How the SCAMdemic woke up one medical worker to the overall evils of the current medical paradigm

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2023 Apr 22, 4:14pm   305 views  3 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


As it turns out, my otherwise mind numbingly boring job as a medical coder became the scene of one of the worlds largest scams in history. I had a front row seat to the biggest show in town that nobody was allowed to see. Those tickets are now being handed to you and to future generations.

I had always wondered, how did Germans allow Hitler to heard an entire race of people into death camps? If I were alive then, would I have seen the truth through the propaganda? ...

Medical coders spend all day reviewing electronic medical records. Radiology reports, nursing notes, vital signs, everything your provider does is recorded and sent to a database. ... Coders use various software programs to translate medical notes into a series of diagnosis and procedure codes. Codes are then submitted on insurance claims. ... It’s a bit of a game for coders to massage the codes in a way that maximizes payment without incurring risk of fines. Massaging the numbers for their benefit is what hospitals and physicians pay coders to do.

Mainstream media was reporting how hospitals would be overrun with Covid patients before “two weeks to flatten the curve” started. There were no Covid patients then. None. It was the pandemic that wasn’t. Laughable even. Two weeks to flatten the curve came and went but still very few admissions. People who did walk in the door had been avoiding coming in for so long they were now all critical. ...

Experts told us this new Covid-19 virus was going to kill more people than the flu. Yet the flu didn’t really kill anyone. People died with the flu, not because they caught a flu. Most people in healthcare knew that, it was not a secret. It is in their programming to blame the most acute condition as a cause of death. That concept is written into the medical coding guidelines. Creating the illusion flu kills when other conditions are almost always the root cause. Soon Covid patients did come in and some people became gravely ill and died with Covid. ...

When placed on vents, one by one, the Covid-19 positive patients circled the drain and died. This created the illusion that Covid was the deadly disease we had been instructed to be afraid of. Still, out of all those cases, I only calculated a 0.003% death rate. Statistically, more people die every year from heart disease, medical malpractice, and car accidents. Still, the media continued sounding the alarm over how deadly Covid was.

Hospitals were in desperate need of funding after “two weeks to flatten the curve”. All our bread and butter services were cut off. Patients in the ICU had to be discharged and sent home early. Supplemental staff and various support service staff were laid off. ... Entire departments were shut down and wings of hospitals were closed off due to lack of staff. ... Media harped on the mantra that those working in healthcare were “heroes” for showing up to treat the onslaught on Covid patients. Instead, staff faced layoffs and furloughs. Raises and bonuses were cancelled. Hiring freezes ensued. Those still standing had to absorb the workload of staff lost. They were forced to work harder for the same money, setting the remaining staff up for burn out.

Was I the only one seeing this?! Surely other healthcare professionals were becoming alarmed with all of the inconsistencies happening around them. They must be questioning things too. The numbers from media sources did not match up to what was going on right before our eyes. They must have been suspicious about asymptomatic cases that were the bulk of Covid patients; that our own hospital data did not match HHS or WHO data. ...

Suddenly hospitals became the scariest place to be in the whole world. Per policy, patients admitted with any condition must be placed into isolation with quarantine measures in place. They must be masked at all times. Their care team would be dressed up in hazmat suits from head to toe. Patients families were not allowed to be with them inside. Many patients were heavily drugged and strapped to their beds while their care teams experimented on them. Hospitals didn’t have infection control policies like that before Covid, not even for Ebola. This new virus came and changed everything. To my knowledge, a new virus doesn’t change everything we know about infection control or the spread of disease overnight. No visitation made it suspiciously convenient that while providers are admittedly experimenting on patients, no witnesses were allowed to see what was being done to their loved ones.

Then it happened. On April 1st 2020, an unprecedented update to the medical code system was implemented. A new code for the novel Covid-19 virus was created to track the Covid-19 pandemic. ... The rules for how to apply this new virus code was an exception to almost every other rule for reporting viruses (exceptions being HIV and Zika). It afforded hospitals a bonus payment for a Covid diagnosis. Bonus payments of 20% were available to hospitals for reporting the new experimental drug codes they created for Remdesivir, convalescent plasma transfusions, and other drugs. Right about then, hospitals across the nation switched from using Hydroxychloroquine to Remdesivir almost exclusively. It was just one more item on a growing list of policies and procedures that contradicted everything we knew about treating disease up until then. ...

