Direct Lending

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2008 Nov 21, 1:36am   39,233 views  286 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

house I'd live in

With CD's paying 4%, and Wells Fargo charging 8.8% for a jumbo 30-year fixed, maybe I should finance someone's jumbo mortgage -- but only for a house that I'd actually want to live in. Either I get direct interest payments up around 8%, or, if the user defaults, I get the house. The trick would be to lend only the amount that I'd be willing to pay for the house in the first place.

Is it evil? Is it risky?


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137   Brand165   2008 Nov 26, 1:33pm  

deflation: I read the Michael Lewis article yesterday. Completely awesome. It's pretty apparent how unskilled many financial industry "insiders" truly are, and how much their irrational behavior can push the system out of equilibrium.

It also underscores how badly some people need to go to jail, or at least face public censure over their absolutely outrageous incompetence.

138   OO   2008 Nov 26, 1:33pm  


of course not. I am just saying this will extend the pain to the next admin. It will buy us time. If they can buy down to 1%, they will have to keep 1% indefinitely until the total collapse.

But nevertheless, we have a finite lifetime. So we must assess what is most likely to happen during the time frame in which we are alive, or more precisely, we are productive, and position accordingly. You know the government is going to screw with your life, so you might as well figure out what it is going to do and align yourself with what big brother wants to do.

139   Brand165   2008 Nov 26, 1:46pm  

OO: Look, the only thing that can generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning!


140   Brand165   2008 Nov 26, 1:50pm  

Actually, if we could postpone the consequences until after Generation X/Y is dead and gone, that would be awesome.

141   kewp   2008 Nov 26, 1:53pm  



142   frank649   2008 Nov 26, 2:28pm  

Giving away money to pay down debt is not inflationary. It simply eliminates debt and decreases leverage. It also doesn't create jobs, and doesn't encourage people to borrow or banks to lend.

They can bring mortgage rates down to zero as they did in Japan. It had no effect there and will have no effect here because credit worthy people are unwilling to borrow and banks are unwilling to lend to the others.

The government would have us believe that real estate is worth what is being asked today, but few people are buying that fable nowadays and fewer people will going forward.

A dollar collapse would mean losing world dominance and is something they will actively try to avoid.

The dollar will not collapse any time soon. Currently, the rest of the world has worse problems than we and that is causing everyone to flee to the currency they see as most stable, the USD.

143   OO   2008 Nov 26, 2:44pm  


wake up, who is going to buy the $1.3T debt? Nobody combined has that kind of money. Please refer to the Fed's Treasury holding by country, and tell me which countries combined can buy that much debt. Remember, China, Middle East are all NOT raking in that much USD any more under deflation.

Please, give me your estimation of which countries combined can buy that $1.3T (hint: what they add cannot exceed their entire foreign reserve), please specify and be exact. The current collective holdings of all countries in US Treasury is $1.8T, which is cumulative holding throughout all these years, and we are going to need $1.3T next year for ONE YEAR only. I don't need your "flight to safety" argument with no numbers to back up, please tell me exactly which country can buy how much of our $T. In the last 12 months, these foreign governments were only able to add $600B, how do they cough up the extra $1.3T? And since we are in deflation, most people are losing money , so where do you find that many private parties to come up with the shortfall?

In case you do not already notice, there are lots of countries that were already DUMPING the US Treasury in September, when USD was actually strengthening, flight to safety my ass.

We are losing world dominance already, it is a matter of losing it the more stealthy way, or losing it the utterly ugly way. I am fine with either way, the result is the same, USD is game over.

144   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 12:00am  

OO, I'm not sure I follow your argument. If you believe that the dollar will crash next year because foreigners cannot or do not want to refinance our maturing debt, please consider the following.

Interest on national debt for 2005, 2006 and 2007 was $352B, $405B and $425B respectively. Estimates for 2008 and 2009 are closer to $500B. Note that this is interest payments on total national debt (not just treasuries held by foreigners) that stood at about $9.2T at the beginning of this year.

