A Picture is Worth 1,000 words...

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2012 Mar 21, 9:42am   63,419 views  152 comments

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20   tts   2012 Mar 21, 10:22pm  

I think that picture is pretty much correct.

I'd say it isn't complete. The rich guy should be shown to have the D's and R's in his pocket.

21   tts   2012 Mar 21, 10:25pm  

TPB says

Oh and all of Obama's masters he shills for, are broke peons huh?

More pure BS, the Liberals are just as crooked if not more so than any and all of the Republicans. The Liberals give fraud and deceit a new name. "Change".

William E Baughb

We've already talked about this. You can't Obama a Liberal because he doesn't push those sorts of policies.

The SOB likes Regan, has cut taxes far lower than in Regan's day, and wants to try and cut SS and Medicare, not even Bush dreamed of doing that. Add into that his foreign policy and well you pretty much have a more suave darker skinned Bush.

22   wbblair3   2012 Mar 21, 11:26pm  

I think that picture is pretty much correct.

Because of our screwed up, money-based election process both parties are owned by the country's moneyed sectors (financial, insurance, pharmaceutical, etc.) So, on the topics which most affect us all financially to the tune of trillions of dollars of debt placed on our backs along with overpayment for goods and services and loss of jobs to slave labor nations, both parties are effectively identical, both parties are all for corporate "socialism" (crony capitalism). The only real difference is the Repugs play the bigotry/religious fanatic card. Guns, gays and god, the hot button issues that get people off the sofa and to the polls while they're being financially raped by both parties in any number of ways.

I take the George Carlin approach to this whole issue (definitely NSFW):


23   freak80   2012 Mar 21, 11:34pm  

Republicans vote based on fear of the "other."

Democrats are a collection of various types of "other" and naturally fear the Republicans.

Both get fucked over economically as the elites of both parties do the bidding of the top 0.1%.

24   finehoe   2012 Mar 21, 11:43pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

You want to solve government spending addictions...

start by taking the drugs (taxes) away from govt...
problem solved..

They've been pushing that since Reagan, and it hasn't worked yet.

25   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 12:01am  

finehoe says

They've been pushing that since Reagan, and it hasn't worked yet.

True. Because even Republican presidents like to buy votes: Medicare Part D.

26   TPB   2012 Mar 22, 12:49am  

Honest Abe says

Libs main weapon is to insult and disparage others.

Then play Victim when it all backfires.

wthrfrk80 says

Republicans vote based on fear of the "other."

Shit the Democrats invented "Anyone is better than this"
Now that the "Chickens are coming home to roost" on Obama's Fro.
You Libs are finally starting to see the light.
Better than THIS isn't enough. We need better than THEM.

I don't really care if you impoverish yourself by voting Republican, but I don't want to get dragged down with you.

A report came out today, that post Barney Frank, the TBTF banks have never been more convoluted and a jumbled mess. It would be harder today to wind down the TBTF banks than before Banking reform was passed.

Don't talk to me about politicians and their MONIED masters, until you're at least ready to be honest about the whole picture. This noise is exactly why Independents can't enter picture. We're doomed to this two corrupt party system. One as equally corrupt as the next.
Since we can't have a real political discussion on what is best for America, a real candidate that middle independent. Then I'll choose red one. We're just playing political Good Guys and Bad Guys, OK I'll be the fucking Bad Guy, and you can be the Good Guy. But at the end of the day, at least "I" realize we're only playing fantasy ass tickling, and it's all just a fucking illusion. The truth is, they are all Bad Guys out for them selves and their masters.

Now give me one with an eye patch and a wooden leg.

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 22, 12:59am  

Almost all the income of billionaires is capital gains.

If I work hard and actually produce something valuable and create a lot of income, my tax rate goes up to 35%.

If a billionaire does absolutely nothing useful and gets another billion in unearned income taken from the work of other people, he still pays only 15%.

Yep. I love analogies in this case.

Let's say an elite Neurosurgeon performs many brain surgeries, and teaches dozens of med students, saves a hundred lives. Over the course of two years, he makes about a million dollars in salary.

He is taxed at 35%

Let's say a Hedge Fund invests $300,000 to buy a mansion. Two years later, for market reasons mostly beyond his control, the mansion is sold for 1M.

He's taxed at 15%.

How does that encourage productivity? By what ethical calculus is that fair?

28   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 1:20am  

I think that picture is pretty much correct.

Patrick, I don't feel that I'm a victim.

