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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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117700   Patrick   2023 Apr 12, 5:53pm  

cisTits says

directly into those PatNet members


No, please don't do that.

It ruins the site.
117701   Ceffer   2023 Apr 12, 5:55pm  

I don't think the fluffers are pure agitprop repeating stations. I think they are sincerely deluded, and they do provide counterpoint. Some are motivated by pure compulsive hatred of Russia, which Russia may richly deserve. Some may have economic attachment to Ukrainian themes. It is sometimes useful to gauge how people can become sincerely deluded.

The ones the I don't like are the purely malicious agitprop repeaters who don't even believe their own bullshit, but promulgate it through hire or because they think it empowers them. Basically, political sociopaths.
117702   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 6:07pm  

I wasn't able to find any links to these docs I would consider reliable. And I don't see any here either. The fact that US government is investigating seems to indicate they are legit, but without being able to examine the source material, how can we really know what was leaked?
117703   Patrick   2023 Apr 12, 6:15pm  

Personal attacks just dig the hole deeper.

I think it would be more productive just to point out that they were mistaken. People make mistakes.
117704   Ceffer   2023 Apr 12, 6:20pm  

Whatever these docs represent, they do seem to have 'policy lies' i.e. fake shit designed by one bureaucrat to either convince or fool or purposely gaslight or gain the cooperation another bureaucrat. The sender and receiver both nod and agree to subscribe to the policy lies to pursue an agenda. It shows they are operating out of untethered insanity, and they don't even care anymore about what is 'real'.

Also there is that bit that 'leaks' are purposeful disinfo seeding and aren't leaks at all. SOD, who is one of the compulsive State Satanic Liars, promising to track down the source of the 'leaks', probably means he is trying to legitimize the gaslighting and disinfo and has no intention of tracking down anything, unless it is some patsy.
117705   AD   2023 Apr 12, 6:23pm  

Ceffer says

operating out of untethered insanity

They are working in comfortable office conditions, have a latest model BMW or Mercedes, make at least $175,000 a year (includes bonuses), and live a non stressful existence in the northern Virginia suburbs. Perhaps they go to their 2nd home or vacation home near Shenandoah National Park on the weekends.

These self dealing and smug people are comfortably removed from the reality (chaos, destruction, etc.) that they create.

117706   AD   2023 Apr 12, 6:28pm  

cisTits says

personally skimming from the top

The upper echelons of Ukraine (such as top 5%) may exodus if some type of deal is made to stop the war. This is Zelensky, the military generals, etc.

So they engage in self dealing as far as "skim the skim" (a term used in the movie Casino) and deposit that in a Swiss, Grand Cayman, etc. bank account.

This is their insurance policy as far as leaving Ukraine and living abroad such as in Monte Carlo or St Martin once there is a new (and more neutral) Ukrainian government installed that may not be as much anti-Kremlin and pro-NATO.

117707   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 6:33pm  

@Patrick there's a lot of personal attacks directed at specific members in this thread, including the OP. Just because the content the thread is about is correct, does not make it ok to start name-calling.
117708   Ceffer   2023 Apr 12, 6:34pm  

cisTits says

In political jargon, a useful idiot is a term currently used to reference a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause—particularly a bad cause originating from a devious, ruthless source—without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders.[1][2] The term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and manipulation.


I love this definition. I just don't think that the fluffers have risen to this status quite yet.

I have my liberal friend in Santa Cruz, that I am slowly detoxifying. He does seem to be persuadable back from the ledge. I kind of feel sorry for him, but I think that I am making inroads. I don't think I would try to ad hominem him from his brainwashing.
117709   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 6:36pm  

cisTits says

Zekensky himself is using US taxpayer money TO BUY FUCKING DESIEL FUEL FROM RUSSIA and is personally skimming from the top!

Nothing really that shocking or new here. Ukraine is super corrupt. Zelensky appears in the Panama Papers, a documentary made well before the Ukraine/Russia fiasco started last year. All the mainstream propaganda outlets ran countless articles about Ukraine Nazi's, again before last year. I was on the Maiden live stream's where Nazi's were openly celebrating the content as pro-Nazi.

If this is news to anyone, you haven't been paying attention.
117710   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 12, 7:40pm  

There are a lot of Americans in powerful positions getting their palms greased as well.

Why do you think there is such a thing as 'off shore accounts?' They aren't there to service the working stiff that is struggling to keep his head above water.
117711   Patrick   2023 Apr 12, 7:49pm  

NuttBoxer says

Patrick there's a lot of personal attacks directed at specific members in this thread, including the OP. Just because the content the thread is about is correct, does not make it ok to start name-calling.

