Hirsch Bombshell: Biden Regime planned to destroy Nordstream 2 months before Russia Invasion

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2023 Feb 8, 10:31am   10,907 views  74 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

And of course the WH denies.

I seem to remember a loud mouthed NYer lambasting Europe for not spending enough on defense and going ahead with Nordstream 2, and he was mocked in Europe and by US Media and ex-Deep Staters

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1   Patrick   2023 Feb 8, 10:32am  


How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now
3   Ceffer   2023 Feb 8, 11:06am  

Those Rockefellers.
4   Eric Holder   2023 Feb 8, 12:38pm  

And the proof is..... ANONYMOUS SOURCES!!!


The best proof it was Pukin who dunnit is that they still have not started any repair work. They wanted it down to "freeze Europe" and not pay for non-fullfillment of their contracts. That's the long a short of it. It didn't work, of course, but that's not the first thing these stupid fucks miscalculated.

For Biden there was no need to blow that shit up because it was effectively stopped by Trump's sanctions. Biden was the one who lifted them to appease Ze Germanz.
5   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Feb 8, 12:50pm  

Jill was pissed at Nordstrom, and in the fog of non-returnability…..
6   Shaman   2023 Feb 8, 1:16pm  

7   Patrick   2023 Feb 8, 1:23pm  

Shaman says

The best proof it was Pukin who dunnit is that they still have not started any repair work.

Do you really think that Russia is going to repair something that the US is just going to blow up again?
8   Eric Holder   2023 Feb 8, 1:29pm  

"It's somebody who seems to know quite a bit about what was going on," Hersh told TASS. "I can't name people obviously.


Super solid proof. What else can anybody want? I mean, it's as solid as "somebody who's seen the pee tapes", amirite? Shall we start believing in these now too?
10   Patrick   2023 Feb 8, 1:39pm  

Eric Holder says

Super solid proof. What else can anybody want?

How about a direct threat by Biden to destroy the pipeline?

See video above.
11   Bd6r   2023 Feb 8, 2:17pm  

I don't see reason as to why Russia would want to destroy the pipeline. They can just stop pumping gas through it, declare "technical problems" due to sanctions or something similar.
12   EBGuy   2023 Feb 8, 2:43pm  

For me, this was the wildest part of the report:
Biden’s and Nuland’s indiscretion, if that is what it was, might have frustrated some of the planners. But it also created an opportunity. According to the source, some of the senior officials of the CIA determined that blowing up the pipeline “no longer could be considered a covert option because the President just announced that we knew how to do it.”
The plan to blow up Nord Stream 1 and 2 was suddenly downgraded from a covert operation requiring that Congress be informed to one that was deemed as a highly classified intelligence operation with U.S. military support. Under the law, the source explained, “There was no longer a legal requirement to report the operation to Congress. All they had to do now is just do it—but it still had to be secret. The Russians have superlative surveillance of the Baltic Sea.”
13   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 8, 7:52pm  

Keep Germany down and Russia out.
14   AD   2023 Feb 8, 11:02pm  

Yeah, Biden Admin already put out negative statements about the pipeline: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-12/blinken-says-russia-germany-pipeline-offers-leverage-over-putin

After the pipeline blew up, then the wily Secretary Blinken stated the USA will provide all the LNG to Germany that is needed to replace the natural gas which was to be supplied by the pipeline.
15   AD   2023 Feb 8, 11:12pm  

Blinken also described the situation as a “tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy” and “take away from (Putin) the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs.”



16   richwicks   2023 Feb 8, 11:34pm  

Eric Holder says


The best proof it was Pukin who dunnit is that they still have not started any repair work

Ot they could have just turned off the tap at the source instead of destroying their own infrastructure that even if they fixed it could trivially be bombed again, the THEM, according to your "logic".

I have a difficult time believing people like you are actually serious, and aren't just so fucking arrogant that you believe other people are so fucking stupid that they would take what you just said seriously.

