No, Zelensky, We Will Not Get Nuked For You

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2022 Mar 21, 5:53pm   891 views  12 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  


Give me a break, *****.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky offered a dire outlook on the war Sunday, saying he is willing to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin — but failure at peace talks could lead to World War III.

“I’m ready for negotiations with him,” Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an interview. “I was ready for the last two years. And I think that without negotiations, we cannot end this war.”

Stop lying.

The conditions for peace were quite simple and put forward by Russia both before the invasion and have not been expanded. You know damn well what they are and they're reasonable too.

You have deliberately violated all four of the below for the last two years and you've done it with malice aforethought. Are you ready to cut that ** out or do you think any of the below expectations are unreasonable? If so then explain why.

Ukraine does not enter NATO. Ever. Amend the Constitution.

Crimea is Russian. It has been since before the Tsars and in fact was formally purchased by Catherine the Great in 1783, putting formal documents and money to what had previously been the case. It is as Russian in terms of tenure as the original 13 American states and is as legitimately so as our Louisiana Purchase, being paid for in good funds. If several States had no right after the fact to void their alliance with Washington DC (and Lincoln, by extension, had every right to burn half the South to cinders to enforce DC's demand they stay) then Russia has every right to enforce your theft of their land which Russia purchased over 200 years ago as well. Never mind that the Ukraine government effectively declared a civil war on Crimea, which Ukraine had no right to govern in the first place other than by mutual assent -- and in response the territory seceded from your bull****. (Wouldn't you under those circumstances?) As for the Donbas that likely needs to be independent, simply because you won't leave them alone, you and your predecessor shelled the territories on and off for the last eight years and the people there overwhelmingly identify as Russian. They don't like you and would prefer you be dead, they have good cause for that and your best disposition to that which the last two administrations caused is to leave them alone. Let them go.

Your Azov brigades are removed, period and if that ** (which is indeed reasonably called "Nazi") shows up again you send the people doing it to the Hauge to be tried and hanged by the neck until dead. The bull**** that has gone on since 2014 in Donbas stops and since bad faith has been demonstrated there for years demilitarization of the entire nation may be necessary. The fine details of that are likely subject to considerable negotiation but the Azov brigades, I'm reasonably certain, are either removed by you or every single person involved in it is going to die and every place they hide and use is going to be leveled by Russia. Choose wisely.

Ukraine destroys and removes, under International observation including Russian observation, all biological, chemical and nuclear material other than for civilian nuclear power production and does not engage in any activity that can be diverted or used for any other purpose. Said obligation to permit full and unfettered access for verification is also written into your Constitution.
Putin is a bastard but so are you Zelinsky. Outlawing by so-called "executive directive" opposition political parties, mandating Covid vaccines to obtain food and what amounts to a "universal basic income", removing the capacity for cash transactions thus forcing all social and political activity to be acceptable to you and the ruling political party under pain of literal starvation, forcing all media under your control (gee, so much for free speech) and similar, all of which you've done, are not the acts of a Constitutional Republic. These are the acts of a jackbooted dictator and that makes you at least as much of an ***** as is Putin.

Let us not forget that Ukraine and Russia have been "intermingled" for more than 1,000 years and indeed without communist force of arms, under which was granted a "special administrative area" starting in roughly 1922 the boundaries on a map you call "Ukraine" would not exist. Perhaps our Representatives and Senators were either asleep of smoking bong hits in history class but I was not and these are facts. I'm well-aware of the history of your alleged "republic" in all of both its "glory" and suffering including many of your ancestors joining the Nazis and slaughtering Jews and Gypsies on the very land you call Ukraine, thinking the Germans were going to win, only to wind up on the wrong end of that bet when the Red Army stopped the Nazi advance and then came back through on their way to Berlin and unceremoniously arranged an immediate meeting for every single corroborator they could find with the Devil in Hell (there were a lot of them, by the way.)

You're hardly the land of clean hands and that landmass has gotten spanked repeatedly over the last 1,000+ years -- sometimes as a result of sectarian or religious hate and sometimes by nothing more than bad luck -- but then again clean hands are hard to come by in human history (including the US) so there you go.

