What's wrong with Education in America?

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2013 Jun 13, 12:18am   10,872 views  71 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Is NYU a Liberal school? I don't get it, if the guy is a self taught lawyer, then what in the hell does he need those useless nutsacks at NYU for?


This I don't get, when my Daughter graduated a few weeks ago, her sister made a joke to her on the way to the ceremony. "Are you going to throw your hat in the air?" She said, no I was told that if you toss the cap, then they will keep your diploma. and you wont graduate.
I said "they can't do that!" She told me, that they were told this over and over again in the past weeks.

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12   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 2:01am  

I could post these all day...

Last week a kid ate a pop tart into the shape of a handgun, now it's going to be a "Violence" mark on his permanent record.

13   edvard2   2013 Jun 13, 2:02am  

So as mentioned yesterday, if we're talking about the NSA deal, to me there is a sort of slippery slope here. On one hand I'm not thrilled about knowing what might be going on in terms of who is looking at what when I am online. Then again- is this really at all surprising? Especially given the scope and scale of the patriot act. As also mentioned yesterday, its not like this is something that was totally cooked up by the Obama administration. Its also not a stricly partisan thing either as there are supporters and detractors on both sides. And so I don't agree with trying to turn the NSA thing into a strictly partisan issue. The issue is more broad then that.

Secondly, the IRS and Tea Party groups. I do not support the targeting of any group. Period. But backing up the train for just a minute, I don't agree with what the IRS did in this case. So let's put that issue aside for the moment.

So you wonder why I am not a tea party supporter? The "tea party" was a manufactured astroturf organization. All you have to do is follow the money trail. The backers and originators of the Tea Party were either large umbrella organizations with numerous industrial lobbies, or private billionaires. The goal was and is to setup this so-called "grass roots" political movement as cover for its truer purpose -a mouthpiece of outside corporate interests wanting to influence American politics for their own cause.

So if you take a look at some of the things that gets thrown around by the tea party, its things like environmental regulation, healthcare, unions, corporate taxation, and so on. No surprise given that these are all things that serve to directly benefit its corporate underwriters. I think most Americans, and even those who claim to be tea party supporters are well-aware of this but yet fail to see what this implicates, which is basically that people who I have no doubt are passionate about what they believe are speaking on behalf of monied interests. I am totally against this sort of thing entirely. And yet this has been a growing trend. So whats really happening is that we are slowly being turned into a country controlled by corporatism. It has come full circle. Back 100 years ago the GOP was the party that brought trusts and monopolies like the Railroad, steel, and oil monopolies under control. Now it seems that the GOP has totally reversed itself.

14   edvard2   2013 Jun 13, 2:07am  

CaptainShuddup says

I have come to conclusion that people who live in the bay area are far out of touch from reality of the rest of the country. You guys live in a town where income and cost of living is in another league. You champion the poor, but I don't think any of you, have even seen a poor person out side of a hobo saturated with the smell of his own piss. Which I have seen many Rants on Craigslist where these homeless hobos are ripped apart for being piss smelling hobos riding on the BART.

FYI, I've lived all over the country. I grew up in the deep rural south. We did not have paved roads until I was 5. I was bussed to school for over an hour as there were so few kids in my area. Most in my family were very conservative. I busted my ass at very low paying jobs for years. I then moved to the East Coast and then the West Coast. So I have seen a lot of the country. So don't try and suggest that I am out of touch. A lot of people from where I am from have never left the town they were born in. A lot of those same people are also really conservative. I attribute that to not having any exposure to anything other than what exists in their small world. That's generally how things work. If you don't have any exposure to anything new then the result for many but not all is a suspicion of anything that is unfamiliar and unknown.

15   bob2356   2013 Jun 13, 2:09am  

CaptainShuddup says

I had at least 12 months of living expenses saved up in the bank when Obama came in office. Now I all it would take is me not working for one month to send my life into a destitute tailspin.

How did Obama steal 11 months of living expenses from your savings account? You bring BS to an art form.

16   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 2:12am  

edvard2 says

Especially given the scope and scale of the patriot act. As also mentioned yesterday, its not like this is something that was totally cooked up by the Obama administration. Its also not a stricly partisan thing either as there are supporters and detractors on both sides. And so I don't agree with trying to turn the NSA thing into a strictly partisan issue. The issue is more broad then that.

