Pitchfork For Paulson

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2008 Oct 1, 6:21am   24,776 views  181 comments

by SP   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


I bought this pitchfork yesterday (the picture is an actual photo from lowes.com of the same item that I bought) for $ 16.99. I need your help on the next step of my project.

  1. Can you please suggest a good picture of Hanky Panky Paulson that I can download, print, paste on to a pumpkin and (violently) impale on this fork? I plan to do that and put it up in the yard in front of my house.
  2. Can some of you all do the same thing, so I am not the only f*cker that is doing this in this town?

I am not kidding.


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132   cb   2008 Oct 2, 4:30pm  

Now you understand why all the CEOs are taking $1 pay?
During the dot com bust era, the CEO at our company in an all hands said we (the worker bees) are better compensated than him since he only makes $1, he basically said we were lucky to have jobs so we should not expect any raises. What an a**hole.

133   cb   2008 Oct 2, 4:33pm  

excuse my ignorance but why is tax free ?? WTF is going on in this country. It is tax free to entice these people to take government posts. Otherwise, there is no incentives to work for the government (how patriotic is that).

134   OO   2008 Oct 2, 4:35pm  

After seeing many corrupt and lawless countries in the developing world, I'd say the difference between the US and these countries is, corruption is formalized and legalized at a much higher level, but the scale of corruption is just as rampant if not more.

Among the developed countries, the US is certainly not the beacon of light for economic and political morality, quite quite far from it, you probably need to look at Scandinavia for best practice. American politics and businesses are extremely corrupt, just that everything is packaged as a part of the "process". Political contribution by businesses can be labeled as "bribing" in the developing countries, but this is part of the political process. Funding a research report that says what you want to say could be "outright misinformation" in the developing countries, but here, we are just presenting another angle of the "scientific fact".

Developing countries are also more "primitive" in their practice of corruption, the officials and businessmen just break the laws outright. Here we are playing a much more sophisticated game, because you can actually pay to influence the law to your liking! So you don't even need to break the law to accomplish the same purpose of injustice, you can observe the law very strictly to still get away with what you want, and that is what the lawyers are for.

135   snmr   2008 Oct 2, 4:39pm  

OO :
Thanks for all the info. It further strengthen's my belief that the system is completely rigged. Now i know why obama is always screaming that the system is rigged in favor of rich. noway i am voting for mccain.
time for making the system more fair.An unfair system san never be productive. It needs to be fair both to the rich and poor.
These republicans have raped the country for the past 8 years using thier trickle down bullshit theories.

I knew about the capital gains tax but i am surprised at how paulson got tax free $450 million. Its disgusting. no doubt , paulson is a crook.

136   cb   2008 Oct 2, 4:43pm  

While i am not a big fan of people who abandon thier country when its in trouble, i am still sympathetic to the retiree’s who would want to consider the option

This is all relative, just look at what transpired in the last 2 weeks. The leadership of this country is a joke, the bail-out bill is now over 400 pages with all kinds of pork in it. The government is so corrupt that it is amazing, if this is the Titanic, people should not think they can save the ship. I am not close to retirement but I have a sizable 401k, it could easily get cut in half when the USD is devalued.

137   snmr   2008 Oct 2, 4:46pm  

OO says : Developing countries are also more “primitive” in their practice of corruption, the officials and businessmen just break the laws outright. Here we are playing a much more sophisticated game, because you can actually pay to influence the law to your liking! So you don’t even need to break the law to accomplish the same purpose of injustice, you can observe the law very strictly to still get away with what you want, and that is what the lawyers are for.

Absolutely right. Thats what i realized over time in this country.
When i first landed here, i was amazed by the apparent corruption free society.
My instincts were always saying its too good to be true as people cannot be so different in any country.My instincts were right.

138   OO   2008 Oct 2, 4:56pm  

3000 years ago, Confucius said, if the king doesn't act like a king, you as his subject do not need to act like his subject.

