The Uglyiness of the Left

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2013 Apr 2, 10:29am   28,476 views  219 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

As ugly and despicable as the right is, it does not have a monopoly on ugliness. Recently, a successful female Princeton graduate, Susan Patton -- one of the first women to attend Princeton, by the way -- recently wrote a short, honest letter in which she advocated that Princeton women follow a long-term dating strategy in college rather than a short-term stating strategy. Patton argues that college is the best time for women to secure a husband and that who a woman marries will be instrumental in her happiness.

Of course, everything Patton said is undeniably true. College is the time in which both men and women have access to the greatest pool of eligible mates with similar interests and life situations, with the freedom to live anywhere, and the least emotional, financial, and physical baggage.

It is also indisputably true that mate selection is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision a man or woman will ever, ever make in his or her life. A happy marriage makes for a far better life than a miserable one. And as indicated the sheer ferociousness of the mating market, competition for high quality mates is extremely high for both straight men and women. (I would think that such competition would also be extremely high in homosexual and bisexual mating markets, but I'll leave that for another thread.) Not that being single can't be great, but even then, your family is an essential part of your life. If you do get married, that doesn't become less true.

So, Susan Patton advices that women at Princeton consider shifting from "playing the field" (short-term strategy) to "looking for a husband" (long-term strategy). Now, one can argue whether or not Patton is correct. There are many trade-offs in life including marrying young when your options are vast or waiting until your older and your options are limited to what's left over or in the secondary market. There are various pros and cons, and I'm sure this thread will spawn a discussion on those pros and cons and well as the nature of Patton's advice.

However, before we get to that, I would like to point out the utterly unacceptable behavior of the far left which seeks to silence the very discussion of this topic by making personal attacks on Patton and by making dumb Straw Man arguments including the false dichotomy that either a woman of college age must be completely disinterested in husband selection or she is forever doomed to live in the 1950s.

Such arguments and attacks show an irrational opposition to even listening to a discussion that creates a bubble around the left that is essentially the same as the bubble the right lives in. No facts, no ideas, no truth can get inside that bubble. And those living in the bubble must preserve the integrity of that bubble, no matter what the cost.

The letter Susan Patton wrote to The Daily Princetonian

By the way, doesn't Princetonian remind you of Praetorian? Or is that just me?

CNN Video: A nasty leftist attacks Patton

ABC News Video: Reactions to Patton's Letter

OK, have at it...

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34   varmint   2013 Apr 3, 4:54am  

I agree with the author that you are exposed to the highest number of quality mates while in college. This is especially true if you're a man going engineering or tech. However, it depends on the individual's maturity level as to whether they are ready for identifying their wife/husband.

Aside from that she is pretty insufferable. That you went to Princeton doesn't mean you are the smartest person on the planet. It means you came from money and got good grades in high school. Get over yourself and your bratty kids.

35   finehoe   2013 Apr 3, 6:48am  

The Original Bankster says

south american girls are nice.

so are slavic/russian girls if you prefer a lighter skinned physical type.

Where can I find a big-dicked man?

36   curious2   2013 Apr 3, 7:01am  

LOL - I avoided commenting on this thread because it seemed such a silly non-story, but the fact is the advice is merely inapplicable to most undergraduates. I love how she uses the phrase, "Yes, I went there." Ooh, she's sassy, circa 10 years ago. If her advice were so good, why would she limit it to the women? And why is she telling the young lesbians to find a husband? Does she think nobody else ever told them that before? Young women and men have their own plans for their futures, and for their own reasons. If you've been studying Chinese because you want to live and work in Hong Kong, and you are offered a job there, would you really want to be married to somebody whose only job offers turn out to be in New York? Undergraduates would be better advised to build their social networks, meet more people, make more friends (whether sexual or not), so that wherever they go after graduation they have a good chance of knowing people who can help them make their way.

But it would make a novel pick-up line. "Hi, I'm a radical dyke and after graduation I want to ride my Harley to Alaska and build a cabin, but right now we're both in New Jersey because our parents sent us to Princeton, will you be my husband?" I'll bet he hasn't heard that one before.

