The Verdict In The George Zimmerman Case

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2013 Jul 14, 12:28am   36,184 views  201 comments

by ohomen171   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I felt sad when I saw the verdict in the George Zimmerman case. I shall speak now as one who attended law school but did not graduate. In almost any legal jurisdiction in the world, if someone shoots an unarmed person, even if that person is a policeman or soldier, the person doing the shooting is in serious trouble. A conviction for manslaughter often follows and one is sent away to jail for some time. I honestly felt that Zimmerman was guilty of terrible bad judgment and such a verdict was warranted.

I feel that the way Florida wrote its definition of self defense tied the hands of the jury and left them with no option but to find Zimmerman not guilty.

This is a sad case where everyone including the taxpayers of the state of Florida lost "big time."

My father had some words of wisdom that apply here as follows: "Son a gun will get you into more trouble than it will ever get you out of."

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12   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 14, 2:46pm  

Blurtman says

HydroCabron says

Blurtman says

Profiling and confronting are not crimes, so feel free to celebrate.

I apologize: I forgot to add "confront him while armed, kill him, ..." and so on.

(I hope I did not rain on anyone's racegasm.)

And Trayvon was punching Zimmerman in the face and bashing his head into the ground, on top of Zimmerman and preventing his escape. You kind of left that out, too.

Thats the only way one can arrive at the conclusion OP reached. Today alone, I changed the minds of FIVE people simply by showing them the pics of George Zimmerman with injuries and explaining that while he was a minor, Trayvon Martin was 6" taller than Zimmerman. None of the five was aware of either of those facts.

But yeah, lets not let facts and logic get in the way of things.

13   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 14, 2:48pm  

marcus says

Good thing there aren't any racists around here.

I want to say something snarky here...so I will.

You wouldn't know an internet troll if it bit you in the ass.

There was a guy on a site I've been on for years who constantly was calling people the N word, and consistently dropping out racist statements.

After about six years of posting back and forth I met the dude.

He was black.

14   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Jul 14, 3:36pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

After about six years of posting back and forth I met the dude.

why did you meet a racist? i guess you two had something in common?

15   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 14, 3:40pm  

Mark D says

dodgerfanjohn says

After about six years of posting back and forth I met the dude.

why did you meet a racist? i guess you two had something in common?

Obliviousness is your forte, correct?

16   Vicente   2013 Jul 14, 3:53pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

showing them the pics of George Zimmerman with injuries

Yeah great, did you show them pics of the skinny black kid on that day? Here ya go:


This dead kid doesn't LOOK like the sort you'd ordinarily expect to be on top of a wannabe cop who took Mixed Martial Arts training. But I guess you never know, Trayvon was probably high on Angel-Dust Skittles, makes 'em CRAZY strong and fearless.

17   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 14, 6:17pm  

ohomen171 says

I feel that the way Florida wrote its definition of self defense tied the hands of the jury and left them with no option but to find Zimmerman not guilty.

This is a sad case where everyone including the taxpayers of the state of Florida lost "big time."

My father had some words of wisdom that apply here as follows: "Son a gun will get you into more trouble than it will ever get you out of."

clearly you are wrong when you see all the cases where a homeowner was defending his home from criminals.

you will find 100s of example by searching ..

"Home owner shoots intruder or burglar."

18   marcus   2013 Jul 14, 8:11pm  

Blurtman says

And Trayvon was punching Zimmerman in the face and bashing his head into the ground, on top of Zimmerman and preventing his escape. You kind of left that out, too.

Appropriate since we have no idea how Zimmerman provoked this (other than the stalking part). But anyone who knows a lot about teenagers and their behavior relative to adults, knows that Zimmerman very likely provoked if not instigated the fight. Yeah, I know. His hands weren't scraped up. That doesn't mean that he didn't push him or threaten him, or maybe pull some aikido (or other martial arts moves) on him. We just don't know. But we do know GZ is a stupid asshole, who was trying to feel like a man in some extremely fucked up ways.

"these assholes always get away"

Wtf ? Zimmerman is the asshole. Off the charts piece of work, tracking down a kid, who does not even look like a ganbanger or thug. He looks like a kid, that's all, period. Albeit, a dead kid, in the picture. Just a kid trying to get home. Only a world class racist prick could see anything else.

But hey, keep convincing yourself that you aren't a racist just looking for a rationale as to why what it was okay for GZ to murder Trayvon.

19   marcus   2013 Jul 14, 8:13pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

But yeah, lets not let facts and logic get in the way of things.

That's so rich. As if you are using logic to reach your ignorance and or hate based conclusion.