Agreed, but Obama is your dog so call him off. We'll deal with those bastards in the red ties after.

17   edvard2   2013 Jun 13, 2:22am  

What else do you expect Obama to do? He has gone out of his way to invite open debate about this very issue. If this were a situation where it was democrats being totally one way and the GOP the other then things would be different. That isn't the case here.

18   Vicente   2013 Jun 13, 2:40am  

CaptainShuddup says

fter the student delivered a speech that referenced God and the U.S. Constitution,

This is horseshit. He WENT OFF SPEECH. Schools frequently have a policy that if you deviate from your submitted speech they will cut your mike. You could start talking about God, or Satan, or how HOT the French teacher is, or your puppy and how cute they are. It doesn't matter, graduation is a controlled function where school and parents don't want any surprises, you are there to pickup a diploma and leave. It's been this way since a bunch of incidents in the 90's.

19   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 3:44am  

So that gives them reason to try to put the kibosh on the guys future?

20   dublin hillz   2013 Jun 13, 3:54am  

When I got my degree I flashed my graduation ring to the crowd. I don't think the dean liked it at all. In some ways the campuses are like the NFL, they don't like what they deem "excessive celebration." Everyone be acting like a wasp!!!

21   Vicente   2013 Jun 13, 4:50am  

CaptainShuddup says

Hiram Sasser, director of litigation with the Liberty Institute, said Joshua High School principal Mick Cochran threatened to write a letter to the U.S. Naval Academy disparaging the character of Remington Reimer.

Yeah, the director of the LIBERTY INSTITUTE, he was right there was he? Or do you think maybe he's relying on hearsay from a whiny student? Because kids never twist everything around so they are the victim right? This is nothing but smoke, versus the actual events which are publicly known and followed policy.

Same graduation ended with a prayer, this has squat to do with religion or speech it has a lot to do with a kid who can't FOLLOW SIMPLE RULES that were outlined beforehand. He may have a little problem with that in the Navy don't you think?

I'm sure there are tons of snot-noses who would like to get up on stage and SURPRISE everyone. Goat sacrifice? Mooning the crowd? Delivering a lecture on the virtues of atheism? Perhaps a Budd Dwyer? Spicoli could share his views on gay marriage, foreign wars, and marijuana legislation?

It is sad there are dimwits who think graduation ceremony is place for anything other than some forgettable speeches and a DIPLOMA, but they are always with us.

22   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 6:20am  

You mean stay on message and format.
At my daughter's graduation her HS principal gave a manufactured crappy half assed speech. I wanted to vomit over the balcony railing of my low brow swanky Operahouse balcony seat.

She gave a inspirational speech that had everything but inspiration. Telling the students to be community servants first in life then citizens second. Serve your community, city, town, state, country anywhere or anything. Join the military, run for office, get a city job, a government job. She went on and on for about 20 minutes emploring those students to be anything in life but productive citizens in society. Not one mention of being creative, productive, inventive, inspirational, job creators, builders, architects, industrialists, innovators, not one damn mention of anything but get a public job and live off the teet.

Then she finished if off with this little number...

"When you aim for the moon, if you miss. You might not end up on the moon, but it will put you somewhere among the Stagrgrgrgrs. "

Then a few days later, I saw a news clip of the Valedictorian of another school. He was being featured because he was shot in the head earlier this year. The segment ended with him quoting what his principal said at his graduation...

"When you aim for the moon, if you miss. You might not end up on the moon, but it will put you somewhere among the Stagrgrgrgrs. "

...See I used to think that was some Cold shit I would say before I pop a cap and gown on their ass, and sent him out into cold world.

It would have been more genuine had the Liberal Reeducation comity sent out this canned graduation speech for all of the principals in the public schools to lay on them instead...

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee. "

23   dublin hillz   2013 Jun 13, 7:39am  

Vicente says

graduation ceremony is place for anything other than some forgettable speeches
and a DIPLOMA, but they are always with us.

After the students busted their ass for 4+ years I don't think it's that big of a deal if they celebrate originally when walking on the stage, but yes it should not be indecent.

24   Vicente   2013 Jun 13, 8:10am  

CaptainShuddup says

You mean stay on message and format.

Yes that's what I mean.