My wife and I came from working class backgrounds in Ohio. We both graduated from the same state university people used to call "Hilltop High" because of its reputation as a commuter school. I took five and a half years to get through school, she did a Bachelors and Masters in four because she had scholarships, loans and an assistantship.

As economically bad as things usually are in the Rust Belt, we don't see the sort of whining and complaining and gnashing of teeth there that we see out here. Why? There are too many overeducated, overcredentialed, arrogant personalities here who think they know better than everyone else and who think "the system" (whatever the hell that means) is trying to oppress them and owes them something.

As I keep telling you, she and I come from fairly modest backgrounds and we're doing just fine.

29   stevenjbailey   2012 Mar 22, 1:54am  

Thanks for the great pic! A great morning laugh! I believe Obama is pretty much a corporate shill but the Republican party has been over taken by those completely deranged by greed and ignorance.

30   Patrick   2012 Mar 22, 2:20am  

thomas.wong1986 says

start by taking the drugs (taxes) away from govt...

Already done. We have lower income tax rates now than any other time in the last 60 years. It's just that rates for the ultra rich plummeted much more than the rates for people who actually work.

How well has that been working out for the economy?

ThreeBays says

Everything else other than medicare and SS are chump change.

You forgot defense spending!

I agree that Medicare costs have to be capped. SS pays for itself and will for the next 20 years with no problems.

clambo says

All people on welfare, food stamps, SSI, Sec. 8 housing.

Thank you for being a perfect illustration of the guy on the left!

clambo says

The "rich" people I know got that way not by screwing anyone.

You've never met anyone from Wall Street it seems.

tts says

The rich guy should be shown to have the D's and R's in his pocket.

Yes, they're both in his pocket, but the Republican cut a hole in the rich guy's pocket and is actively fellating him. And swallows too.

TPB says

You Libs are finally starting to see the light.

And thank you too for perfectly illustrating the guy on the left.

rootvg says

There are too many overeducated, overcredentialed, arrogant personalities here who think they know better than everyone else

Yet another illustration of the guy on the left! "Those damn whiny libruls", right?

rootvg says

Patrick, I don't feel that I'm a victim.

Making a lot of money from your own effort? Excellent! But gee, how come your tax rate is much higher than the rate of people who make much more than you without any effort? Could it have something to do with getting laws written to protect the rich by distracting voters with their prejudices about liberals, socialists, gays, minorities, etc?

Yes, that's exactly how it happened. Divide and rule.

All I want is for the game not to be rigged.

31   Patrick   2012 Mar 22, 2:30am  

thomas.wong1986 says

No he gives up his wealth, by paying cash for an interest in ownership.. it may or may not have any gain and mayhave losses.

No, he doesn't "give up" his wealth. He passively invests money with the hope of a big return taken from the work of other people.

But anyway, he also gets to deduct 100% of his losses from his gains. You forgot that part.

Say, has anyone made a comment and have it disappear? I thought I made this comment before, but don't see it. Maybe there's some bug.

32   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 2:38am  

The problem is not that we have a rigged system.

The problem is that, due to immigration and a few other issues, we now have a pie that's too small and our economy is becoming more competitive. If we shut the borders that would go away. Don't bother calling me a racist. Even if it were true you couldn't do anything about it and you're not gonna change me and being me works really damn well. Go bother someone who gives a fuck.

I'll say it again. If you go to the south, you don't hear all this constant whining and complaining and gnashing of teeth. My high school friends in Atlanta are doing just fine. My high school friends in the Tampa Bay area are doing just fine. My sister and brother-in-law in SW Ohio are doing just fine. My cousin in Pennsylvania who never attended college is working for a company that's had him traveling all over the world.

Yes, Republicans tend to run on wedge issues. Why? Because it works. Most of us do not agree with the leftist social agenda. What to do about it for the future of the Democratic party outside California and Massachusetts? GET RID OF IT. We do not live in the United States of California and Massachusetts. Yes, homosexuals, leftists, bearded weenie academics, malcontents and emotionally unstable personalities control a lot of what happens politically in San Francisco and places nearby because there's too goddamn much money here...but THAT'S IT.

Americans want their country back. It's a center-right nation...not a rightist or leftist nation but center-right. This is the way it is.

33   aurelius   2012 Mar 22, 2:48am  

rootvg says

Patrick, I don't feel that I'm a victim.

My wife and I came from working class backgrounds in Ohio. We both graduated from the same state university people used to call "Hilltop High" because of its reputation as a commuter school. I took five and a half years to get through school, she did a Bachelors and Masters in four because she had scholarships, loans and an assistantship.

