Alien Bailout

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2007 May 1, 1:37am   19,689 views  266 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Hi there,

I LIVE in southern CA, I’ve been reading these blogs and reports now for a few months.. AND I have to say that I have seen first hand the subprime types of loans and What type of people they are lending it to. What I mean by “first hand” is that I have friends, yes ,very good friends, that ARE illegal Aliens and they have gotten loans that I would NEVER have even considered… AND I made Alot more money than they do.. The sad thing is that before they got the loans, they informed me of their plan and I thought in my mind that ‘they will NEVER be qualified for one, because I know their alien status and I knew how little they made”… Guess what? I was wrong. On top of that, after they got the loan, I was the one that ‘read; it over for them to make sure that they understood what the monthly payments were gonna be and what type of loan they were getting in to. I advised them against it, BUT they ALL took the loans anyway.

So #1, I am caught in a very tough position. Yes, these are Very close friends of mine. I love them very much and I don’t judge them by their legal status, BUT I am so INFURIATED by our system that they would allow illegal aliens to get a loan to buy a home in the US whereas the real citizens (the legal, law abiding ones) get nailed for abiding by the lending guidlines and not taking on loans like these. #3, DON”T buy into this “its the low-income, hispanics, that Don’t understand english that are being taken advantage of… NO NO NO NO NO.. It is the other way around. THEY are taking advantage of our system and basically laughing all the way to the bank. And with the current ‘Bailout plan’ .. They seem like they will keep on laughing to the bank, because many o them will be ‘bailed out’..

What type of loans did they get?.. ALL of them 100% NO money down, stated income..and yes.. adjustable blah blah blah.

NOW how did they get these loans? Well on the loan documents their is one page that asks you if you are a permanent resident or a US citizen… And you know what?.. The bank or the loan officer just tell them to ‘MARK;’ the box that says that they are US citizen because then they will not ask to see proof. If you mark the box that says ‘permanent resident”, they will ask to see a copy of your green card, etc.. proof..
AND how did these illegal aliens get a VALID social security number so that you can check their credit history?… THEY BUY ONE. (How do I know?.. They tell me.. Remember we are very close friends.. I even know how much they pay for a good social security number..again.. they tell me ) Yes it IS ALL illegal.. ALL OF IT. SO all of you out there, I recommend you CHECK your credit reports Often.
You see its a WIN WIN situation for the illegals, because they got into the homes with NO MONEY down, they did it with a fake (bought) social security number… SO what’s the worse that can happen to them? Yes, they lose a home that they should not have been allowed to own AND their credit gets ruined.. OOPS.. NO not their credit.. Some other poor person’s credit gets ruined… ALL they have to do is BUY another Social Security NUMBER.. Do you GET the PICTURE yet???? AND the BEST that could happen to them if they took this NO RISK gamble… ?? Is that they WALK away with Hundreds of thousands of Dollars in Funny Real Estate Money.. So Can you BLAME These people for taking this OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime?

How do I know?.. Like I said I have VERY dear friends that are illegal aliens. AGain I love them very much. I don’t blame them for wanting to be in this country and doing whatever it takes to make it here.. ITS just a SHAME that our US govt. are NOT able to control nor protect its citizens. In fact , we are making being a citizen very unattractive when you see how much BENEFITS being and illegal has.

So PLEASE dont buy into the poor victim stories… They are NOT victims.. And please don’t blame the appraisers for it… A house will not be SOLD by they appraised value alone. You have to have a willing BUYER to pay the Price. We are being taken advantage and used and WE don’t even know it. Its just another strategy.. by whom.. I don’t know. But if I were them, I would be smiling too.. and telling ALL of my family members to HURRY and JET accross that border.. NO MATTER what it costs, CUZ life is REALLY good here in the US.

Huh, I could go on and on and on.. but I will stop here.. because we are talking specifically about real estate here.. AND frankly I’m tired.. tired of all this upside down mess. Do you know What the word ‘illegal’ means? Let me give you an example: It is illegal to murder someone.. What happens if you do?.. You go to jail for a long long time.. Another example. It is illegal drive past the speed limit.. If you are caught you PAY by getting a ticket…. get the picture?…

OK.. here WE are PAYING someone who has broken the law AND proposing other laws to bail them out.. in otherwords.. SUPPORT their illegal actions… Lord help us… What an UPSIDE down mess.



