Meaningless statistics

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2005 Dec 27, 2:44pm   15,265 views  84 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

TWIT suggested this:

Perhaps a post about meaningless statistics would be in order.

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24   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 4:04am  

If done honestly and done in a diligent manner, statistics are a powerful tool.

Yes, when pushed correctly, statistics are a powerful propaganda tool. ;)

25   marinite   2005 Dec 29, 4:17am  

But I DO belive that Vegas will someday be our first American Ruins.

Hasn't NO won that distinction?

26   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 4:38am  

Two of my ex-co-workers moved from the silly valley to austin. It is a smart move for families with kids.

Let me guess... I bet your house is 3000+ sf and you probably need a cleaning lady. ;)

27   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 5:27am  

Question about the upsurge in media predictions of a real-estate crash… What is their motivation? Scare the sheeple? Ratings? Induce a ’soft-landing’?

Media is trend-following. They tend to reinforce any trend that is already apparent. Sheeples are irrational beings prone to scares. Talk of a real-estate crash necessarily lead to a crash.

The crash will come. The only question is: will there be blood on the street.

28   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 5:41am  

I fear there will be, but I also fear the gov’t reaction to the blood.

Perhaps use it to make Blood Wine? :D

29   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 6:52am  

I also like the Desert. Somebody tell me about the BEST desert location…

Jack, with your artist's background, I think you would really like Santa Fe. One of my great-aunts lives there and the place is just amazing. Every building in town is required to be built in either the traditional "peublo" or Spanish architectural style. It abounds with Southwestern and Native American arts and crafts, in fact I believe that's the main industry. Only drawback is it's not cheap. Of course, if you're selling your pricey Marin home, then that might not matter to you ;-) .

30   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 8:18am  

Deo Bating? "I'm the last to defend Deo?"

Wow, I sure wore out my welcome fast......It's not easy having many voices in your head. It makes it difficult to distill highly esoteric analysis. So I'll just propose a few questions, and let others answer.

Who benefits from this housing bubble? Who loses? What are the long term consequences? How would you use this bubble (and its effects on the GSEs) to crush your enemies?

The North/South debate is a proxy for Red/Blue. It exlains motivation. Remember, People in charge are smart and have long term vision.

I dare you to read my lat post on the last thread. I double dog dare you!

Finally, I love a good frat party! In my (ample) experience, they usually end (at least the good ones) with FIRE!


31   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 8:23am  

Who benefits from this housing bubble? Who loses? What are the long term consequences? How would you use this bubble (and its effects on the GSEs) to crush your enemies?

We have multiple layers of stable disequilibrium.

1) Housing bubble
2) Trade deficit
3) Bretton Wood 2.0

Will the demise of one cause the collapse of the next?

32   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 8:58am  

I know some WASPS in VA that have exerted an enormous amount of power in this country since they founded the Jameston Company. They are not about to give it up, nor are they in danger of coming to the attention of John Q. Public. They have VERY long memories, and they don't like the Kennedys.

Disclaimer: That IS NOT a conspiracy theory.

33   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 9:36am  


"Who runs the media?
What is the number one news show on TV? The Factor with Bill O'reilly. Ever notice that Dagen McDowell, Shep Smith, and many guests have Southern accents? Ever hear one before amongst the New York Media? Why does the NYT and LA Times have to keep laying off people? Why is fox the number one network in the ratings?

BTW, I'd like to think that the management of the respective news companies run them for the benefit of the shareholders. Call me naive.

"Who runs banking?"
Who will go bust when Fannie and Freddie go bust? Rember, an implied guaranty is not a guaranty. It certainly does obligate the taxpayer to pay 100% on the dollar.

"Our troops, rather than being on our borders, are overseas benefiting whom?" Our troops are building a bulwark and forward base to deter Chinese agression. The Chinese are well aware that oil is their achilles heal. Diplomacy is the patient management of self interest over long spans of time. Do not make it a moral issue, or you will misinterpret events.


Power is best used quietly. Indirection has ever been the manner of the court. He who wields power publicly is only a temporary phenomenon. Christ may have changed the world, but what good did it do him?

Yes, you will slip through the teeth of their gaping maw. You are not significant enough to be worth destroying. The ruling class never concerns themselves with the peasants. (Empiracle Fact--not meant as an insult. Neither am I).


34   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 9:48am  

"It certainly does obligate the taxpayer to pay 100% on the dollar."

meant DOES NOT obligate

35   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 9:56am  

Very insightful, DeoVindice.