People’s responses always shocked me. Here I was, honestly recounting my first hand observations. They would tell me how crazy I was because they heard something different in the news. Often they would become angry with me for telling them the news was lying to them about hospitals being overrun with Covid patients. They would stop speaking to me and inviting me on outings. They would attach themselves to the stories told to them by the news and social media platforms over a real live human they could look in the eye. Someone who had never been a “crazy conspiracy theorist” before. I found myself isolated and shunned by the whole of society simply for speaking my truth. It was the beginning of the great silencing. ...

As the first jabs went into the first arms via drive-thru, I waited with baited breath. Dr. Ryan Cole issued a dire warning about “sitting back and pulling out the popcorn because we are about to watch something horrible happen to the population”. I kept an open mind and hoped that the warnings were wrong.

Lo and behold, the warnings were right. To my utter horror, healthcare professionals denied that an experimental “vaccine” could cause harm of any kind. Gaslighting patients about their vaccine injuries began instantly. Patients arrived immediately after being vaccinated having strokes, heart attacks, and with severe cases of Covid. Some were collapsing uncontrollably or having non stop seizure activity. Multi-system organ failure cases piled up. Strange blood disorders made an appearance and drugs normally used to treat blood disorders stopped working. Cancers began to progress to end stage almost overnight. Patients that didn’t have histories of chronic conditions. Patients that were perfectly healthy before being injected all had new major conditions. Slowly but surely, more and more cases like this arrived as injections became available to more people. ...

Mandates were issued that every adult in the world must be vaccinated in order to go back to normal. ... In spite of evidence of harm, the media repeated the mantra that vaccines are safe and effective. ... Mask mandates were promised to be dropped for the vaccinated. In a bait-and-switch fashion, they weren’t. The media changed their tune and told everyone masks couldn’t be stopped until we reached herd immunity. Another number that kept changing. New variants of Covid were supposedly circulating that were making experimental injections less effective. Yet people had to keep taking the injections or lose their jobs. None of it made any logical sense. Nobody in healthcare was questioning any of it. They were enthusiastically avoiding any talk of vaccine associated harm, or evidence masks don’t work. In a clown world kind of move, they were doubling down on efforts to stop the spread that clearly wasn’t working. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. That is when I knew the vast majority of people in healthcare were perpetuating insanity. Either by being willfully ignorant or outright murdering people for profit.

Every hospital across the nation had the same mantra. The same insurance regulations with covid bonuses built in. The same stipulations of employment. Not a single hospital stood up to mandates or pushed back on letting patients die alone. Every single organization involved was like a unified front. They were clearly exploiting the pandemic for profit.

Worse, I noticed that contact tracing and medical record reporting was about to be connected to government databases beyond the CDC. Lots of information about patients was being tracked and recorded without their knowledge or consent. AI was being implemented as a weapon to detect things like vaccine uptake or hesitancy. After the scamdemic reared its ugly head, I lost what little trust I had in the CDC and every other alphabet agency. Whoever was behind the medical code system (and the associated reporting agencies) had an agenda. I thought it might be critical to learn what it was. I had no idea the darkness I would find under that rock.

April 1 2022 another unprecedented code update went into effect. This time to launch codes to track refusal of vaccinations and boosters. ... Codes for vaccine injuries called adverse reactions had been on the books for decades. Adverse reaction codes should have been available during the clinical trial phase. One of the main reasons there is a medical code system is for tracking clinical trials. Since December 6th 2020, jabs had been going into arms and healthcare providers had been seeing the effects. Vaccine development began in early January 2020. That would have been the time to create covid injection codes. Was the code update in April 2020 just an oversight in their haste? For more than 3 years? Surely there would be a code for reporting injuries in the next update. It seemed they thought of everything except enabling reporting and tracking of covid vaccination injuries or deaths. Unless they intended to make it impossible for injury reporting. If that was their goal, they couldn’t have planned it better. ...

The only conclusion I can draw from this is that they never intended to track adverse events. This was clearly orchestrated to prevent reporting or tracking of vaccine injuries. ...

Teachers and military were already being fired for non compliance to vaccine mandates. I saw the devastation injections had inflicted on people. There was no way I was going to allow myself to be injected with that poison. I ventured to say they would have to kill me before I would submit. People say that is a bit extreme, but after what I witnessed, I beg to differ.