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12   astrid   2007 May 1, 3:54am  

Upon reflection, I agree with Randy's assessment. The "friends" here sound like a pair of red herring strawmen. There's plenty of fraud and illegality to go around without blaming illegal immigration for this particular bubble. We can start with all the natural born mortgage brokers.

13   HARM   2007 May 1, 3:56am  

Gee, if I were to immigrate to Mexico illegally, I wonder how the Mexican government would treat me? Oh, not very well it seems...

14   astrid   2007 May 1, 3:57am  

In any case, if America, or at least SW USA, has indeed become a third world country. Then it's time to look to migration to a first world country -- before Australia and Canada rejects our asses for being too third worldish.

15   DinOR   2007 May 1, 3:57am  

Randy H,

I'll have to agree, massive bubble with or without the "illegal as buyer" final wave. What does make this interesting is that I'm pretty sure this is one of the best angles a prosecutor will have to work on. These will provide them with their "juiciest" cases. Behind every strawberry picker/straw man I think we'll find a REIC shill looking to unload their own investment properties or get that one last commission.

True, I don't think there's much we'll be able to do to a rhubarb picker (other than deport him) but many of these cases will likely reveal some of the most egregious REIC activity.

16   HARM   2007 May 1, 3:59am  

But the inclusion of illegal immigrants in this mix is merely a factor, not the cause or nexus. The problem is much more systemic than that, and even without a single illegal immigrant mortgage holder there would still be a historically unprecedented real estate price bubble.

Agreed, but if anyone is wondering *why* the bubble is taking so long to deflate in SCAL (or still going strong in some areas), this thread topic is a good illustration.

17   DinOR   2007 May 1, 4:03am  

"We may not have it all together, but together we can have it all"

I'm taking to the streets!

WTF? What kind of message is that? We're as f'd up as the day is long but if enough of us b!tch you'll buckle and give us whatever it is that "we" want? WTF?

18   Randy H   2007 May 1, 4:07am  

My point has very little to do with illegal immigration per se. It has to do with what I see as "business as usual" in America. The source of the problem is *not* illegal immigrants, nor Casey Serin, nor San Francisco socialite Junior Leaguer amateur realtors, nor McMansion SUV NIMBYs. These are all *symptoms* of the problem. The problem is a system which rewards all this behavior, especially for the corporations and institutions which profit from it.

But, in traditional culture-wars fashion, we'll just bury the head of the monster in the sand and instead chase around the tail. But not without much vitriol, hatred, and a comment from Anne Coulter.

19   sam204   2007 May 1, 4:09am  

Do your friends really feel entitled to a bail-out? If my brother-in-law, a semi-legal immigrant had the mentality, I would report him myself.

I'm very pro-immigrant, but there are a few things that can really generate dis-sympathy among Americans like 1) going on welfare and 2) marching on a communist holiday with a mexican flag.

Mortgage fraud should be a good third.

20   Ozman   2007 May 1, 4:14am  

"We can start with all the natural born mortgage brokers."

The illegal immigrants are also natural born :)

I agree citizen or no citizen, greed is not limited by immigration status or ethnicity.
Lots of mortgage brokers who are Latinos are screwing other Latino immigrants. Actually there was a thread here recently about a couple of fruit picker families getting a 750 K mortgage and their mortgage broker was also a Latino I think.

21   astrid   2007 May 1, 4:19am  

See what happens when we give stupid people too much self esteem?

(Hmm, my curmudgeonliness is off the chart today...)

22   astrid   2007 May 1, 4:21am  

PS - that wasn't a comment targeted at anyone in this blog. It's mostly towards FBs.

23   Randy H   2007 May 1, 4:22am  

marching on a communist holiday with a mexican flag.

I suggest you read about the Haymarket Riots. If May Day has become a communist celebration, then we have only ourselves in the US to blame for it.

24   Randy H   2007 May 1, 4:43am  

The “friends” here sound like a pair of red herring strawmen.

Some of my best friends are __________________

x black
x gay
x liberal
x conservative
x realtors
x on MySpace

Funny how no one ever says some of their best friends are us Capitalists.