We certainly do not need troops to protect the borders (no need yet). Instead, we need civil programs that persecute businesses who knowlying hire undocumented aliens.

36   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 10:01am  

It certainly does not obligate the taxpayer to pay 100% on the dollar.

I certainly hope so.

I am not entirely against the idea of bailing out large failing entities. However, I worry a lot about moral hazards.

I believe we should hold the executive of reckless enterprise personally responsible. If the decision makers of these entities are threaten with execution, they would be think twice before putting the system at risk for personal gains.

37   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 10:11am  

DeoVindice, are you really a Southern neo-sessionist (as your name implies)? If so, do you really see the housing bubble as a deliberate form of South vs. North economic warfare, or are you being tongue-in-cheek here? Just curious.

38   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 10:16am  

Baby boomers in Blue states just built the infrastructure and ***future*** affordable housing for red states. Why? Because they have some money, and they need more for retirement. And they're sheep.

The red states will use this advantage to steal jobs from states like Taxachusetts. The blue state/red state border is easier to cross than the Rio Grande. Young, educated workers will leave for afforable housing and low taxes, sticking blue states with the tab for raising/educating them. New York bankers will get stuck in the process.

As Intended? Maybe a little. Unintended? Maybe a little. Politicians take advantage of emerging situations. Roller coaster? Maybe.

BTW, won't border jumpers make good target practice for green troops and nat'l guardsmen? Sounds like an opportunity to me.

--Deo Vindice

39   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 10:23am  

As Intended? Maybe a little. Unintended? Maybe a little. Politicians take advantage of emerging situations. Roller coaster? Maybe.

The housing bubble is not exactly easy to manipulate though...

If what you said is true, somehow the stars aligned correctly for these politicians.

40   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 10:30am  


I agree that it's mostly blue states that are experiencing the credit/housing bubble (with FL, NV & VA being notable exceptions); however I, like Peter, have serious doubts as to it being a deliberate outcome of any conspiracy. I like a good X-files episode as much as the next guy, but if there's any "conspiracy" behind the HB, odds are it's a conspiracy of greed and ignorance.

41   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 10:30am  

BTW, won’t border jumpers make good target practice for green troops and nat’l guardsmen? Sounds like an opportunity to me.

It is much cheaper and easier to build electrified fencing IMHO. Perhaps I am just a boring and passive person. :)

42   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 10:42am  

"DeoVindice, are you really a Southern neo-sessionist (as your name implies)?"

No. Why would we secede when we control the house, the senate, and are about to add another conservative to the court. That would be illogical. I do have a deep respect for the patriots who fought to preserve the constituion and the republic from New England tyranny, "The noble cause".

I just believe that New England is dangerous and always has been. I resent the negative force that they are and always have been. In particular, I have 2 children, and I do not appreciate what the Ivy League leftists have done to our educational system. But really, I have no repsect for any of their views or their cynical power games. (For example, take a look at the Left wing of the Democratic party).

It also turns my stomach that educators in our school system tell our children that Lincoln was a good man and the saviour of our country. He deliberately targeted women and children and sought to cause as much suffering as possible. Beyond that, people have a right to choose their own govt. Our founding fathers believed that. It's why their children and grand children served as the high command and officers of the confederate army and government. No one is obligated to live at the mercy of a dictator without a fight.

My one concern is that they must be finished off completely. The North did us a courtesy in not finishing us off; I hope that we do not return the favor. When the climate is sufficiently unfavorable for them, they may well reform their own society and get rid of the entrenched interests that have always used the rest of the US as their colonies for the looting.

It is not illogical to conclude that the entrenched powers in NE will move to secede to preserve their power. That is the nature of power; Self preservation. I'm sure the South will let them secede if they choose that route. It is their right. We will load them down with debt if they do decide to leave.

By the way, the phrase "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" came from correspondence between Lord Acton and Robert E. Lee. It was about Araham Lincoln and New England moneyed interests in particular.

BTW, your founding fathers were British nobles who supprted Charles the first against Cromwell's Puritans--the cousins of the New Englanders. The king got his head cut off, and they fled to Virginia. They were not the peasants that New engalnders are. That is the historical event that the beginning credits in "Gone with the Wind" refer to. The Lees, Randolphs, Carters, Washington's, and many other fine families descend from the knights who rode with William the conquerer in 1066 and Richard the Lion Hearted to Jerusalem. The Mayflower finds this fact inconvenient, as does our public educational system.