I would argue that consumer debt is far more relevant to this discussion (and infinitely more difficult deal with) than government debt, but since you seem to be dwelling on it, let's discuss the national debt.

First, I think we can agree that unfunded liability costs and interest on the national debt do not stay constant and tax receipts will not rise enough to cover rising interest given skyrocketing unemployment and plummeting consumer spending.

You imply that the likely scenario is to inflate away this debt. Yet at the same time you point out that the viability of US debt obligation is in jeopardy. Think about what an inflationary environment would do to interest on the national debt. We won't even delve into future costs on unfunded medical liabilities, social security payments, increasing mortgage rates and energy costs, all in the wake of one of the biggest recessionary periods in our history.

Inflating debt away is only possible when consumers and businesses are willing to take on more debt, asset prices rise and interest on debt is not prohibitive. None of these conditions exist today nor will it for years to come.

On the otherhand, the US government would find it far easier to deflate debt away. Let me explain.

Given the massive interest payments on national debt, refinancing that debt at a much lower rate would greatly alleviate that burden.

Deflation can drive long term interest rates down significantly and allow the US government to then refinance the entire national debt at those lower rates.

For example, interest on the national debt for fiscal year 2007 was $430B, about half of which went to foreigners.

Average interest rates of non-discount securities last year was almost 5%. Now imagine what would happen if interest rates fell close to zero and the government could refinance all that debt long term at significantly lower rates (like 2%). The long term benefits on interest payments would be enormous.

As for the flight to safety, just one look at the gains in US bonds lately should quickly settle that argument. There is no lack of demand for US treasuries anywhere in the near future as indicated by the market.

Finally, what evidence supports your claim about dominance? The China decoupling theory has recently been shown to be myth and there's a good chance we'll soon see their currency crashing. So I'm not looking at China to increase it's dominance anything soon. The EU? Let's not kid ourselves, please.

145   kewp   2008 Nov 27, 12:19am  

Please, give me your estimation of which countries combined can buy that $1.3T (hint: what they add cannot exceed their entire foreign reserve), please specify and be exact.

I know you didn't ask me; but how about the Cayman Islands?

146   Paul189   2008 Nov 27, 12:21am  

"Inflation is absolutely NOT a possibility for years to come. The financial system is broken and might not be repairable. When inflation does start to return, it will be gradual and we’ll have plenty of time to act."

FALSE - When a currency collapses prices increase dramatically even with slow business conditions. Ask the Icelanders!

"The value of the Icelandic krona has been cut in half since January."


147   Paul189   2008 Nov 27, 12:31am  

Does anyone really believe that China will continue to buy US Treasuries at such a torrid pace given the resources needed to pacify the masses?


"Today, around 500 protesters rioted at the Kai Da toy factory in Dongguan in the Pearl River delta, flipping over a police car and trashing computers in a dispute over payoffs to 80 fired workers. Tens of thousands of factories across the region have already shut their gates. "

148   OO   2008 Nov 27, 1:55am  


you are right, Cayman Islands and BVI, Channel Islands will have UNLIMITED ability to buy our debt, completely unlimited. They can buy $1T an hour, but by then, we will be running at hyperinflation, my loaf of bread will cost $1K.

Speaking of which, I'd better start stocking up more rice.

149   OO   2008 Nov 27, 2:07am  


I am talking about about inflation as RAW PRINT on a small scale. Nobody takes on any interest, Fed just print the extra money by devaluing the USD. We pay nothing, we just pay in the way of spill-over inflation. Just imagine adding a 0 to everyone's asset and pay, and cost of goods. Debt is denominated in USD and it stays fixed, if I print an extra 0, done.

RAW PRINTING is the ONLY OPTION left at this point. Either we default within 12 months and face hyperinflation right away as USD ceases to exist in its current form, or we raw print in smaller scale first, then ramp up the scale later, hoping that nobody notices enough to start dumping USD asset in a big way.