37   The Original Bankster   2013 Apr 3, 7:03am  

finehoe says

south american girls are nice.

so are slavic/russian girls if you prefer a lighter skinned physical type.

Where can I find a big-dicked man?


38   Dan8267   2013 Apr 3, 7:28am  

@Patrick, can you just nuke KarlRoveIsScum. I'm getting tired of deleting troll posts like this one. I can tolerate moderate trolling, but there comes a point when a troll is just disrupting all conversations.

KarlRoveIsScum says

Go fuck yourself Dan

Tea Party Lunatic.

KarlRoveIsScum says

racist fuck, go fuck yourself you asshole.

KarlRoveIsScum says

Tea Party lunatic go fuck yourself Dan

Read your own pathetic Tea Party posts all 7000+ of them

Fucking shit head.

39   CL   2013 Apr 3, 7:59am  

errc says

I prefer to see them naked

You will some day!

finehoe says

Where can I find a big-dicked man?

We are often taken off the market early.

40   FortWayne   2013 Apr 3, 8:00am  

I put Karl on ignore long ago. That boy has some anger issues, and no discipline at all.

41   leo707   2013 Apr 3, 8:14am  

She should be advising people (yes curious2, I agree the advice should be for men also) to be more selective in picking their fuck-buddies. People who treat them with respect, are decent human-beings, reasonably intelligent, generous lovers, etc. You know, people who they might want to get married to.

For many reasons one might not find their mate in college, but while they are practicing fucking they should also be learning what it is like to be in a healthy relationship.

42   The Original Bankster   2013 Apr 4, 12:52am  

errc says

I prefer to see them naked

hey im not suggesting they wear a burkha or something, but dressing like Lada Gaga for class certainly speaks volumes about why they are there.

43   zzyzzx   2013 Apr 4, 1:33am  

The Original Bankster says

Just look at how women dress these days in college.

Pics please!

44   The Original Bankster   2013 Apr 4, 1:35am  

zzyzzx says

The Original Bankster says

Just look at how women dress these days in college.

Pics please!

its hilarious until there is a massive student loan default and you realize were paying for Spring Break in Daytona.

45   FortWayne   2013 Apr 4, 2:26am  

I think the moral of the story is that "far left" has their share of nuts too. And these nuts are in charge now.

46   The Original Bankster   2013 Apr 4, 3:10am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

FortHood says

I think the moral of the story is that "far left" has their share of nuts too. And these nuts are in charge now.

Which nuts?


If North Dakota’s Republican-controlled legislature prevails, these parishioners will have to find some other way to spend their next Good Friday. On Tuesday, Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed into law three of the most restrictive abortion bills in the nation. A fourth, an amendment to the North Dakota constitution that would grant legal “personhood” rights to embryos from the moment of fertilization, will be decided by the state’s voters in the fall.

hold on are you trying to portray these things as crazy or something?

dude youre the crazy one.

47   The Original Bankster   2013 Apr 4, 4:43am  

KarlRoveIsScum says

Really, banning abortions even in cases of Genetic Abnormalities is not the governments JOB! or DECISION!

oh please, how many times have we heard this sort of excuse.

pro-choice is about pro-fuck who you want without consequences. There are plenty of countries that have regulated abortions and allow for such cases.

please crawl back into your government funded hole.

48   Dan8267   2013 Apr 4, 6:09am  

FortWayne says

I think the moral of the story is that "far left" has their share of nuts too.

Yes, that was the intent of the original post, and Karl demonstrates this point clearly with every post he makes. Notice how abortion had nothing to do with this thread and no one mentioned it until Karl.

49   socal2   2013 Apr 4, 6:43am  

Speaking of the ugliness of the Left and academia.

Why do colleges always employ left wing murderers and terrorists? Here is the latest example of the moral and intellectual rot at some of our universities.


50   Dan8267   2013 Apr 4, 7:14am  

socal2 says

Why do colleges always employ left wing murderers and terrorists?

Same reason government always employ right wing murderers and terrorists. The word "terrorist" is just a marketing term. By the USA Patriot Act, all our founding fathers were terrorists. That's right. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin were all terrorists according to the good old USA Patriot Act.

The common sense definition of terrorism would be anyone who attempts to instill terror in others. By that definition, the US military would be a terrorist organization. Perhaps we should just stop using the dumb and non-useful word "terrorist".