Look I have friends who sit on the review committee for speakers at a university graduation. I was talking about this with them recently, and they allow any student to submit a speech, not just handpicked "top" students. However they go through the speeches and disapprove the ones that are not appropriate. One example given to me was a girl who wanted to give a speech about her dating adventures at the university and included shoutouts for Match.com. Another was a student who was very cynical and negative. Parents don't want to hear that shit at graduation, it's not appropriate. Parents are there to see their little Mr./Ms. Sunshine walk across the stage, get a diploma and take a few pictures. Ultimately the purpose of the graduation ceremony is to put a DONE stamp on the student and please the parents not the students. Everything else is to be generally positive or at least inoffensive. Shenanigans await at their own private parties I'm sure, why do we need that in public?

25   dublin hillz   2013 Jun 13, 8:38am  

Vicente says

Parents are there to see their little Mr./Ms. Sunshine walk across the stage,
get a diploma and take a few pictures

The reality will set in later that evening as the "sunshine" boomerangs back home!

26   New Renter   2013 Jun 13, 11:54am  

What's wrong with education in America?

Problem 1 - too much focus on recreation, not enough on school:

Problem 2 - rampant cheating:

Problem 3 -diminishing return on investment:

Problem 4 - lowering of standards:

(perceived) Problem 5 - picky employers
(STEM biased but likely translates to other fields as well)

27   marcus   2013 Jun 13, 12:37pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I have an aging Baby Boomer mother, who barely has enough money to live off from SS, and for the first time in over 20 years she's been SS is seeing not only her income benefits being cut, but her health coverage as well.

If she has been on SS 20 years, she is at least 17 years from being a baby boomer.

CaptainShuddup says

went back to Peru in 2010, because living conditions in America for an illegal alien under Obama was the hardest it's ever been. His quality of life is better back in Lima Peru in a shanty squalid town.

Of course the lack of good employment opportunities, and the depression are a direct result of Obama's policies.

Your arguments are just too damn compelling.

CaptainShuddup says

I had at least 12 months of living expenses saved up in the bank when Obama came in office. Now I all it would take is me not working for one month to send my life into a destitute tailspin.

This "it's all Obama's fault" is what's so transparent, and so old. MAybe you're the type of person that needs someone to blame. Someone to hate. It makes you feel better somehow. But from my perspective it makes you look like a simpleton.

Then again, the truth may be more complex and more disturbing than you can handle.

One thing that should be obvious to anyone with any sense at all. That is that this current economic situation (zero % interest rates, while unemployment stays high) is the result of trends and policies that have been in place for decades. The chickens have come home to roost on long standing policy blunders that all occurred before Obama.

As for NSA and IRS issues ? Even you have to understand that these are more distraction than anything. Great fodder for the ignorant haters though. Possibly preventing another outbreak of the occupy movement too.

28   marcus   2013 Jun 13, 11:30pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Not one mention of being creative, productive, inventive, inspirational, job creators, builders, architects, industrialists, innovators, not one damn mention of anything but get a public job and live off the teet.

Yeah, all that talk of service to others gets old really fast. And it's impossible for some to even comprehend what it's all about. Everyone knows that chasing after money is a far more rewarding path.

When they talk at those ceremonies about service to others and the community, everyone knows it's absolutely impossible to do that while being say an innovator, or productive. For example what did those google guys ever do for anyone ?

29   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 11:34pm  

Vicente says

Parents are there to see their little Mr./Ms. Sunshine walk across the stage, get a diploma and take a few pictures. Ultimately the purpose of the graduation ceremony is to put a DONE stamp on the student and please the parents not the students. Everything else is to be generally positive or at least inoffensive. Shenanigans await at their own private parties I'm sure, why do we need that in public?

Oh but the parents wooping and hollering, "Yo AJ!" "Whooooo Ray Ray! hey Ray Ray!" is just fine? They should walk into the audience and usher them outside chastising them in a condescending tone the whole damn way. If there was ever a purpose for God making people condescending sniveling cranky ass munches, it's for that reason.

30   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 11:36pm  

marcus says

If she has been on SS 20 years, she is at least 17 years from being a baby boomer.

I like how you guys THINK you have everything figured out.
She was a stay at home Mom who married a man 18 years older than her.

31   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 13, 11:38pm  

marcus says

As for NSA and IRS issues ? Even you have to understand that these are more distraction than anything. Great fodder for the ignorant haters though. Possibly preventing another outbreak of the occupy movement too.

But of course!