What he said was, in any country there was an implied social contract. The government (king) is supposed to look after its people, and in return, the people should respect and fight for their government (king).

However in today's America, such a social contract is broken. Obviously Bush or Cheney or Paulson or anyone of the power to be doesn't give a f*ck to us the people. Then why should we fulfill our part of the social obligation?

That is why it is completely noble and legal to look after our own interest and our own interest only, there is no abandonment, because we are abandoned at first. There is no betrayal, because we are betrayed first.

139   snmr   2008 Oct 2, 5:12pm  

OO says : "That is why it is completely noble and legal to look after our own interest and our own interest only"

I thought thats how america and american capitalism is supposed to work irrespective of whether the govt(king) acts like a king or not.

I learnt the lesson in my company when it laid of bunch of workers and one of the top management guy told me that there are no loyalties in a bussiness contract ( employement) ...its pure business. thats the basic assumption. People who have other assumptions are fools. now i guess the same assumption holds true for the country as well. everybody is for themselves - the american mantra esp republican one. If you assume something else , you are apparently a fool.

140   Duke   2008 Oct 2, 9:57pm  

Wow - watch whatever you can of Sherman's debate last night. He is opposed to THIS bailout and he revealed at least some of what was discussed in the closed door session. Amazing stuff.

141   MST   2008 Oct 2, 11:30pm  

@ TOB re: one week shutdown

I saw this from a friend who lives on Kitco, and um, I have my doubts:

1) Odd wording in the supposed closure sign quotes.
2) The last thing you do is let the mail clerks at 10,000 branches see your intention to take a holiday weeks ahead of time. No security. Can we say "Bank Run" class? Goood...

142   Duke   2008 Oct 2, 11:55pm  

Kaptur and Sherman are heros.

143   SP   2008 Oct 3, 12:10am  

The Original Bankster Says:
pics of Russia in the 80s

They seem happier and less stressed out than sheeple in the Bay Area. :-)

144   justme   2008 Oct 3, 12:27am  

This is an article and a video that shows the ecological disaster associated with foreclosure:

People are literally leaving houses full of perfectly good belongings that are simply dumped in a big container and carried to the landfill.


Foreclosures will someday end, and people will recover, but landfill is forever.

145   Duke   2008 Oct 3, 12:28am  

Presumably: Chaney, Paulson.

146   kona_three   2008 Oct 3, 12:44am  

How would you like to see this in your household:

BA Jr: Pa, it ain't Halloween yet. Why is there a head on a pitchfork in the yard.
BA : Son, you must learn this good. When something real bad happens, there's always someone to blame. And in these United States, you'll get ahead by making sure it ain't yourself. And when you find someone, skewer em' but good. Pops is just stickin' Hanky Panky Hank here.
BA Jr: OK Paw. Mrs. Johnson gave me detention yesterday and it wasn't my fault. Can give give me a pitchfork so I can stick her? Can I, Pa?

The biggest problem in this country is that everyone is looking for someone to blame. Some members of Congress are just a reflection of the deteriorating values in this country. So I did not join in the discussion in this site to debate the value of the bailout, or moan about the $3K it's supposed to cost each of us. I just hate the pitchfork at the start of this discussion. It makes me wonder when they will break out the noose and white hoods.
Anyway, I am done with this site. Disappointed, since I have followed it for a while now.

147   justme   2008 Oct 3, 12:58am  


I agree we should not ONLY blame Paulson. Why, the real estate agents and the rest of the REIC(tm) are primarlily to blame. The real estate agents were the foot-soldiers of greed, and the ultimate weapons of mass depression.

148   Duke   2008 Oct 3, 12:59am  

A housing site is certainly irrelivant in the broader context of what is now happening.
However, there ARE real bandits here. And they are still making money in THIS bailout. UP TO NOW they created and gamed a system. NOW they have moved into making us look likechumps and idiots.
Try RGE monitor.
Try Mish.
Read anything put out by Sherman.

Of course, you are free to choose your own media sources and draw your own conclusions.