51   socal2   2013 Apr 4, 7:23am  

This woman was involved in the killing of 2 cops, 1 security guard and blowing up several government buildings.

There is absolutely no doubt about her guilt.

But in Dan's bizarro world-view (along with the moon-bats running Columbia) she is the equivalent of George Washington and should be able to teach our children!

FFS - if murder doesn't disqualify a person from teaching at our left-wing indoctrination factories, what the hell would? Being a Republican?

52   Shaman   2013 Apr 4, 8:05am  

To all those who are saying education is worthless for women who are destined to become wives and mothers: just wait! When the kids go to school and she's sitting at home either getting fat and unsatisfied, or waiting for Sancho to come over and motor her boat, you'll realize that your woman needs a damn job. If she's got education, she can get going again, contribute, and feel like a whole person. If she's got all the qualifications for a career at McDonald's, you're in for a world of hurt when she runs off with the hot pool guy and files for lifetime alimony.
My wife has two masters degrees, her own business, and is the mother of three children. She's also hot as hell and I'm proud of her. She can make money, as much as she has time to do so.

53   Dan8267   2013 Apr 4, 8:15am  

socal2 says

This woman was involved in the killing of 2 cops, 1 security guard and blowing up several government buildings.

There is absolutely no doubt about her guilt.

But in Dan's bizarro world-view (along with the moon-bats running Columbia) she is the equivalent of George Washington and should be able to teach our children!

Actually, you entirely missed the point of my post, as usual. I was responding to your general point that colleges are "always" hiring terrorists, which is clearly hyperbole.

I was also proposing that the word terrorist itself is not useful. I never said that specific example would not meet the USA Patriot Act's definition of terrorist or the common sense one, just that the word is used to label anyone you want judged badly by the public.

I certainly did not make the case that the example given was identical to our founding fathers. I made the case that the legal definitions of terrorism are ridiculous as they would include our founding fathers.

So other than completely misinterpreting everything I wrote, you're 100% correct.

54   leo707   2013 Apr 4, 8:23am  

Dan8267 says

Actually, you entirely missed the point of my post, as usual. I was responding to your general point that colleges are "always" hiring terrorists, which is clearly hyperbole.

Wait, are you telling me that I should not assume that republican activists are not always rapists?

...or that Republican Senators are not always cruising public bathrooms for gay sex?

55   socal2   2013 Apr 4, 8:48am  

Dan8267 says

Actually, you entirely missed the point of my post, as usual. I was responding
to your general point that colleges are "always" hiring terrorists, which is
clearly hyperbole.

How about this?

Left wing colleges "always" employ left wing terrorists before employing an open conservative?

Just off the top of my head, I can think of Bernardine Dorn, and Bill Ayers.

How are the terrorists from the Weather Underground any different than the terrorists like Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols? Both groups killed innocent people and blew up government buildings to further their politic goals.

Can you IMAGINE any college hiring someone like McVeigh after he served time in jail (if he was still alive)?

Of course not.

56   Dan8267   2013 Apr 4, 9:23am  

socal2 says

How about this?

Left wing colleges "always" employ left wing terrorists before employing an open conservative?

If you can prove it, I'll accept it. Of course, you have to give a very specific criteria of what constitutes a college being "left-wing" so that I can enumerate all colleges in the United States partitioning them into left-wing and non-left-wing subsets.

It would be a meaningless statement if you gave an explicit list of "left-wing colleges" and then reached a conclusion about "left-wing colleges". That's why I would have to do the partitioning based on a predicate you supply. Oh shit, I might be getting too technical for a non-developer.

57   curious2   2013 Apr 4, 9:43am  

socal2 says

How are the terrorists from the Weather Underground any different than the terrorists like Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols? Both groups killed innocent people and blew up government buildings to further their politic goals.

Weather Underground went out of their way not to kill anyone, and they didn't kill anyone, although three of their own died accidentally. They were trying to stop an undeclared war that had killed more than a million people, and when the war ended, they disbanded. Today, Weather Underground is a brand name for a weather forecasting site recently bought by the Weather Channel.