25   DinOR   2007 May 1, 4:47am  


What makes it more depressing is that (as per your previous observations) this was altogether too predictable. Like watching those 1/2 hour "extreme sports" shows where every clip ends with a fire extinguisher and/or an ambulance.

26   astrid   2007 May 1, 4:47am  

(Some of my closest relatives are racists, like lots and lots of Chinese people)

27   astrid   2007 May 1, 4:52am  

My sane, nonhypocritical friends all believe in capitalism, though only a few has sufficient assets to qualify as "capitalists."

28   DinOR   2007 May 1, 4:54am  

I don't expect mortgage brokers and realtors to stand up and cheer or warmly embrace the WAVE of regulation they're about to face, (but if they were smart, they should!)

Looking back the only thing I can figure is that REIC henchmen were working the illegals either to go out in a blaze of glory or just until "things returned to normal" where they could go back to previous clients for more sales/re-fi's. How else does it make sense?

29   Peter P   2007 May 1, 4:55am  

My sane, nonhypocritical friends all believe in capitalism, though only a few has sufficient assets to qualify as “capitalists.”

Do they have a shot in becoming Virtual Capitalists (VCs) on the cartoon world?

30   Peter P   2007 May 1, 4:58am  

If my brother-in-law, a semi-legal immigrant had the mentality, I would report him myself.

What is a semi-legal immigrant?

31   SFWoman   2007 May 1, 5:06am  

After my pool man bought two houses in Sonoma I would be prepared to believe anything about the real estate market.

Watching the meltdown in the city is like watching paint dry! I have a thought bubble sitting on the top of my head half the time that says "You're griping about the price of gas, how are you paying that $2 million mortgage?" Ah well, Sonoma is in deep doo, and the Press Democrat had the skyrocketing foreclosures and decreasing prices as its lead story on Sunday. I expect the city to follow.

32   dp337   2007 May 1, 5:07am  

My Parents sold their house at Sunnyvale for $800,000 back in 2005. Personally, it was worth only $200,000. It was old, sketchy neighborhood, and my dad added an addition which he probably didnt get a permit.

A Mexican family bought it, which I wondered how they came up with the down? (Still thinking 30 year fixed mortgage - Old School stuff) Well, I drove by a month later, the house turned into a berryessa flea market. Ton's of cars, a couch, a stove, a table, tons of kids, mexican music blasting in front of the house. This wasn't a party because it was the same old scene whenever I drive by. Looks like it 4 families were living in there. Horrible. I felt sorry for the neighbors.

33   Peter P   2007 May 1, 5:13am  

We should have an informant network to enforce the immigration law and the internal revenue code.

34   Peter P   2007 May 1, 5:16am  

Looks like it 4 families were living in there. Horrible. I felt sorry for the neighbors.

This is why I prefer housing that is completely unfriendly to families.

I am even against street parking. If people want to park more vehicles they should build bigger garages.

35   Steveoh   2007 May 1, 5:23am  

Clearly, illegal immigration is not the cause of the current RE situation. But the opportunities presented by our real estate market must be a very enticing lure to those who would abuse it. And news like this travels fast.

As far as "buying a SSN" goes; it may be easier than described above.
When illegal immigrants bear a child on our soil, that child is now a citizen, entitled to all rights afforded as such. Including a SSN. The tradition of naming first born children, especially boys, after the father, works well with SSN fraud.

Confusion of fact to create new truth is an age old ploy. ...and despite this story making sense to me at first, further reflection has convinced me that there is a fair bit of "fact meets fiction" above.

36   Peter P   2007 May 1, 5:27am  

Illegal immigration is a major issue for California. Again, it is a symptom to a bigger issue: the labor market is broken.

37   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:03am  

I love this thread!

38   Peter P   2007 May 1, 6:03am  

I think a National ID card system combined with a semi-militarized border can stop the problem from growing larger.

39   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:06am  

Hey Patrick, you should send this thread to Sen. Feinstein.

40   Steveoh   2007 May 1, 6:08am  

A bit OT, but alarming just the same...

Anyone read the cover story in Business Week (MAY 7)?
"Hey Buddy, You Wanna Buy a Bridge?"

Basically, "Infrastructure: the new asset class."
The very roads, bridges, airports, and shipping ports of this country are being sold into private control. The current price tag on the Golden Gate Bridge is estimated at $3.4 Billion. Europe and Oz have seen this already, as early as the "80's. Global investors seem very interested.
And why not? The captive customer base virtually guarantees "cash flows as steady as a beating heart."