20   Shaman   2013 Jul 15, 12:06am  

The only reason this even went to trial is because the media and Sharpton got involved and even the POTUS got involved in overturning the decision of the police department not to charge GZ. If it was a white kid who was tweaking and jumped GZ in the alley, this would never have made headlines.
Hell, in my town a year ago a woman came at a policeman with a knife, or at least was holding a knife, and they shot her multiple times until she was dead. Big strong police officers against a woman, and they were "afeared for their lives!" Nobody was charged in that either.
Point is, don't attack people, even with your fists and feet, or they have a right to a vigorous defense! How fucking hard is that to understand?
Trayvon wasn't defending himself. From the witness testimony, he was doing some ground and pound on GZ when whatever happened with the gun happened.
I'm sorry but sitting on someone's chest and beating the shit out of them is aggravated assault, as was mentioned above. You have a right to defend yourself, and GZ did too, regardless of his misguided wannabe cop actions.

21   Blurtman   2013 Jul 15, 12:24am  

marcus says

But anyone who knows a lot about teenagers and their behavior relative to
adults, knows that Zimmerman very likely provoked if not instigated the fight.
Yeah, I know. His hands weren't scraped up. That doesn't mean that he didn't
push him or threaten him, or maybe pull some aikido (or other martial arts
moves) on him. We just don't know

There is no proof of that. You are fabricating stories out of thin air. You are creating stories to fit your biases. Mind your thoughts and emotions.

22   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 12:49am  

Trayvon had the chance to go home and live. He had a 4 minute gap where he could have just walked home and ignored Zimmerman. Instead he chose to lash out and took his life into his own hands.

23   Dan8267   2013 Jul 15, 1:05am  

Goran_K says

Trayvon had the chance to go home and live. He had a 4 minute gap where he could have just walked home and ignored Zimmerman. Instead he chose to lash out and took his life into his own hands.

In other words, a terrified Martin decided to Stand His Ground. Ironic, huh?

The moment Zimmerman chased Martin, Zimmerman ceased being a potential defendant safe in his car and became a stalker. Zimmerman could have just waited for the police. Instead he chose to live out his vigilant fantasy and took an innocent person's life in his own hands.

24   Blurtman   2013 Jul 15, 1:08am  

This is a tragedy. There is no disputing that. But Florida law has prevailed whether you think it should have, or not. The real answer, and something Obama should have stated, is that violence begets violence. And that Trayvon made an unwise decision, obviously not imagining that it would lead to his death. And yes, if Zimmerman had not followed Trayvon, this would not have happened.

25   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 1:12am  

Dan8267 says

In other words, a terrified Martin decided to Stand His Ground. Ironic, huh?

Not sure why it's ironic. George Zimmerman never used the "Stand your ground" law to defend his actions, it was a self defense case, and he won his freedom on the basis of that alone.

26   Y   2013 Jul 15, 2:01am  

At the end of the day, what is this really about?
"These assholes always get away with it."

Without that statement, I doubt this case would have made national headlines. Just another senseless killing for whatever reason that can't be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

That statement infuriates the lefties, enough so that they are willing to discard the rule of law to punish GZ for uttering it.

The righties have the letter of the law stuck so far up their ass that anything that deviates from it, even if morally justified, is immediately pounced on like flies on shit.

In this country you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Absent convincing evidence, you have to let GZ walk. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other countries that presume you guilty until proven innnocent, that you can move to.

27   Y   2013 Jul 15, 2:04am  

This is a critical point overlooked by the lynch mob.

4 minutes to travel 40/50 yards. That gives insight into the kind of "innocent kid" TM really was.

Goran_K says

Trayvon had the chance to go home and live. He had a 4 minute gap where he could have just walked home and ignored Zimmerman. Instead he chose to lash out and took his life into his own hands.

28   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:08am  

SoftShell says

Without that statement, I doubt this case would have made national headlines. Just another senseless killing for whatever reason that can't be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

I agree. But even with that statement, GZ had context. It wasn't something he said out of the blue.

The neighborhood had been robbed numerous times by black suspects, some arrested, some who remained suspects. It's not like Zimmerman just decided that black people were going to be his target that night, it is a fact that black males had committed numerous robberies in the neighborhood, and the community was living in fear which is why GZ got the "watch" job in the first place.

29   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:13am  

SoftShell says

This is a critical point overlooked by the lynch mob.

4 minutes to travel 40/50 yards. That gives insight into the kind of "innocent kid" TM really was.

