Is the Fed trying to prick the bubble?

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2005 Oct 17, 10:05am   45,567 views  442 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I suspect the Fed is behind much of the stories about reconsidering mortgage interest deduction. (If they were really serious about it, they would stop deductions on interest for second (and third…) homes. I think this is basically a made up story, trying to inject a little caution into potential homebuyers who have trouble reading the writing on the wall.



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387   Jamie   2005 Nov 14, 2:27pm  

Oh and Jack, I'm supposed to beg you to post on my blog again. So pleeeeaaase go on over there and rant some more about your panty preferences in the presence of my mom. Please! Really, that's such a fun scenario. LOL.

388   Peter P   2005 Nov 14, 6:35pm  

I’m probably going to bed soon, the cough is creeping up on me and I feel rest is a good idea.

Try honey with chamomile tea.

389   Jamie   2005 Nov 15, 5:34am  

Congrats on the house, newsfreak!

SQT, I hope the hair cut went well for your little wrecking ball. I dread those. I keep thinking I should learn to cut my son's hair myself, but then there was this unfortunate incident years ago with me, my husband, a pair of electric clippers, and a few unexpected bald spots, and well, I've never had the courage to try again. I'm still humiliated thinking about how his barber must have laughed when he told her I'd tried to cut his hair.

Jack, like I said, you are welcome to post on my blog. Go ahead! Just stop ranting about panties, LOL! Or you'll risk getting into a bizarre conversation with my mother.

390   Jamie   2005 Nov 15, 5:36am  

I'm in a weird funk, unable to get much writing done. But I must get much writing done, or face scrambling and hating myself later. So, I'm off face the void, as Jack so aptly calls it.

391   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:14am  

"But did you see where ScottC waxed into Chaucer?"

LOL, oooh, I missed this, will have to go investigate. He's usually so busy sounding like a brainwashed Rich Dad Poor Dad groupie that I tune out his posts. Bad me.

392   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:16am  

SQT, yes, my vacation seems to have thrown us out of our groove! But I'm totally loving talking to you on my blog, BTW. It's fun because then I don't have to feel guilty about talking nonsense, like I do here (yes, yes, I still feel guilty about going off topic here...3000 posts later, LOL)

Newsfreak, you need to come post some poetry on my blog or something so we can recreate the community there. Heh.

393   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:21am  

Jack, what kind of volunteer stuff is keeping you busy? I checked out that Readymade magazine, looks interesting. I like that found fruit project. My husband is trying to start something similar with found palm trees in our yard, but nobody wants them, and they're hard as hell to transplant. So we have a ton of bizarrely placed ones growing in the garden, that will someday take over the yard and uproot the house or at least block all sunlight from entering these dark little rooms. This house was designed during a bad spell in the eighties when some dumbass must have thought it was an innocative, conservation-minded idea to build houses that prevent light from coming in. But he neglected to consider the mental health of the people who would later have to live in the dungeon. Argh. This is another reason I stay outside as much as I can.

394   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:24am  



395   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 5:00am  

Hey newsfreak, I guess the moon could be doing some funky stuff, but I dunno... I hope you manage to stay well, and good luck with that move. I sympathize sooooo much. We used to have two cats, and we had to move from CA to Virginia in two cars, so, one cat in each car. Cats just don't travel well (I hate how the get in hotel rooms and get inside the box springs and won't come out).

But we accidentally got separated in the Colorado mountains after a tire blow-out on my car (and some bikers stopping to "help out"), and my husband and I have such opposite thought processes (this was before cell phones) that we couldn't begin to figure out where the other might have gone. We were trying to put ourselves in the other's head and couldn't do it, so I wandered around the mountains crying and eventually ended up in Denver, hysterical by that point with a cat wedged under my front seat and I hadn't eaten all day. My husband meanwhile had given up on looking for me, LOL, and just headed for Kansas, while I was calling everywhere I could think of to figure out where he might be.

Eventually, by him getting in touch with my mother, and my calling her about ten times and leaving hysterical messages on her answering machine, I found out where he was going, in the middle of freaking Kansas, and headed there. but I was like 6 hours behind him by that point, so I rolled in to the motel around 1AM so freaked out, tired, and hungry I could hardly stand up, and my cat was too scared to come out from under the car seat.

I was still a kid then. Nowadays I'd handle myself a lot better and just get in the damn car and drive without worrying about it, but back then... I still don't have a single good feeling about Colorado! I'm sure you'll have better luck.

396   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 5:00am  

Wow, that WAS a long story. Must be the moon!

397   Peter P   2005 Nov 16, 5:22pm  

Is the party really over?

Party on! There is no thread bubble! Comments will come in through the end of this decade!

