The Global Property Boom: Danger and Delusion

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2006 Apr 17, 2:19am   22,228 views  271 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Today's (Monday April 17, 2006) Financial Times features an in-depth treatment of the global housing market. The headline reads:

The Global Property Boom
Dangers of the Housing Market Delusion

The opening article is by Martin Wolf. Some interesting excerpts:

Higher prices merely redistribute income among residents [as opposed to creating real wealth], mainly from young to old

Where prices have risen far faster than underlying incomes, only two possibilities exist. Either prices have moved to a higher equilibrium level, in which case future purchasers will have to save more and consume less. That would itself have significant economic implications. Or they have reached an unsustainable level, in which case they will fall in real terms. That would have more significant economic implications. [Note that both possibilities have very significant economic implications]

The future will tell us which and where -- possibly quite soon.

Germany, Japan, US, France, UK, Australia, Spain, Ireland, and New Zealand are all covered and plotted comparatively. A quick summary of the most notable comparisons:

Real House Prices:

Ireland, Spain and UK, by far the highest

Next are France, US, Australia, New Zealand.

As of YE 2005, only Australia, and UK prices are heading down.

Lowest (and still falling as of YE 2005) real prices are Japan and Germany. These two countries are the only to be below 100 on the real-price index, meaning RE has been losing value in these countries in real terms from around 1995 (1995=100 on index) to 2005.


Least affordable: Ireland, Spain, UK. Australia and New Zealand were trending up with the top 3 until around 2003.

France is the next least affordable, and on track to overtake the UK soon.

US affordability was almost exactly equal to France until around 2002, when US affordability erosion started slowing, and was flat as of YE 2005.

Again, Germany and Japan are the most affordable, ranking around 75 on a 1995=100 index of price-to-income. Since right around 1995, both Japan and Germany have been locked in almost identical, long-term real-price deflation and increasing affordability trends.

What will USD 1M Buy you Abroad?

London: 328 sq ft, 70% of a 1 bed room flat; 30% of a 4 BR house
Tokyo: 522 sq ft, 100% of a 1 bed room flat; 40% of a 4 BR house
New York: 557 sq ft, 110% of a 1 bed room flat; 50% of a 4 BR house
Paris: 594 sq ft, 120% of a 1 bed room flat; 50% of a 4 BR house
Moscow: 624 sq ft, 120% of a 1 bed room flat; 50% of a 4 BR house
Madrid: 1,074 sq ft, 210% of a 1 bed room flat; 90% of a 4 BR house
Mallorca: 1,663 sq ft, 330% of a 1 bed room flat; 140% of a 4 BR house
Manchester UK: 1,843 sq ft, 370% of a 1 bed room flat; 150% of a 4 BR house
Croatia: 3,254 sq ft, 650% of a 1 bed room flat; 270% of a 4BR house
Bulgaria (on coast of Black Sea): 6,803 sq ft, 1,360% of a 1 bed room flat; 570% of a 4 BR house

Note that some of these countries, noticeably Spain, seem to be affordable from a US perspective (in terms of prices), but it ranks very poorly on real-price and affordability ratings due to low incomes and interest rate to inflation mismatch problems (which is a problem for EMU countries such as Ireland and Spain which suffer from France & Germany's deficits in monetary terms).

The original articles are here and here (online version, requires pay subscription). There are a few others which appeared in print that are also surely online. If you have a FT account, you'll have no trouble finding them.