Are you really so self unaware that you actually believe what you wrote, or do you think the average person is so fucking stupid, that you expect to be believed when you lie?
17   Shaman   2023 Feb 9, 7:40am  

It’s now all but confirmed that Biden gave the order to blow it up using explosives planted in June 2022.

18   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 9, 8:29am  

Eric Holder says

The best proof it was Pukin who dunnit is that they still have not started any repair work. They wanted it down to "freeze Europe" and not pay for non-fullfillment of their contracts.

Russia blows up their own pipeline that took them years to build and cost them $50+ Billion in order to "freeze Europe" which they could have done by simply shutting off the supply valve. Got it.
21   richwicks   2023 Feb 9, 9:47pm  

Shaman says

It’s now all but confirmed that Biden gave the order to blow it up using explosives planted in June 2022.


Hersh has been wrong before, but I find it very unlikely that Russia blew up their own pipeline that cost 10's of billions to build over more than a decade.

It's very likely either the US did it or the British did it, with a US go-ahead. This is the most logical conclusion that I can come to.

original link

Given my government's willingness to lie, and our corporate press willingness to lie, it's logical to conclude (I think!) that Western powers did this, since it advantages the United States, disadvantages Russia, and will prolong the Ukrainian war. In my experience, the US always wants to prolong war, not to end them, even when there is no strategic advantage to the United States.

I am strongly in the opinion that the United States is being run by a bunch of psychopaths who cannot be reasoned with.
24   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 10, 7:10am  

Who benefitted from blowing up the pipelines? Answer: the good old USA's energy suppliers. Imagine the kickback to the politicians that supported this, especially the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

Who had the means? USA is at the top of the list with Great Britain a distant second. Few nations in the world has the ability to pull off such a sophisticated operation without detection.

Who had the opportunity? The USA has all the necessary military hardware and special ops personnel within a short distance from where the crime occured.

This was a very bold and reckless act that easily could have started WW III. It still may lead to that. And for what? The defense of one of the most corrupt nations on earth.
25   Patrick   2023 Feb 10, 11:15am  


Biden: “We will end Nordstream 2”

Nordstream 2: gets blown up

DailyMail: “we have exclusive report showing Biden blew up Nordstream”

People: Pretty sure Biden blew up Nordstream

Media: “Putin puppets saying Biden blew up Nordstream”
26   Patrick   2023 Feb 10, 11:23am  


A sane person in a sane world would call sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines an act-of-war against a friendly nation, since the result was to virtually destroy the basis of Germany’s industry, not to mention the domestic comfort of German citizens. Now, thanks to 85-year-old Seymour Hersh, the independent investigator who uncovered the My Lai Massacre in 1969 and reported on the depraved antics of American jailers at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2004, we have a pretty good idea how the Nord Stream caper went down.

For a year before the op, “Joe Biden” and Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland — architect of the 2014 Maidan Coup in Ukraine, which kicked-off the present fiasco there — blabbed about “ending” the Nord Streams. Curiously, the Germans said nothing. Meanwhile, the US made a deal to beef up military bases in Norway, an original NATO signatory (1949), for staging the Nord Stream sabotage op. Of course, Norway, being Western Europe’s remaining sole oil-and-gas exporter, had an interest in eliminating its competition.

In June of 2022, under cover of an annual NATO naval exercise in the Baltic Sea, US Navy divers attached mines to the Nord Stream pipelines. The mines had triggers that could be activated remotely at any time of choosing, and that moment came on September 26… kaboom. Ms. Nuland and Secretary of State Antony Blinken gloated publicly. Naturally, the US blamed Russia. America’s news media — catamite of the Intel Community — amplified the charge, despite the absurdity of Russia blowing up its most lucrative source of export revenue. The New York Times has so far made no mention of Mr. Hersh’s recent update of the Nord Stream sabotage.