398   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 7:25am  

Jack, thank you for sharing the story about your sister and the organization you help out with. I"m sorry your sister has had to go through all that. It's really great of you to contribute your time there.

I read (well, listened to the unabridged audiobook) an amazing book about a brother and his relationship with his sister who had, I believe, schitzophrenia. The mental illness is never named in the book, but, anyway, she had some serious problems...heard voices that commanded her to do things, and would freeze up on different poses for long periods of time. It was called The Memory of Running. I could send you the audio book if you're ever interested in listening to it (Well first I have to find it!), because I think it's a book you'd enjoy. The reader of the audio version was excellent as well.

399   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 8:33am  

SQT, I'm wondering if we should try to plan a real blog get-together sometime with the holidays coming up. Any chance you'd be able to drive out for such an event? I would need you there as my fellow Cali girl bubble blogger. Newsfreak, I'm assuming you'll be moving by then though?

We're actually going to be in San Francisco next weekend, but hopefully also for Christmas as well.

400   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 4:24pm  

I would say sans spouses, simply because I want to meet the people who actually participate on the blog. I know what you mean though about them flip-flopping as soon as you try to plan a solo thing... And hey if the blog people just want to talk about housing some more, then you and I can dump them and go have a girl's day out. ;-)

401   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 11:46pm  

“…But I could probably come solo…”

OH DAMN IT! HOW did I miss that?! I am totally losing my touch here. Losing it completely!

402   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 11:49pm  

SQT, yes, girl's day out would be fun. However, I will give the king of can openers credit that he surely would not bore us. Right Jack? Right?

403   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 11:51pm  

newsfreak, Sorry about the house troubles again. Will it never end?!

404   Jamie   2005 Nov 21, 11:58pm  

Okay, so who is MarinaraSauce? Is that Peter P's foody alter ego, lurking about here in Pigalle?

405   Jamie   2005 Nov 22, 12:01am  

I'm still here, just overwhelmed with deadlines and getting ready to leave for a trip on Wednesday.

SQT, I hope our little vacation spot is not dead, but where the hell is Jack?! It's probably just the upcoming holiday this week that's got everyone busy.

406   Jamie   2005 Nov 22, 1:51am  

Oh, okay, I thought so about that shifty Peter P. I have an alter ego too, SPHUH Vice President, but with the SPHUH president missing in action and the whole SPHUH joke thing beaten into the ground, I need a new alter ego.

Hmm, must thing of good alter ego...

I will email the former president and determine why he has departed from us/badger him to grace us with his presence again.

407   Jamie   2005 Nov 22, 12:55pm  

"Aren’t we a little QUICK to bury the President of SPHUH?"

Huh? Wha? Jack alive? Let me go put this shovel down...

Damn it, and I've already ordered the headstone too. I even had a nice place in the back yard for you right beside Randy H.

408   Jamie   2005 Nov 22, 12:57pm  

Welcome back, Mr. Pres. No, really! Welcome back. I really didn't want all that responsibility. I cannot be trusted with SPHUH.

Nor do I know when to let a joke die. Maybe I can use that extra headstone for SPHUH's burial? I could just cross out the word "president."

Do I feel another eulogy coming on?

409   Jamie   2005 Nov 22, 12:58pm  

"Maybe one should hold off on the pie until the septic issues are resolved."

Damn straight.

410   Jamie   2005 Nov 22, 12:59pm  

Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving, in case I forget to say so tomorrow before we take off!

411   Jamie   2005 Nov 23, 3:01am  

Let us not forget the original meaning of SPHUH: Society for the Preservation of Huh.

You've all started thinking it meant something dirty, haven't you?! I have NO IDEA where you would have gotten that idea! Really. Such gutter minds you all have.

Can we really have SPHUH when we've already eulogized and laid to rest Huh?

Sadly, I think we may have to disband SPHUH, for an organization without purpose is just another useless beaurocracy.

But let us declare a new purpose, and a new name. May I suggest SPPRICK? As in, Society for the Preservation of Prick.

Then SQT can still most definitely be the fondling member. In fact, she will ALWAYS be the fondling member, in my book. Jack would of course have no choice but assume the presidency again, and newsfreak can be the poet laureate.

But seriously, I gotta go pack for my trip. I hope you all have a great holiday weekend. I'm outta here.

412   Peter P   2005 Nov 23, 9:50am  

Can we really have SPHUH when we’ve already eulogized and laid to rest Huh?

This is why we should bring back Huh?. Should we call it "Huh? 2" or "Doh!"

413   Jamie   2005 Nov 24, 4:37am  

God, Jack can be soooooooo sensitive. This is the Fed PRICK thread, is it not? I mean, I know I've started affectionately calling it Pigalle, but Society for the Preservation of Pigalle just didn't sound nearly as funny as SPPRICK.

