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44   stereotomy   2022 Jan 13, 12:31pm  

America - fuck yeah!
45   tanked   2022 Jan 13, 12:37pm  

Eric Holder says
tanked says
Ended up 6-3 ending mandate. Obviously I preferred 9-0 but it was better than the 5-4 I thought would happen.

Liberal Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan issued a blistering dissent.

"When we are wise, we know not to displace the judgments of experts, acting within the sphere Congress marked out and under Presidential control, to deal with emergency conditions," they wrote. "Today, we are not wise. In the face of a still-raging pandemic, this Court tells the agency charged with protecting worker safety that it may not do so in all the workplaces needed. As disease and death continue to mount, this Court tells the agency that it cannot respond in the most effective way possible.

Reads like something Babylon Bee would publish.

"Experts" ha ha. They just can't grasp the idea from the loads of evidence that the jab does not stop or even slow down the spread. Nor do they want to.

Meanwhile it's poison by any reasonable definition.
46   Ceffer   2022 Jan 13, 1:08pm  

tanked says
"When we are wise, we know not to displace the judgments of experts, acting within the sphere Congress marked out and under Presidential control, to deal with emergency conditions," they wrote. "Today, we are not wise. In the face of a still-raging pandemic, this Court tells the agency charged with protecting worker safety that it may not do so in all the workplaces needed. As disease and death continue to mount, this Court tells the agency that it cannot respond in the most effective way possible.

This shit will go down in infamy as one of the most retarded and detrimental statements ever issued by the SCOTUS. It's an op ed ticker tape, fed by some aspect of the MSM, not legal reasoning. It is literally gibberish.
Make emotionally driven decisions based on fake news propaganda. The CNN SCOTUS,
48   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 1:48pm  

Health care workers are still being corralled into getting the jab against their will. And if anyone should be trusted to know the truth about the jab, it's exactly them.


The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses but decided to let a separate regulation that requires health care workers to get a vaccine take effect.
49   tanked   2022 Jan 13, 1:51pm  

Ceffer says
tanked says
"When we are wise, we know not to displace the judgments of experts, acting within the sphere Congress marked out and under Presidential control, to deal with emergency conditions," they wrote. "Today, we are not wise. In the face of a still-raging pandemic, this Court tells the agency charged with protecting worker safety that it may not do so in all the workplaces needed. As disease and death continue to mount, this Court tells the agency that it cannot respond in the most effective way possible.

This shit will go down in infamy as one of the most retarded and detrimental statements ever issued by the SCOTUS. It's an op ed ticker tape, fed by some aspect of the MSM, not legal reasoning. It is literally gibberish.

What the dissenting minority just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in their rambling, incoherent response were they even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber for having listened to it. I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls.
50   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Jan 13, 1:51pm  

Eric Holder says
tanked says
Ended up 6-3 ending mandate. Obviously I preferred 9-0 but it was better than the 5-4 I thought would happen.

Liberal Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan issued a blistering dissent.

"When we are wise, we know not to displace the judgments of experts, acting within the sphere Congress marked out and under Presidential control, to deal with emergency conditions," they wrote. "Today, we are not wise. In the face of a still-raging pandemic, this Court tells the agency charged with protecting worker safety that it may not do so in all the workplaces needed. As disease and death continue to mount, this Court tells the agency that it cannot respond in the most effective way possible.

Reads like something Babylon Bee would publish.

This dissent was written or joined by the idiots that thought there were more active Covid cases than people in the country.

Let that stew…
52   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 13, 3:41pm  

Sotomayor doesn't even give a fuck about the Constitution, it's alarmingly clear.
53   Ceffer   2022 Jan 13, 3:54pm  

AmericanKulak says
Sotomayor doesn't even give a fuck about the Constitution, it's alarmingly clear.

Have to wonder if bitch ever even read it.
54   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 8:51pm  

Clarence definitely belongs on SCOTUS. I'm glad he's there.
55   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Jan 13, 8:56pm  

Patrick says

Clarence definitely belongs on SCOTUS. I'm glad he's there.