Post by Randy H


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185   edvard   2006 Apr 18, 12:01am  

It is no mystery to me as to why the top 10% of the country has the majority of the wealth. All one has to do is look at basic American business practices to see that the system essentially works to constantly cut off it's arms one by one until nothing is left. If you look at the last 50 years you have American companies slowly shifting most manufactoring jobs overseas. We've come to expect that everything is now made in China. I don't know a soul who works producing a physical object.
Now it's programming, research, technology, and to my amazement- even some graphic design and hollywood movies being outsourced more and more. I just read an article in Eweek, and the cover mentions outsourcing IT and tech jobs to India. It doesn't mention the extreme obvious, which is that many people are going to lose their jobs or be unable to afford to ever live in California due to this migration of talent, but instead frames it as something companies "Must" do if they want to stay ahead of the game.
The company I work for is strictly against doing any outsourcing. We have a call center in TX, an office in SF where the IT, marketing, and design work is done. We are very profitable, and doing just fine. The companies that want to outsource want to show a quick buck and fast profits, and that's it. In the end, what is this all about? It's about making sure CEO's of large multinational companies can stuff as much money into their pockets as possible, regardless if what they are doing in the end will wreck yet one more industry. It won't matter to them because in the end they'll be the ones on the yachts in Greece while the rest of us eventually have to flip burgers for a living.
I went to college and got a degree specifically in design and creative marketing for the prime reason that A: It is art, and B: Job security. I get emails almost every day from some company in India with entire web sites they will sell you for $50. I know that the day is coming when even our damn art will be "outsourced". It makes me wonder if there is any job that cannot be outsourced. Hell- even medical work is being outsourced, which can only mean that Lawyers, investors, and everyone else is just as easily replaceable by cheaper labor. Eventually the system will have to be changed, for the way things are going now, the US cannot continue on this path unless they want an entire country under the poverty line.

186   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 12:12am  

Bay Area Newcomer,

Wow! What can I possibly add to that post above! Says it all for me! Some time back the topic of what people thought would be a reasonable entry point and I tried to cut to the chase by simply saying that any discussion has to start with "pre-bubble" prices. And I'm not talking about working through some scenario that has 2002 for a starting point! I like the means you deployed to arrive @ Delta b/c mine was so primative. That baby should be in Patrick's preface to interject some sobriety into the discussion!

No. The FED doesn't care about some busted specuvestor in AZ! One of the arguments that has really plain worn me out is this notion that b/c so many of us are up to our privates in debt and so over leveraged that some "White Knight" is HAS to ride up and re-inflate the bubble! And why not? We've bent over backwards to create it! As long as the banking system and publicly traded home builders are intact the FED has done their job.

Oh yeah, and just for a goof I've asked a few mortgage brokers about the new 40 and 45 year loans and they lower your monthly payment by about 50 bucks (and add a several LARGE to your pay-off). Great.......

187   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 12:20am  


Uh, I don't know how to break this to you but I was watching a special last week where China has bascially street vendor artist in an assembly line sweat shop "recreating the masters" Want a Van Goh? That'll be 50 bucks Mr!

188   edvard   2006 Apr 18, 12:24am  

Bay Area Newcomer,
Just also wanted to step in and say that I agree with Dinor. That equation just about sums up the potential ( hopefully true) future.

189   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 12:29am  

Garth Farkley,

Randy H and I get chided about our midwestern "leanings" but I'll just say that the "Big Hurt" was hitting about 35-38 HR per season before the "doping" and then guys were hitting like 65-70 HR's per season! Notice how the numbers (league wide) have come down. Frank Thomas SHOULD be laughing! And he just looks great with that new Championship Ring!

Now that we're weaning mortgages off of steroids will see just how much of an impact they ultimately have on prices!

And uh, GO CHISOX!

190   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 1:20am  

Robert Cote,

Finally, the FED -needs- to bust home equity. As an inflation protected asset home equity stymies Fed efforts to manage the economy.

Interesting point. I personally require a lot more convincing beyond a logical motive. But this motive is logical.

So, the assertion is that the Fed has encouraged easy credit in order to buy down the home equity stake Americans hold in aggregate? And the assumption is that the macroeconomic risks created by this strategy -- quite significant risks -- are justified by the marginal increase in monetary control that the Fed gains.

Like I said, I'll need to see more data points before I can buy into this.