But let me leave you with one last bit of housing on this housing site:

Even if the government offers fixed 5.25% loans, the market MUST return to historic levels. Buying anytime in the near future will mean this:

1. You will lose at least 20% as the market continue to correct (well, depending on where you buy). This will make you not be able to sell or move unless you want to realize that loss. This is very risky in the current job market.

2. The looming global contraction will reveal a number of businesses that could only exist in world of cheap credit. Even state governements will be under massive stress. I say this because everyone must seriously assess just how safe their emplyment is.

150   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 1:03am  

What a surprise... CA blew all of our mind-boggling property tax over the last 8 years. On what I wonder? It certainly wasn't the roads...

151   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 1:05am  

Over the next couple weeks, America will begin to realize that our entire government is no better off than WaMu was, or a distressed homeowner is. They just have more freedom with their accounting.

152   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 1:13am  

So much for "safe" government jobs.

153   justme   2008 Oct 3, 1:28am  

According to C-span.org, the vote on HR-4124 is *supposed* to take place "about" 1230pm EST, meaning in 2 minutes (note that the timestamp on this blog lags by 1 hour).

154   StuckInBA   2008 Oct 3, 1:32am  

kona_three :

If you are now saying that we are just a bunch of whiners who are moaning "It's someone else's fault" - then what did you really read/learn on this site for last 2-3 years ?

We have a socio-political system in this country that needs to be fixed. Instead of accepting whatever our lords throw at us, we are exercising our democratic right to express our dissatisfaction.

We have discussed ad infinitum on this site about who is to blame for the housing bubble. A bubble of this size requires participation from a large number of diverse players and we all know who they are.

The anger against Paulson is about the proposed "fix". I hate that solution, and I am doing whatever little I can do to oppose it. Someone may love that solution and is free to support it. This freedom to disagree about the correctness of the solution and motives behind it is precisely what makes this country democratic. This has nothing to do about passing the blame onto someone else.

Nobody is blaming your hero for the bubble that happened. We are outraged by his "solution" - which is going to make matters even worse IMO.

155   kona_three   2008 Oct 3, 1:43am  

One of my favorite sites is the PrudentBear. I am certainly not buying a house yet, and over the past year have moved more than 80% of all my assets into cash, foreign currency (not Euro, since I don't buy things that are high priced) gold, and selected convertible preferreds. I am certainly not a bull at this point.

I have no problem at all with the markets and economy correcting. Business cycles are part of the climate of a capitalist system. Selfishly, I do want to be able to pick things up for cheap(er) later on even. But I do not want to see a dislocation which would destroy the US economy. No question NAR, greedy loan brokers, etc should be swept from the system. But there are many babies in this bathwater, small businesses built up by people who work their way up rather than speculate their way up. My judgment is that this plan will not solve the downward correction, but will help prevent a massive dislocation that will not let these innocent parties the time to adjust and survive.

156   kona_three   2008 Oct 3, 2:04am  

The Original Bankster:
The way I understand it, NO ONE who took out a mortgage, or took out a HELOC, and is unable to pay is forgiven and does not have to pay it back. Only difference is now they would owe the money to the government instead of the bank.
When this bill first came out, one of the things the DEMs wanted to add on was "mortgage relief" for the people who bought houses they could not afford. I totally disagree and wrote to Feinstein (a lot of good that does, I know) to voice my displeasure.

The biggest 'regulations", for want of a better word, wrong with this debacle is 1) people were allowed to purchase a home with no money down and 2) people are allowed under the law to walk away from their obligations with nothing more than a rap on their credit rating which counts for less these days. If I ruled this country, no one would be allowed to buy a house without 20% down, and if they walked away, I would take their stock, rip open their safe deposit box and would consider going after their mother's and grandmother's assets (kidding).

So no way am I advocating letting the dumbasses and/or speculators off the hook. If they all croaked, that would not jeopardize my world all that much. But I figure we need the banks, and good people need some credit to tide them through this mess.