Absolutely. Thomas and Scalia are the strongest defenders of individual liberties there are/were for the past few decades. The Demorats attempt to embarrass Thomas was absolutely disgusting.
56   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 13, 9:20pm  

I've been saying it for the past few months, now let me say it a little louder, WE ARE WINNING!!
57   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 13, 9:30pm  

And also, this wasn't decided by the courts. We decided this. We decided it when we quit our jobs. When we were fired. When we refused to disclose our personal medical information. When we refused to take an experimental shot for a made up threat. When we refused to wear a mask, refused to be bullied and fear-mongered. When we refused to give into lies, and instead sought for the truth amidst the darkness. And how deep that darkness has been! But there was always someone holding a light. Someone blowing a whistle, researching the truth, using critical thinking, refusing to bow to tyranny.

"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."
59   GNL   2022 Jan 14, 5:37am  

NuttBoxer says
I've been saying it for the past few months, now let me say it a little louder, WE ARE WINNING!!

I love your positivity. I just hope you're right because I do not believe Covid is the only angle to the Great Reset.
60   joshuatrio   2022 Jan 14, 6:22am  

NuttBoxer says
And also, this wasn't decided by the courts. We decided this. We decided it when we quit our jobs. When we were fired. When we refused to disclose our personal medical information. When we refused to take an experimental shot for a made up threat. When we refused to wear a mask, refused to be bullied and fear-mongered. When we refused to give into lies, and instead sought for the truth amidst the darkness. And how deep that darkness has been! But there was always someone holding a light. Someone blowing a whistle, researching the truth, using critical thinking, refusing to bow to tyranny.

"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."

Yeah. True.

Firm I do consulting with demanded my vaxx status earlier this week. I declined to give it. They pushed again and I ran the clock out for the SCOTUS decision.

They are dead silent now.

I won.
61   clambo   2022 Jan 14, 7:02am  

Sotomayor is an ignorant slob.
I recall seeing people like her riding to their menial jobs or the projects on the NYC subways years ago.
The “wise latina” moniker always made me chuckle, what a joke.
62   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 14, 7:33am  

The ruling yesterday was the Establishment relenting that OSHA's mandate was unreasonable, and unattainable.
But was we all saw, Fuckboy Kavanaugh, stepped up to keep the Establishment pimp hand on the bitches.

How in the fuck can any sane reasonable person say the OSHA mandate is unconstitutional, but Health Facilities that take Medicare and Medicaid money can party on with their mandates.
Essentially driving out the competent healthcare workers we all love and trust, to replace them with the cheap imported Filthy Feet, Bottom Feeding Savage invader labor.

Get your dogs to lick your wounds ready, our healthcare system will be fucking worthless. Obamacare indeed Bitches!

Kavanaugh needs a Liberal peaceful protester to peacefully bust his head open and fuck his skull.
63   ForcedTQ   2022 Jan 14, 8:18am  

Kavanaugh wouldn’t know the constitution if it beat him upside the head. Getting money from the Federal government does not equal operating under the control of the Executive branch. All it means is the Executive branch is once again acting unconstitutional and giving money out for unconstitutional purposes.
64   ForcedTQ   2022 Jan 14, 8:19am  

clambo says
Sotomayor is an ignorant slob.
I recall seeing people like her riding to their menial jobs or the projects on the NYC subways years ago.
The “wise latina” moniker always made me chuckle, what a joke.

True, wonder what the establishment has on her as blackmail?
65   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 14, 8:27am  

WineHorror1 says
I love your positivity. I just hope you're right because I do not believe Covid is the only angle to the Great Reset.

The war isn't over, but rejecting bio-digital convergence means 2030 will never happen. The "Great Reset" will be tried again, but not anytime soon.
66   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 14, 8:30am  

Tenpoundbass says
How in the fuck can any sane reasonable person say the OSHA mandate is unconstitutional, but Health Facilities that take Medicare and Medicaid money can party on with their mandates.