As economically bad as things usually are in the Rust Belt, we don't see the sort of whining and complaining and gnashing of teeth there that we see out here. Why? There are too many overeducated, overcredentialed, arrogant personalities here who think they know better than everyone else and who think "the system" (whatever the hell that means) is trying to oppress them and owes them something.

As I keep telling you, she and I come from fairly modest backgrounds and we're doing just fine.

This one time this one guy worked hard and got rich so shut up Patrick!

34   PockyClipsNow   2012 Mar 22, 2:58am  

Patrick your blog has jumped the shark in the last year when you starting putting politics into it.

Its impossible to change someones mind about politics. But you CAN get people to look at rent/vs buy differently and how to handle the RE transaction.

You REALLY REALLY need to stop all the politicking - its hurting the patrick.net brand..... Pissing off 50% of your vistors for no reason other than 'politics is your hobby' is financially stupid. You might be having fun....but its killing your blog and name brand....

If the dems are so great why is pot still illegal? same party.
Why are the banks still in charge? You can STILL get a zero down home loan (from the feds). The dems are terrible only Rob Paul is honest....so he cant win.

If was paying patrick to run this site I would fire him! haha.
Imagine you go to the store to buy something and get hit with political BS and nonsense! unacceptable!

35   Justin75   2012 Mar 22, 3:20am  

I vote democrat because I'm lazy, don't want to work, expect a handout and want to take from those who actually work. I refuse to contribute and want to be rewarded for it. I want a bunch of services paid for by other people's money.

And also, I want the government to run my life because I'm too stupid to do it myself.

36   jerrypap   2012 Mar 22, 3:55am  

I agree with the above comment.

Patrick what the hell are you doing?!?!

You have managed to piss me off as well.

I was born into a very poor family. I did not enjoy living on Ramon noodles and having to wear second hand clothes growing up. So I decided to change that when I turned 18.

Over the years I have woked my tail off buying, renovating, renting, and selling real estate. A number of these deals required me to risk everything I owned. I now have a multimillion dollar net worth. So I guess according to you and the democrats I am now one of those rich bad guys and I need to PAY.

I have already payed hundreds of thousands in taxes, yet you seem to think I need to be punished even more and pay millions (or better yet how about everything I own) to the government. Only to see them squader it on useless programs and give it away to people that don't desrve it and haven't woked a day in their pathetic lives.

Should there not be some kind of incentive to take a risk? (a "lower" tax rate) A paycheck is "safe" and should be treated as such.

Are you aware of the fact that over 50% of Americans pay ZERO income tax. How fair is that??

Patrick, are you willing to risk everything to earn more than a paycheck? And if you do, is it fair that in exchange for that risk you should have to 58.5% (35% Federal Tax, 15% Self employment tax, and 8.5% State Tax) of whatever you earned through blood sweat and tears to the Government? Let's not forget about poperty taxes and the "Franchise Tax" on any LLC or Corporation(The tax based on gross income - you are taxed whether or not you make a profit in the State of California)

So, please, do me favor and quit telling me I don't already pay my "fair share".

37   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 3:57am  

I think we need the old "FDR Democrats/New Deal Coalition" back. Sans the racism.

I tend to agree that the Democrat's embrace of the New Left 60's radicals alienated much of the country. That's how we got the Reagan Democrats. The 1968 riots at the Chicago Democrat convention were are real turning point in the political direction of the nation. That was the beginning of the end of the New Deal Coalition.

Why did the Dems embrace the New Left radicals? Because that's where the money is. (Hmmm...I'm noticing a pattern here.) Your average blue collar Democrat in the midwest doesn't have as much money as a trust-funder or software executive living in San Francisco.

A lot of people vote Republican because they can't stomach the radical base of the Democrat party.

Of course these days, the Republican base has gone batshit crazy too.

Seems like we have two crazy parties under the control of the 0.1% that pretend to care while laughing all the way to the bank (assuming they don't already own said bank).

38   david1   2012 Mar 22, 3:58am  

rootvg says

The problem is that, due to immigration and a few other issues, we now have a pie that's too small and our economy is becoming more competitive.

Let me smack you with some facts. The US economy (as shown by real GDP growth) has grown roughly threefold (317%) since 1970. (4.2T to 13.3T) Over the same time period, US population has grown from 200M to 313M. This is roughly a 1.5 times increase (157%)

That is GDP per capita in real dollars was roughly $21,000 in 1970 and it is roughly $42,500 today.