Yes. Of course, when you mention the 4 minute gap, or the fact that the media chose to use pictures of a 13 year old Trayvon, or the fact they used pictures that were over 7 years old of GZ that looked more "menacing", or just the simple fact that instead of going home, Trayvon kicked the shit out of Zimmerman breaking his nose, you get called a racist. Heck, let's not even bring up that the witness with the closest view point of the fight said he saw Trayvon on top punching Zimmerman out with MMA style ground and pound, and told Trayvon to get the fuck off of Zimmerman or he was going to call 911.

Basically in the mind of many Trayvon supporters, if you want to talk about things like that, you're a racist because... you know... Trayvon was an innocent kid who liked Skittles and iced tea... and... and... what if it was your son?

30   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:15am  

Blurtman says

There is no proof of that. You are fabricating stories out of thin air. You are creating stories to fit your biases. Mind your thoughts and emotions

Funny you should say that. That's what you do.

There is also no proof that Zimmerman did not provoke or instigate the fight. This is exactly the point where peoples racism comes in.

We know GZ considered TM a bad guy based on his looks, and we know he said "these assholes always get away." This is at least proof that GZ had motive or inclination to instigate, provoke, or start the fight.

But people bring their racist bias in, and only because of that believe that Martin attacked Zimmerman, which I know based on my experience with teenagers is extremely unlikely (that is a teen attacking an adult in this situation). It's because he's black (and many say a thug) that so many idiots believe this story.

THe story is so obviously bs from Zimmerman designed to keep him from prison, where they would do god knows what to the kind of guy that murders children.

Quigley says

The only reason this even went to trial is because the media and Sharpton got involved and even the POTUS got involved in overturning the decision of the police department not to charge GZ

That's not true. IT would be an easy manslaughter conviction, which is what the police chief of Sanford and lead investigator thought it should be, but the media frenzy made that more difficult than it would normally be.

31   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:19am  

Quigley says

Point is, don't attack people, even with your fists and feet, or they have a right to a vigorous defense!

Total bullshit. Why do you believe TM attacked Zimmerman ?

Let me guess. "darrr. There was a fight. Zimmerman says MArtin attacked him. Therefore it is a fact that MArtin attacked him ?"

32   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:21am  

If Zimmerman had a hard on for black people, he could have just shot one of the over half dozen black guys he reported for suspicious activity in the neighborhood in the 6 months before the Trayvon shooting.

Zimmerman being some "white" guy with a hard on for darkies was a media narrative created by race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

33   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:22am  

Goran_K says

Zimmerman being some "white" guy with a hard on for darkies was a media narrative created by race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Are we talking about the same George "these assholes always get away" Zimmerman?

34   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:23am  

Media Portrayal of Trayvon (note: Trayvon is only 13 in this picture)

Trayvon at 17 (age when he was shot)

The media tried to sell a narrative, and for the most part, race baiters were able to rally black people around it and turn the whole thing into a Civil rights issue.

35   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:26am  

Funny that to you these pics are evidence of the opposite of what they show me.

I heard that he also liked hip hop.

36   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:26am  

marcus says

Are we talking about the same George "these assholes always get away" Zimmerman?

Why didn't Zimmerman just shoot any of the half dozen black guys he already previously reported and observed in the neighborhood? If you're theory is that Zimmerman is some "white guy" out for darkie blood, why did he wait for 6 months to finally get a taste?

37   Y   2013 Jul 15, 2:27am  

Another problem I have is the "profiling" charge. The left would have you believe it was "racial profiling". Given GZ's responsibility as community watchdog, he should be executing "Hoodlum profiling".
All indications are that he was. He did not say "Those NI**&^s always get away with it", He used "assholes".

So it's pretty obvious he was "hoodlum profiling", which he should be doing.
But the left, guilt-ridden with the sins of their ancestors, needed to project 'race' into the situation to set it up so they then can carry the flag of 'anti-racism', thus assuaging their overwhelming sense of responsibility for the African Condition in this country.
Goran_K says

It's not like Zimmerman just decided that black people were going to be his target that night, it is a fact that black males had committed numerous robberies in the neighborhood, and the community was living in fear which is why GZ got the "watch" job in the first place

38   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:29am  

marcus says

Funny that to you these pics are evidence of the opposite of what they show me.

What about this picture found on Trayvon's phone of him brandishing his gun?

or this one?

Why don't they make t-shirts with artsy silhouettes of these images for Trayvon?

39   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:31am  

SoftShell says

So it's pretty obvious he was "hoodlum profiling", which he should be doing.

But the left, guilt-ridden with the sins of their ancestors, needed to project 'race' into the situation to set it up so they then can carry the flag of 'anti-racism', thus assuaging their overwhelming sense of responsibility for the African Condition in this country.