Technically what they said is if you take government money, you have to follow government mandates. This whole thing has signaled the beginning of the end for Rockefeller's medical establishment. This ruling will just drive another nail in that coffin as healthcare workers will leave Medicare/Medicaid facilities for private ones, and that should signal better care for everyone who follows.
67   richwicks   2022 Jan 14, 8:34am  

NuttBoxer says
Technically what they said is if you take government money, you have to follow government mandates. This whole thing has signaled the beginning of the end for Rockefeller's medical establishment.

No, just more money will be borrowed from the Federal Reserve, handed to hospitals, and they will raise the cost of doctors to keep them in the system.

Money can be created in unlimited amounts by the Federal Reserve, and it is.
68   mell   2022 Jan 14, 9:51am  

HunterTits says
joshuatrio says
Firm I do consulting with demanded my vaxx status earlier this week. I declined to give it. They pushed again and I ran the clock out for the SCOTUS decision.

You were not an employee. How could they legally demand it even before SCOTUS deepsixed it?

They can still demand it. It's their choice, it just can't be mandated by osha. But any company that demands it now on their own volition will open themselves up for jab damage lawsuits
69   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 9:52am  

Right, it never could have been legal for an employer to demand that you be injected with a drug as a condition of employment, especially not an experimental one.
70   BoomAndBustCycle   2022 Jan 14, 9:52am  

Patrick says


The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses but decided to let a separate regulation that requires health care workers to get a vaccine take effect.

To be fair if you work in healthcare administering shots… you should be required to take the shots. Just like all the politicians who vote for mandated shots should be required to get every booster on live television that they vote for. Talk the talk… walk the walk.
71   mell   2022 Jan 14, 9:55am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Patrick says


The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses but decided to let a separate regulation that requires health care workers to get a vaccine take effect.

To be fair if you work in healthcare administering shots… you should be required to take the shots. Just like all the politicians who vote for manda...

Wrong. Every patient has the righ to decline the shot. So should every health care worker.
72   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 10:13am  


Supreme Court Sets Dangerous Precedent Of Letting The American People Make Medical Decisions For Themselves
January 13th, 2022 - BabylonBee.com

U.S.—The SCOTUS has struck down Biden’s vaccine mandates on the grounds that they are unconstitutional. Experts say this sets a dangerous precedent of letting individuals make their own medical decisions.

“What am I supposed to do now that I don’t have private companies working with the Federal government to force me to inject a foreign substance into my body?” said Linda Waddlebum, a concerned mother of 6 cats. “So dangerous and shortsighted. How will I stay healthy? I don’t even recognize this America anymore.”

In response to the court’s decision, a large group of protestors has gathered outside of the Supreme Court building. “Pfizer knows best! What they inject, I can’t object!” they chanted while ripping up copies of the constitution. “Give us petty tyranny or give us death! Abolish the Supreme Court!”

“You can’t give people choices! What if they make the wrong one? One that isn’t what I wanted them to do?” said Waddlebum. “Next thing you know, people will decide to send their kids back to school and return to work in person without masks.”

At publishing time, people were dangerously continuing on with their lives making the best medical decisions possible for themselves and their families. They were even able to make these decisions without fear of losing their livelihood.
73   mell   2022 Jan 14, 10:17am  

Patrick says
Right, it never could have been legal for an employer to demand that you be injected with a drug as a condition of employment, especially not an experimental one.

Agreed but that is where we're at now. It should be illegal or employers should be allowed to hire by race, gender, religion and orientation as well
74   tanked   2022 Jan 14, 11:54am  

HunterTits says
NuttBoxer says
I've been saying it for the past few months, now let me say it a little louder, WE ARE WINNING!!

I think it is more like WE ARE NOT LOSING (MUCH) and that is because of the fucking incompetence of the other side, not anything our side is doing.

But that is a win in and of itself. It helps us get to the WE ARE WINNING!! phase.

I would say they infiltrated the USA (and world) to a disturbing extent but not entirely so. Enough to pull off bluffs and trick the gullible for awhile into taking life ending jabs, yes but no further. In USA's case not enough to actually destroy it. They could reduce it's population to 100 million but it will still continue. That was the population of it around 1910 and it was doing just fine. Like 1910 we might be free of the central bank at that point which would be another boost.
75   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 1:49pm  

mell says
Patrick says
Right, it never could have been legal for an employer to demand that you be injected with a drug as a condition of employment, especially not an experimental one.

