes, no vaccination, no service.’

A year ago you were called a conspiracy theorist if you said bio-security ID was on the way. It’s also the same people who, if this was Trump floating the idea, would be screaming we are LITERALLY NAZI GERMANY and as much as I hate trite comparisons that cheapen the Holocaust, in this case, I’d probably be fighting alongside them.

Speaking of the #Resistance, what happened to literally everything is racist? Given that our most vaccine-hesitant populations tend to be disadvantaged groups and people of color — wouldn’t this system be excluding those very populations? Isn’t the very idea of vaccine passports actually racist since the people who will be left behind are the communities who justifiably have the most distrust in the government and healthcare systems?

After giving them access to our health records, where does it end? Our finances? Our voting history? Allow me for a moment to don my tinfoil hat. How long before I need to prove I took a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion test to inoculate myself against my implicit bias? Now you can tell me this is far-fetched, or a lazy ‘slippery slope’ argument. But just last summer during the mostly peaceful protests, hundreds of experts in epidemiology and medicine came out and said, ‘the real epidemic is racism’. By that logic, why not force people to prove they‘ve immunized themselves against bigotry?

Perhaps I’m still kicking myself for believing it would be ‘just two weeks to flatten the curve’. Maybe I’m overcompensating for the shame of being gullible enough to believe our leaders and ‘experts’. Or maybe I learned my lesson and I’m fighting while I can. As comedian Dave Smith said, if there is enough backlash, the powers that be will realize they have to ‘boil that frog a little longer’.

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42   HeadSet   2021 Apr 17, 8:08am  

Onvacation says
HeadSet says
A barber shop is not allowed to have a policy of "Blacks Only."

Do you really want to eat the cake you forced somebody to make?

Just to be sure I am not misunderstood here. A privately owned Barber Shop should have the right to be "Blacks Only" if that is what the private business owner wants. And no private baker should be required to bake a cake for someone the baker does not want as a customer, regardless of the reason.
43   Patrick   2021 Apr 18, 11:26am  

Onvacation says
HeadSet says
A barber shop is not allowed to have a policy of "Blacks Only."

Do you really want to eat the cake you forced somebody to make?

Lol, good point!

I can only imagine what is in such a cake, starting with boogers.
44   Patrick   2021 Apr 18, 11:36am  


News out of Chile now says that a elderly woman, reportedly 100 years old, has been denied the right to buy food because she could not prove to a local supermarket that she was in possession of something called “a safe conduct pass,” Radio Villa Francia, broadcasting out of the capital Santiago, said on Twitter. ...

To obtain the permit one must be able to access and use the internet, as people apply via a website. However, Grandon, who lives alone, doesn’t know how to use the internet.
45   mell   2021 Apr 18, 11:37am  

Patrick says
Onvacation says
HeadSet says
A barber shop is not allowed to have a policy of "Blacks Only."

Do you really want to eat the cake you forced somebody to make?

Lol, good point!

I can only imagine what is in such a cake, starting with boogers.

This is why some have to leave the site as these are very difficult questions to answer and there may never be a satisfying answer addressing all concerns, and if you don't have the open mind to at least consider different scenarios following all arguments the cognitive dissonance will blow your mind and you must quit perusing the site, leaving with the self calming (deceiving) notion that you're the good guy. Happens mostly to leftoids these days but back in the days the same thing happened to the "religious" right. Instead one should keep thinking and never stop reasoning about any argument you can't put fully to rest.
46   Onvacation   2021 Apr 18, 11:39am  

Patrick says

I can only imagine what is in such a cake, starting with boogers.

At the very least undermixed ingredients. Some people really care about the food they create for others. It's the reason I frequent local eateries and avoid chains.

Cooking is alchemy. The result is more than the sum of the ingredients. Love and care is part of the creation.

But hey, if they want a fundamentalist Christian baker to make them a Butt Cake with chocolate custard filling for a homosexual marriage they're not very smart.
47   mell   2021 Apr 18, 11:58am  