I crossed the panty line of decency a long time ago, Jack, and I have no intention of going back! None! Indecency is a hell of a lot more fun.

I think SQT should decide herself whether or not she wants to be fondling member of SPPRICK.

414   Jamie   2005 Nov 24, 4:43am  

"This is why we should bring back Huh?. Should we call it “Huh? 2″ or “Doh!” "

Peter P, somewhere deep in the bowels of Huh, we did at one plan out the logical procession of threads to follow it. I have no idea what it was though, and I don't want to skip 2600 posts to find it (well, I COULD, but this is Thanksgiving and I should probably go act like I have a life for a litle while).

I'm all for Huh 2, or even Huh Part Deux, or Doh! works too. I think SJ Jim at some point suggested Hmm. But I have a special affection for Huh and would certainly show up for a sequel thread.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. We're in SF, and I just got back from a jog at the beach. There were like a million people down there doing a marathon or something, and I had to get out of their way. But the weather is perfect! Gorgeous day.

415   Jamie   2005 Nov 24, 4:44am  

"we did at one plan"

Missing word, should read: We did at one time plan...

416   Jamie   2005 Nov 29, 2:48pm  

But seriously.

I am sorry for the absence. Busy weekend with our trip to SF. Turns out Thanksgiving day was the only day we weren't running around all the time. Then my kids got sick over the weekend, then I immediately got sick upon returning home Sunday night, and now I'm desperately working toward my Dec 19 book deadline.

I don't even have the brain power to update my own blog. Bleh. I need to think of something to post there. But, just, bleh. I'm feeling a little better today, but I doubt I'll be online as much as usual for the next three weeks.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I did not have to cook, and my brother-in-law is a total gourmet chef, so I had the best Thanksgiving dinner ever, complete with a bunch of stuff I'd never have the patience to make, including oyster stuffing, and oysters are one of my favorite things ever. Total sex food, totally appropriate for a place like Pigalle!

Hey, maybe that's an idea for my new blog post... Hurrying over to other blog before idea slips out of brain...

417   Jamie   2005 Dec 1, 12:10am  

And let me just say for the record, I do not stand for "nappy suits." Nor would I require people to eat oysters. I say, let them eat cake.

418   Jamie   2005 Dec 1, 2:27pm  

Jack, Jack, Jack. SPPUSSY?!? That STILL sounds like an organization you should be the president of.

I am sorry. I take it all back. I unfairly slandered you.

You must stay and be the president of SPPUSSY. No one would fit that job but you. Though I'm pretty sure SQT will not longer want to be the fondling member.

Jack for President!

419   Jamie   2005 Dec 2, 1:20pm  

Newsfreak? Any interest in the fondling member job?

Naaaaah. Probably not, right? JACK, on the other hand, could be both president of SPPUSSY AND fondling member. Finally, the honors that would most fit him!

420   Peter P   2005 Dec 5, 10:31am  

I ate blowfish and I survived! :)

421   Jamie   2005 Dec 5, 2:14pm  

SQT, I think there are some kind of automated spam-bot thingies that can go out and do auto-posts on blogs. Don't know how it works exactly but it happens on my blog all the time.

422   Jamie   2005 Dec 5, 2:15pm  

Peter P, was the blowfish good? Where did you go? Are we having a blog holiday party?

423   Jamie   2005 Dec 5, 2:20pm  

Jack has come a little unhinged in your absence, Peter P.

Jack, I resent all those "sinner" accusations. No one knows the dark roads of depravity like YOU. And don't think I didn't notice those vaguely dirty comments you were making to SQT in the hope of luring her back to your administration. You're like the Bill Clinton of the blog. If she gets too close, next thing she knows she's going to have a stain on her dress or something.

424   Peter P   2005 Dec 6, 4:34am  

Peter P, was the blowfish good? Where did you go? Are we having a blog holiday party?

Blowfish tastes great. In sashimi form, it tastes like hirame. However, in "hotpot" form it stands out completely.

(I went to Osaka and Kyoto)

We should definitely have a blog party! :)

425   Jamie   2005 Dec 6, 4:41am  

I have to point out that Jack is responsible for any and all blog degeneration. Ahem. No one else I know of has had anything to do with it. And especially not the SPPRICK VP. Her reputation will remain spotless in my eyes. And the former fondling member has also maintained a spotless reputation, in spite of a title that clearly causes an uphill battle.

426   Jamie   2005 Dec 6, 4:44am  

Peter P, was it a business or pleasure trip or both? Sounds fun...and tasty.

Okay, so let's plan the blog holiday party! I will be in SF from probably Dec 17-30 and would not miss such an event if it takes place while I'm there. I guess we should probably do serious party planning on a legit thread and not in Pigalle...

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