Germany, too, hardly made a peep, nor did the rest of Western Europe, which now faces a future that looks, energy-wise, like a return to the Fourteenth Century. Maybe they’re all jaded with modern life, all that tiresome bathing and malingering in the brightly-lit cafes. Under the sagacious guidance of the WEF they were all going “green,” anyway — but was that green like the heart-shaped leaves of the linden tree or green like the moldy veins in Roquefort cheese? I guess they’ll find out.

Luckily, America had the Chinese balloon to distract them, and then “Joe B’s” State-of-the-Union extravaganza where the nation learned that we are living in the most extraordinary economic boom since the days of Babe Ruth and Charlie Chaplin.
27   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 10, 11:06pm  

This is not even debatable at this point. Hersh broke My Lai, back when reporters actually did their job. He's got credibility those of you nay-saying on here will never have.

How bad does this Ukraine shit have to blow up in your faces before you'll admit you were scammed by the US MIC? Died suddenly bad?

28   Patrick   2023 Feb 11, 12:07am  


Russia is outraged over the report, with one top Russian official declaring that Democrat President Joe Biden “is a terrorist who must be brought to justice.”

China has responded that demanding that the United States “explain itself to the world” if the revelations in Hersh’s report are true.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist published an article this week in which he asserted that the pipelines were destroyed by the US as part of a covert operation.

According to Hersh’s sources, the explosives were planted in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise.

He alleges that the explosives were detonated three months later with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy.

Biden is so senile he could not keep his mouth shut about the US explosives which were already in place.

Meanwhile, in Germany, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is also calling for a full inquiry.

“The Pulitzer Prize winner’s suspicions must be investigated,” wrote co-chairman of the AfD parliamentary group, Tino Chrupalla.

“Has NATO’s leading power carried out an attack on our country’s vital critical infrastructure in European waters?

“Then one would have to question whether the alliance guarantees security in Europe or rather endangers it.

“The consequence would be the withdrawal of all U.S. troops.”

That would be wonderful. The US should not have troops in Europe at all. Europe should defend Europe.
29   AD   2023 Feb 11, 12:55am  

Patrick says

That would be wonderful. The US should not have troops in Europe at all. Europe should defend Europe.

We are seeing some more support from Germany to Ukraine, such as they are sending 178 tanks. And I read the United Kingdom is likely to give fighter aircraft to Ukraine.

I believe for US federal budget years 2022 and 2023, there was about $50 billion each provided to Ukraine in total aid.
30   Ceffer   2023 Feb 11, 9:32am  

How come New York Times hasn't come out with an article stating that released natural gas is good for the environment?
31   Patrick   2023 Feb 12, 10:58am  


But of course you already knew that. The idea that Russia did it was laughable; not just because ‘Russia did it!’ is the default setting of any American official being caught doing anything at all, like an adolescent blaming every naughty move on his younger brother, but because the maths didn’t add up. Why would Russia blow up a pipeline that they’d spent 15 years and $20 billion building, when they could just turn it off? ‘Russia did it’ was always a stupid answer. ...

Meanwhile, while blowing up Nord Stream may have been an effective way to stop Germany from going soft on Russian sanctions, it’s also likely to make it impossible for the Germans to keep their lights on long term, which can only foment unrest within Europe; an outcome that Biden didn’t consider because he simply didn’t care about anything other than his own objectives.
32   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 12, 11:32pm  


When first reading through Hersh’s account of the events, the level of detail he provides could add credence to his story. Unfortunately for Hersh’s story, the high level of detail is also where the entire story begins to unravel and fall apart. It is often stated that people who lie have a tendency to add too much superfluous detail to their accounts. This attempt to “cover all bases” is in many cases what trips these people up. Extra details add extra points of reference that can be crosschecked and examined. In Hersh’s case, this is exactly what appears to have happened. On the surface level, the level of detail checks out to laymen or people without more niche knowledge of the subject matter mentioned. When you look closer though, the entire story begins to show massive glaring holes and specific details can be debunked.
33   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 12, 11:37pm  

