Why Did Liberals Support Muslim Immigration Into The West?

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2023 Nov 8, 5:34pm   918 views  20 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The Left made Muslims their allies for the purpose of making the West less Christian. How's that diversity working out for them now?

It’s time to ask the Left’s least favorite question: why do Jewish people suddenly feel unsafe in Europe in 2023?

Because 44 million Muslims were allowed to settle as refugees in Europe over the last decade — the most dangerous immigration policy ever implemented in the West.

That policy was pushed by Barack Obama, who started the Syrian refugee crisis in the first place.

Here’s the most important part: Jewish people overwhelmingly supported Obama (from 2008 to 2012) and they still overwhelmingly support Biden.

In other words, the Left made Jewish people unsafe in Europe — even though Jewish people are one of the Left’s most important (and loyal) voting blocs.

Welcome to the consequences of your own political actions.

You can watch this happening in real time on this woman’s Twitter account.

For years, liberals demanded that the West import Muslims into their predominantly Christian countries, and when conservatives warned that George Soros and his ilk were funding the destabilization of Europe, those conservatives were smeared as “antisemites” by Jewish organizations like ADL for pointing out the obvious.

George Soros supports Muslim political movements with millions of dollars, and the response of the Anti-Defamation League is to smear anyone who criticizes George Soros.

Do you see how this works?

This was not an accident. This was intentional. It’s called “blame-shifting.”

The Left has allied itself to the followers of Islam for the purpose of making the West less white, less Christian, and less unified.

That’s the goal of “multiculturalism” in a nutshell.

That’s why the ADL must falsely target white Christian conservatives as the “real anti-semites” while the anti-Israel rallies are actually packed with Muslim refugees and left-wing activists with purple hair.

It’s a coalition that has only one enemy: Christianity.

That’s why liberals must produce delusional tweets blaming Evangelical Christians from the American South (“Roscoe Jethroe…from Arkansas”) for the rise in global antisemitism while evading their own culpability in flooding the West with their deadly enemies.

The problem now for the Left is that the Muslims they’ve managed to import seem to prefer assaulting Jews rather than Christians at the moment— even at Harvard.

... So it’s time to reach out to your liberal friends and ask them: why did they push to allow the mass immigration of religious fanatics who want them dead?

How’s all that diversity looking now?

How’s all the intersectionality and inclusion treating you?

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1   Ceffer   2023 Nov 8, 5:59pm  

Unintended consequences of the drool bucket Globalists, neocons and Tavistock psychos? Like one of those missiles they fire and it goes up in the air and duds out and hits your kids' school instead?

Illuminatis don't care as long as the division grows, the hatred grows, and the violence grows.

"No plan survives the first five minutes of its execution." The game changes dynamically in situ and pro tempore.
2   clambo   2023 Nov 8, 6:49pm  

Interesting question, nobody wants them.
3   gabbar   2023 Nov 9, 3:54am  

Patrick says

The Left has allied itself to the followers of Islam for the purpose of making the West less white, less Christian, and less unified.
That’s the goal of “multiculturalism” in a nutshell.

Multiculturalism is about vote banks because the Islamic rattle snakes vote liberal. Votes convert to power and money. Left couldn't care less about Christianity or skin color or the nation at home or anywhere else becoz they dont relate to vote bank significantly. Its about what will put them in power. Being in power is the ultimate symbol of power itself. As far as they are concerned, it is business.
And Jewish is synonymous with Liberalism, this should be added to the dictionary.
4   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 9, 4:28am  

Patrick says

It’s a coalition that has only one enemy: Christianity.

5   Reality   2023 Nov 9, 5:32am  

Soros and other leftists support and finance mass migration of Muslims to the West because:

1. They want to replace the individualistic and relatively independent-thinking existing majority demographic. It's similar to the replacement of Native American ("Indian") labor with imported African slaves 400 years ago. It's easier to rule over a displaced population instead of a population that has roots deeper than the relatively newly arrived colonial/globalist capital.