At the same time whenever this dust-up ends we, the United States, should demand that all records relating to payment of any sums to any American person or politician paid out of or from Ukraine back to the breakup of the USSR be made 100% transparently public and auditable by anyone upon demand, with any fraud or bribery that points to any American politician, past or present, leading to immediate extradition of every involved person in Ukraine irrespective of their title to the United States for trial, judgment and imprisonment. Yes, that might include YOU Zelinsky.

Your nation has been a cesspool of corruption, kickbacks, bribes and scams for decades and our current President and his family appears to have been embedded in that corruption up to their necks.

The recent admission by the NY Times that the Hunter Biden laptop was real, which your government and elements of ours both claimed were "Russian disinformation" for the explicit purpose of tampering with our election here in 2020 is, in my opinion, enough reason for the United States to flatten Kyiv and throw your ass in Gitmo to rot standing alone. If you think our public would have voted for Biden having known that it was factual that his son and himself both profited directly and personally to the tune of millions from money funneled through your corrupt oligarchs you're out of your **ing mind.

Your "standing ovation" in our Congress during your recent speech was likely, in my opinion, because those oligarchs in your broken and corrupt runt "nation" may have been funneling money to far more of our politicians than just Biden and his family, extending to people on both sides of the aisle with many of them scared of being lynched right here if the truth of it comes out and our population manages to snap out of its Russia-Russia-Russia torpor.

You wish to claim otherwise? Prove it.

You can start with Biden and his family since it has been admitted to as fact and intentionally suppressed, also admitted, by our own media including our so-called "paper of record", The NY Times.

Let me remind you, Zelinsky, that you've been in office since being elected in May of 2019. If you had any intention of cleaning up the cesspool of corruption in your nation and actually benefiting your people, who have a per-capita GDP of about $3,700 a year while your "arch-nemesis", Russia, sports about 3x the per-capita economic output, you would have done so by now. Economically your population would be wildly ahead if you simply became part of Russia once again, as you were before. Given that your nation has had more than 20 years to cut the crap yet hasn't done so I can only conclude you like the corruption and don't care if it screws the vast majority of your citizens straight up the ass.

Oh, speaking of corrupt oligarchs and corruption how in the Hell did you get your money, essentially all of which you seem to have acquired since becoming President? You were hardly the Ukraine version of Elon Musk before being elected and it wasn't a small amount either, was it? I understand you have over a billion dollars with something like $35 million of it in a posh Miami-area mansion. True?

Is it indeed not fair to ask if your prime motivation in all of this is protecting your personal cash flow from said corruption and oligarchs in your own nation at your own people's expense, never mind the possibility of goading other nations into a quite-possible nuclear war so this entire charade does not collapse around your ears?

Comments 1 - 12 of 12        Search these comments

1   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 21, 6:01pm  

Fun fact 1: Turkey downed Russian jet and .... nothing happened.
Fun fact 2: Turkey has closed Bosporus for Russian war ships (GFY!) thus making their assault on Odessa harder (or even impossilbe) and ... nothing happened.

How come Erdogan is not "nuclear ashes" yet?

Bonus fun fact: The person who's supposedly ready to trigger MAD with the US at any moment is sitting 30 feet away from his own Minister of Defence during meeting because he's afraid of Covid. Covid, Karl! The fucking coof with 99.8% survival rate!

So yeah, the madman theory is fun... Except it didn't work the first time either.
2   Booger   2022 Mar 21, 6:12pm  

mell says
Crimea is Russian. It has been since before the Tsars

Crimean Tartars were the majority at one time, then Stalin deported them.
3   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 21, 7:13pm  

Booger says
Crimean Tartars were the majority at one time, then Stalin deported them.

Were. Russia and Spain were the two most successful reconquistas from Muslims since the Dark Ages. Once all the Steppes were full of Muslim hordes.
5   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Apr 2, 9:56pm  

Patrick says

Hes connected to US, I watched Oliver Stone special on Ukraine. that place is corrupt as hell. and heavily influenced by our meddling
6   richwicks   2022 Apr 2, 10:30pm  

Eric Holder says
Fun fact 1: Turkey downed Russian jet and .... nothing happened.

Russia ended all relations with Turkey after this happened. It resulted in a 20% contraction of the Turkish economy after this since it was a common resort destination of Russians. Russia demanded nothing more than an apology for this incident.

Erdogan relented and gave the apology restarting the construction of the Turkish Stream after 1 year. Erdogan then faced a coup 2 weeks later which he blamed on Fethullah Gulen who lives in an compound in Virginia. A large number of what Erdogan called coup plotters ended up settling in the United States.

