And the frantic roll back continues.

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2021 Dec 29, 9:38am   40,909 views  391 comments

by Al_Sharpton_for_President   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Trump-B-Gone turning into Biden/Dem-B-Gone. Abort! Abort!

Why CDC doesn't require testing at end of isolation: Director

The newly updated CDC guidelines don't require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told "Good Morning America" Wednesday.

"So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs," Walensky said.


"This means that for the past 21 months, people sat home for extra days and weeks because their test came back with an irrelevant positive. We didn’t know this 6, 12, 18 months ago? Really?"


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28   Patrick   2022 Jan 2, 5:52pm  


‘There Has Been Some Pushback’: Fauci Says CDC May Reconsider New Guidelines After Backlash

Pushback? Pfauci should be hanged next to Collins and Bourla for his crimes against humanity and it should be televised.
29   Patrick   2022 Jan 3, 11:36am  


Jan 2
"I certainly don't think schools should be mandating boosters," @ScottGottliebMD tells @margbrennan. He says the decision should be left up to parents.
30   Patrick   2022 Jan 3, 1:34pm  


With Dr. Fauci’s admission that children currently hospitalized as Omicron patients are probably there for some reason altogether unrelated to Covid. They are patients “with” Covid rather than “from” Covid. This is an argument Team Reality has been making for a very long time so it’s nice of our health overlords to join the discussion.

One of our Twitter colleagues, Brock Burt, crafted a masterful and lengthy thread about this topic and described the evidence. We reproduce it for you below: ...
32   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 3, 3:05pm  

Patrick says
One of our Twitter colleagues, Brock Burt, crafted a masterful and lengthy thread about this topic and described the evidence. We reproduce it for you below: ...
Nice! The lack of a meaningful standard of dying from COVID versus dying with COVID had been discussed on patnet since the start of this whole cluster fuck. Good that a record exists of the criminally negligent officials. Hope there will be an accounting for their fraud.
33   Patrick   2022 Jan 4, 12:34am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Hope there will be an accounting for their fraud.

The problem is that we are asking the people in power to investigate and convict themselves.
35   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 4, 2:59am  

Patrick says
The Kavanaugh character assassination was despicable enough, then the Russian collusion Big Lie topped that (imagine the FBI colluding with a failed presidential candidate to spy on and discredit the president elect, fucking Soviet Union shit!), but now murdering people to gain power, I guess it has happened throughout history, but fuck.
37   Ceffer   2022 Jan 4, 7:28am  

The lady that does my hair has Prikspijt. I'll see her later this month.
38   HeadSet   2022 Jan 4, 7:55am  

Ceffer says
The lady that does my hair has Prikspijt. I'll see her later this month.

Let me guess - "Prik spit" is when she does not swallow.
39   Ceffer   2022 Jan 4, 9:50am  

She just recycles it back onto my hair. After a few hits with the hair drier, that hairdo isn't moving anywhere.
40   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 10:23am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
then the Russian collusion Big Lie topped that (imagine the FBI colluding with a failed presidential candidate to spy on and discredit the president elect, fucking Soviet Union shit!),

The sad thing is, like excellently crafted agitprop, the American Right ran with a strawman "Left just grasping at imaginary Russian Collusion straws to get Trump" interpretation, and COMPLETELY MISSED and ignored the REAL conspiracy that paid Russian (and other rogue national) trolls participate in American discourse to sow divisions between factions of Americans and general distrust in our system of government. I've SEEN Republican friends and associates copy and paste Russian agitprop, it's very active in 2a conversations and the discussion around healthcare during the Obama years was rife with it. It's been happening all along in online discussions, this didn't just start 5-6 years ago for purposes of "picking on our beloved Trump."
42   Ceffer   2022 Jan 4, 12:18pm  

Patrick says
Fauci & CDC Suddenly Concerned About Economy?

"If we kill too many taxpayers too fast, does this mean our government paycheck might bounce? Horrors!"
43   Patrick   2022 Jan 4, 12:31pm  


CNN is now warning that obesity is linked to Covid deaths and the internet is welcoming them to April 2020

Jesse James
Jan 3rd, 2022 3:13 pm
I'm really glad that CNN is finally catching up to the rest of us who've had functioning prefrontal cortexes the past two years.