2. "Leftism" is essentially whatever the elite among the 2.5-3% Jews want the rest of the population to believe; they run an insider-scam on the rest of the Jewish population (just like Bernie Madoff ran an insider-scam on Jews). The "Chosen People" ideology makes many Jews think they will be taken special care of by fellow Jews, when in reality the operators of insider-scams use them as readily available human cordwood for the fire. The mutiple decades of affirmative-action nonsense is essentially promoting incompetents so that nepotistic appointments of the co-religious/incompetent/order-followers would not look as bad as would be the case if the beneficiaries of nepotism had to find themselves among the competent. Now after decades of this policy, western societies have an incompetent power structure of nepotistic tribe members at the top (more than half the cabinet of the Biden regime) with numerous incompetent and narcissistic immediately below them realizing that their own paths of promotion to the higher level is blocked due to not being members of the tribe. It's a powder keg situation similar to the eves of numerous historical pogroms. The elite among the 2.5-3% seem to think Zionism is the most profitable path for them (maximizing both the money laundering into the bank accounts of gullible tools and the later mass killing of the gullible tools to harvest their accounts), so importing massive numbers of Muslims to make life dangerous for Jews living in the West would force Jews to relocate to Greater Israel . . . similar to Zionist collaboration with Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's.

3. Self-appointed overlords like Soros and his cronies seem to think that Muslims make for better serfs than Blacks. Thanks to nearly a century of systematic brain-washing (the last Gentile-owned major movie studio in Hollywood was taken over by guns the day after Pearl Harbor in 1941; all the rest were already owned by Jews and controlled by Zionists before then), Whites and Asian populations are in nose-dive demographically worldwide. Blacks and Muslims are the replacement promoted by the self-appointed "master race" "doing God's work"; and they seem to prefer Muslims over blacks, perhaps due to more centuries of indoctrination already carried out on Muslims via the Judaism sect called Islam (submission).
6   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 9, 7:28pm  

Some people need to lay off the mushrooms. With a belief system like the one laid out above, you are ripe to believe the soon to be propagated lie that Aliens abducted millions of people to rescue them from the evil Juden scourge.
7   Ceffer   2023 Nov 9, 7:56pm  

Even the Israelis seem to be waking up that there is something rotten in Zion-mark. The KMaf Nazis seem to be on an empowering human sacrifice arc with them while the Kmaf escape with their gangster club somewhere else, likely the Slav depopulated Ukraine again, to be the officers of corrupt enterprises of the future after harvesting the fruits of Israeli enterprise.

If the enforced vaccination genocide con didn't wake the Israelis up, nothing will. The question is do the Israelis have the grit to throw the pretenders off in time to survive the whole mess. Maybe not.
8   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 9, 8:32pm  

Ceffer says

Even the Israelis seem to be waking up that there is something rotten in Zion-mark. The KMaf Nazis seem to be on an empowering human sacrifice arc with them while the Kmaf escape with their gangster club somewhere else, likely the Slav depopulated Ukraine again, to be the officers of corrupt enterprises of the future after harvesting the fruits of Israeli enterprise.

If the enforced vaccination genocide con didn't wake the Israelis up, nothing will. The question is do the Israelis have the grit to throw the pretenders off in time to survive the whole mess. Maybe not.

Anybody undestands any if this word vomit? If yes, could you translate?
9   Reality   2023 Nov 9, 9:13pm  

PeopleUnited says

Some people need to lay off the mushrooms. With a belief system like the one laid out above, you are ripe to believe the soon to be propagated lie that Aliens abducted millions of people to rescue them from the evil Juden scourge.

Read up on the Stanford Prison Experiment. Test subjects were randomly assigned to be prisoners and guards, and put on unforms; then before long, the former classmates were ready to commit crimes against humanity against each other. The experiment had to be terminated early in order to prevent more severe harm. Apparently, when you tell people they are special and have authority over others, a significant percentage of the randomly "chosen" would indulge in atrocity against randomly assigned "inferiors." Guess what Soros said when asked why he put on the Nazi uniforms and participated in the killing of fellow Jews? He said, if he didn't do it, someone else would. In the mid-1920's, after German currency collapsed, in order to revive Germany economy and at the same time taking advantage of cheap Germany labor (due to debased local currency), special provisions were made to cap German annual external debt repayment giving private loan repayment priority over war reparation debt repayment for a period of 5yrs, so massive amount of globalist money flooded into Germany; Jews and gays in Germany benefited especially well under the easy money policy, as both demographics were excellent savers and investors (as they both are even today worldwide; gay men don't have expensive wives and children to support). Then the repayment cap was removed in 1929, and the net capital inflow to Germany was stopped nearly overnight. The suddenly tightening money brought the Great Depression, and the banksters wheeled out Hitler and his Nazis to kill Jews and gays, so that their bank accounts would be abandoned to the banks. Think about it: when a middle class loner or his entire family died in the concentration camps, who were the biggest beneficiaries? Not the Nazi soldiers selling his shoes or even the Nazi officer digging gold out of his tooth fillings, but the banks where the loner or the family had their bank accounts (or the then fashionable whole-life insurance plans with cash value equal to all premium already paid in).