191   edvard   2006 Apr 18, 1:26am  

I don't think we have to edcuate anyone about the bubble. Everyone who got into this mess knew it was a bubble from the start, knew they could lose a lot of money, and knew they were taking big risks buying things they couldn't afford. We might as well fly to Vegas and tell the gamblers they could lose their life savings, yet since 1 in 1,000,000 gamblers makes it big there, that doesn't stop the hordes from going. All it takes is one person " that such and such knows" who made a bundle on a concept or idea, and the masses follow like cattle.
There were risk takers and those like myself who chose not to gamble, as well as people like yourself, already in, but wanting a better future for your kids. To me this is simply a game. The game gets played over and over, and the cycle serves to cripple one group long enough for those disadvantaged to swoop in and take care of themselves. Humanity thrives on opportunistic principals. It's too romantic to assume otherwise. I'm not going to lie and say that I don't look forward to seeing masses of people defaulting on their payments not because I want " revenge" or because they deserved it after making unwise decisions, but because I've waited my turn and now it is time for us to make it to the front of the lunch line for a piece of chocolate cake. I even feel bad saying that, but it's the way I feel. (today at least)
Idealy it would be great if everyone was positive, community minded, and always thinking of ways to better the lives of the future generations. I know I'll do as much as I can, like try to vote towards laws that repeal protective principals that halt building and digression towards overgentrifying of entire regions,even after I have bought my own home, but in all liklihood, there will be generations after mine who will also have great difficulty as a result of those in the sweet spot, hording as much for themselves.
So now we have arrived at the end of another cycle, prices will drop, people will lose money, and those who didn't have a chance will do so. So the question now is what do we do to prevent this from happening again? Or should we just accept it as a given?
I admire people such as yourself who already own, who have their financial situations in order, who still have genuine concern for their community and the effects of current trends and what they might do to the future. Perhaps that is why you may be more optimistic than I.

192   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 1:36am  

Robert Cote'

O.K, that's fine. Perhaps 94-96 was crater for CA. The REST of the country was at or near the mean. Go peak to peak or trough to trough, but for it to mean anything it has to be a point in chronology that precedes 1997. After that everything becomes contorted b/c we went quite mad.

193   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 1:42am  


I agree, it would be futile to "council" those that have already taken the plunge. But if you have someone that you care about (client/friend) and they have walked away a winner and now they're tempted to go BACK to the table? Yeah, I don't stand on a street corner with a "sandwich" sign saying the end is near and I haven't been able to "save" everyone but if you can help keep one person off "dope" isn't this a better world for it?

194   edvard   2006 Apr 18, 1:45am  

The interesting thing about the H3 is that the size aspect is mostly percieved. It's actually the same size as a Honda Pilot, and you never hear people badmouthing those since it's a... Honda. To me, the H3 is sheer ingenious marketing.. make something that looks exactly like it's monsterous cousin the H2 and the even bigger H1, and bingo- people seem to think the thing is HUGE when in reality it is average with a V6 that gets 21-23 MPG. So the truck-drivin' deer-huntin' dudes that want the look of a H2 can have a baby version, and still get the same effect.

195   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 1:49am  


Everyone I know who bought investment RE or bought a bigger house than they can afford truly believe that RE never goes down. They either dream of being RE moguls in 5 years or they believe that they'll be locked out if they wait.

196   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 1:49am  


The idea would be, as I read it (and note that I am unconvinced of this theory at this time):

When people build home equity it is a form of savings that is inflation protected. When you put money into your savings account, you will only keep it there if interest rates are high enough to make it worth your while. Otherwise, if the Fed loosens money and drops rates, you'll pull your money out of savings and spend some and "invest" the rest into other things which do promise some greater return.

Remember that at one point money markets were earning barely over 1% and even long CDs weren't worth while. During that period holding cash was a losing proposition because it had negative real return.

But, when people have the ability to pile money into home equity they can save at a potential return rate not controlled directly or even indirectly by the Fed (home prices don't correlate well to bonds). Further, home equity is _usually_ inflation protected (again because of correlations, not anything magic).

