More proof of liberal bias in the media

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2013 Apr 3, 3:05am   22,866 views  123 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


The Associated Press, the largest news-gathering outlet in the world, will no longer use the term "illegal immigrant."

The news came in the form of a blog entry authored by Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll on Tuesday afternoon, explaining that the decision is part of the company's on-going attempt to rid their Stylebook of labels.

"The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term 'illegal immigrant' or the use of 'illegal' to describe a person. Instead, it tells users that 'illegal' should describe only an action, such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally," Carroll wrote.

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13   edvard2   2013 Apr 3, 4:49am  

zzyzzx says

They all lie.

Except right wing media lies all the time.

14   Tenpoundbass   2013 Apr 3, 4:54am  

Dan8267 says

Fox News outright lies.

You want to know when CNN is lying? It's the articles that they don't use Disqus for the discussion feed. Every time they use CNN Sound Off, you can bet that article is from the supreme ministry of propaganda.

15   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 5:00am  

zzyzzx says

Dan8267 says

Fox News outright lies. The other channels don't do that

They all lie.

No, the thing is they don't all lie. They all spin, but only Fox lies.

There's a big difference between focusing on what you don't like about what the president or some politician is doing versus saying that person is a secret Kenyan Muslim planning to take away your guns and bring Sharia Law to the United States. It's not just a different league; it's a different sport.

16   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 5:02am  

socal2 says

. Not the moon-bat stuff where people are really concerned about traitors like Bradley

I would argue that it's bat-shit crazy to call Bradley a traitor. A traitor seeks to do harm to his country. Bradley sought and did good by exposing the harm politicking does so that we can correct it. Bradley out to get the Medal of Honor.

Our soldiers should serve our country, not our politicians.

17   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 5:05am  

socal2 says

And you don't think "torture" and the Patriot Act weren't non stop media issues during the Bush administration? Google Water Boarding. Remember Abu Graib?

I remember the media discussing the pros and cons of torture. A liberal media wouldn't do that any more than discussing the pros and cons of baby rape.

The media also kept calling it "enhanced interrogation". A liberal media would have the honesty to call it torture.

And yes, the media coverage of torture was very short-lived, but it didn't stop with Obama coming to office. It stopped for the most part a few months after it started. The OJ Simpson trial received more air time.

18   edvard2   2013 Apr 3, 5:18am  

IDDQD says

Out of 30-or-something AM stations in SFBA only 3 are right wing, at least 2 are as left as it gets and the rest are traffic/ethnic/musical stations.

Nah duh. Its the Bay Area. We're talking on a national basis. That said, the 3 right wing stations you mentioned also broadcast some of the most popular right wing shows.

But stepping back for a minute, I think the biggest problem I have with right wing media is that for the most part, its VERY different from more left leaning media. The formula is all about "those liberals!" and blaming them for basically anything and everything all in the effort to reliably polarize their listeners and viewers so they can be more reliably counted on to sell products to. Its really, really easy for people to place blame on something when it comes to their problems and whether the "thing" that is blamed is the boogieman, or liberals doesn't matter. Both would suffice if a news or talk show program were to repeat that "XXX" was the root cause of all of their problems. That's exactly how right wing media works. They dislike the notion of their consumers actually thinking for themselves and as such those consumers 'have' to use them as their source of "news" to inform their every decision. Its evident this is the case given that most any right winger I talk to tends to merely parrot back exactly what they heard on the airwaves or on the cable news.

19   socal2   2013 Apr 3, 5:24am  

Dan8267 says

I would argue that it's bat-shit crazy to call Bradley a traitor. A traitor
seeks to do harm to his country. Bradley sought and did good by exposing the
harm politicking does so that we can correct it. Bradley out to get the Medal of

Our soldiers should serve our country, not our politicians.

Good grief? Have you even followed the Manning case?

The dude released thousands of document that he didn't even bother to vet.....including names and sources of our allies working with us at great risk against the primitive Jihadis cutting off people's heads.

He wasn't selectively speaking truth to power - he was just leaking all of the shit he could get his hands on.

20   rooemoore   2013 Apr 3, 5:26am  

Dan8267 says

Republicans suck from the tit of government every bit as much as Democrats.

So true:

21   Tenpoundbass   2013 Apr 3, 5:49am  

CaptainShuddup says

Every time they use CNN Sound Off, you can bet that article is from the supreme ministry of propaganda.

Case in point...

22   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 6:07am  

socal2 says

Good grief? Have you even followed the Manning case?

The dude released thousands of document that he didn't even bother to vet.....including names and sources of our allies working with us at great risk against the primitive Jihadis cutting off people's heads.