Bingo. I just wish people would stop throwing out the race card whenever a black person is involved in a crime. It's lazy, and irresponsible. Of course, if it wasn't for race baiting, guys like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton couldn't grand stand on TV, and bilk honest black people out of their hard earned money. It's sickening.

40   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:31am  

Goran_K says

Why didn't Zimmerman just shoot any of the half dozen black guys he already previously reported and observed in the neighborhood?

So your logic is that since Zimmerman didn't murder every black kid he ever saw, therefore he didn't murder Martin ?

Why did he observe them in the neighborhood, and phone in reports "suspicious of being black." Wtf ?

41   mell   2013 Jul 15, 2:34am  

marcus says

Goran_K says

Why didn't Zimmerman just shoot any of the half dozen black guys he already previously reported and observed in the neighborhood?

So your logic is that since Zimmerman didn't murder every black kid he ever say, therefore he didn't murder Martin ?

Why did he observe them in the neighborhood, and phone in reports "suspicious of being black." Wtf ?

He didn't do that. He only gave a description of TM being black when specifically asked. The tapes were doctored to make them look like GZ was insinuating that TM was suspicious bc he was black. You don't have to like GZ, but labeling him a racist is laughable.

42   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:34am  

My point is, if he's some crazed racist white guy out for blood, why didn't he just take his blood in the 6 months before Trayvon? He had multiple opportunities to. The community was being robbed by black guys left and right.

What was different about Trayvon?

Maybe the fact that Trayvon sat on his chest, punched him over and over, until he broke Zimmerman's nose? No, that couldn't be it, right?

43   mell   2013 Jul 15, 2:37am  


" George Zimmerman gave a scathing review of the Sanford Police Department and accused its chief of engaging in a cover-up during a public meeting in January 2011.
Zimmerman's anger stemmed from the case of Sherman Ware, a black homeless man who was beaten by the son of a white police lieutenant."

Nuff said.

44   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:37am  

mell says

He didn't do that. He only gave a description of TM being black when specifically asked. The tapes were doctored to make them look like GZ was insinuating that TM was suspicious bc he was black. You don't have to like GZ, but labeling him a racist is laughable.

Exactly. I bet another thing the race baiters don't even realize is that NBC fired 3 people including a producer for doctoring the 911 call to make Zimmerman sound like a racist. There's still a pending lawsuit against NBC for the deception as well.

45   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 15, 2:38am  

From the photos and other sources, TM was into:
-pot smoking
-hanging out with illiterate people

He sure sounds like the all-american boy to me... If you can't see that he was thuggish or a wanna-be thug, you are in denial. None of that makes it ok to kill him for no reason, but to ignore reality is absurd (and biased).

46   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:38am  

Goran_K says

What about this picture found on Trayvon's phone of him brandishing his gun?

THat's a pic of a gun in the hand of a black person. Maybe that was something he thought about ptutting on facebook to scare someone that was messing with him. OR maybe to project his image of thug which is basically urban fasion like long hair was in the 70s.

Have you even ever heard the expression "thug life."

As I previously mentioned, even members of the young republicans had long hair in 1974, and enjoyed rock music, and many even smoked weed, and enjoyed a lot of sex. But they weren't hippies.

47   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:39am  

marcus says

THat's a pic of a gun in the hand of a black person. Maybe that was something he thought about ptutting on facebook to scare someone that was messing with him. OR maybe to project his image of thug which is basically urban fasion like long hair was in the 70s.

Yeah, maybe he tried to bring that thug projection into real life by beating down a "creepy ass cracker". Maybe that "cracker" shot Trayvon in self defense. Maybe.

48   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:39am  

You idiots are so ignorant and closed minded. What's the point of my even trying to get through that thick wall.

49   marcus   2013 Jul 15, 2:40am  

Goran_K says

Yeah, maybe he tried to bring that thug projection into real life by beating down a "creepy ass cracker". Maybe that "cracker" shot Trayvon in self defense. Maybe.

Yes, that's where the reasonable doubt apparently comes from.

But only a dimbulb racist would confuse that with innocence.

50   Y   2013 Jul 15, 2:41am  

Yeah, the same GZ whose job was to profile hoodlums.
Not African Americans.
The Hoodlums are the "assholes who always get away".

marcus says

Goran_K says

Zimmerman being some "white" guy with a hard on for darkies was a media narrative created by race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Are we talking about the same George "these assholes always get away" Zimmerman?

51   Goran_K   2013 Jul 15, 2:42am  

So that's your lazy ass response?

You can't logically address the evidence and points being brought up, so your lazy ass response is to call everyone an idiot racist, and throw your hands in the air?

Would you even care about this issue if it was two white guys? Tell the truth Marcus.

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