The conspiracy part: Perhaps the Fed seeks to shift a significant portion of home equity savings into adjustable loans, thereby gaining control over how much Americans are prone to save (put into equity) or dis-save (pull out of equity). The primary reason I even give this theory time of day is because the primary savings vehicle of Americans is home equity, so this isn't a completely crazy notion, just a bit unlikely in my opinion.

197   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 1:50am  


I'm O.K with "We ARE the pin" but I especially like George's "nail...... meet coffin".

Would it be rude to just have a pin in your lapel? I mean I've seen all kinds of "pins" and broaches over the years. Everything from AIDS to 9/11, cures and causes of all shape and form. But a pin? Just a pin?

As in: Hey DinOR! What's the pin for?


198   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 1:52am  


There's something about a Hummer that just screams nuisance value. As you say, H3 = Honda Pilot (and H2 = F150) people who buy H2s and H3s are buying it to flaunt and piss other drivers off. In reality, they're no better or worse than people who buy Pilots and F150s but don't need them.

199   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 1:56am  

I always figured if people buy based on opinions on oneside, without checking out the other side of the story, they're pretty much doomed already. My mom, on the other hand, thinks there's no such thing as a bad deal if everybody else is doing it.

200   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 1:59am  


I'm picturing Excalibur itself, reduced to 1/4 the size of a letter opener. Small, but mighty! The bigger your bubble, the quicker the slaying.

201   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 2:04am  


The Fed's mission is to control manage the monetary policy of the US. In such, they consider macroeconomic variables and attempt to maintain equilibrium. Therefore they need levers (as listed above, there are three) in order to affect those variables. Home equity as a form of savings is a variable which the Fed cannot easily affect with any of their three levers; in fact, home equity becomes more attractive as the Fed seeks to cause dis-savings by lowering rates.

Otherwise, I don't ascribe any particular diabolical intent to the Fed's actions. The Fed doesn't control Fiscal Policy, your elected officials do that. The Fed just has to react to Fiscal Policy and try to keep things coordinated and running smoothly.

202   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 2:06am  

"Or perhaps, a 666 pin, see what the 6th of June does for home sales."

Hehe, we could research what happened in the year 6 or 1006...

203   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 2:07am  


Welcome to the United States of Real Estate! This is why there are so many among us that are quite sure that the the FED would NEVER do anything detrimental to the bubble! This goes a long way toward explaining the mania of 2004 and 2005. Truly and totally unnecessary but without ANY fear that the Fed would raise rates in any meaningful way the party went on.

204   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 2:13am  


A pin made of precious metal. How appropriate! I'm not an "Anglophile" in particular so being as how you're in PA a replica of those used at Gettysburg would be acceptable. We'll have Bubble Busting Campaign Ribbons with annual re-enactments of bears cutting down crooked appraisers and realtors.

205   edvard   2006 Apr 18, 2:14am  

The CL forum is a little asanine. Those people are absolutly nuts and when I used to go there, it was fairly frusturating due to the large amount of anons. You had no clue who said what, or where the conversation was going. I have a theory that the CL forum is inhabited by Realtors who post anonymous posts of people who claim they want to buy regardless of the costs.

206   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 2:17am  

I don't attribute the Fed with bad intent, but I do attribute the Fed with appeasing the wishes of short sighted politicians and CEOs.

207   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 2:22am  

The FED is paranoid of DEFLATION, and seeks to maintain a lot of control over liquidity. When people refuse to spend or invest and instead save, the Central Bank cannot so easily force an economy out of deflation cycles. Japan is the most recent case study. The folks running the Fed are students of the Great Depression and Japanese Deflation.

208   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 2:29am  

Actually, what we're doing right now on Patrick.net is an example of price-deflation force at work. Assuming we aren't all wrong about the RE/credit bubbles:

We are refusing to make purchase decisions, or making sales decisions, because we PERCEIVE that a dollar today will be worth MORE tomorrow, at least as far as buying a home goes. So we'd rather put our dollar somewhere else than a home because we fear a dollar in a home will DEPRECIATE.