I would not have any part of murdering patients for profit. Labeling the deaths as Covid and then sending their family a bill. I had lost faith in the medical system many years prior when I fell victim to it. I learned the hard way the remedy is often worse than the disease. The system is designed to protect the doctors and their staff from you, the patient. Not the other way around. I was barely hanging on, just collecting a paycheck. I decided to quit before they could fire me. I would not be an accomplice to murder and I refused to let them label me as a statistic by allowing them to fire me over non-compliance to mandates. ...

The whole experience made me realize the importance of entrepreneurship and local community market systems. It’s the only solution I can find, where mandates, licensing and regulations can’t take away a lifetime’s worth of work with the flick of a switch.

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1   Ceffer   2023 Apr 22, 4:31pm  

It shows how they starved the hospitals from conventional income, making them desperate, then turned them into killing fields with Covid protocols and vaccines deployed at high profit. All of the citizen reporters showed empty Covid tents, empty parking lots at hospitals, empty lobbies, because the new profit centers killing patients for Covid money were happening upstairs.

This was done with the Spanish Flu by the Rockefellers, hidden from public view that they murdered with vaccines. They never forgot their successful caper, and, as we know, once gotten away with once, then twice, thrice and quadruple perfected.

We are in for lab generated pathogens rolled out like magazine subscriptions, until they find one that really, really works to kill en masse. So far, human race has been entirely too resilient for their efforts. It's just lovely knowing we have this motivated Satanic bloc trying to find every nook and cranny of vulnerability to murder huge populations.
2   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 23, 9:10am  

New job is working in the medical field, and as part of the training, trainer told a personal story about insurance and how when they had a bad family health year, and maxed out their benefit(everything was covered rest of the year), a place charged them for a procedure they never had. When she informed the place, the response was "don't worry about, you're not paying." I shit you not.

She also mentioned how step therapy(?) works. Where they are mandated to prescribe you drugs that won't help you for a certain period of time before they can approve drugs that will help you. So you literally have to take shit that is likely fucking you up to get to shit that hopefully will do something.

I seriously cannot comprehend how anyone willingly uses these systems or pays for sickcare insurance. No health insurance would actually be beneficial for most, as it would force people to seek out solutions that work, and focus on prevention, which is ALWAYS cheaper.
3   Patrick   2023 Apr 24, 2:17pm  


DESCRIPTION ON RUMBLE PAGE: "In this stunning testimony before the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board of Directors, Dr. Jane Ruby lays out the truth about the abuse, neglect, and outright killing of patients forced into the CDC death protocol. In the middle of her testimony, Board Chair Tram Hudson interrupts Dr. Jane, tries to intimidate her and threatens her. This testimony is dedicated to all of those family members and victims who suffered at the hands of this and many other hospitals in the United States. This must end"


DR. JANE RUBY: 2020 I never saw the degree of neglect, subrogation of patient rights, and out and out assault on human beings that have been reported by patients in your hospital and countless other hospitals in the United States. Sarasota Memorial Hospital is the poster child for the killing fields American hospitals have become.

MALE VOICE: Ms. Ruby, you are on dangerous ground right now.

DR. JANE RUBY: Today I am speaking for the hundreds of families that stand behind me that have written to me or appeared on my show to tell their stories of their loved ones, their last days in this and other hospitals. Patients deprived of food and water, forced narcotics, deadly failed drugs forced on them like remdesivir, forced into mechanical ventilation.

As a nursing professor I taught the skills of nursing, but I knew I couldn't teach the compassion and the integrity, so I looked for it. I looked for the protective instincts in my nursing students because they would be going out and be responsible for being with patients alone in their most vulnerable moments. They had to be trustworthy.

MALE VOICE: One minute.

DR. JANE RUBY: Nursing quality is judged by patients, sir, not Newsweek magazine or remote nursing journals.

I came here today to ask your nurses and your doctors one question. How do you do it? How do you do it?


DR. JANE RUBY: How do you go home and hug your children and your grandparents, after witnessing, after hanging those remdesivir bags day after day and watching people suffer and choke on endotracheal tubes? Nurses that stay enable these actions and these outcomes. And the American people are watching you. And every hospital now. Thank you.

MALE VOICE: Thank you for your time.


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