BTW, wasn't Hirsh the guy who back in the day was jumping out of his britches trying to persuade everybody that Oswald was a "lone wolf"?
34   richwicks   2023 Feb 12, 11:47pm  



When first reading through Hersh’s account of the events, the level of detail he provides could add credence to his story. Unfortunately for Hersh’s story, the high level of detail is also where the entire story begins to unravel and fall apart. It is often stated that people who lie have a tendency to add too much superfluous detail to their accounts. This attempt to “cover all bases” is in many cases what trips these people up. Extra details add extra points of reference that can be crosschecked and examined. In Hersh’s case, this is exactly what appears to have happened. On the surface level, the level of detail checks out to laymen or people without more niche knowledge of the subject matter mentioned. When you look closer though, the entire story begins to...

Well well well, look at Oliver Alexander go on and on and on adding all these details to explain, supposedly, how people add superfluous details when they are trying to pass off a lie which you are accusing Hersh of doing.

I'll be direct - point out what Hersh was incorrect about, by quoting him.

We really don't need Hersh to tell us that the US blew up Russia's and Germany's pipeline anyhow. It's in the category of "yeah, duh".

Can't wait for that expose from some other famous journalist that will expose that we really weren't in a pandemic, and it was just a bunch of lies. Until I hear it from an "authoritative source", I mean, how could I possibly come to the obvious conclusion myself?
35   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 13, 8:47am  

Throw the baby out with the bathwater right, cuz you and me, we've never made a wrong call before...

As with the Pfizer video, Hersh's account just confirm what many other sources have already led us to believe.
36   Patrick   2023 Feb 14, 1:23pm  


Edward Snowden: UFO Hysteria an ‘Engineered’ Distraction from Nord Stream Pipeline Bombshell

Exiled NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has accused Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration of orchestrating “engineered panic” by using recent reports of UFOs as a distraction.

Snowden was responding to the U.S. military shooting down four “unidentified objects” from the skies above North America in recent days.

According to Snowden, however, the hysteria surrounding the UFOs was “engineered” as a distraction from the recent bombshell report from renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh on the destruction of Nord Stream pipelines last fall.

According to Hersh’s bombshell report, the Biden admin orders the U.S. Navy to destroy the pipelines with underwater explosives.

Amid the backlash over the report, many have argued that the move, if true, would be an “act of war.”
37   AD   2023 Feb 15, 12:46am  

cisTits says


this is what it was and still is : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO

now the fbi does cointelpro against the democrat party's political targets

and the mainstream media either ignores this or indirectly supports and praises this

38   Patrick   2023 Feb 15, 2:47am  

ad says

this is what it was and still is : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO

Thanks, interesting.

COINTELPRO (syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program; 1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects actively conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive,[5] including feminist organizations,[6][7] the Communist Party USA,[8] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights and Black power movements (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM)...
39   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 15, 8:21am  

One of the most objective people I get news from Ryan Cristian(thelastamericanvagabond.com) mentioned Hersh in one of his recent daily shows as an example of good reporting.

Credibility continues to build for Hersh, and fade for all anti-Russian haters(if they were Ukraine supporters, they would support ending the war). Again, to illustrate, I think the Chinese government is evil, but I would never be against the Chinese people it oppresses. Hate the governments, love the people.
40   richwicks   2023 Feb 15, 8:35am  

NuttBoxer says

One of the most objective people I get news from Ryan Cristian(thelastamericanvagabond.com)

That's his name.

Try Ryan Dawson as well: https://www.ancreport.com/ - here's some podcasts, https://www.ancreport.com/category/podcast/

The 4 Horsemen are fun: https://www.ancreport.com/episode-278-four-horsemen-21-with-patrick-macfarlane/ when he does them. Basically, that's a less serious show. Dawson is pretty under-rated in my opinion.

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