Sit down Jr. I'll bitch about Obama's mishandling of Democracy FOR YOU.
You can thank us later, you ungrateful little prick.

32   marcus   2013 Jun 14, 12:05am  

Okay, but first tune in to Fox to get all your talking points, okay ? And always remember everything in the government and in your life that you don't like, all started in 2009 and is the fault of Obama. (fricking dimbulb)

33   marcus   2013 Jun 14, 12:13am  

CaptainShuddup says

I like how you guys THINK you have everything figured out.

Observing that what you say doesn't make any sense is a far cry from having everything figured out.

So the SS benefits she receives now (at perhaps 65) don't go as far as they did when she was 45. Okay. I don't suppose there are AAAANNYYY other factors that have changed relating to work, spouse, finances ? Everything else was constant, so it's easy to see how much worse the SS benefits are for her now than then ?

Oh yeah and let's not forget. It's Obama's fault.

34   marcus   2013 Jun 14, 12:25am  

Actually, I would have to agree that OBama was too quick to put SS on the table and talking about using "chained CPI" (for increases) instead of the CPI. SO I don't blame you for being pissed about that one. But I don't believe there have been actual cuts to SS.. That chained CPi will make a difference only over the long term.

But as the boomers age, and become an even more important voting block, I'm sure this will be offset by other policies that are in their favor.

35   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 14, 12:29am  

marcus says

(fricking dimbulb)

You honestly think there's even filament in my bulb?

36   marcus   2013 Jun 14, 12:47am  

I don't get whether that's self deprecation, or more of a statement about how you think I see you.

You have your moments, but you could do yourself a favor by watching a little less Fox, and obsessing a little less about Obama. There's already going to be a big circus around anything and everything they can find to instigate.

Remember Clinton ? How many attempts were there to find something (with a special prosecutor no less) before they hit paydirt with blowjobs from an intern ?

As much as any dirt on Obama thrills you, you must be able to understand the mechanism behind it. And that a little careful consideration needs to be given to what is legit and what is just same old same old from the idiot assholes that hate him.

37   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jun 14, 12:51am  

marcus says

You have your moments, but you could do yourself a favor by watching a little less Fox, and obsessing a little less about Obama. There's already going to be a big circus around anything and everything they can find to instigate.

It's Alright everyone, Marcus is from the Government he's here to help. Pay no attention to the Red Circus.

The verbal lashings will continue until Obama's effectiveness improves.

38   Dan8267   2013 Jun 14, 1:11am  

New Renter says

Daddy's so glad he's paying $25,000/yr for this.

39   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 3:51am  

What's wrong w/ education? I say unions/administration, cheap $$, and the retarted notion that everyone should go to college.

- UNIONS/ADMINISTRATION... I read somewhere that in the past 10-15 years, college enrollments has gone up 26%. The admin/white collar administrator employed by these colleges/universities has gone up 76%... I'll find the link when I have time...

- CHEAP $$$.. Giving out a college loan (much like the housing bubble runup) to anyone w/ a heartbeat. 50+K in debt, BLAMMO, instantly, only to discover that johnny thinks reading and math is hard, moves back home w/ mommy while wearing that 50K of debt like an albatross.

- COLLEGE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE....It's a cultural flaw here in the US. Shit, Germany figured this out a loooong time ago, and has a separate dual-path system to educate its kids: white collar traditional education and blue collar/vocational training. No loss in dignity, and no loafer son living at home w/ 50K of debt.

Time to get back to work, or hit the books.

40   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 3:59am  

marcus says

Okay, but first tune in to Fox to get all your talking points, okay ? And always remember everything in the government and in your life that you don't like, all started in 2009 and is the fault of Obama. (fricking dimbulb)


I always hear this argument and laugh. I never liked bush either, but he was better than the alternative at the time....As a fiscal conservative he was a joke (CHIP, no child left behind, etc)... Obama took those bad fiscal traits and double/triple-downed. He bullied a shit-sandwich called Obamacare down our throats, and now even the Democrat congressmen and aids are gagging. The unions that now realize they are fucked are gagging. Obama-care architect Max Baucas is gagging (and retiring), while calling Obamacare a 'Train Wreck'....

Bush had flaws other than being a fiscal wus. Obama took that one flaw to a new hideous art-form.

41   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 5:38am  

Vicente says

What's wrong?


The sooner we get that shit repealed the better.