The size of the pie has grown at roughly twice the rate as the number of people eating it. Do you still think immigration (population growth) is the cause of increased competition? How do you explain that?

Your point is there is a "crowding out" of wealth caused by immigration is flatly wrong. There is a "crowding out" but it is by the ultra wealthy. A larger share of the pie is going to a smaller percentage of the population

The picture in the OP is a visual depiction of the problem. He is, quite plainly, too stupid to know what is good for him. I wouldn't have a problem with this except because he and I get the same number of votes, his stupidity is actually making things worse for me too.

The guy on the left is the reason why I have more education yet less job security and a lower salary (in real terms) than my father did when he was my age. The guy on the left is the reason why it is accepted that I will work longer until eligible for SS and medicare (if they exist at all) than my father will have to. The guy on the left is the reason why students today need $50k in higher education to be "qualified" for the jobs their parents did straight out of high school. The guy on the left is the reason health care costs more monthly than my home, car, and student loan payments combined.

The guy on the left is does all of this by being so ignorant about who his real enemies are. Of course all of his friends in the South don't complain...they are the decendents of the people dumb enough to be convinced that fighting the Civil War was about state's rights and not about protecting the property rights of a few rich slave owners. Stupid breeds stupid.

I wonder if the guy on the left is a depiction of you. It sure looks like it based upon your immigration argument.

Don't bother calling me an ELITIST. Even if it were true you couldn't do anything about it and you're not gonna change me and being me works really damn well. Go bother someone who gives a fuck.

39   PockyClipsNow   2012 Mar 22, 4:10am  

Talking politics is bad for business.

I won't be donating to patrick.net again until this becomes a REAL ESTATE ONLY site.

If he were to cram this site with football stories or porn it would be equally annoying. People do not come here for politics.

AND ANYWAY its the dems 'keeping a floor under house prices' (exact Obama quote!!!!!) Hows does Patrick reconcile the dems proping up RE massively with never ending creative gimmicks to make patrick a permanent renter? (I know....healthcare.....zzzzzzz)

The sad part is talking politics is more of a waste of time than porn...... why why why why patrick?!?!

40   Patrick   2012 Mar 22, 4:24am  

Don't think I'm such a great fan of the Democrats either! They were the bigger Fannie/Freddie government-guaranteed debt supporters, which was of course a disaster.

As for covering politics, the housing bubble is politics. Always has been.

41   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 4:25am  

PockyClipsNow says

Talking politics is bad for business.

I won't be donating to patrick.net again until this becomes a REAL ESTATE ONLY site.

If he were to cram this site with football stories or porn it would be equally annoying. People do not come here for politics.

AND ANYWAY its the dems 'keeping a floor under house prices' (exact Obama quote!!!!!) Hows does Patrick reconcile the dems proping up RE massively with never ending creative gimmicks to make patrick a permanent renter? (I know....healthcare.....zzzzzzz)

The sad part is talking politics is more of a waste of time than porn...... why why why why patrick?!?!

I think healthcare as an immediate political concern is going to go away or at least take somewhat of a back seat to the unemployment and debt/deficit issues.

We have to support our currency. I'm already seeing quite a few articles over the past several weeks about the Fed and a change in monetary policy. We have to wring out all this slop.

The lefties are about to go back into their cage. We can't afford them.

42   sack   2012 Mar 22, 4:31am  

If I work hard and actually produce something valuable and create a lot of income, my tax rate goes up to 35%.

If a billionaire does absolutely nothing useful and gets another billion in unearned income taken from the work of other people, he still pays only 15%.

You're telling me that's fair, and helps balance the budget?

But the dividends have already been taxed once as corporate tax, taxing it again is probably netting the government more than your 35% (which I doubt many of us are paying). And you discount the fact that investments is what finances others to be "productive".

You do not get taxed at your income and then get taxed again for moving your money from checking account to savings account do you?

Capital gains should probably be taxed higher, and corporate loopholes removed.

43   PockyClipsNow   2012 Mar 22, 4:31am  

Its true housing bubble is 'government created' but look at the CR blog - he is a professional, I would invest in his blog before patrick.net (assuming they were public companys...) due to he doesnt piss off half his readers on a daily basis for 'no reason'. Just my 2 cents!

44   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 4:33am  

I truly believe people want a return to normalcy. That is, not what people in the Bay Area think is normal (because it isn't) and not necessarily what people in Texas think is normal...but what people in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Tennessee think is normal. That's middle America.

I think people want the mid eighties back, in the most desperate way.