He wasn't selectively speaking truth to power - he was just leaking all of the shit he could get his hands on.

Which is necessary to give other people the time to pour over the documents. Nothing he released compromised security or caused a single death, unlike the lies told in those documents.

23   socal2   2013 Apr 3, 6:46am  

Dan8267 says

Which is necessary to give other people the time to pour over the documents.

Got it.

I think it is necessary for someone to steal all of your personal, educational, and financial information and post it on the internet to give us enough time to pour over the documents to make sure you are not a criminal or space alien.

Some of the leaks included informants names. You nor I know the harm that has been caused. The US government has every incentive to downplay the damage to preserve our remaining informant networks since they don't need to prove damage to send Manning away for the rest of his life which is what he is going to get.

Even the Taliban admitted they were going over the Wikileaks data dump to hunt down informants.

And you want to give this mook the Congressional Medal of Honor? Insane.

24   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 7:25am  

socal2 says

I think it is necessary for someone to steal all of your personal, educational, and financial information and post it on the internet to give us enough time to pour over the documents to make sure you are not a criminal or space alien.

Like all conservatives, you have things backwards.

A private citizen in the privacy of his own home, vehicle, locker, person should have privacy.

A public official performing a public job duty for the public using public authority should not have privacy.

We should be able to record what the police and politicians are doing. They should not be allowed to record us in our private lives or go through our personal effects or person.

socal2 says

Some of the leaks included informants names

You're thinking of the Republicans outing CIA agent Valerie Plame, whose assignments were to stop terrorists from getting loose nukes, something that affects the very survivability of the human race. That's right, Karl Rove and other top Republicans endangered the entire world by outing the CIA agent who was stopping terrorists and rogue nations like North Korea from getting nuclear weapons, and the Republicans did it for personal political gain. That's treason.


Now one can argue, reasonably so, that Wikileaks should have redacted specific names before publishing the material. But to say that Manning committed treason or terrorism is ridiculous. Furthermore,
1. Manning's intentions and Wikileaks intentions were good. The Republican intentions were pure evil.
2. No one died from Mannings or Wikileaks releasing this information. No one. Over a million persons died, just so far, from the lies told by politicians over Iraq and Saddam.
3. A lot of good comes from exposing political corruption. No good comes from illegal wars waged with bad intentions.
4. Manning risked and lost much to do the right thing. That's the definition of heroism. The Republicans risk nothing themselves but risked our lives and well-being to do the wrong thing. That's cowardice.
5. The prosecution of Manning and Wikileaks has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with personal political gain and power.
6. If the human race destroys itself, it will be because of people like Karl Rove, not Bradley Manning. People like Manning are exactly what we need to make sure the human race doesn't destroy itself.

Anyone who says they support the troops but doesn't support Manning is a hypocrite.

25   socal2   2013 Apr 3, 8:12am  

Dan8267 says

You're thinking of the Republicans outing CIA agent Valerie
Plame, whose assignments were to stop terrorists from getting loose
, something that affects the very survivability of the human race.
That's right, Karl Rove and other top Republicans endangered the entire world by
outing the CIA agent who was stopping terrorists and rogue nations like North
Korea from getting nuclear weapons, and the Republicans did it for personal
political gain. That's treason.

Dude - you are not serious. Can't believe you are still banging the Valerie Plame drum.

It was Colin Powell's deputy (Richard Armitage) that inadvertantly leaked her name. Armitage was hardly a neocon or Iraq war advocate. He even let Scooter Libby hang out to dry - further blowing a hole in your conspiracy theory it was all about Bush/Cheney and Rove trying to punish Joe Wilson and his wife.

Speaking of Joe Wilson - factcheck.org shows that it was Joe who was stretching the truth and not Bush.

The rest of your post is just crazy talk about "million dead Iraqis" and dumb black/white thinking "Mannings/Good - Republicans/Evil".

26   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 8:50am  

socal2 says

Dude - you are not serious. Can't believe you are still banging the Valerie Plame drum.

Unlike Republicans, educated liberals don't have such short memories. The outing of the CIA agent most directly responsible for making sure the bad guys don't get nuclear weapons was the greatest betrayal of America and the largest threat to America's national security in all of history.

You need to start getting your info from places other than Fox News and Conservative Radio.


If you truly cared about American lives and national security, you'd be drumming the Valerie Plame drum, too. The current crisis in North Korea is a direct result of this betrayal.

27   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 3, 8:51am  

zzyzzx says

The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term 'illegal immigrant' or the use of 'illegal' to describe a person

Partial true.. they are full LEGAL CITIZENS of Mexico. Honduras, China or what ever.
But that will do little to prevent these legal foreign citizens from being shipped back to
their native country.