Nothing else works at this point. We will be lucky that we stop at $1.3T deficit next year, given what Obama promises, we are looking at $3T. The current total holding of foreign interest in T is only $2.8T, and you ask them to double in one year? Domestic Americans don't have that kind of money, period, and even if you confiscate the net worth of the richest Americans, you can't even come up with $3T.

150   Brand165   2008 Nov 27, 3:26am  

Paul: Iceland is an unusual case. Most of their food and other goods come from imports. Hence when the krona lost value, their citizens really got hammered. It would be hard to exactly replicate that situation in the U.S., as our food and much of our goods are produced by people compensated in our own currency.

151   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 3:57am  

"Ask the Icelanders!"

If we were anything like the Icelanders, the game would be over. If you looking for comparisons, try Japan but keep in mind that they were in better shape than we are when they first started tackling deflation (i.e. they were in a better position to resist it).

152   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 4:03am  

"Does anyone really believe that China will continue to buy US Treasuries at such a torrid pace given the resources needed to pacify the masses?"

And the alternative? Invest in their own dubious currency? The USD is more attractive right now. It will remain so for years to come.

Gold is an alternative, and I'm long but the USD is the better play right now.

153   OO   2008 Nov 27, 4:07am  

China does NOT have the money to buy $1.3T, or even half of that. NO USD to buy, ok? Understand, it is not like China has the printing press, they can only print RMB, they cannot print USD.

China's total foreign reserve is shy of $2T, and they just announced an internal stimulus plan of $600B, leaving them less than $1.4T. You ask them to buy $1.3T on top of that $1.4T, where does the money come from???

Please understand, China has NO MORE USD to buy our $T even if they have to.

154   B.A.C.A.H.   2008 Nov 27, 5:08am  

Those are interesting points to consider, are we like Iceland or are we like Japan. We are not like either of them, so our collapse will unfold differently.

"Deflation" has a point that we can be self sufficient for nearly everything we need except some "strategic" metals. (Yes we can be self sufficient in energy because we waste so much of it).

But Japan had a balance of payments surplus the whole time of its problems. We will have some real hardships to make that adjustment.

155   B.A.C.A.H.   2008 Nov 27, 5:15am  

Since probably everyone will devalue their currency in a race to the bottom, there will be no currency to devalue against. Except maybe bullion. In that case it is just as probably inevitable that the world will go onto a new gold standard.

156   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 5:22am  

OO, either you're misunderstanding how the economy operates or I'm simply not grasping what you're proposing.

I assume we're speaking about the real world and not some hypothetical world where the laws of economics don't apply.

So you think we might have a $3T budget deficit next year? That's quite a deficit indeed. But let's deal with facts for a moment.

The Fed IS printing money at an unprecedented rate, right now, and have been for some time now, as shown here:


I'm not quite sure what you mean by "printing extra money by devaluing the USD". And while I can imagine instantly

adding a zero to everything denominated in USD (from a purely hypothetical perspective), except for debt (whose

debt, I'm not quite sure as someone's debt is another's asset), I can't imagine how this would be done. While we're

pretending, why don't we just say we'll discover how to do cold fusion? Then we would be sitting pretty.

I think I've explained why I think inflating debt away is not an option in my last post. No reason to repeat.

You believe the end of the dollar will occur (either through default or hyerinflation) in 12 months, so what are you

doing about it? Long gold? Long commodities? Short UST bonds? Those strategies haven't played out well recently. Expect more of the same for some time. But don't fret, because your day will eventually come (assuming you don't go broke in the meantime:).

157   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 5:25am  

"China does NOT have the money to buy $1.3T"

There's that 1.3T again. Where do you get that number?

158   kewp   2008 Nov 27, 5:45am  


What you are missing (and most inflationists are guilty of this) is that thanks to fractional reserve lending, our 'money' supply is really a debt supply. And we've already had as much debt inflation as our economy can withstand.