157   EBGuy   2008 Oct 3, 2:14am  

Wow, I was going to joke a couple of days ago that Wells Fargo would own Citi in a year or two... Looks like Wachovia is more desirable without Citi's dead wood. Nice to see Wells (and Buffet) take the bullet instead of the FDIC (and taxpayers).

WTF is this U.S. Treasury, supplementary financing account
Nothing new here. What I posted previously: The Treasury Department announced today the initiation of a temporary Supplementary Financing Program at the request of the Federal Reserve. The program will consist of a series of Treasury bills, apart from Treasury's current borrowing program, which will provide cash for use in the Federal Reserve initiatives. Don't worry, they'll pay it back (maybe when the underlying collateral reaches maturity :-)

158   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 2:27am  

I'm now convinced the drop on Monday was contrived.

159   justme   2008 Oct 3, 2:28am  

263-171 ???

160   justme   2008 Oct 3, 2:34am  

I'm not surprised: The rescue bill passed, and the market immediately starts DROPPING.

161   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 2:34am  

it was the wooden arrow tax break that put it over the edge I think.

162   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 2:35am  

oooo, it's dropping like a rock.

They're not even going to give American people 4 hours before they let them know they were tricked.

163   HeadSet   2008 Oct 3, 2:37am  

OK Guys

Just what "regulations" do you think either party will support?

20% min down payment on a home? No more than 20 year mortgage? These rules would put downward pressure on home prices, and politicos seem to be saying that lowering house prices is bad. Besides, for Paulson's bailout plan to allow for the recoup of tax payers money, home prices would have to increase.

Change the bankruptcy laws to allow anyone to walk away while still keeping house and car? That would cause a shutoff of loans and credit cards to the low end monthly payment crowd. Forcing people to spend only as they earn would hurt a system they believe runs on credit.

Even so, we may see some laws passed that will limit people's ability to screw themselves by taking on too much credit. Those laws, however, would soon be overturned. The laws would be written "to protect from predatory lenders" and later overturned "to allow the lower class equal access to credit." After all, what lawmaker can resist his constituents appetite for unearned riches.

164   Richmond   2008 Oct 3, 2:42am  

I hope there is so much pork in that bill that Wall Street gets nothing more than a $1.98 ( total ) and car fare. Better yet, make 'em walk.

165   MCM   2008 Oct 3, 2:46am  

Wow. 263-171.

We are so screwed!

166   HeadSet   2008 Oct 3, 2:48am  

They’re not even going to give American people 4 hours before they let them know they were tricked.

I can see it now. An exec of a bailed out Wall Street firm stops his Bentley at the light, rolls down his window and calls over a pedestrian. When the pedestrian approches the window, the exec says "Thanks for paying for my bonus!" He then blows cigar smoke in the pedestrians face, rolls up the window and drives off.

I wonder how Ms Nancy is going to spin the Dow drop after the vote? Maybe she will just say "If we are not re-elected, we all have nice job offers from Wall Street firms. You all can kiss my tucked and lifted bum."

167   justme   2008 Oct 3, 2:51am  


I think new regulations will mainly be of the sort that applies to financial companies, or at least I hope so.

--leverage limits for banks and investment banks must be by law and not by board action

--Credit Default Swaps must trade on exchanges

--Bonds of all kinds must trade on exchanges

--CDS outstanding denominational value cannot exceed underlying bond denomational value

and so on. That would be a start.

168   justme   2008 Oct 3, 2:55am  

One of the main problems of US government is that entirely too many decisions and rules are left to a "board" which is appointed by the executive branch and can easily be corrupted by the financially powerful.

The other main problem is of course our truly disastrous election system of which I have spoken at length before.

170   Richmond   2008 Oct 3, 3:02am  

Well, we all know what a camel is; a horse by committee.

171   FuzzyMath   2008 Oct 3, 3:06am  

I think the Plunge Protection is putting the floor in right now. The action is incredible suspicious.

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