Back in the days when there was a government monopoly on racism there was an urgency to get rid of this harmful (hateful) notion as it was disenfranchising blacks bigly. Nowadays you have government sactioned racism against whites, men and straights which is equally problematic, just not as widespread (yet). When you consider this you will come to the conclusion that it may be fine and the ultimate expression of freedom (no morals implied) to being able to refuse the right of a private service to anyone, be it that you don't like their face, gender, sex, religion or skin color, as long as it's within a small enough space/cooperative so that those left out have plenty of other options. States and government should keep out of racism or gender/sex favoritism in any form but possibly allow small communities craft their own rights for private businesses to refuse service (of course the exceptions would be things such as emergency medical care etc, disaster/accident care etc.). I would def not want to force to change the mind of a store owner serving blacks only by legal force, I'd just go somewhere where I'd be welcome. Of course there are plenty of arguments for government mandated equal treatment for businesses of everyone, but then every night club has to do away with women's half price night, any affirmative action has to be abolished immediately and all subsidies based on sex/gender in healthcare (birth control etc), and access for everyone who can perform in the military. Men and women should have the right not to pay for their kid or not if they can't agree. And the list goes on. There are deep consequences for every bold equalizing move no matter what the intentions. Churches would have to take everybody etc. etc. One solution I can see is to distinguish between private clubs (where anything goes) and public businesses and maintain a decent balance between those.
48   Patrick   2021 Apr 18, 12:34pm  


Okay, okay, so (the "vaccines") aren't approved approved. But it's not like anything could go wrong.
50   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 19, 3:43am  

It all started by prohibiting businesses from serving smokers AT ALL, and kowtowing to the non-smoker crowd.

The Interstate Commerce clause, the most abused piece of the Constitution. I think of the case from the Great Depression where a guy who grew more corn than "allowed" was found guilty of violating it, even though the corn didn't enter any commerce, he used it on his own farm, for his own animals. And the cowardly SCOTUS, fearful of Court Packing in one of the Greatest Cuckservative Wimpouts, ruled that simply by not buying corn for his own animals from the market, he had effected interstate commerce.
51   Patrick   2021 Apr 20, 9:20pm  


Internal UK government job ad confirms COVID passports are in development

Show your papers, plebeian scum!
52   Patrick   2021 Apr 21, 5:32pm  


South Dakota’s governor said on April 21 that she has taken executive action to ban the use of digital or paper documentation that enables people to show proof that they’ve been vaccinated against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.

CCP Virus! I love the Epoch Times. They tell the truth.
54   WookieMan   2021 Apr 23, 4:13am  

Patrick says

Yeah, native Montanians(?) won't buy into vaccine passports. I do know the Bozeman area is being overrun by CA transplants though. I honestly think MT is on the verge of turning blue. Natives hate it.

I can buy a slightly use 4 Runner or Subaru, drive it out there and turn a nice profit including the flight back. It's bubbly out there. Same with campers. Indiana is the mecca for camper building, so I can get them cheap as transportation of campers to places like MT is like $2-3k with labor and fuel. I could do it for $400 and stay at one of my buddies houses. Basically I'm just saying the demand in a place like Bozeman for stuff not made there is massive right now. Money to be made.
55   Patrick   2021 May 25, 10:11am  


Students Rally Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines at NJ University: ‘They’re Going to Keep Moving the Goalposts’

Hundreds of Rutgers University students and their parents held a rally on the university’s New Brunswick, New Jersey, campus on May 21 to speak out against the school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students.
56   Onvacation   2021 May 25, 10:46am  


For “mega” outdoor events with more than 10,000 individuals, California Health and Human Services Secretary Mark Ghaly said the state will recommend that venue operators verify vaccinations and negative tests. For those who are unvaccinated or cannot provide a negative test, they will only be allowed entrance if wearing a mask, Ghaly added.

“We will be laying out pretty clear recommendations and guidelines on how that vaccine verification and negative testing can occur,” Ghaly said during a press conference. “There is an option to have it be by self-attestation, and we will go into the details of what that self-attestation methodology can look like for the vendors through our CDPH postings on this issue.”

In indoor venues, Ghaly said, the threshold is reduced to 5,000 individuals and verification will be required, not recommended, at these “mega” events. There will not be an option to enter the venue for those without a vaccination or negative test, even if they wear a mask.

That should stop the Trump rallies.
57   Onvacation   2021 May 25, 10:48am  

They have not given up on the passport.
58   Patrick   2021 May 28, 1:06pm  


Israel has proven to the world that vaccine passports do not work, according to five Israeli professors in the fields of medicine and ethics. The professors claim the vaccine passports are an affront to civil liberties and cause segregation and discrimination, which in turn make even pro-vaccination people resent it.

In an opinion piece published in The Telegraph, five professors opined that the world should learn from Israel that vaccine passports do not work.

“As professors in Israel’s medical sphere, we’ve found passes to be irreconcilable with basic principles of the medical profession,” they wrote. ...

Businesses such as bars and restaurants, and entertainment venues such as theaters were ordered not to allow people who did not have the Green Pass. In some public spaces, like the Tel-Aviv beach, there were areas designated for the “vaccinated only,” and others for the unvaccinated. The result was a country divided into two; an “upper class” of vaccinated people, and a “lower class” of unvaccinated people.