The other guys you mentioned set out to kill as many people as possible, and killed more than 100, including children in a day care center.

Whoever told you they were the same, is someone you should not trust.

58   Dan8267   2013 Apr 4, 10:08am  

Some people call Timothy McVeigh a terrorist, and others call him a hero. Some people call the IRA terrorists, and others call them freedom fighters. The Nazis called the French Resistance during WWII terrorists, and by any state definition of the term, the Nazis were correct. I still don't give much weight to the word "terrorist". Talk specifics about what people do rather than throwing about politically charged labels if you want to have a productive conversation.

59   Dan8267   2013 Apr 4, 10:17am  

OK, now I have to read about The Weather Underground. It always comes back to hippies and the 60's, doesn't it?

Initially formed as a splinter group which believed that peaceful protests were ineffective, the Weathermen were widely criticized for their use of violence as a means of social and political change.


Wait, isn't this exactly what the founding fathers did? They used violence as a means of social and political change precisely because peaceful protests were ineffective. Hell, it's call The American Revolution, not The American Protest.

And isn't using violence to battle suppression exactly what every pro-gun person has shouted at me is the reason we need the Second Amendment and no more gun control laws? Yes, they've been pretty vocal about that during the past three months since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Now, I'm not saying whether the Weather Underground were good or evil, neither or both. I'm just saying that when the right wants something, violence seems to be their go-to tool, but when the left uses violence to get something, it's terrorism by definition according to the right.

And by the way, I'm a bit miffed that I have to point out the hypocrisies of the right in a thread I originally opened to point out the ugliness of the left. I prefer to chastise one side at a time.

60   curious2   2013 Apr 4, 11:28am  

Dan8267 says

I have to point out the hypocrisies of the right in a thread I originally opened to point out the ugliness of the left. I prefer to chastise one side at a time.

90% of the population are tribal, it's an instinct. It's one of the things I've been learning about since the 2012 election. There was a huge campaign, billions of dollars spent, most voters saying they didn't approve of how things were going, and yet in the end the voters re-elected the same three people, from the same two parties, to run the government. Independent parties had been extraordinarily optimistic: the Green party expected the Occupy movement to result in at least a surge, the Libertarians thought the Tea Party might vote Libertarian, but no. Human nature seems to have an inherent bias towards hating the "other" tribe. It's very difficult to bring people into your tribe, to persuade them that your ideas are good, but it's much easier to persuade them the other side is worse. And the worse things get, the more fear and loathing people feel towards the other side. It creates less cognitive dissonance to say, "this is all somebody else's fault," because inside we want to believe that we and our tribe are good people. So the worse things get, the worse the other side must be, because of course it must be their fault.

61   Entitlemented   2013 Apr 4, 11:37am  

Perhaps if we cannot outsource our way to prosperity;If we cannot bubble our way to prosperity;
If we cannot print our way to prosperity;
If we cant socialize our way to prosperity.;
If we cant tax our way to prosperity;

We can shout and blame others, and vote ourselve portions of the public trust, by placing those involved with governement spending in control at all levels.

Montesquieu is as relevant now as before.

62   Dan8267   2013 Apr 6, 11:07am  

curious2 says

Independent parties had been extraordinarily optimistic: the Green party expected the Occupy movement to result in at least a surge, the Libertarians thought the Tea Party might vote Libertarian, but no. Human nature seems to have an inherent bias towards hating the "other" tribe.

Third parties don't win under our election system because of Wolf's Dilemma.

63   curious2   2013 Apr 6, 11:34am  

Dan8267 says

Wolf's Dilemma.

I hadn't seen that phrase before, but it seems to be a variation of the classic prisoners' dilemma. As we seem to be prisoners trapped by ravenous wolves, I am unsure which name to prefer.