45   Dan8267   2012 Mar 22, 4:41am  

jerrypap says

Are you aware of the fact that over 50% of Americans pay ZERO income tax. How fair is that??

Yeah, but those people are dirt poor, and you wouldn't want to trade places with them. Since the income tax was created solely for the purpose of taxing the rich to pay for social services to the poor that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that 50% of Americans are so damn poor. Why is that?

Sure, maybe 10% are lazy asses and another 10% are sick and disabled, but that still doesn't explain why so many Americans are poor.

46   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 4:46am  

Dan8267 says

jerrypap says

Are you aware of the fact that over 50% of Americans pay ZERO income tax. How fair is that??

Yeah, but those people are dirt poor, and you wouldn't want to trade places with them. Since the income tax was created solely for the purpose of taxing the rich to pay for social services to the poor that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that 50% of Americans are so damn poor. Why is that?

Sure, maybe 10% are lazy asses and another 10% are sick and disabled, but that still doesn't explain why so many Americans are poor.

There's something else going on here that no one's talking about, which is the level of change technology has forced on workplaces and the incredible level of technological illiteracy that's out there especially among the younger Baby Boom set and then in less well off, less well educated parts of the country.

I don't know what you do about that. Maybe you can't do anything.

47   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 4:56am  


I think much of what you say is technically correct.

But here's the problem: people aren't going to vote for a political movement that calls them stupid. Even if it's (possibly) true. That's "the matter with Kansas."

Remember Obama's comments about Guns and Religion? That was the best sound byte the Republicans could have hoped for.

The Democrats would regain their "permanent majority" status they had from FDR to JFK if they quit alienating the White Working Class.

Kerry probably would have won in 2004 if it weren't for the Gay Marriage issue. Who fired the first shot in that war? It wasn't the Republicans. Rush Limbaugh is on record saying that the gay marriage issue was "a dream come true." And thousands of Christians in southern Ohio proved him right.

It's these hard-left social issues that are killing the Democrats in places outside of California and Massachusetts. For all of the talk of celebrating diversity and experiencing new cultures, that philosophy doesn't seem to include any real interaction beyond the safe confines of Coastal California and the Northeast Corridor.

48   kochevnik   2012 Mar 22, 5:16am  

I'm sure all these useless idiotic FAKE left right discussions will save us from the coming collapse.

or not.

49   TPB   2012 Mar 22, 5:19am  

jerrypap says

I was born into a very poor family. I did not enjoy living on Ramon noodles and having to wear second hand clothes growing up. So I decided to change that when I turned 18.

Over the years I have woked my tail off buying, renovating, renting, and selling real estate.

Impossible, you must be fucking lying because Poor people aren't supposed to escape the social teat. If you flung up the social ladder, then the Liberals did their job wrong.

50   Zakrajshek   2012 Mar 22, 5:19am  

The general system has already failed and we now live in the aftermath of a twisted corrupt corporatocracy. We all know it. Even if the people somehow mounted an offensive to try to change it, the government would do anything and everything to save itself. Syria is a cakewalk compared to what would happen here.

The big bad US industries try to portray themselves as super dynamic, fantastic, innovative, etc . But what's funny is most of them are on welfare. The government programs that feed these industries are in parentheses: healthcare (medicare/medicaid), banks (the Fed), agriculture/grocery (subsidies/ foodstamps), housing (the Fed/ Fannie), pharma (Medicare drugs), defense (US miltary), education (student loans and subsidies), oil (subsidies, givaways). For example, the oil industry extracts oil from public lands and then charges us $120 a barrel for our own oil. The list goes on...

51   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 5:23am  

Zakrajshek says

For example, the oil industry extracts oil from public lands and then charges us $120 a barrel for our own oil. The list goes on...

But the Saudi's can't seem to get it out of the ground for much cheaper. It's a competitive market. Oil is expensive because it's being rapidly depleted and everyone is addicted to it. Including me.

52   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 5:25am  

That is true about Kerry...and we saw it coming.

This is the whole problem with the Democratic party fathers binding themselves to people whose entire political and social philosophy and lifestyle seem to live for rebelling against middle America. It's absolute suicide. It's nuts...but here again, so is about a quarter of California and about three quarters of San Francisco. They control the party these days.

When Democrats are completely out of power in January, there are going to be some very important meetings on Capitol Hill. I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall there.

53   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 5:30am  

rootvg says

When Democrats are completely out of power in January, there are going to be some very important meetings on Capitol Hill.