Why do you think South Africa (a British Dominion) was turned into an apartheid state in 1948, 3 years after defeating Hitler? So that the project would attract white-supremists to migrate there and gather resources from the local unbankable population and put the money into banks; they had a savings rate around 30-50% annual income. After a few decades, their account balances became multiple times GDP! A sum that the banks could not possibly pay back. So the banks recruited ANC and a coterie of communists, and international sanctions against the SA apartheid state that the banksters themselves created only a few decades earlier: in order to kill the account holders, and their entire families, so that the banks don't have to pay back the money on deposit.

Israeli, also being very k-selected, their average savings rate is a little lower than the SA white-supremists, average around 30% annual income. After 75 years, the liability on the books of the banks can be as high as double-digit times GDP! That's why the banksters are setting up Israelis to be killed! In other words, a new Holocaust! That's why the whole thing is being handled so badly, and turning Israelis and Jews into targets of hatred worldwide!
10   Reality   2023 Nov 9, 9:24pm  


Ceffer says

Even the Israelis seem to be waking up that there is something rotten in Zion-mark. The KMaf Nazis seem to be on an empowering human sacrifice arc with them while the Kmaf escape with their gangster club somewhere else, likely the Slav depopulated Ukraine again, to be the officers of corrupt enterprises of the future after harvesting the fruits of Israeli enterprise.

If the enforced vaccination genocide con didn't wake the Israelis up, nothing will. The question is do the Israelis have the grit to throw the pretenders off in time to survive the whole mess. Maybe not.

Anybody undestands any if this word vomit? If yes, could you translate?

The Zionist government's enthusiasm in strictly enforcing the toxic C-19 jabs on all Israelis made it quite clear that the Zionist central planning committee is no longer in the growth and expansion phase of the project but in the harvesting phase: killing Israelis so their bank accounts can be harvested by the banks (no longer having to pay back the money when the account holder dies and the heir has incomplete knowledge of the dead person's finances, or die too, just like during the Holocaust; it's a statistical game for the banksters). An even quicker way for banksters to wipe out liabilities is engineering a losing war or a Holocaust, so that account holders and their families die en masse. Just like during the Holocaust itself, as well as a century earlier having Napoleon (a Corsican Italian) leading a French draft army on a march to overthrow Genoese and Venetian governments/banks thereby destroying bank books, so that the banksters would no longer be held responsible for the ponzi banking schemes that they carried out in the previous century. Think about Bernie Madoff: a man who was the chairman of the world's largest stock exchange, and the author of most of the securities regulations that are still in effect today; he came to the conclusion that hiring people to invest client money would actually waste money compared to him printing up fake statements; eventually, after 3+ decades, he had 50mil cash on hand agaisnt 60+billion account liability in the fund/bank that he ran. Most of his clients were fellow Jews. If only he could have control of a government to kill his clients, he wouldn't be held liable and would have gotten away with spending his clients' money to less than 1/10 a cent on the dollar. That also explains why the Knight Templars (only 10% of the Templar brothers were fighting knights, the other 90% were money managers spread out throughout Europe) in the Kingdom of Jerusalem insisted on an extremely hostile raiding policy against the neighboring Arabs, eventually resulting in a massive war, then insisted on fighting out in the open against a numerically far superior army under Saladin, instead of relying on the very expensive and very effective city walls that had given them success every time previously; i.e. deliberately losing the battle (of Hattin, 88 years after the initial taking of Jerusalem and founding the crusader kingdom) and losing Jerusalem . . . all as a ploy to cover up a pyramid scheme at the expense of their depositors. No wonder Saladin was so magnanimous: he was paid to take down Jerusalem. Even in our mainstream history, Knight Templars are credited with restarting banking in Europe about 500 years after the fall of Western Roman Empire; how did they do that? The organization was founded for safe-keeping money for pilgrims on the latters' perilous journey to Jerusalem; of course, many of their clients did not survive the perilous journey / round trip. Apparently, when the full economic/financial cycle is accounted, banking is a net money loser; only the deaths of clients (and their account balances being abandoned becoming unclaimed accounts) can keep banks solvent in the long run. That explains why the world has massive wars and pandemic / coordinated medical mass murders every century or so: WW1+WW2 and "Spanish Flu" last time; Napoleonic Wars and "Blood-letting therapy" a century before that; the simultaneous Great Northern War and War of Spanish Succession a century before Napoleon; 30-years War with massive starvation a century before that.
11   Ceffer   2023 Nov 9, 11:29pm  