Clearly orders have come down from on high to start talking about the obvious to facilitate the rollback.
44   Blue   2022 Jan 4, 12:31pm  

The epidemiology ‘specialist’ who comes in kron4 is taking u-turn on latest virus. She thinks it’s ok to go to school and work as things are fading. For almost a year she has been telling only to get vaccinated. All these front end folks who are driven by globalists giving a signal that elections are here and be easy for now.
45   Patrick   2022 Jan 4, 1:30pm  


There’s a paper that found it’s way to me via many different sources on the med pre-print server called: “Risk of Myopericarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in a Large Integrated Health System: A Comparison of Completeness and Timeliness of Two Methods”.1 I read it immediately and understood pretty quickly that the authors had identified specific ways that myocarditis cases were not being counted and thus not included in subsequent analyses or reports to U.S. advisory committees. Whoopsie doopsie. The authors represent Kaiser Permanente - an organization consistently feeding the narrative that these COVID-19 products are safe and effective, so I am still pondering whether or not this paper represents a whistle being blown or something more akin to a preemptive face-saving fess up.
46   Patrick   2022 Jan 4, 5:12pm  


On December 29, the head of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, announced, in a White House press briefing, that the PCR test can register positive (meaning the person is “infected”) long AFTER infection is over.

Here’s Walensky’s money quote:

“…people can remain PCR positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious.”

That means MILLIONS of FALSE positive test results have been logged as REAL, in the past two years.

If you can’t trace the implications of THAT, I can’t help you.

Recall the old Zen Koan: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

The new version is: What is the sound of the White House press corps after Walensky’s admission?

And is the answer is: Nothing. Zero. Silence. And not stunned silence. No. Clueless silence. Sold-out silence.

No shouting. No furor. No questions.

“Dear Mr. Smith, We here at the CDC wish to inform to you that your positive PCR COVID test, administered in the spring of 2020, was misleading. There was no proof it meant you were infected. Therefore, your isolation, your hospitalization, during which your business closed and went into bankruptcy, your wife left home taking up residence with the children at her mother’s, your business partner committed suicide—all that was unnecessary. Thank you for your understanding.”

Of course, the blind following the blind following Fauci will say, “But…but…the CDC couldn’t have made a mistake that big…there must be some explanation…”

And yes, there is an explanation. The CDC and other public health officials have known all along they were running a scam. Committing a crime. A Nuremberg-type crime.
48   Ceffer   2022 Jan 4, 5:29pm  

Patrick says
Democrat Governor Admits COVID Hospitalization May Be Inflated By 50%, Makes Move To Change Count

LOL! The Rule of Whores: take the money to inflate, then deflate later when they can't get the money back.
50   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 8:48pm  


United Airlines is allegedly allowing potentially unvaccinated London-based flight attendants to work alongside vaccinated American staff as it grapples with staffing shortages, cofounder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom Captain Sherry Walker exclusively told Breitbart News on Thursday.

United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby has placed roughly 2,000 unvaccinated U.S.-based employees who obtained religious and medical accommodations on unpaid leave in the name of “safety.” That number includes approximately 900 flight attendants, according to Walker, who said her organization is currently undergoing an audit to confirm the exact numbers of United employees placed on unpaid leave and their positions.

Unlike other large airlines, Kirby’s vaccine mandate is devoid of a testing option. It stripped employees on unpaid leave of their benefits and has them reportedly struggling to find work due to a non-compete clause.
52   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 12:36pm  


It is like I wrote yesterday: Large parts of the bureaucratic and the political leadership want to end this. It is finally clear to everyone that no amount of vaccination will eradicate SARS-2. This is a virus that was already underwhelming relative to our extravagant countermeasures, and nobody wants to be associated with further chaos and shutdowns over the still milder Omicron. There is, however, in the panic of the journalists and the civil service, a great inertia pressing for more measures, now and always. Talking them down will be no easy task, especially after they spent all these months filling them with fear. Drosten and his political minders have an enormous problem before them, one entirely of their own making. Maybe government by panic isn’t such a great idea after all.
54   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 1:05pm  


The CDC now says you can leave COVID isolation after 5 days and you don't have to take a test, but you CAN if you want to, but if the test is positive then keep isolating, and if it's negative you STILL have to wear a mask for 5 more days

Daniel Payne
Jan 5th, 2022 1:44 pm
Look, let's just come right out and say it without mincing words: The CDC's latest COVID isolation guidelines look like a bunch of those guys bombed like an entire bottle of Jäger, sat down with some Mad Libs, and totally made up the new rules out of thin air.
58   charlie303   2022 Jan 7, 1:57am  

WineHorror1 says
Patrick says

As long as it continues in this direction I guess.

Not good enough.
Basic psychological tactic.
Take away and then give a little back so the abused feels they have gained something, feels they can negotiate.
There's no such thing as partial freedoms, quite sad that people have stooped this low over dog walking.