When this kind of thing hits general prices for everyday goods and durable goods, things can get bad real fast. Image people acting this way about (elastic) things like cars, refrigerators, home-improvements, clothes, designer bags, and trips to Disney. The Fed will use all its power to prevent this ever happening, at least in the current era of Fed leadership.

209   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 2:31am  


and deflation becomes real if the price of everything is so high (from higher oil prices), that consumers cut spending?

Note quite. Prices are always relative, so high or low doesn't really affect the equation. It is what consumers perceive about the future direction of prices.

210   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 2:35am  


Thanks for putting that to rest. If the FED truly had any desire to put an end to this misery (and I call it that because this will end with a lot of misery) we would have seen 50, 75 and 100 bps rate hikes. They would have been well within their rights to have done so. Had that been the case all that would remain to be done is to contend with the tax code and dealing with those that put themselves under water through equity extraction. It could have, should have been dealt with no later than the end of 2003! But I think there was a certain curiousity to see where this would all lead. How far would the American people take it? Just how far would we let this thing get out of control? Did anyone else notice a certain Dr. Mengele fascination this event?

211   FormerAptBroker   2006 Apr 18, 2:40am  

astrid Says:

"There’s something about a Hummer that just screams nuisance value. As you say, H3 = Honda Pilot (and H2 = F150) people who buy H2s and H3s are buying it to flaunt and piss other drivers off."

As we talked about before most Hummer drivers are not trying to "piss people off", but trying to "feel bigger even they may be short (or have something else that is short)"...

212   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 2:41am  

Not in any way to trivialize those that suffered at the hands of Josef Mengele!

213   Garth Farkley   2006 Apr 18, 2:42am  

Astrid said,

"They either dream of being RE moguls in 5 years or they believe that they’ll be locked out if they wait."

Fear and greed haven't gone away. I am personally quite addicted to both emotions. They are the engines behind much of our decision making.

The question for each of us is which way we decide to steer in the hopes of assuaging our fear and slaking our hunger for the finer things -- a life of security, ease and comfort. And the greater question is which way the great mass of people will steer, which direction will the psychology of fear and greed turn them?

I read a lot about "sheeple" here. It rings false to me. Arrogant psuedo-intellectual superiority. Like it or not, we are part of the herd. If you don't accept it you're likely to get trampled or left behind. None of us is nearly as strong as all of us.

214   FormerAptBroker   2006 Apr 18, 2:44am  

nomadtoons2 Says:

"SFwoman, The CL forum is a little asanine. Those people are absolutly nuts"

As bad as things get around here they are 100 times better than the best CL forum...

215   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 2:45am  


I have friends in advertising too and can honestly say it is the most brutal environment out there. I'm o.k with that.

What I take exception to is the way that the consumer allows him/herself to be manipulated from the "womb to the tomb". Whay do we make it so easy for them to exploit us?

216   IUnknown   2006 Apr 18, 2:46am  

Have you noticed that every article about the housing market these days ends with something along the lines of:

Nonetheless, optimism remains. "I believe we're still going to have a good real estate market this year," said MLS president Christopher Armstrong, broker for Century 21 Princeton Properties in Holbrook.

Basically every article can be summarized as:

The numbers are bleak, inventory is piling up, nobody is buying, builders are slashing prices, ARMs are coming due, and ma and pa sellers aren't lowering prices, but we think this is normal and will get about a 6% appreciation.

217   skibum   2006 Apr 18, 2:48am  

Sorry about the long post.

RE: the Fed's role in the RE bubble, this is from the section "Goals of Monetary Policy" from the Fed's own website: www.federalreserve.gov:

The goals of monetary policy are spelled out in the Federal Reserve Act, which specifies that the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee should seek "to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates." ...stable prices foster saving and capital formation, because when the risk of erosion of asset values resulting from inflation--and the need to guard against such losses--are minimized, households are encouraged to save more and businesses are encouraged to invest more.