28   socal2   2013 Apr 3, 8:54am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

socal2 says

Dude - you are not serious. Can't believe you are still banging the Valerie Plame drum.

Dude, it's called TREASON!

Do you you need more?

Uh huh - and who actually got indicted on TREASON despite having a special prosecutor spend years on this case throwing journalists and white house assistants in jail?

They found nothing despite their political witch hunt. Fact Check.Org blows apart Joe Wilson's lies about yellow-cake that started this whole mess in the first place.

The "leaker" was Richard Armitage who was Collin Powell's subordinate in the State Department.

There is no there there - except for the dwindling band of foolish troofers who really seem to believe that our country's leaders going back to Clinton made all this shit up about Saddam.

29   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 3, 8:55am  

socal2 says

The rest of your post is just crazy talk about "million dead Iraqis" and dumb black/white thinking "Mannings/Good - Republicans/Evil".

yep... that Dan alright.. even though the count of the dead is only 100,000 with half being dead insurgents/ terrorists and Iraqi national forces. But what else do you expect from the propaganda machine ?

30   socal2   2013 Apr 3, 8:56am  

Dan8267 says

If you truly cared about American lives and national security, you'd be
drumming the Valerie Plame drum, too. The current crisis in North Korea is a
direct result of this betrayal.

Ha ha! You ARE insane!

I bet you paid good money to watch their movie starring Sean Penn.

31   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 3, 9:01am  

Dan8267 says

A public official performing a public job duty for the public using public authority should not have privacy.

now compare that to Dans prior comments that Clinton's impeachment was a witch hunt and Billy Bobs actions were his business and no one else's business what Clinton did...


32   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 9:33am  

This thread is proof that nothing gets inside the conservative bubble. Bill Clinton got a blow job from a fat chick in the oval office. Impeach him. Karl Rove and the Republican leadership interfere with CIA operations preventing terrorists and enemy states from getting nukes. Stop banging that drum already.

'Nuff said.

33   zzyzzx   2013 Apr 3, 10:42am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

This Bill Clinton thing is officially O.V.E.R!

Is blaming Bush over yet?

34   zzyzzx   2013 Apr 3, 10:46am  

Dan8267 says

The current crisis in North Korea is a direct result of this betrayal.

I'm thinking that the current North Korean crisis is FDR's fault. He's the one that decided that it was OK to give part of Korea to the Soviet Union.

35   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 10:55am  

And then the racist KarlRoveIsScum comes along and proves that there are batshit crazy people on the left as well in their own bubble.

36   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 10:57am  

zzyzzx says

Dan8267 says

The current crisis in North Korea is a direct result of this betrayal.

I'm thinking that the current North Korean crisis is FDR's fault. He's the one that decided that it was OK to give part of Korea to the Soviet Union.

Well, let's say that's true and FDR should have insisted on an independent Korea. FDR was still 100% right on the New Deal and the Progressive reforms. And isn't that, not Korea, what you really hate about FDR, that he was a progressive and he created the middle class.

37   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 11:01am  

zzyzzx says

KarlRoveIsScum says

This Bill Clinton thing is officially O.V.E.R!

Is blaming Bush over yet?

People like Bush and Hitler who commit crimes against humanity should never be forgotten or forgiven. The negative impact they make on the world is never over, so no amount of time can erase their sins.

No person was ever harmed by Bill Clinton getting a blow job from that fat whore Lewinsky. In fact, plenty of people on both the left and the right made fistfuls of cash over this ridiculous scandal. And the fact that it still garners any attention when there are things so much more important in the word demonstrates exactly why America is a stupid, stupid country full of stupid, stupid people. No wonder Honey Boo Boo is so popular.

38   Meccos   2013 Apr 3, 11:08am  

zzyzzx says

KarlRoveIsScum says

This Bill Clinton thing is officially O.V.E.R!

Is blaming Bush over yet?

Not until there is another repub president to blame...

39   Moderate Infidel   2013 Apr 3, 11:17am  

Liberal: adj. 1. a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.

Thank god for that liberal bias or we would all be lighting our kerosene lamps at night warding off vampires and witches.

40   socal2   2013 Apr 8, 8:44am  

Dan8267 says

People like Bush and Hitler who commit crimes against humanity should never be
forgotten or forgiven.

People who put Bush and Hitler in the same sentence as some sort of moral equivalence should never be given sharp utensils or be allowed to drive cars.

Why do you keep insisting on sounding like a total loon Dan??! It is just so painfully dumb when you say stuff like that.