That is why George Washington, General Lee, Thomas Jefferson and other VA patriots were able to handle power without being corrupted. They were born into it. And that is why it is crucial that we defeat New England and its corrupt cronies. The constitution and the republic of our founding fathers will be restored.

--Deo Vindice

43   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 10:49am  

Fl, NV, and VA are experiencing a bubble in Blue state speculators. It was certainly not locals in FL and NV; They don't have the money. NOVA is a cesspool of yankee invaders.

I had a friend at UVA whose family had been in Fairfax for 250 years, and he would get seriously pissed if someone tried to tell him he was not a Southerner.

None of this is about conspiracies. Different groups have different ambitions for different historical reasons, and people plot at the same time that they are at the mercy of devloping events. The skillful adapt.

Sunnyvale Renter: You are a true American. You are on the money. Thank you for your support of the cause. You may even be ready to hear my end-game scenarios ;)

--Deo Vindice

44   KurtS   2005 Dec 29, 10:51am  

BTW, won’t border jumpers make good target practice for green troops and nat’l guardsmen? Sounds like an opportunity to me.

Too easy to point the finger at "illegals" imo. Fact is, they support much of California's agricultural industry. How many Californians would want those jobs? Give them work passes and legalize these necessary labor migrations. Personally, I'm sick of the tendency to criminalize every social problem.

45   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 10:59am  


Having respect for one's ancestors and history is fine, but calling Southern session “The noble cause” (which was after all, to preserve a system based on the not-so-noble institution of slavery) and then labelling Northen efforts to preserve the union (and nation) "New England tyranny"? *Ahem* I'm sure Lincoln wasn't a saint, but calling him a dictator or murderer is flat out absurd.

People get killed in wars --this is true regardless of who starts (or finishes) the war. That's just the nature of war and why it's so terrible. Civil wars (as the name implies) are usually the worst kind of war --large numbers of "civil"ians including women and children get killed because it's city vs. city, brother vs. brother. Lincoln and Davis were probably no more bloodthirsty than any other leader presiding over such a conflict, IMO.

46   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 11:01am  

And don't even get me started about Andersonville...

47   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 11:01am  

Give them work passes and legalize these necessary labor migrations.

That is fine with me. I support Bush's worker program.

However, it is not okay to wink and nod. ;)

48   KurtS   2005 Dec 29, 11:03am  

There should only be LEGAL IMMIGRATION — illegal immigration should be dealt severely. I do not understand why USA grants periodic amnesty!

Certainly, I don't support an endless flow of people into the country. Give undocumented ag workers documentation so their presence can be counted and properly regulated. That said, closing the border--especially a thorough "East-German" approach--will be a very expensive and tedious affair. There must be a better way.

49   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 11:09am  

That said, closing the border–especially a thorough “East-German” approach–will be a very expensive and tedious affair. There must be a better way.

Absolutely. We need to have a way for the needed labor to come in legal so the process and be regulated. Then we need to take away the demand for illegal workers - i.e. sending employers to jail.

50   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 11:10am  

pardon the poor spelling --meant to say "secession"

51   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 11:15am  

HARM--People get killed in wars--women and children are not legitimate combatants. Nor was it legitimate to deny the South infrastructure to deliberately impoverish them after the war. Not only was the South not reconstructed after 50% of the property was destroyed by Union forces, they did not receive any development until the New Deal. Deliberating inflicting generations of suffering is wrong.

The Civil War was about Slavery? Lincoln made it pretty clear more than once that it was not. You're just using the tactic of blaming the rape victim. Certainly, waging war on women and children was not to free the slaves.

What do you call a man who uses force to impose his rule on a people who deomcratically elected their own government? Dictator.

Were are founding fathers wrong when they decalred independence? Why would their children and grandchildren be wrong in doing the same?

And please no bullshit about George Bush and Iraq------

52   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 11:16am  

I don’t see the South seceding so much in the future as, a good number of people, hopefully the majority in the present USA, deciding the statist PC master-planned internationalist regime we live under now isn’t for them.

Is it my imagination or are we getting way OT and close to paranoid Illimunati/ZOG/One-World Government conspiracies here? Besides, if the current government is a "statist PC master-planned internationalist regime", then wouldn't this apply to the dominant neo-conservative majority controlling Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches?

53   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 11:19am  

Yo hablo espanol. Viva Las Vegas! (Mejor, Muere las Vegas!)

BTW, Is anyone starting to get my point that we live in interesting times? If you watch the news or follow elections, its almost like a low-grade civil war, its so polarized. Has that ever happended before? Hmmmmm.