“The Green Pass was promoted with a clear message: getting the shot is the right choice. Those who refuse it are immoral, therefore, and excluding them is legitimate. The campaign to promote vaccination was often scientifically inaccurate and ethically questionable, exaggerating the danger posed by the virus to the lowest risk groups such as young, healthy students,” the professors wrote.

They added that the pass created an atmosphere of intolerance. Companies fired staff who refused to get vaccinated, universities refused to allow unvaccinated students to attend in-person lectures, unvaccinated teachers were publicly blasted, and even a renowned researcher was not allowed to attend a conference he helped arrange. So, individuals who cannot be vaccinated for clinical reasons have no way to go back to “normal” life.

Interestingly, the Green Pass is also driving people, especially the youth, to refuse the vaccines.

“The coercive measures had a paradoxical effect. Traditionally, the Israeli public has a remarkably high adherence to routine vaccinations. However, the heated debate related to the Green Pass, along with public shaming, has led to resentment and anger.

The professors also pointed out the privacy violations that come with digital vaccine certification. Each time someone with the Green Pass enters a venue, it is scanned and the information recorded in a national database. A form of proof identity is also required to verify that the Green Pass belongs to the individual holding it. The process violates “both location-privacy and medical confidentiality.”

They continued to argue that vaccine passports are not supported by science, since the risk of a vaccinated person getting infected by an unvaccinated person is low, with the most likely outcome being a “very mild self-limiting disease.” ...

The professors, therefore, warned against vaccine passports because Israel has shown that:

“Coercion has replaced autonomy, punishment has replaced compassion, checkpoints have replaced confidentiality, segregation has replaced inclusion.”

Many in the country are realizing the negative consequences of the Green Pass, and there are already a few appeals in the Supreme Court to declare the passes disproportionate.
59   porkchopXpress   2021 May 29, 9:46am  

If the US gov't relies on private businesses to implement passports, watch the rapid decline of those who actually do it.
60   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 May 29, 10:21am  

Vaccine passport is a form of control and enslavement.
61   RC2006   2021 May 29, 10:28am  

Costco cashier told me he paid ten to get one so he didn't have to wear a mask.
62   Patrick   2021 May 29, 11:47am  

Fortwaynemobile says
Vaccine passport is a form of control and enslavement.

Yes, that's the whole point of them.

It's not about the virus, which is not particularly dangerous.
65   Patrick   2021 Jul 14, 6:31pm  


Freedom lovers in France are protesting the recently announced digital COVID passport program to gain access to malls, cinemas, bars, and restaurants and more.

President Emanuel Macron’s government announced the controversial new rules this week.

But residents are opposing the new rules, especially the one requiring them to prove their COVID-19 status with an app to access entertainment venues.

There were multiple protests in French cities, including Paris, Marseille, and Montpellier. In Paris, Police clashed with protesters, firing tear gas on several occasions. Some groups of protesters were seen overturning garbage cans. Another group set a mechanical digger on fire. Some more peaceful protesters wore badges reading “No to health pass.”

Critics of the “health pass” mandate accuse the government of disregarding people’s freedoms, noting the requirement would discriminate against those who are opposed to getting vaccinated. ...

The protests took place on Bastille Day, a commemoration of the day the medieval fortress in Paris was stormed in 1789, marking the beginning of democracy in France.

Funny how you have to do something that profits Big Pharma, and are not allowed to simply prove your sixfold better immunity through a blood test if you had Fauci Flu already.
66   Patrick   2021 Jul 16, 5:26pm  


UK: 80% of nightclubs say they’ll reject draconian COVID passports
Businesses are pushing back.

... However, the government’s plan might not work. In a survey of 250 nightclubs, conducted by industry representative the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), only 17% of venues said they plan to follow the government’s guidance.

NTIA Chief Executive Michael Kill, said: “At this rate, ‘freedom day’ will be a false dawn for a nightlife sector characterized by chaos.”

He added: “We are hugely concerned that the government has caused yet more confusion by suggesting that COVID Passports are not mandatory while, at the same time, details reveal clearly that this could well be the case in future.
67   Patrick   2021 Jul 18, 1:36pm  


Issue: July 18, 2021
French citizens face jail for not complying with COVID passports
And for business owners, the punishment is even more severe.

The French government demands that all French citizens submit to the jab.