Anyway, this thread has yet to mention the two worst things that I associated with the left, and both reflect the coercive false generosity that has come to substitute for true liberalism. The first is the Viet Nam draft, which began during the Johnson administration; "conservatives" then continued the draft and the war, running up huge debts, and Nixon took the USD off the gold standard in order to finance an illegal war that ultimately killed more than a million people. JFK had been scaling back America's involvement in Viet Nam, and looking to end that, but Johnson chose to escalate, and I sometimes wonder if Johnson's reason was to increase his power over the legislature, as in "we're going to be spending a lot of money on this here war, and if you vote my way on Medicaid we'll get you some procurement contracts for your district." I can't know another's mind, and I can't prove that was the motive, but I do wonder. The other ugliest thing is Obamacare, where the entire population has now been sold to the highest bidders among the medical industrial complex: if you are breathing, you must pay them, and submit to their revenue-maximizing insurance contracts, in the false hope that strangers will set aside their own self-interest for you at the time when you are most vulnerable and least able to fight with them. In both instances, the generous and well-meaning "do gooder" instincts of people who call themselves liberal were manipulated, and they were fooled into supporting tragically illiberal policies.

64   Dan8267   2013 Apr 6, 4:57pm  

curious2 says

I hadn't seen that phrase before, but it seems to be a variation of the classic prisoners' dilemma. As we seem to be prisoners trapped by ravenous wolves, I am unsure which name to prefer.

Wolf's Dilemma (WD) is a bit more insidious than Prisoner's Dilemma (PD). In PD, the only rational choice is to defect. In WD, it's a bit more complicated.

First, to recap what WD is. Image you are alone seated in a room with a table. On the table is a button. You can either choose to press the button or not press it. You are given five minutes to make this choice.

You know, and can be sure of no deception, that there are nine other rooms just like the one you are in. And in each of those rooms is another person and another button. And each person is making the same decision you are with the same consequences.

Those consequences are... If no one presses their button, every person gets $1 million. If one or more person presses their button, every person go presses the button gets $100,000 and every person who did not press the button gets $0.

Now in PD, there was an incentive to defect. In WD, there is no incentive to defect as defectors get only a tenth of the money they would have gotten if everyone cooperated. So most people would conclude that the rational choice is to cooperate and that only a fool would defect.

However, as intelligent people know, there are fools in the world and there's a good chance that one of the other people is a fool. It's much better to get $100k than nothing, so intelligent people will push the buttons as would the fools.

Very intelligent people realize that in addition to there being fools in the world, there are also intelligent people in the world who would have figured out that pressing the button is a safe bet. Even if, by chance, there were no fools in the other rooms, there's a good chance that there are intelligent people in the other rooms who will press the button. Furthermore, very intelligent people realize that other very intelligent people will also reach this conclusion making it almost inevitable that someone will press the button. Therefore, very intelligent people will conclude that the only rational choice is to press the button.

The power of this argument and the likelihood that any person will press the button increases as the number of players increases. After a certain point, even average and dumb people realize that they better press the button because there is no chance that no one will.

Wolf's Dilemma is exactly the reason why few people vote for third party candidates. They call it throwing the vote away because they know that few other people will vote for third party candidates and thus allow the major party they dislike get into office. Even if the vast majority of people want a particular third party to win, those masses will press the button to prevent the worse major party from winning.

Of course, there are many solutions to Wolf's Dilemma. One that applies to presidential (win-all) elections is Instant Runoff Voting. One that applies to Congressional elections (partial-wins) is Representational Voting. Of course, the last thing either major party would want is a solution to Wolf's Dilemma, or as they like to call it, job security.

65   curious2   2013 Apr 6, 6:24pm  

Dan8267 says

Of course, the last thing either major party would want is a solution to Wolf's Dilemma, or as they like to call it, job security.

Thanks Dan for explaining that. I hadn't read that version before.

I offer for your consideration a new dilemma, the Obamacare dilemma. You are alone in a cubicle, working for an insurance company, with photos of your kids who all want toys for Christmas. Your phone is ringing. You know at the other end of the line is an ICU nurse whose intubated patient paid all he could afford for your company's "affordable" insurance policy, and now has no savings. The hospital stabilized him as per EMTALA, but his prognosis depends on additional expensive services that the hospital won't provide without insurance approval. If you approve, your company will incur a substantial "medical loss", and your bonus will be reduced. If you decline, your bonus will increase and you might get promoted to manager. You are in a cube farm literally surrounded by colleagues who are your competitors for promotions, vacation scheduling, and the bonus pool, and all facing the same choice as you are. You know that your boss, i.e. the person who decides your bonus and whether you can take vacation at Christmas, got promoted over you because he made the right choice and minimized his medical loss ratio. Do you answer the phone, or do you take your break and let the call go to voicemail?

