Greatest Cause of Shitty Productivity Figures?

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2023 Sep 9, 8:44am   433 views  4 comments

by DOGEWontAmountToShit   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

In the latest edition of The Grant Williams Podcast, Christopher Joye, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager of Coolabah Capital, makes an underappreciated observation about the inflationary effects of the modern corporate organizational chart. Over the past few decades, an explosion of “mandatory” jobs that contribute little to the creation of tangible products or services—in other words, to productivity—have invaded large companies like a cancer. Joye points to the big banks, which have seen a massive increase in
“compliance departments, risk departments, legal departments, government affairs departments, ESG departments, [and] human resources departments,” leading to the inevitable result that “we are producing similar products with many more people.”

Once spawned, none of these positions can really ever be eliminated, and it necessarily follows that the creation of the same increment of GDP now requires a far higher net wage expenditure. A secondary effect of so many unproductive roles is the dwindling number of qualified candidates to fill the productive ones. These observations form the basis of Joye’s view that we should expect inflation to be a tad stickier than most are modeling.

We would extend Joye’s thinking by pointing out another troubling trend in Western labor markets: that the definition of “doing work” has been blurred with “attending meetings.” As a general rule, meetings are a giant waste of time, and yet nothing makes an employee occupying an unproductive job feel more productive than being invited to one. A packed calendar is the sign of an important person, after all, and what better way to kill time until you can go home and attend your evening meetings with the team in Asia?


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1   Tenpoundbass   2023 Sep 9, 10:02am  

Is that George Orwell's face on "Catch me if you can" DiCaprio's body?

I'm comfortable enough now, to flat out reject Left leaning people in every capacity, and tell them to their face, that they need not apply, or I don't have any respect for their feelings, or thoughts. I have no desire to converse with them, or even know what they think or associate with them in any way what so ever. And never will until they reject and repent their wanton ways, and their Evil destructive party, and line of thought.

To be clear, in other words, Fuck Them!
2   RedStar   2023 Sep 9, 10:26am  

C-suite, Exec-VP, Senior-VP, VP, Exec-Director, Senior Director, Director, Manager, Supervisor, then me....Pretty sure I missed a few levels too. Management is just as bloated.

it is funny how we don't have the budget to hire individual contributors, but they hire all these people that do nothing for the bottom line.
3   AD   2023 Sep 9, 10:15pm  

They've become like the federal government bureaucracy.

The program office I was in had a GS-15, 3 GS-14's and 6 GS-13's. The GS-13's were the only ones who created the work. The GS-14's only added about 10% of the work creation.

But this is the path the private sector is going because the younger generation (not the Gen X) are okay with this. They've been indoctrinated enough to go along and support this such as DEI and ESG.

So what does this do as far as earnings growth for the S&P 500 over the next 20 years ?

4   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Nov 28, 7:52pm  

Looks like the productivity figures have reversed. Especially in services.


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