I certainly hope so. I think we need a major "shake-up" and re-alignment in American politics if we hope to make things better in this country.

54   rootvg   2012 Mar 22, 5:37am  

wthrfrk80 says

rootvg says

When Democrats are completely out of power in January, there are going to be some very important meetings on Capitol Hill.

I certainly hope so. I think we need a major "shake-up" and re-alignment in American politics if we hope to make things better in this country.

One of those changes may well be the rise of the Green Party. I've had an account at Democratic Underground for years and they talk about this all the time.

Another one may be the beginning of a secessionist movement in California or possibly the splitting of California into one or more states.

These queers, malcontents and professional rock throwers out here aren't going away. If we marginalize them by putting both of their Senators and most of their Congressmen in a semi-permanent minority status (that's what's setting up), something nasty is gonna happen.

55   jerrypap   2012 Mar 22, 5:53am  

TPB says

jerrypap says

I was born into a very poor family. I did not enjoy living on Ramon noodles and having to wear second hand clothes growing up. So I decided to change that when I turned 18.

Over the years I have woked my tail off buying, renovating, renting, and selling real estate.

Impossible, you must be fucking lying because Poor people aren't supposed to escape the social teat. If you flung up the social ladder, then the Liberals did their job wrong.

My biggest challenge every step of the way has all been related to onerous and typically nonsensical government restrictions - regulations, taxes, and a thousand other government policies that sometimes make it near impossible to get ANYTHING done.

If I attempted to start from nothing today with all of the new onerous regulations such as the new Dodd Frank banking bill (The Grand Daddy of them ALL), it is likely I would remain on the "social teet" forever more.

56   jerrypap   2012 Mar 22, 6:07am  

rootvg says

Another one may be the beginning of a secessionist movement in California or possibly the splitting of California into one or more states.

There is already a movement here in far Northern California and Southern Oregon to create a new state called Jefferson State. We have ZERO representation now and are completely at the mercy of liberal whack-jobs to our south. With all of their ridiculous socialist ideas that are actually becoming law, I am to the point of being ashamed to even admit I live in California...

57   david1   2012 Mar 22, 6:20am  

wthrfrk80 says

But here's the problem: people aren't going to vote for a political movement that calls them stupid. Even if it's (possibly) true. That's "the matter with Kansas."

I'm not running for office and I know this. You see the problem as Democrats alienating the white working class. I see that as untrue...the democrats are the only party fighting for the working class...propogandists have convinced the dipshit white working class in middle america to fear brown people: "They are the terrorists," "They are taking your jobs, we have to protect the borders," "Affirmative Action is keeping you from working," "Forcing banks to lower lending standards and giving loans to brown people is what caused the housing crash," etc.
The fact that Democrats aren't lying to white middle america is not the problem...
That the white working class in places like Ohio, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Georgia among other places are not smart enough to fact find for themselves is the problem. Guys like Sean Hannitty and Limbaugh use this stupidity...

I am a former Republican who grew up and went to college in Ohio so I know exactly the type of person being manipulated.

I have arguments with family and friends in Ohio everytime I go home about how their taxes have gone up under Obama. Now anyone who works with the tax code will tell you this is impossible since taxes have not increased anywhere under Obama and given the payroll tax reduction they have actually decreased. That's not important to them. They heard on Limbaugh 'bout these libruhls raising their taxes so that is what they believe.

Meanwhile they believe God will deliver Rick Santorum riding in on his dinosaur to save them from the terrorists. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but not much...

All you need to know about these people is they elect politicians who do not believe in evolution yet do believe that Obama was not born in the US or is a Muslim. There are many more white working class people on the coasts in so-called blue states and a much smaller percentage of them are swayed by the propaganda.

But I digress...what I am saying is not that Democrats call them stupid, it is that Republican propoganda tells them at every chance that the libruhls think they are stupid. And they believe it. Fact is, they are stupid and Republicans think it too.

58   TPB   2012 Mar 22, 6:34am  

jerrypap says

Dodd Frank banking bill

Because Affirmative action didn't kill Whitney.

59   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 6:48am  

david1 says

convinced the dipshit white working class in middle america

david1 says

That the white working class in places like Ohio, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Georgia among other places are not smart enough to fact find for themselves is the problem. Guys like Sean Hannitty and Limbaugh use this stupidity...

Thank you for making my point.

Even if they are stupid, it's best not to call them that if you want their vote.

A lot of McDonald's customers are stupid too. But the cashiers generally don't call them "stupid" to their face.

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