You may have heard of the credit bubble? Or the housing bubble at least; do you think all those speculators paid with cash?

The 'printing' you are referring to is a desperate attempt by the Fed to keep the banks solvent in the wake of historic debt defaults; which are only getting worse over time. Debt destruction = money destruction. Or, as its more commonly known, deflation.

159   Brand165   2008 Nov 27, 6:09am  

OO says: China does NOT have the money to buy $1.3T, or even half of that. NO USD to buy, ok? Understand, it is not like China has the printing press, they can only print RMB, they cannot print USD.

China’s total foreign reserve is shy of $2T, and they just announced an internal stimulus plan of $600B, leaving them less than $1.4T. You ask them to buy $1.3T on top of that $1.4T, where does the money come from???

First you say that China can't print USD, and then you say that we have to deduct their internal stimulus package from their USD reserves. So which is it? Their internal stimulus will be in RMB, not USD. That comes off their printing press, not their forex reserves.

I think this point has been beaten into the ground, but China cannot stop buying U.S. dollars and U.S. Treasuries. They have to create a trade imbalance to continue their growth, which requires a solid supply of our currency so they can continue pegging as they like. We don't take RMB, so they only way they can make that market is to buy dollars and T-bills.

Also, the T-bills they already hold generate payments, and that money must be re-invested. Until China starts buying goods from us in huge amounts, they will continue to accumulate dollars and dollar-denominated securities.

I do think that at some point the deflation here will stop. The banks will acquire enough dollars and T-bills in exchange for rotten assets to deleverage sufficiently. As long as they can mark-to-model (now supported by law), the reality of their worthless paper is suspended indefinitely. But when the banks are finally sated, I fear that there might be a huge reflex action where suddenly lending becomes attractive again, and all that 1% money rushes into the stock market, commodities and whatever new ponzi scheme we invent for 2010-2020.

If we get into that situation, that's when interest rates will shoot sky-high. I plan to convert my cash and commodities holdings into long term T-bills and retire to Iceland.


160   OO   2008 Nov 27, 6:24am  


if we are in deflation, how do we send USD to China so that they can buy our Treasury?

If we do not reflate the economy, who is going to buy any China-made products? The chain of recycle can only be maintained by inflation, not deflation. We must buy more and more China-made goods (in value) so that they can have more and more money to buy our $T so that we can fund our bigger and bigger deficit.

Our money supply does NOT need to be debt if the Fed just RAW PRINTS, and it will. It just gives everybody extra money without any strings, which is the most effective way to set off inflation.

Where do you think the Fed comes up with the $600B to buy the mortgage bond to cause the bond rate to go down on Tuesday? The Fed's balance sheet only has $450B Treasury left and the rest is all junk, so how do they come up with $600B to buy?

Deflationists fail to see that there is one powerful tool that can change the rules of the game drastically, RAW PRINT. If the government just gives everyone $1M, with no strings attached, and it doesn't even take out any loans, how will that not set off a hyperinflation? Now, scale that back, assume the government starts with $1K a head first, then ramps up as situation gets worse.

Our FY2009 budget starts off with $500B deficit. In the last 3 days, we committed another $800B on top of the $500B making our total FY2009 deficit to be $1.3T.

China will have to use their foreign reserve to solve its own internal problem because its internal fiscal budget just went negative. People keep talking about China buying our T, but how much can they buy? If there are nobody buying our T, if we don't raw print, then we will have to default, no other alternatives.

The end is deflation, but we will go through a hyperinflation to get to deflation, and if we are lucky, we will get to deflation through very high inflation. When government raw prints, it is not creating debt, it is creating money, money out of thin air with no debt no collateral no nothing attached, just money, as simple as that. The Fed has already started raw printing.

161   OO   2008 Nov 27, 6:30am  

It is very easy for us to add a 0 to everything. Probably not a 0, but bring up the price of everything 3-4x.

We just talk to our biggest creditors China and Japan, and say, look, we can never repay you given our exchange rate as it is. We will just default and you will get nothing.

