You are a criminal. You are a felon. Yep you, personally.

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2012 Aug 2, 2:32pm   30,709 views  65 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

John Stossel's Illegal Everything

Today's laws are largely arbitrary, overly complex, and overly intrusive. One cop could buy lemonade from you kid and the next cop could arrest your kid for selling lemonade.

Over-criminalization is one of the greatest problems in our society today. Every year you probably commit dozens of felonies without your knowledge, violating laws that should not even exist in the first place.

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1   Honest Abe   2012 Aug 4, 12:11am  

Sad but true. In fact there are instances when you comply with state law you are violating federal law...and vis versa.

Each and every law is the loss of freedom. To stabalize the insanity, how about this? For every NEW law put on the books, TWO existing laws must be removed! That would force decision makers to CAREFULLY decise: (1) if the new law had merit and (2) if the new law was enacted, what laws would remain and what laws would be discarded.

BRILLIANT, if I don't say so myself! Thundering applause. Thank you, thank you very much.


2   Honest Abe   2012 Aug 4, 12:12am  

(spelling doesn't count)

3   lostand confused   2012 Aug 4, 12:41am  

True. We have 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoner population. Land of the Free!

4   Bap33   2012 Aug 4, 2:20am  

..you got me .... you got the Tater...

5   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 4, 8:13am  

Dan8267 says

Over-criminalization is one of the greatest problems in our society today.

More often than not, I don't even realize there's a crime until CNN tells us one was committed, and Nancy Grace gets her Jockstrap in a wad.

Like the Tanning salon lady, and countless others paraded through the news. IT breaks the Liberals heart that Octo Mom wasn't sentenced to life in prison for having children.

It's kinda hard not to break laws when you Libs making ad hoc laws, fashioned to prosecute people on the wrong political side, to be enforced immediately.

But of course this administration didn't create the frame in which these liberty encroachments are executed with impunity from Americans that would otherwise stand up for their rights. But they sure are enjoying the right to swim and frolic in the cesspool.

6   New Renter   2012 Aug 4, 10:18am  

CaptainShuddup says

It's kinda hard not to break laws when you Libs making ad hoc laws, fashioned to prosecute people on the wrong political side, to be enforced immediately.

Its not the libs keeping marijuana illegal now is it?

Its not the libs denying gay couples the same rights as straight couples is it?

If not the libs then just who is?

7   Bap33   2012 Aug 4, 10:23am  

New renter says

If not the libs then just who is?

all of the good people that make up the 98% that know deviant behavior should not be treated as normal, and that gayness is a mental disorder or a birth defect. That's who. Maybe?

8   Peter P   2012 Aug 4, 10:48am  

Bap, we see eye to eye on many issues, but we tend to disagree on issues like so-called "deviant" behaviors.

If we do not allow some variation in social norms, history cannot move forward. I have faith that social evolution will pick the optimal new norm as time goes on. If the current norm turns out to be rightful, I am confident that our future will not stray far from it.

9   Bap33   2012 Aug 4, 10:51am  

I choose that word in an effort to avoid gutter speak, while also ignoring the P.C. effort to control speech. I'm not really thinking super deep when I choose that phrase. Honest.

10   Peter P   2012 Aug 4, 10:54am  

I hate P. C. stuff too. I will never call my pets animal companions. :-)

11   TheOriginalSBH   2012 Aug 4, 11:04am  

when i have trick blow dry my hair and it comes out all sprayee and stuff i could jsut swear i'd lock him up in a nice isickle cave and be donw with thte little migrant bastard.....i swear!

12   Dan8267   2012 Aug 4, 12:07pm  

Honest Abe says

Each and every law is the loss of freedom. To stabalize the insanity, how about this? For every NEW law put on the books, TWO existing laws must be removed!

Counter proposal: Every law expires after 25 years automatically. Each law must be re-approved by a majority vote in Congress within five years of expiring in order to be extended. This includes tax laws, especially the income tax.

My counter-proposal would allow for a stable number of essential laws to exist but would make extraneous laws too difficult to maintain.

13   Dan8267   2012 Aug 4, 12:08pm  

lostand confused says

True. We have 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoner population. Land of the Free!

We also torture, which is the most cowardly act one can do. So much for "home of the brave".

14   Dan8267   2012 Aug 4, 12:10pm  

CaptainShuddup says

and Nancy Grace gets her Jockstrap in a wad.

If ever there was a justification for abortion, it is that woman.

15   Dan8267   2012 Aug 4, 12:12pm  

Bap33 says

all of the good people that make up the 98% that know deviant behavior should not be treated as normal, and that gayness is a mental disorder or a birth defect. That's who. Maybe?