Now lets give the Fed the benefit of the doubt and disregard the possibility of conspiracy/ulterior motives for Fed actions. From a non-economist point of view, it seems to me that IF the Fed were acting in good faith according to their mission, their primary goals would be "stable prices, maximum employment, and moderate long-term rates." Then, how could the Fed in good conscience continue to prop the housing bubble? Savings would continue to erode, lowering rates during a RE crash would possibly re-ignite inflation and devalue the dollar, both of which are in direct contradiction to the Fed's mission. Am I being naive, or am I missing something?

218   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 2:48am  


A neoclassical economist would say that we "make it so easy for them" because it is in our interest to do so. This is because they equate standard of living with per capita GDP. I don't think per capita GDP really captures standard of living beyond a certain threshold (but it definitely does below that threshold; for example developing/third world countries aren't concerned about the finer points of living, just living).

219   DinOR   2006 Apr 18, 2:52am  


Since so much of this bubble has been in truly uncharted waters I think there was a certain level of curiousity on the part of the Fed and Fed watchers to see if this couldn't be a new "lever" to add to their tool bag. You've got to admit, initially it worked well. The recession was kept shallow and brief with very little pain and the HB kick started the recovery in grand fashion! I think there was a level of temptation to see if it could be used for more than just a way to stave off recessions?

220   Randy H   2006 Apr 18, 2:53am  


I agree that on your opinion of the Fed. I think they are good people who take their mission seriously. I was just trying to help people think through the "conspiracy" logic so they can understand the proposition and decide for themselves. Like I said, I really don't believe in conspiracy theories. People don't generally cooperate well enough to make them work (it's basic game theory).


BHs = Bubble Heads = all of us here

221   surfer-x   2006 Apr 18, 2:53am  

Get the vomit bowl ready


Key quote "Boomers are no strangers to drugs,” said Sallie Foley, author of Sex & Love for Grownups. “They see drugs as their friends.”

222   astrid   2006 Apr 18, 2:55am  


"As we talked about before most Hummer drivers are not trying to “piss people off”, but trying to “feel bigger even they may be short (or have something else that is short)”…"

I phrased my point a bit poorly. What I meant to say the things offered by an H2 or H3, the sense of being unique and above the fray, manifests themselves as nuisance to other drivers, ie indifference to traffic situations, blocking other driver's views, and general bad driving. So, not that Hummer drivers buy H2 to be jerks, but that they become jerks when they buy the Hummer.

Or maybe it's just a self selected sample, as per your observation on Hummer drivers' height.

223   Garth Farkley   2006 Apr 18, 2:58am  


Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just learning from you economic geeks. In fiat money systems increased liquidity is the same as increased money supply, no? So facilitating the HELOC boom with low rates, easy credit, favorable cap gains laws, and inflated appraisals of paper "equity" is a neat way to expand the money supply?

224   HeadSet   2006 Apr 18, 3:12am  

Randy H says:
Especially given that this will create very real social implications: where different classes of people can live, what schools they can attend, what colleges they can afford, etc. Land Barons, courtesy of the “free market”, and defended by fair-weather free-market fundamentalists

Several of your posts show an anti free market bias. Free markets did not cause this bubble, easy money thanks to Uncle Sam did. Do you think that banks would be so easy with credit is they did not have gov backing on loans? Would loans be so cheap if banks had only depositors money ("retail money") to lend, and not from the Federal Reserve? Think back to the Carter era for another example. Carter (in what would seem a Republican thing to do) raised the federal deposit insurance from $10,000 per depositor to $100,000. The result was that S&Ls made riskier loans and we ended up with a large bailout. You may think that bank regulation would negate the negative effects of gov insurance, but as you may recall, a few bought off politicians kept the regulators off the backs of Lincoln S&L and others.

The bubble was caused by easy credit and will pop unless the gov finds ways to pump more borrowed cash into the hands of a free spending public.

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