Vic, I think this is the first time that I actually agree with you. "No Child" like many laws, have good intentions w/ shitty results that nobody thought about. When Bush signed this into law, many conservatives were annoyed....

42   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 5:50am  

AverageBear says

What's wrong w/ education? I say unions/administration, cheap $$, and the retarted notion that everyone should go to college.

- UNIONS/ADMINISTRATION... I read somewhere that in the past 10-15 years, college enrollments has gone up 26%. The admin/white collar administrator employed by these colleges/universities has gone up 76%... I'll find the link when I have time...

OK.. I found the link(s).. Very discouraging info indeed......



......"Over the last 25 years, the universities’ enrollments have collectively grown by 26 percent, while the ranks of full-time administrators have risen 75 percent, not only at private universities but also at some public ones…

During the same 25-year period, tuition at four-year universities nationwide has increased an inflation-adjusted 85 percent, federal figures show......"

....."In all, Massachusetts’ 116 universities and colleges have collectively added almost 51,000 employees in the last 25 years, or eight per working day.

Universities have gone from one full-time employee for every five students during this period to one for every four, and the number of administrators from one for every 47 students to one for every 35, the data show.

“In no other industry would overhead costs be allowed to grow at this rate — executives would lose their jobs,” analysts at the Boston-based financial management firm Bain & Company wrote, in a July white paper, of administrative spending in higher education......"

43   edvard2   2013 Jun 14, 7:19am  

I come from a long line of public school teachers. I'm actually one of the few in my family who didn't become one myself. So I have some wide-ranging and up close observations concerning education in the US in general.

The simple truth is that it isn't about Unions, students per classroom, no child left behind, or any of the other political talking points people bring up continuously. Want to know what it boils down to? Money.

We in the US spend comparatively less per student than most other developed Western countries. This is because in so many cases the funds, taxes, and other finances attached and meant for education get re-purposed for other uses totally unrelated to education.

So the first manner of business to fix this is to take a look at these funds and press the "reset" button. That would probably solve a lot of the problems then and there without having to raise additional funds. But if not, then other means to increase spending on education should be considered.

Now- there is a catch-22 with spending on education. Everyone says they want good schools, yet time and again I've seen situations where a new tax or a new allocation for schools was proposed and then nothing happens because there is a public outcry over that additional cost. Here's the irony: WHAT is the very first thing that any family with children ask when they start looking to buy a house?

" How good are the schools here?". And as we've all seen, the areas with the better schools get higher prices for the houses surrounding that school(s). So perhaps while increasing the spend on schools sounds unpleasant to some, the outcome would cause a positive domino effect in the communities that supported such a measure: More money for schools means more means to improve, and with improvements comes higher home prices, more workers hired as a result to take care of or service those homes, teachers making better incomes to in turn buy in their communities, and so on. A good school can become a financial anchor in any community.

At the end of the day, if we continue to spend less and less on schools then the kids in those schools will become less and less able to get the skills they will need later to support a future economy. Sounds like a cliche' but true.

44   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 11:02am  

sbh says

You're still misquoting him. It's the "implementation" (which the Republicans are sabotaging) which will be a trainwreck.

OK, so I'm misquoting. Regardless, do you get the warm and fuzzies when one of the architects of Obamacare mentions "Train Wreck and Obamacare" in the same sentence? The Rebublicans are sabotaging it, because they are trying to stop this, and know this legislature is pure, 100% shit. The unions who lined up in support of this, are screaming bloody murder. Democrats in Congress (and their aids) are openly wondering how they can escape this abortion of a law. Many are retiring just to escape these healthcare rules. ... And answer me this. Why do the supporters of Obamacare ignore CBO report, after CBO report that states Obamacare is gonna cost a shitload of money, estimates that keep rising and rising? eh? This tells me Obama and Pelosi told a ton of lies and twisted a ton of arms for this gigantic failure.

45   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 11:32am  

edvard2 says

I come from a long line of public school teachers. I'm actually one of the few in my family who didn't become one myself. So I have some wide-ranging and up close observations concerning education in the US in general.

The simple truth is that it isn't about Unions, students per classroom, no child left behind, or any of the other political talking points people bring up continuously. Want to know what it boils down to? Money.