Did you know that nationalism is like the Taoist uncarved block? Oh shit, here come the voices.......must....get......away... from... keyboard........

54   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 11:30am  


As far as the treatment of the South after the Civil War goes, all I have to say is compare the South's fate to the fate of people in other civil wars (French Reign of Terror, Red Army/Stalinist purges, Khmer Rouge, Rwandan genocide, etc.). They could have been treated worse --a LOT worse.

Anyhow, we're getting WAY off topic. This is probably a discussion best left to a Civil War themed blog.

55   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 12:49pm  


I'm far from being an authority on the Civil War, so I'll leave it to the histrians to debate the cause or causes. Even so, I must ask one question: if it was fought over "state's rights", exactly what "right" was being contested? Could it have been the right to continue the institution of slavery? If slavery had nothing to do with it, then why secede in the first place?

Carpetbagging/Reconstruction was not the North's finest hour, true. Even so, it could have been much, much worse. There were some Union Congressmen calling for the summary execution of Confederate officers and outright annexation of Southern lands as 'conquered provinces'. Fortunately, they didn't prevail, and the South has recovered beautifully.

56   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 12:50pm  

histOrians, dammit --must use spellcheck!

57   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 12:53pm  


Sorry about the tangent --you're absolutely right.

58   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 2:47pm  


59   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 2:55pm  

I think I out did myslef. Is there some kind of length limit, or what? I'll try to break up, so that I can set this board straight with the TRUTH!

60   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 2:59pm  

Reginald: This is relevant to the housing discussion for a number of reasons:

1.Economic historians leverage knowledge of the past to understand current macro-economic events. The HB is certainly driven in part by international trade. For example, Chinese and greater asian mercantilsm drives the credit bubbles causing greenspan's conundrum. US industrialization leading the civil is the model that all national industrialization programs have followed. The Chinese approach has striking differences, actually. But they started from an understanding of the US experience and modified it from there.

2 Much like the cycle creating hurricanes in the gulf for the next ten years, there are economic/political cycles that last 150 years. Economic cycles and cycles of Nationalistic tension run in paralell. Today's polarized political environment can unly be understood in the context of the previous cycle that got us here. Also, you can't understand the motivation of the Red states without understanding their view of US history.

3. Many people have asked what to do with their money while they are bubble sitting. They are going to have to worry about inflation, currency value, and the stability of the US financial system. Rmember, the US dollar is a faith based currency; It isn't worth the paper that it is printed on. Politics and stability determine the value of the dollar.

4. The rise of red state political/economic power is key to understanding the future. Also, the political implications of increased housing stock are significant. The houses will still be there.

In particular, the blue states have built much affordable housing for the red states for free. The red states will use that advantage to steal jobs and educated workers from blue states. That will go into a feedback loop that will crush the economies of the Blue states, which is BAD FOR HOUSING PRICES.

61   HARM   2005 Dec 29, 3:27pm  


I can't argue about the international contribution to the housing bubble --specifically that the huge quantities of bonds and MBS paper purchased by our asian "friends" keeping long rates low, despite Mr. Greenspan's recent rate hikes. Of course, it was AG's original rate cuts and the GSEs that really got the ball rolling in the first place. We can't blame China for that.

As far as viewing the housing bubble as something deliberately created by "Red" states as a way to even the score over the Civil War or Culture War, etc., I'm less than convinced. Housing stock has definitely increased in so-called "Red" states, but they have also increased dramatically in "Blue" states. Plus, there's no evidence that this asset bubble (or any previous bubble) is anything more than the unintended consequence of greed, easy credit and poor government policy.

Let's also keep in mind that all states have a mix of conservative, liberal & moderate voters, and even the "reddest" or "bluest" states have a significant percentage of "other" voters. I tend to think that the whole Red/Blue state thing oversimplifies and overstates the actual degree of difference.

If some red states use the advantage to steal jobs and educated workers from blue states, I say more power to 'em. Heck, I may even join 'em. This would accelerate the unwinding of this bubble, which in my mind is a good thing for families and responsible savers.

62   Peter P   2005 Dec 29, 3:27pm  

I’ve been following this listing on craiglist. The price has been reduced twice (that I know of) and now they’re listing it as a lease option.

Lease for $2100? Who is going to rent that? It does not even have graniteel, although it does have wood floor.

63   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 29, 3:29pm  

I give up. My shit ain't going through........

Good night!

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