@NuttBoxer I don't see any directed at specific p.net members. It's unpleasant that he's attacking a group of other members, though I don't have any particular rule about that yet. Should I?
117712   Patrick   2023 Apr 12, 7:51pm  

OK, I should.

New rule, call it the cisTits rule:

You cannot deliberately insult the other members of the site, even in groups. That just turns everything to shit instantly.
117713   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 12, 7:52pm  

In recognition, cisTits needs to add a few pairs to his longstanding thread.
117714   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 8:38pm  

If it's one person calling out everyone else that's one thing, but when it's only targeting a few members, who seem to hold a view that's in the minority on the site, allowing personal attacks will just turn this into an echo chamber. I think it's a logical extension of the original rule for the same purpose, keeping things civil, and allowing free speech, whether we agree with the speech or not. Whether the idea is popular, or not.
117715   AD   2023 Apr 13, 12:53am  


Best I could afford is a Mac Mini and Ipad Mini

117716   WookieMan   2023 Apr 13, 8:06am  

Apple was never built for people making less than $80k/yr. I'm not a fan boy, but Apple will do just fine. They can scale and cut employees if needed. Their margins on products are fucking insane.

Run a business and you'll understand. I'm running a 2015 iMac. Never had to restart it or do any of the other shit you'd have to do with other PC's. $17/mo for a high preforming computer. I've built websites, marketing material with Adobe infrastructure, photography, etc. I get shitting on the price of Apple, but the alternative is massively shittier in my world at least. A $500 PC with windows is shit. And I'm talking consumer level, not developer/engineer machines.
117717   Onvacation   2023 Apr 13, 9:11am  

I've been using a $400 refurbished Lenovo for 10 years. Less than $4 a month for adequacy.
117718   clambo   2023 Apr 13, 9:21am  

"Apple products aren't expensive, they just cost more than some people can afford."

I have noticed that they are more competitively priced than years ago.

I have a large old MacBook Pro which is too heavy to take anywhere.

I'm liking my $120 Asus lightweight laptop with Pop!Os Linux lately.

I don't like all the "integration" stuff they are incorporating into Macs lately.
117719   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 13, 9:24am  

Those commie systems and endless promises of a better future if you just work harder comrade!
117720   Ceffer   2023 Apr 13, 10:11am  

clambo says

Little did I know that is was not paid for.

LOL! I think the base plan is 'paid for', it's the Cadillac fins you are financing.
117721   Ceffer   2023 Apr 13, 10:30am  

117722   Ceffer   2023 Apr 13, 10:32am  

Whouda thought? Does this so called 'leak' mean they are trying to unlock their tongue tied French Kiss with Zelensky et alia? A patsy will be revealed.

117723   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 13, 1:32pm  

Now imagine the shitshow the French pension system is...
117724   Ceffer   2023 Apr 13, 2:04pm  

It'd be even more annoying if they just didn't send you the SS checks and told you that Biden needs the money for Ukraine.
117725   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 13, 2:38pm  

Ceffer says

It'd be even more annoying if they just didn't send you the SS checks and told you that Biden needs the money for Ukraine.

Biden does not need your money for Ukraine, because that cretin Vlad Pedo Pukin has provided him with $350B to play with. Mwahahahaha.

No, you can't have any of it.
117726   clambo   2023 Apr 13, 4:03pm  

Update after doing my tax return with HR Block.
My first post was partially in error.
I wasn't taxed on my entire Social Security payments; my taxable amount was a couple thousand less, although my medicare payments were $3000 something.
So, about 2/3 of my medicare payment wasn't taxed after all.

A good thing about using tax software is you learn about the tax code.

This year I'm happy to not write such a huge check as last year; of course I'm also happy not to pay anything to California.
117727   Patrick   2023 Jul 5, 8:37pm  

CBOEtrader says

There are more members in that NXIVM sex trafficking club than KKK members.


‘Smallville’ actor Allison Mack released from prison for role as ‘slave master’ in Nxivm sex cult

“Smallville” actress Allison Mack has been released from federal prison after serving less than two years behind bars for her role as a “slave master” in the upstate Nxivm sex cult.

Mack, 40, was sprung from the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California outside of San Francisco Monday, Bureau of Prison records show.

The TV actress was sentenced to three years in prison in June 2021 after pleading guilty for her role in helping to brainwash women into becoming sex slaves for Nxivm leader Keith Raniere.
117728   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 1:14pm  

Indiana Jones says

The cause of the crash seems conflicting and debatable, so let's look at motive. What is the motivation to take down the whole plane? To kill at least one person on board. Who? 230 people perished and it is a lot of research to find connections.

Here is the passenger list:


117729   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 1:15pm  

117730   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 1:16pm  

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