French citizens no longer have the right to protect themselves from being murdered by the government in collusion with Big Pharma and Fraudulent Fauci.
68   mell   2021 Jul 18, 3:00pm  

Macron should be tried and hung for treason and crimes against humanity. France is off my list until this is reversed.
69   Patrick   2021 Sep 1, 11:40am  


Many countries framed their response to the pandemic as a temporary measure. For example, an early coronavirus initiative from the White House that encouraged people to stay home was titled “15 Days to Slow the Spread.“

Yet more than a year later, not only are many of these major democratic countries still locked down but their governments have used the pandemic to introduce further measures that infringe on their citizens’ freedom and privacy.

Government-backed contact tracing apps, snitching websites, and more have all become commonplace during the last year.

Now, governments around the world are pushing a new measure that poses an even greater risk to freedom, privacy, and civil liberties – coronavirus vaccine passports.
70   Patrick   2021 Sep 1, 11:44am  


September 1, 2021
Vaccine Passports increase rebellion against vaccines, major UK study finds
A backfire for lawmakers.


The people: Fuck you. Now there is no way in hell I'm going to submit to the clot shot.

Goverment/Pfizer: We don't understand why you are so "hesitant".
71   richwicks   2021 Sep 1, 11:52am  

porkchopexpress says
If the US gov't relies on private businesses to implement passports, watch the rapid decline of those who actually do it.

No - "covid relief funds" are being used to directly support these businesses.

We're going through an economic takeover.
72   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 1, 12:06pm  

We are going through a fascist takeover
73   richwicks   2021 Sep 1, 12:08pm  

PeopleUnited says
We are going through a fascist takeover

What do you mean going through?

We've been a fascist society for 2 decades. When the Patriot Act was signed into law, it was signed in 2 hours after it was introduced. It's 300 pages, NOBODY that signed it read it.

The Patriot Act of that time allowed all communications of US citizens to be intercepted and monitored.
74   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 1, 12:27pm  

It’s true that patriot act was massive government over reach (violation of bill of rights), but 2019, 2020, and 2021 have seen tyranny, election fraud, media collaboration against truth, medical professionals and scientists lying to us, deliberate suppression of life saving information, and mass medical fraud on a scale that makes the patriot act look like child’s play.
75   richwicks   2021 Sep 1, 2:26pm  

PeopleUnited says
It’s true that patriot act was massive government over reach (violation of bill of rights), but 2019, 2020, and 2021 have seen tyranny, election fraud, media collaboration against truth, medical professionals and scientists lying to us, deliberate suppression of life saving information, and mass medical fraud on a scale that makes the patriot act look like child’s play.

The only thing that has changed is people are not believing the authorities as much anymore.

In 2005, see something say something. Report suspicious activity in Walmart. I knew a woman that was terrified that her children would be killed in a terrorist incident at school.

Election fraud wasn't needed because it was George W. Bush versus John Kerry, or McCain versus Obama, or Mitt Romney. Didn't matter at all who was elected, same outcome regardless.

The media has always attacked truth. Just try to talk about the housing bubble in 2006...

The only difference this time is the nature of the BS "emergency". This time, they've gone too far in that this stretches our ability to believe it, and our typical propaganda systems are collapsing. More than 1/2 of the population knows our newspapers are bullshit, thanks in large part to Trump.
77   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 1, 7:17pm  

What happened to Democracy?

The Left embraced it's actual identity as Heirs to Large Fortunes, Busybody Academics, and Regulators. They are now PROUD of those labels.

That's why hypocrisy shaming doesn't work. It's about the power to impose the Technocratic rule that the Very Smart People know is important for the Golden Future.
78   mell   2021 Sep 1, 7:45pm  

PeopleUnited says
It’s true that patriot act was massive government over reach (violation of bill of rights), but 2019, 2020, and 2021 have seen tyranny, election fraud, media collaboration against truth, medical professionals and scientists lying to us, deliberate suppression of life saving information, and mass medical fraud on a scale that makes the patriot act look like child’s play.

The problem is the patriot act enabled all this bullshit of you losing your rights even as a citizen as long as they can label you a suspected terrorist. And we know now that includes grandmas traveling to Capitol Hill, vaxx skeptics, disinformationists and Trump voters. I think the patriot act was as evil laying the foundation for tyranny.
79   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 1, 8:44pm  

Look, I get it and I agree the patriot act is the worst. But at least the only lie in it is the name.

For the past several years we have been spoon fed lies and tyranny, if you think the patriot act is worse god bless you but no one threatened to inject me with toxins in 2002. In 2021 they want to do it three fucking times!
80   Patrick   2021 Sep 1, 10:19pm  

mell says
I think the patriot act was as evil laying the foundation for tyranny.

I think you're right.

The name alone proves that it's exactly the opposite of patriotic.

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