Agreed but that is where we're at now. It should be illegal or employers should be allowed to hire by race, gender, religion and orientation as well

How can NY get away with this crime?

Mayor Eric Adams
The Supreme Court may not want to put the health and safety of Americans first but New York City does.

Yesterday’s ruling doesn’t have any affect on our private sector vaccine mandate. It’s still in effect.

As always, cities must lead when some in Washington won’t.

76   Booger   2022 Jan 14, 1:58pm  

Patrick says
How can NY get away with this crime?

Did the NYC mayor make a mandate, or did the city council vote on it?
77   Eric Holder   2022 Jan 14, 2:00pm  

Booger says
Patrick says
How can NY get away with this crime?

Did the NYC mayor make a mandate, or did the city council vote on it?

As I understand the mandate was declared by that DeBlasio fuck before he was kicked out.
78   mell   2022 Jan 14, 8:44pm  

Eric Holder says
Booger says
Patrick says
How can NY get away with this crime?

Did the NYC mayor make a mandate, or did the city council vote on it?

As I understand the mandate was declared by that DeBlasio fuck before he was kicked out.

Technically they can't, but if the governor and the federal government is of the same party, there will be no consequences and they can use their local.police to enforce shit.That would not work if NYC were in TX or FL of course
79   Ceffer   2022 Jan 14, 10:10pm  

When politicians are KommieKunt gangsters and have access to a funded terrorist militia to enforce whatever the fuck they want. That is how the Clintons ran Arkansas when he was governor. The Arkansas State Police did hit jobs and enforcements.
80   Patrick   2022 Jan 18, 7:31pm  


Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has refused to wear a mask during in-person proceedings, despite a request from Chief Justice John Roberts for all members of the high court to accommodate Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s concern about Covid-19, according to a new report Tuesday.

Gorsuch’s continued defiance has led Sotomayor — who has diabetes and is therefore at a higher risk of serious illness from Covid — to attend oral arguments remotely, according to veteran NPR Supreme Court reporter Nina Totenberg, citing court sources.

When the justices returned to the courtroom last fall to hear arguments in person, Sotomayor was the only one to wear a mask. With the surge of the highly transmissible omicron variant in the winter, however, Sotomayor felt unsafe sitting next to unmasked people, according to NPR.

Roberts “in some form” then asked the other justices to wear masks, Totenberg reported. Gorsuch, one of three justices nominated by former President Donald Trump, was the only one to refuse.

God bless Neil Gorsuch!
81   richwicks   2022 Jan 18, 7:53pm  

Patrick says
mell says
Patrick says
Right, it never could have been legal for an employer to demand that you be injected with a drug as a condition of employment, especially not an experimental one.

Agreed but that is where we're at now. It should be illegal or employers should be allowed to hire by race, gender, religion and orientation as well

How can NY get away with this crime?

Haha, really?

Cum-o sent sars-cov2-19 positive patients to nursing homes to kill the residents. You shouldn't go to a nursing home if you have the sniffles, much less a flu, much less a disease that is 3 times more deadly than the flu.

Criminals are the only people allowed to be elected. Cum-o is a criminal. He's a mass murderer, he intentionally killed off old people. He should be executed. He won't be, I'm saying he should be.

When "Rachael" Levine placed sars-cov2-19 patients into nursing homes, she pulled her mother out of the same nursing homes, knowing the consequences.

Sociopaths are our leaders. They are our leaders until people recognize they are sociopaths and then remove them, by force if necessary. People just can't believe the criminality, and I understand that, it's a lot to take in.
82   Patrick   2022 Jan 25, 5:40pm  



OSHA Withdraws Workplace Vaccine Mandate After Facing Lethal Blow by U.S. Supreme Court
The Biden administration withdrew its COVID vaccine-or-test mandate for large employers, saying the administration recognized the Emergency Temporary Standard could not be revived after the U.S. Supreme Court blocked it earlier this month.

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