Some of us know the fuckery of the US. I should really make that game..
7   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 2, 10:31pm  

Patrick says

Seriously? You are a Socialist now? The guy has had a very successful actor/producer career, his movies were popular in both Russia and Ukraine, you can even watch them on Netflix. And he was touring the country with live shows up until the last day he was sworn into the office. So yeah, he's got some dough. What does it prove or disprove? The fact that in a capitalist economy successful people can earn more than unsuccessful? Well, whoopty-fucking-doo.
8   richwicks   2022 Apr 2, 10:35pm  

Seriously? You are a Socialist now? The guy has had a very successful actor/producer career, his movies were popular in both Russia and Ukraine, you can even watch them on Netflix. And hecwas touring the country with live shows up until the last day he was sworn into the office. So yeah, he's got some dough. What does it prove or disprove?

He's an entertainer. A clown. He has made more money, supposedly, than any actor in the West has made.

He's a puppet of Igor Kolomoisky. He's still playing a part. High stakes. He's an actor.
9   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 2, 10:43pm  

richwicks says
Eric Holder says
Fun fact 1: Turkey downed Russian jet and .... nothing happened.

Russia ended all relations with Turkey after this happened. It resulted in a 20% contraction of the Turkish economy after this since it was a common resort destination of Russians. Russia demanded nothing more than an apology for this incident.

Erdogan relented and gave the apology restarting the construction of the Turkish Stream after 1 year. Erdogan then faced a coup 2 weeks later which he blamed on Fethullah Gulen who lives in an compound in Virginia. A large number of what Erdogan called coup plotters ended up settling in the United States.

Some of us know the fuckery of the US. I should really make that game..

I doubt he has more money than "any actor in the West".
A quick search returns Jessica fucking Biel net worth at $250M. Does anyone even remember a single movie with her?

But he's was not simply an actor but the owner of the company producing movies and live shows.

So no, I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the list of his supposedly glorious riches. They are pretty meh, really.

Are you saying it's impossible to earn couple of hundred of mil as an owner of media company on a media market with 200,000,000 people over 20+ years? LOL
10   richwicks   2022 Apr 2, 11:06pm  


I doubt he has more money than "any actor in the West".
A quick search returns Jessica fucking Biel net worth at $250M.

Zelenskyy is a billionaire.

But he's was not simply an actor but the owner of the company producing movies and live shows.

So no, I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the list of his supposedly glorious riches.

He's a Ukrainian actor. If I saw, say, an Argentinian actor worth that much, it would be believable.

Just see the bullshit for what it is.

Are you saying it's impossible to earn couple of hundred of mil as an owner of media company on a media market with 200,000,000 people over 20+ years? LOL

Yeah, I am, especially in Ukraine, and it's 45 million people from 0 - death.

If it smells funny, it's funny. Propaganda stretches the limit of credibility all the time. Sure, it's POSSIBLE, but is it plausible? He's working in a country where making $10,000 a year is a good living. There's about 45 million Ukrainians. 1000 million / 45 = around $20 each - that's what he would have had to suck out of every citizen of the country on average.

Rachael Maddow has a reputed salary of 30 million a year. That's $0.10 per American per year. There's a comparison for you.

I strongly recommend that you learn what a Fermi problem is. He was an excellent educator. He's the "back of the envelope" statistician - but in fact physicist but all higher sciences incorporates all others. You can quickly evaluate if something is reasonable or not with just some basic understanding of reality. You'll be off by an order of magnitude quite commonly, but you can quickly find out if some idea or belief is reasonable or not - from there - IF it's reasonable, you can do the real math. He just has you do estimates and guesses to begin with, and then if you think it's still reasonable, do real calculation.

To me, it's quite obvious Zelenskyy is a puppet, and was picked purposely because he is an actor. I felt the same way with Reagan and I don't think I was wrong, but I appreciate his puppet strings. I think they weren't entirely scum.
11   Cash   2022 Apr 3, 1:10pm  

12   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 3, 2:09pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Hes connected to US, I watched Oliver Stone special on Ukraine. that place is corrupt as hell. and heavily influenced by our meddling

I wanna like the guy, but I don't think he made the first few millions to invest by being on Ukrainian TV with a Comedy Show.

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