Reality isn't the only one who poses the sinusoidal historical view of dynastic banking as a boom and bust confidence game.

Psychopathic financial geniuses in the past figured out that worrisome profit loss and financial obligation statements could be easily rectified by wiping out the creditors. What could be easier and more logical? Even Philip the Fair, with a hostage Pope, figured out that it was preferable to out the Templars for their heresies and burn them at the stake instead of being their debt slave.

All wars are banker's wars. Why else would they be so motivated to finance all sides of a conflict, and also to MAINTAIN the carnages until the punctuation point of their bottom lines were achieved. There are many junctures where wars can be ended as sheer exercises of common sense, but they aren't.

The Israeli false flag seems completely insane on its face. Why would Bibi stimulate a three front war against Israel on purpose? The Arabs aren't the divided Larry of Arabia wandering, bickering tribes, or the Palestinian groups who could be mowed down by the British Raj and the Rothschild Messiahs herding the survivors with the KMaf Nazis. They are competent, reasonably modern states with competent intelligence apparatus, competent education, bodacious combined firepower and a decent amount of un-stolen wealth.

Was it just because Israelis in general were interested in a peaceful technocratic relationship with their neighbors, thus throwing off the mandate of their founders to disrupt and help conquer the resources of the Middle East? Did that make them too much of a liability and ready for the periodic harvest?

It does not really look like Israel can come out of this better, even if they manage to flatten Gaza before the Arab world flattens them. Any use of the bigga badda nuke would just glass Israel in retaliation, not even a zero sum but a negative sum game.

Of course, for the banks and those bailing out to kinder climes, it would be a tasty Moloch sacrifice if you believe that those actually empower.
12   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 10, 3:21am  

Regarding the massive, ongoing, mainly Islamic immigration in the West:

IMO, this is all being cleverly orchestrated by the globalists for the sole purpose of creating chaos. Add to this the coming economic collapse of the West and you'll have the perfect storm.

Their solution for this chaos is total control in the form of a despotic, totalitarian global government, whereby all personal freedoms will disappear.
13   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 10, 6:04am  

RayAmerica says

Regarding the massive, ongoing, mainly Islamic immigration in the West:

IMO, this is all being cleverly orchestrated by the globalists for the sole purpose of creating chaos. Add to this the coming economic collapse of the West and you'll have the perfect storm.

Their solution for this chaos is total control in the form of a despotic, totalitarian global government, whereby all personal freedoms will disappear.

Yes exactly. Tear down the values that made America great, and import a bunch of people who think Christianity is evil. This will not end well for our way of life.
14   Ceffer   2023 Nov 10, 10:58am  

Just recently from Anna Von Reitz about 'Stupid Bankster Tricks And Theft' If that's what the subcontractors do when we are still 'alive', how much better if we were actually dead?:

15   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 10, 6:16pm  

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple for similar schemes ( on a smaller scale)

The banksters move the world to their benefit, and we are less than cattle to them.
17   PeopleUnited   2023 Nov 11, 4:56am  

More like you are being put in your place. The globalists are destroying every country through lies and manipulation including economic, political, religion, immigration, war, terrorism and any means necessary to protect their power, eliminate excess population (some of you even agree with their lies that the earth is overpopulated) and bring about the beast of Revelation New world order apocalyptic government/religion. We are likely going to see this implementation worldwide in the next decade.
19   Ceffer   2023 Nov 11, 6:34pm  

PeopleUnited says

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple for similar schemes ( on a smaller scale)

The banksters move the world to their benefit, and we are less than cattle to them.

The formulas were established a long time ago.

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