In what I will call the Aetna variation, you also know that your voicemail box is already full, and the call will be disconnected. Any further calls will also be routed to your voicemail and disconnected, until the busy ICU nurse moves on to another patient with a different insurance company. I cannot claim sole credit for this variation, it is based on conversations with ICU and Aetna personnel.

Enjoy your Obamacare, perhaps the ultimate example of ugliness from the left.

66   Buster   2013 Apr 6, 6:54pm  

Admittedly, I did not follow the story of the Princeton graduate who advocated for a long term dating strategy. Simply stated, it sounds reasonable to me, as do most strategies if well thought out and are in the best interests of the beholder. But just a short comment on the 'far left' stab here.

Exactly who is the 'far left' in America? Actually, there is virtually zero far left, left. The entire political spectrum has moved so far to the right that even objective measures have tricky dick Nixon being on the same level as Obama who is now considered far left.

I am actually quite conservative, but my views by most are considered far left now a days.

As an example; I moved to Canada in 2005. As stated, my political views place me in the Far Left category in the USA. WIthout changing a single position on ANYTHING, I soon realized that in Canada I was squarely in the Center Right. Amazing.

So I would suggest that the old conservative/liberal labels no longer have any real meaning and certainly have no relationship to what the definition was even 30 years ago. The far right is now so radical and off the rails that it is anything but conservative. The far left liberal, Obama, is now tricky dick centrist right. Hell, to prove my point he has suggested axing Social Security and Medicare for one very recent example.

So perhaps the entire premise of this original discussion is flawed. Left vs Right on this topic. The discussion perhaps is useful, but the labels of the participants are not.

67   humanity   2013 Apr 8, 1:08am  

Dan8267 says

As ugly and despicable as the right is, it does not have a monopoly on ugliness.

This isn't about right versus left, and Donna Brazille s just one person voicing an opinion.

I guarantee that there are plenty republican feminist oriented women that would agree with Brazille. But it's also true that Brazille is over reacting, and maybe not fully getting the point.

I think Patton's thesis is in part a sad commentary on our economy. But I think it's also a case of "the grass is always greener."

And speaking of ugly, I don't know whether I'd go so far as to call it ugly, but looking back to ones youth and thinking about what one could have or should have done, is kind of unattractive.

68   FortWayne   2013 Apr 8, 1:47am  

Left is so out of hand now they are attacking the president for complimenting Camela Harris.

These people are just nuts, and Democratic party is going to fail because they let these nuts infiltrate them and run them over.

69   mell   2013 Apr 8, 1:50am  

FortWayne says

Left is so out of hand now they are attacking the president for complimenting Camela Harris.

These people are just nuts, and Democratic party is going to fail because they let these nuts infiltrate them and run them over.

This one I agree with, the scourge of the 21st century called political correctness almost claimed one of their own ;) Utterly comical and really sad at the same time ;)

70   socal2   2013 Apr 8, 8:49am  

Dan8267 says

Some people call Timothy McVeigh a terrorist and others call him a hero.

No one calls Timothy McVeigh a hero.

71   upisdown   2013 Apr 8, 9:08am  

socal2 says

No one calls Timothy McVeigh a hero.

Not now. But that f**k gets sympathy from the extremists on the right just like the wacko in Waco.

72   socal2   2013 Apr 8, 12:20pm  

upisdown says

Not now. But that f**k gets sympathy from the extremists on the right just like the wacko in Waco.

Let me know when those guys are getting teaching gigs at our Ivy League universities.

Face it, political violence on the Left is accepted and even applauded at many of our elite universities.

73   upisdown   2013 Apr 9, 12:36am  

socal2 says

Let me know when those guys are getting teaching gigs at our Ivy League

Face it, political violence on the Left is accepted and even applauded at
many of our elite universities.

Yea, that's some effective form of violence, a teaching gig, which is more than likely BS like every other mythical story passed among the dipshits on the right. But the extremists of the right making a martyr of Koresh and the Waco BS is somehow a noble thing is as sickening as it is moronic.

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