I'm reading hard copy, but here is a link to the Debat Room:

41   Peter P   2007 May 1, 6:10am  

The very roads, bridges, airports, and shipping ports of this country are being sold into private control.

That is encouraging development.

42   LowlySmartRenter   2007 May 1, 6:13am  

Illegal immigrants can also acquire credit cards, either with a fake SSN or no SSN at all. Though the credit limits are generally low (around $500) the card holders can simply disappear, leaving the bank high-and-dry.

For anyone like Betty who expresses the "can you blame them?" attitude, realize that the bank is not going to just suck up the delinquency out of the kindness of their corporate heart. They're going to pass that delinquency on to someone else, whether it is their customers, shareholders, or the taxpayer.

Same is true for RE fraud.

Now, who among us is feeling sympathetic for her dear, dear friends?

Thanks for sharing Betty. I encourage you to contact Lou Dobb's with your stories. You can write him here:


43   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:13am  

Rob M Says:
May 1st, 2007 at 12:43 pm
You should have discouraged your friend from breaking our law. Or you should have reported them to the authority. Are you now an accomplice?"

Not preventing a crime, and not reporting it does not make someone an accomplice, nor does it make them liable for the crime. Just FYI in case people wanted to run off on that tangent.

44   FormerAptBroker   2007 May 1, 6:15am  

Randy H Says:

> Sorry to be a skeptic’s skeptic, but something smells
> wrong in the account. Too many apocryphal coincidences,
> misconceptions and contradictions.

The story makes sense to me. Here in California when most people think of an illegal alien they picture a guy named “Hector Gonzalez” but I personally know a lot of illegal aliens with names like “Sean O’Malley” who have been making good money working in construction with other illegal aliens (and making even more money buying, renovating and selling homes)…

> * How do you know they are buying illegal SSNs? “Undocumented”
> workers have been able to legally obtain so-called non-work
> SSNs since at least 2000. The reason was an attempt to discover
> and better track the number of children and size of families.
> (Also because SSNs are a de facto personal id #).

The guys I know with fake social security numbers have been here for a while and applied for (and got) social security numbers by getting the bona fide birth certificate of an American about their age that died as a child (so they won’t ever ruin anyone’s credit). I have heard that this is harder to do now than it was 10 years ago.

> * If they are indeed buying SSNs, then they are committing
> identity theft at a felony level, perhaps even an Federal felony
> level. As such, most people would (a) feel a very strong ethical
> or moral obligation to inform law enforcement; and/or (b) be
> very afraid of these people and feel too intimidated to report
> them. Nothing in the OP style wise hints at either of those.

I know some Irish born contractors that are actually using the SS# of a live person, but I’m not going to report a hard working guy who goes to church and does everything he can not to cause problems.

> * These people are supposedly “very very good” and dear
> friends. That leaves us as the readers with the uncomfortable
> position of either judging you by the friends you keep and
> hold dear,

I don’t have any illegal aliens that I would call “very very good” and dear
Friends”, but I have worked along side both Irish and Mexican illegal aliens that I would call “very good hard working guys”…

45   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:16am  

Peter P Says:
May 1st, 2007 at 1:10 pm
"The very roads, bridges, airports, and shipping ports of this country are being sold into private control.
That is encouraging development. "

Yeah, the private airline security screeners did a far better job on Sept 11, 2001 than the TSA has been doing.

46   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:18am  

Thank God someone else is noticing it is not just Mexicans that are illegal. Those filthy Irish have been causing problems here for 200 years.

47   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:19am  

Privatizing the Port of Long Beach to Saudi Arabia.........real smart.

48   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:20am  

Glad that idea got shot down by those of us who "didn't understand the details."

49   Peter P   2007 May 1, 6:21am  

Privatizing the Port of Long Beach to Saudi Arabia………real smart.

That should be fine. In case sh*t happens it can be appropriated.

50   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:23am  

Ha ha, I even joked on a prior thread that Al Qaeda could have done more damage than knocking down a few buildings if they had got into the subprime game.

51   Malcolm   2007 May 1, 6:24am  

appropriated? What do you mean buddy?

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