Let's say Bush is responsible for every last death in Iraq since 2003 (roughly 100,000 people). Shouldn't that ledger be adjusted by the millions he saved in Africa with his massive HIV/AIDS funding?


41   upisdown   2013 Apr 9, 12:40am  

socal2 says

People who put Bush and Hitler in the same sentence as some sort of moral
equivalence should never be given sharp utensils or be allowed to drive

Well sort of, comparing Bush to Hitler is an affront to Hitler.

42   FortWayne   2013 Apr 9, 1:54am  

The upcoming presidential election is about pandering to "hispanics". So just to be safe they'll try to not offend any single person out there.

Hillary is going to campaign on a feminist platform of electing women. While both parties are going to try to cater to hispanics. Watch the dog and pony show.

43   Dan8267   2013 Apr 14, 10:34am  

socal2 says

People who put Bush and Hitler in the same sentence as some sort of moral equivalence should never be given sharp utensils or be allowed to drive cars.

Seems like the exact same kind of dehumanization to me. Exactly what is the difference?

44   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 14, 1:34pm  

FortWayne says

The upcoming presidential election is about pandering to "hispanics".

you mean Mexican citizens who are still the responsibility of the Mexican Govt.

45   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 14, 1:40pm  

Dan8267 says

Seems like the exact same kind of dehumanization to me. Exactly what is the difference?

the terrorist captured are far worst than anyone of Hitlers cronies. extracting information to capture other members of their organization and leadership was
worth it. these terrorist have no humanity as they were killing men women and children... they are no different than Pol Pot Hitler, Stalin and others that have been stopped. Good let them bleed... let all their victims take vengeance.

the world is a better place today....

46   Dan8267   2013 Apr 14, 1:51pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Good let them bleed... let all their victims take vengeance.

the world is a better place today....

Damn, that sounds exactly what Hitler said about the Jews.

I suppose it doesn't matter to you that the vast majority of those who suffered in Gitmo and other gulags were innocent.

thomaswong.1986 says

these terrorist have no humanity as they were killing men women and children.

And now that America has done exactly the same, do we have no humanity?

Seems like the exact same kind of unrestrained blood-lust and dehumanization of the enemy. Thank you for proving my point.

47   Y   2013 Apr 14, 1:51pm  

So Hillary was an afterthought in all of that..
Spoken like a true misogynist...

Dan8267 says

No person was ever harmed by Bill Clinton getting a blow job from that fat whore Lewinsky

48   Dan8267   2013 Apr 14, 2:03pm  

SoftShell says

So Hillary was an afterthought in all of that..

Spoken like a true misogynist...

What a laugh. Like you have anything but the greatest animosity towards Hilary Clinton. Hey, how about you vote for her when she runs in 2016.

Oh, and Hilary's political career was helped by the whole Lewinsky scandal. She came out looking like a sympathetic and in control person. Notice that her career has skyrocketed since.

49   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 14, 2:36pm  

Dan8267 says

I suppose it doesn't matter to you that the vast majority of those who suffered in Gitmo and other gulags were innocent.

"vast majority" and that would be by "your standards" i guess.

50   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 14, 2:38pm  

Dan8267 says

And now that America has done exactly the same, do we have no humanity?

Seems like the exact same kind of unrestrained blood-lust and dehumanization of the enemy. Thank you for proving my point.

you mean your rooting for the other guys.. no doubt you see them as some heroes.

nope.. no surprise coming from Dan on that one...

51   Dan8267   2013 Apr 14, 2:43pm  

I'm rooting for humanity and rationality. I suppose those principles would be the enemy to someone like you who maintains a Stone Age tribal mentality. Such narrow-minded thinking is the greatest threat to the continuation of our species in modern times. There's only one tribe on this planet: humanity.

52   thomaswong.1986   2013 Apr 14, 2:56pm  

Dan8267 says

I'm rooting for humanity and rationality. I suppose those principles would be the enemy to someone like you who maintains a Stone Age tribal mentality. Such narrow-minded thinking is the greatest threat to the continuation of our species in modern times. There's only one tribe on this planet: humanity.

where was your so called "humanity and rationality" when George Zimmerman shot Trevor Martin in self defense.. all you showed how narrow minded you were attacking Zimmerman from day 1.

you were here on PNET posting lies if not spreading lies, calling the whole incident racist... calling Zimmerman a murder, stalker, liar, white racist and many other things.

And a month later photos were released and evidence of attack was provided to the public.

Like so many things.. you have been wrong time and time again...Oh you just couldnt help yourself! Check with the North Koreans.. they might have a job for you !

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