Those people aren't good, and homosexuality is not a mental disorder or a birth defect. I could make a strong case that faith is a mental disorder and that social conservatism is a birth defect. Actually, I have many times and I've been supported by science.

16   Peter P   2012 Aug 4, 12:23pm  

Faith is not a mental disorder. Gödel's incompleteness theorems pretty much imply that closing the gap of knowledge requires a leap of faith. :-)

17   elliemae   2012 Aug 4, 1:00pm  

Bap33 says

..you got me .... you got the Tater...

You get extra credit for that one.

18   curious2   2012 Aug 4, 1:54pm  


19   TMAC54   2012 Aug 5, 12:09pm  

It will soon be law that you must change your oil every three thousand miles.

20   New Renter   2012 Aug 5, 12:15pm  

Bap33 says

New renter says

If not the libs then just who is?

all of the good people that make up the 98% that know deviant behavior should not be treated as normal, and that gayness is a mental disorder or a birth defect. That's who. Maybe?

Speaking as a straight man in a happy "traditional" by-your-definition marriage I am not at all offended by homosexuality or same sex marriage. The gay people I have known are no less deserving of the rights and drawbacks of marriage, are no less qualified to be parents than the straight people I know. Homosexuality is not "unnatural", any non biased animal researcher can tell you that.
If you consider homosexuality to be wrong then fine, don't cruze gay bars. But don't try to force gay people to conform to what makes you comfortable least you yourself be forced to live a lie that makes someone else comfortable.

21   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 1:03pm  

sexual deviants happen in nature so you think it's natural?? Birth defects happen in nature, and ARE natural, and so is mental disorders. Male/Male coupling is a result of males suffering from a mental illness - perversion - that causes a male to crave the masuline, and/or a birth defect that makes the male feel,act,share female traits and tendancies. The latter is normally temporary during puberty, but can be treated very easily with complete recovery. The former can not be treated, it is made of the same evil filth as pedophilia and never gets better. I guess they both fall under birth defect, since the mental illness is also from birth, but the mentally ill perversion can not be treated. It comes in various degrees, we all have some, and not everyone acts on their thoughts and feelings, but some do. Those that do feel guilty and that is why they lash out at "normal" do visciously. It's all part of their mental illness. Sad, really.

22   Dan8267   2012 Aug 5, 1:54pm  

Bap33 says

sexual deviants happen in nature so you think it's natural

If it happens in nature, it is by definition natural. If it happens all over the place, it's not deviant.

Furthermore, you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support your assertion that male homosexuality is the result of a mental illness. That is just your prejudice.

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it vile and evil. Male homosexuals have loving and compassionate relationships that they find fulfilling and emotionally satisfying. To consider that to be a mental disorder is retarded.


This is from a real professor of psychology, Bap.

23   New Renter   2012 Aug 5, 2:18pm  

Bap33 says

sexual deviants happen in nature so you think it's natural??

Do I really need to say it? YES - if it happens in nature YES it is natural. That's the very definition of natural:


Forcing gay people to live as straight people, now THAT is NOT natural.

You seem to equate homosexuality with pedophilia. How do you draw that correlation? If an elderly man sexually abuses his granddaughter does that make him gay? How about a female schoolteacher that sleeps with her underage male students? Is she then a lesbian?

You are the one putting labels on people here. "Deviant", "perversion", "birth defect", all definitions put on homosexuals here by you. Those are the very dangerous words. Those words allow gay people to be marginalized, persecuted and eventually killed. Think I'm overstating my case?





Wow, your views of gay people parallel those of the Nazis, Islamic fundamentalists and McCarthy. That's quite a crowd you run with!

24   swebb   2012 Aug 5, 2:25pm  

Bap33 says

and that gayness is a mental disorder or a birth defect.

Do you really believe that?

25   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 2:27pm  

Dan, the simple fact that deviants still take on a seperate, and obvious, roll as masculine and feminine as a couple, indicates that I am correct. The entire movement is based on a birthdefect and/or mental disorder.

Not too far back in man's history, all birth defects resulted in the member of the group that suffered from the defect being cast out. We no longer cast out the blind, weak, palsy ridden and we no longer cast out the sexual deviant. Life has gotten easy enough for man to go ahead chance the existance of the group by letting a defective member carry on - up to a point. Pedifiles and rapists and Bernie Madoff(sp) are examples of members that are still cast off. Pedifiles suffer from the same perversion, only their targets are not of-age, and the laws against MAN-BOY sex have not been removed - yet.