Alternatively, you guys and the Europeans help beat my exchange rate down another 80% over the next 5 years, I will pay you back the nominal amount, and you can still get 20% of your money. And I will start to raw print since you won't be buying my T any more but you cannot dump, because if you dump, you get nothing.

That will easily boost the nominal price of USD-denominated asset.

162   OO   2008 Nov 27, 6:46am  

I don't do margins, futures, so it will be really hard to bankrupt me. For gold, I have now completely swapped out of my paper positions, and I only hold physical outside of the US, I have 0 ounce in this country.

I won't short US T, because raw printing can go on for a while without much of an effect. But I am accumulating more energy, which I think is oversold.

163   kewp   2008 Nov 27, 8:43am  

Saw this on CR today:

The last thing anyone needs to worry about is fall in Chinese demand for US treasuries.
The World Bank forecasts that China’s current account surplus will RISE not fall in 2009, going from an estimated $385 billion to $425 billion. How is that possible if real imports are forecast to grow faster than real exports? Easy – the terms of trade moved in China’s favor. The price of the raw materials China imports will fall faster than the value of China’s exports. China’s oil and iron bill will fall dramatically.


Kind of blows OO's argument out of the water.


We already had inflation, a deflationary collapse and are experiencing
reflation now. The inflation was the credit bubble.

You will be proven correct if the Fed just prints money and mails it to people as a stimulus check. However, I do not think anyone either in our government or the Fed is dumb enough to go that route.

A better compromise would be to allow small, low-interest loans directly to consumers to pay off high interest personal debt. Or get first-time buyers into foreclosed homes.

164   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 9:17am  

It's not a bad idea to hold gold. It has done well historically even during deflationary periods and will certainly do much better once inflation kicks in.

Energy might see more down side and will have a long way to go before a meaningful rally I believe.

165   frank649   2008 Nov 27, 9:24am  

We haven't seen the end of the deflationary collapse. Not even close. There's still alotta deleveraging going on.

166   kewp   2008 Nov 27, 1:36pm  

Yeah, gold has held up remarkably well, as Peter Schiff recently opined.

Good to see one of his investments didn't go down the toilet!

I agree re: deleveraging. We still have all the alt-a, neg-am and prime loans to work through. Subprime was the literal tip of the iceberg.

167   surfer-x   2008 Nov 27, 2:14pm  

Wu Hu Imrich is not Bing Bing Broke?

168   Paul189   2008 Nov 27, 8:39pm  

"Paul: Iceland is an unusual case. Most of their food and other goods come from imports. Hence when the krona lost value, their citizens really got hammered. It would be hard to exactly replicate that situation in the U.S., as our food and much of our goods are produced by people compensated in our own currency."

Right; they are unusual in that they import food and other goods like the USA is unusually as we import most energy and manufactured goods. Oh wait, that sounds very similar dont you think??

169   Brand165   2008 Nov 28, 2:57am  

Aside from electronics, our manufacturing imports are less than people seem to think. And we import most of our oil, which is not the same as importing most of our energy. Our power plants will continue to operate without foreign oil (although at reduced capacity); people can survive if they have to carpool.

We would not starve, freeze or go naked without foreign trade. You can argue that the USA and Iceland are similar in that they both have imports, but the magnitude of those imports and the severity of their absence make that a poor comparison.

170   kewp   2008 Nov 28, 4:57am  


That's and excellent point. When it comes down to brass tacks, what matters is being able to provide your poplace food, water, shelter and basic goods/services.

So everyone has to suck it up and go on a consumption diet for a few years. Would do us all a spot of good, in my opinion.

171   Brand165   2008 Nov 28, 9:05am  

kewp: I'm oversimplifying, of course, but I also agree that a little "consumption diet" would do America a lot of good. Why does the rest of the world focus on producing consumer goods and services to sell to America? Largely because we have the natural and agricultural resources that they lack. Nobody in their right mind would stop trading oil, electronics or services in exchange for beef, grain, timber and metal. We have what the rest of the world needs; they have what we want (but can mostly live without).