Canadians used to be respected as fierce fighters.

60   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 8:59pm  


New York hospitals admit that nearly HALF of their 'covid' patients were admitted for other reasons after Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered them to disclose the key statistic
New York hospitals revealed Friday that 42% of COVID patients were admitted for other reasons, and tested positive for the virus only incidentally
In NYC, the rate is higher with 51% of COVID patients admitted for other reasons
61   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 9:48pm  


“So once it became clear that covid was not in fact a pagan god visiting vengeance on the unwashed Trump voters alone, the media and Democrats are now willing to admit the following,” “The Ben Shapiro Show” host started the thread:

1. Cloth masks are ineffective against omicron (Leanna Wen, CNN);

2. The vaccinated can spread and get covid;

3. The death rate is comparable to the flu (Chris Hayes);

4. Many people are entering hospitals with covid, not from covid (Fauci);

5. Natural immunity is a reason omicron hasn’t been as virulent (Fauci);

6. We have to take into account societal needs, not just spread prevention (CDC);

7. The asymptomatic should not be tested (NFL);

8. We should focus on hospitalizations and deaths, not case rate (Biden);

9. Children are not at risk and schools should remain open;

10. Covid is predominantly an illness affecting the immunocompromised and elderly and we should not shut down society.
62   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 10:19pm  


In the United States, former Biden advisers have published a series of editorials in the Journal of the American Medical Association, arguing that it is time to normalise containment and begin managing SARS-2 as one of various seasonal respiratory infections.
63   Patrick   2022 Jan 10, 5:30pm  


The little data we have suggest the opposite. One preprint study found that after 30 days the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines no longer had any statistically significant positive effect against Omicron infection, and after 90 days, their effect went negative—i.e., vaccinated people were more susceptible to Omicron infection. Confirming this negative efficacy finding, data from Denmark and the Canadian province of Ontario indicate that vaccinated people have higher rates of Omicron infection than unvaccinated people.

Meantime, it has long been known that vaccinated people with breakthrough infections are highly contagious, and preliminary data from all over the world indicate that this is true of Omicron as well. As CDC Director Rochelle Walensky put it last summer, the viral load in the noses and throats of vaccinated people infected with Delta is “indistinguishable” from that of unvaccinated people, and “what [the vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
64   Patrick   2022 Jan 10, 5:37pm  


During a round of interviews on Monday, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla unleashed several truth bombs on an unsuspecting corporate press audience, seemingly sowing doubt into the idea that his own COVID shots are “effective,” unless the individual has had at least 3 doses.

Clearly protection is proportional to Pfizer profits, and only to Pfizer profits.
65   Patrick   2022 Jan 10, 6:08pm  


i am just a kitten, but even i am old enough to remember when you could get suspended on twitter for making claims like these…

CDC Director Walensky: “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities.”

Old enough to remember when this was an insensitive right-wing conspiracy theory. Someone should tell the fact-checkers.
66   Patrick   2022 Jan 11, 8:49am  


The media suddenly notices the CDC is clueless
CNN has declared the agency ‘a punchline,’ but that has more to do with politics than health ...

No doubt it’s a good thing that CNN’s worst actors have suddenly come around to what CDC skeptics have been saying for over a year, and are facing consequences for waiting so long. The last guy to figure things out has finally figured the thing out.

Yet to save Stelter, Darcy and their network any more embarrassment, let me put it bluntly: the CDC lost the faith of the American people last year when business owners were forced to stay home and parents were forced to pull their kids out of school, yet social justice protesters and leftist activists were permitted to flood the streets in protest. You weren’t allowed to open your business, but they were allowed to burn it down.

Since then, amid this overnight changing of “the science” with little to explain it other than Joe Biden’s poll numbers, members of mainstream media have suddenly changed their tune on the never-ending pandemic measures. Simply put: the writing is on the wall for the upcoming midterm elections and they are making their adjustments accordingly at the behest of an administration flailing over its broken promise to “shut down the virus.”
67   Patrick   2022 Jan 11, 8:55am  


WORLD—A recent trend has emerged in recent weeks where wacky conspiracy theories are being confirmed as fact within a six-week window. Recent examples include the CDC admitting that masks do nothing, investigators discovering the COVID virus began in a Wuhan lab, and Alex Jones proving that the frogs really are turning gay. Now, with the world descending further into uncertainty, the world has begun questioning what other conspiracy theories could become a reality.

"I've dismissed conspiracy all my life," claimed John Smith, an average man from Albuquerque, NM. "But now I'm not so sure."

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