Ed, no way. So do I. Many on both sides of my family (more on my Dad's side) were teachers in the NYC public school system. My Dad's biggest complaint was the unions. He was in the UFT, and yet did enjoy the benefits of membership during his retirement. He could have easily climbed the ranks into Superintendent and up, but he loved to teach, and did it for 40 years. His biggest gripe were the 'paper pushers' who really didn't have a clue on how to teach, what was really important; yet they wielded the most power in dictating to my Dad and others on how to teach. As the decades went by, these 'paper pushers' as a group grew in size, yet the school he taught in didn't get the attention in costs of infrastructure/sports/books/supplies. Plenty of money for the union 'paper pushers', but not for the kids. My Dad made decent $$ and wasn't a spendthrift. His Mom (my grandmother) was a teacher in the Bronx....... Another sad story...My aunt taught in a really crappy part of Queens (Bellrose?).... During the winter there wasn't enough $$ to heat the school (or fix it to hold the heat)... So my Aunt (the ballbuster that she was), told the kids to wear their winter jackets during class picture day; and specifically during the class picture itself. The principle had a shit fit. She told him to fuck off and fix the heat, or she was gonna take it up w/ the Daily News (the heat got fixed that week). Plenty of $$ for the fatcat UFT union assholes/paperpushers that live in Westchester county, CT, etc, but no $$ left to keep the kids warm in the winter so they can learn...... This is why I have a BIG problem w/ public unions.

46   AverageBear   2013 Jun 14, 11:42am  

edvard2 says

Now- there is a catch-22 with spending on education. Everyone says they want good schools, yet time and again I've seen situations where a new tax or a new allocation for schools was proposed and then nothing happens because there is a public outcry over that additional cost. Here's the irony: WHAT is the very first thing that any family with children ask when they start looking to buy a house?

Ed, I understand this, as my town recently went through this battle. I went to the town meetings on this, and asked for a line item breakdown of the funding of the town's education costs. I specifically wanted to know the increase in administration (both headcount, and a % of the budget) compared to the increase of the student population. They wouldn't give me these #'s. When I asked what % of the increased cost that prompted the vote to exempt prop 2 1/2, would go towards administration, they wouldn't give me those #'s either. In pleasant double-speak they asked me to shut up, as they had more important topics to cover.

47   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Jun 14, 12:53pm  

AverageBear says

WHAT is the very first thing that any family with children ask when they start looking to buy a house?

i thought that's code for "white only neighborhood" or do they really refer to the school?

48   New Renter   2013 Jun 15, 2:20am  

Mark D says

AverageBear says

WHAT is the very first thing that any family with children ask when they start looking to buy a house?

i thought that's code for "white only neighborhood" or do they really refer to the school?

Its not unless "white" includes rich Chinese and Indians now

49   MMR   2013 Jun 15, 3:00am  

Actually, Bellerose is middle-class, on the eastern edge of queens bordering Long Island. Bellerose village (LI) is upper middle-class and Bellerose Terrace(LI) is middle class as well. All of the Belleroses are majority white with significant Asian population, esp on the Long Island side. This has been the case for at least 20 years. Surrounding towns such as Floral Park, NY and New Hyde Park, NY are also middle class with significant Indian populations.

If middle to upper middle class, predominantly white neighborhoods can't be bothered to fix the heat in school, it doesn't say much positive about the teachers union in NYC.

AverageBear says

My aunt taught in a really crappy part of Queens (Bellrose?).... During the winter there wasn't enough $$ to heat the school (or fix it to hold the heat)

50   futuresmc   2013 Jun 15, 6:38am  

edvard2 says

Now- there is a catch-22 with spending on education. Everyone says they want good schools, yet time and again I've seen situations where a new tax or a new allocation for schools was proposed and then nothing happens because there is a public outcry over that additional cost. Here's the irony: WHAT is the very first thing that any family with children ask when they start looking to buy a house?

The reason this is a big problem is due to the way schools are primarily funded, namely through the local tax base. This virtually guarantees a substandard education for the children of the poor and working classes. If we funded education through state taxes instead of local taxes and required equal per pupil spending, we wouldn't have such discrepancies between the children in neighborhoods with high home values and those with low home values. It would also give us better data for when we look at state education programs as we'd have a better picture of whether or not a program's success or failure was representative of the state overall or just choice districts.

51   bob2356   2013 Jun 15, 6:56am  

futuresmc says

f we funded education through state taxes instead of local taxes and required equal per pupil spending,

You want to take away power from all the local school boards with all their petty local politics and egos? Good luck with that.

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