Iceland is a frightening example of an unsustainable economy. Their population has grown to the point where it cannot be fed via fishing or subsistence farming. They depend on the U.S. and the European mainland for food, and derive a significant chunk of their GDP from tourism (and unfortunately in recent years, from banking and finance). Iceland woke up one morning to realize that they needed the rest of the world a lot more than the rest of the world needed them. When you're running out of food and you need an IMF loan to get food cargo moving off European docks, that is a profoundly terrifying moment for a population.

As we are the breadbasket of the world, there is less of a threat in the U.S. of a true catastrophic meltdown. For all its oil, Saudi Arabia can't grow grain in the desert. Japan can't supply beef for its relatively huge population (relative to arable land). China can't eat cheap plastic widgets; India can't eat call centers. If we froze all the docks in the whole world right at this moment and forced people to make due with only their own nation's resources, Americans would say, "Man, we're not getting anything cool for Christmas." Most of the third world would be dead by Christmas. Subtle but important difference...

172   Zephyr   2008 Nov 28, 11:49am  

Very true. Elimination or reduction of world trade would hurt our living standards a bit (maybe 10-15%), but that decline would be modest compared to the impact on other countries. China and Japan would be devastated.

173   Zephyr   2008 Nov 28, 12:03pm  

"Yeah, gold has held up remarkably well, as Peter Schiff recently opined."

That is actually funny. Gold peaked at about $800 an ounce in 1980, and fell to a fraction of that price over the following 20 years. It has recently come back to the same price range ($819 today). Although on an inflation adjusted basis Gold is today worth only about one third of what is was worth in 1980. Not very stable in my book. Topsoil and horse manure have actually held their real value better than gold!

And nobody will steal your manure or topsoil. Just pile it up in the back yard. You don't even have to hide it.

174   Zephyr   2008 Nov 28, 12:17pm  

After 20 years of actual losses - and lagging all other investment categories, and lagging inflation too (it actually fell in price during a decade of heavy inflation) - gold has had an decent partial recovery during the last few years.

Decades of significant pain for gold investors has finally ended. A terrible and volatile track record, actually. But people are attracted by shiny stuff. Like fish to a shiny lure.

I have never owned gold - and I never will.

175   Brand165   2008 Nov 28, 1:27pm  

Well said, Zephyr. I think it is highly worthwhile to note that gold itself is an investment vehicle with a perceived value that can vary considerably over time. A gold purchase is not necessarily a great inflation hedge, as that relies on people wanting gold more during inflation. This has a good historical correlation, but it's not a surefire hit, and gold is of limited utility in almost every other sense (fungibility, security, price predictability, etc.).

Gold is a dead asset. It produces nothing and does not grow or compound over time. Gold is simply a bet that everything else is going to become worthless or fall dramatically in value. In dangerous times, it can also be a bet that your wealth (or a considerable portion thereof) will need to be under your immediate control in a very portable form in the extremely near future... i.e. you are fleeing your homeland in mortal danger.

Since we live in a stable, powerful republic, I don't think that gold is an attractive investment choice. If times got really rough, then the attractive investment would be productive land and assets (note emphasis). People will still need to eat no matter what, and if nothing else you can always feed yourself and your family, and possibly barter for other goods and services. I would place my bet on Kraft mac & cheese, Proctor & Gamble toilet paper and Gillette razors (disclaimer: I own shares of PG, and have owned them since 2000). I am also considering bets in the less futuristic alternative energy companies, since many issues have been battered down and I think some offer intelligent solutions to our long term energy needs.

If this really were the end of the world financial system, the grass would still grow and the cows would still come home tomorrow.


176   Zephyr   2008 Nov 28, 2:23pm  

Gold is nice in jewelry - but not in an investment portfolio.

I must admit that I am biased by the last 30 years of history. Perhaps it is (or will be) different now.

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