26   swebb   2012 Aug 5, 2:27pm  

Bap33 says

Male/Male coupling is a result of males suffering from a mental illness - perversion - that causes a male to crave the masuline, and/or a birth defect that makes the male feel,act,share female traits and tendancies. The latter is normally temporary during puberty, but can be treated very easily with complete recovery.

Wow, you do believe it. Open your mind, open your heart. Life's too short.

27   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 2:28pm  

New renter says

Those are the very dangerous words

hmmmm ... P.C. Police is in da house.

28   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 2:32pm  

swebb says

Bap33 says

Male/Male coupling is a result of males suffering from a mental illness - perversion - that causes a male to crave the masuline, and/or a birth defect that makes the male feel,act,share female traits and tendancies. The latter is normally temporary during puberty, but can be treated very easily with complete recovery.

Wow, you do believe it. Open your mind, open your heart. Life's too short.

As for the body, it's all chemestry, triggered by your glands.
As for the mind, some are more perverted than others. We are all perverted.
As for couples, they are always masculine and feminine. Know why? Because "male and female created He them." God will not be mocked.

29   swebb   2012 Aug 5, 2:38pm  

Bap33 says

God will not be mocked.

Seriously, that's what drives this hate? The Jesus that I read about in the bible is loving, accepting, open and understanding. Try it.

30   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 2:46pm  

swebb says

Seriously, that's what drives this hate?

The hate comes from the militant deviant nation .... ask Chick fal A

31   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 2:48pm  

swebb says

Bap33 says

God will not be mocked.

Seriously, that's what drives this hate? The Jesus that I read about in the bible is loving, accepting, open and understanding. Try it.

you are suggesting I have ill feelings toward a special needs person? That's very rude of you. I want to help all special needs people. You should want to protect them from being abused, as I do.

32   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 2:50pm  

p.s., "God will not be mocked" is part of the explaination of the behaviors of sexual deviants. Not part of a sermon.

33   bg   2012 Aug 5, 3:02pm  

Bap33 says

all of the good people that make up the 98% that know deviant behavior should not be treated as normal, and that gayness is a mental disorder or a birth defect. That's who. Maybe?

No. The 98% distract you with stupid arguments about gay marriage while they rape the future from your children.

34   bg   2012 Aug 5, 3:07pm  

BAP is seeming a little trolly here. Is that his usual MO?

35   Dan8267   2012 Aug 5, 3:31pm  

Bap33 says

The entire movement is based on a birthdefect and/or mental disorder.

What color is the sky in your world?

The marriage equality movement is based on the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Either you believe in equality under law or you don't. And if you don't, you're not a real American.

Bap33 says

Pedifiles and rapists

The fact that you do not differentiate between gay marriage and pedophile/rape completely invalidates your opinion and makes me question whether or not you have a mental illness. Try making that argument in a court of law and see what happens. You'd be locked up for insanity.

Bap33 says

You should want to protect them from being abused, as I do.

Yes, we can all feel the love coming off of you.

36   Dan8267   2012 Aug 5, 3:32pm  

By the way, how the hell did this thread end up being about gay marriage. That's a totally different thread!

37   oliverks1   2012 Aug 5, 4:54pm  

Honest Abe says

To stabalize the insanity, how about this? For every NEW law put on the books, TWO existing laws must be removed!

This is pretty stupid. A law could easily contain 3 or 4 old laws.

38   New Renter   2012 Aug 5, 5:33pm  

Bap33 says

New renter says

Those are the very dangerous words

hmmmm ... P.C. Police is in da house.

No, just someone who knows a bit of history and understands one thing leads to another.

I also understand a bit of science and know that your argument has no merit there.

39   REpro   2012 Aug 6, 6:46am  

I live in Santa Clara County in CA. Santa Clara and San Mateo has one of the toughest laws in CA.
When somebody calls police with a minor reason, three cars are coming. People get arrested before open mouth and have to prove their innocent in court, not the otherwise. Yep, they are proud to have one of the lowest crimes in country.

40   New Renter   2012 Aug 6, 6:50am  

REpro says

I live in Santa Clara County in CA. Santa Clara and San Mateo has one of the toughest laws in CA.

When somebody calls police with a minor reason, three cars are coming. People get arrested before open mouth and have to prove their innocent in court, not the otherwise. Yep, they are proud to have one of the lowest crimes in country.

So you'd prefer to live in Apocolypsefuck's zombie apocalypse?

What is your point?

Never mind, I just realized you are just trying to get us back to the OT...

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