Christians Send Death Threats to a 16-Year-Old Girl

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2012 Feb 15, 12:21pm   67,459 views  185 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

And they are better than Muslims, how?


And atheist girl bravely points out the illegality going on in a public school, funded by tax payer dollars, that has been going on for half a century. Instead of correcting the problem, the local Christians threaten to kill her forcing the local police to escort the girl during school.

So where's all that "love thy neighbor" crap?

The real hypocrisy is that if a school had a Islamic prayer, all the Christians would be up in arms banning Sharia Law. Funny how separation of church and state only applies to other people's religions.

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19   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 16, 6:17am  

UN sees possible crimes against humanity in Syria


Really, Really, Really late breaking news.

20   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 6:24am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Therefore being a Christaian nation means we are much much more civilized nation.

Correction: Being a technologically and scientifically advanced nation means we are much, much more civilized.

Every social and political reform has been preceded by a scientific or technological advancement. This is not coincidence. Technology and scientific understanding drives social and political advancement.

Printing Press - Protestant Reformations that ended the Catholic Church's stranglehold on Europe.

Age of Enlightenment - Revolutions against monarchies and establishment of republics like the U.S.

The Industrial Revolution - The end of slavery in almost every nation.

Radio - Women's Rights to Vote, 40 hour work week, safety standards, end of child labor, and other progressive movements.

Television - Anti-war culture, civil rights for all races

Computers / Internet - Arab Spring

In contrast, Christianity hasn't accomplish jack diddley shit.

21   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 6:29am  

wthrfrk80 says

How do you propose to do that?

Promote a culture of knowledge and reason.

wthrfrk80 says

Then your headline should have read, "a few Christians send death threats to a 16 year old girl"

You're missing the point. The whole community is guilty of creating a culture of fear, conformity, and xenophobia that lead to those death threats. The whole community is responsible.

Big picture.

22   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 6:33am  

ArtimusMaxtor says

Want my opinion?

That video reminds me of a lunch conversation I had with coworkers yesterday. One of my coworkers knows a lot of military contractors including ones that worked for Blackwater. He was describing the way the military/defense contracting industry works.

He said that only cannon fodder goes to Iraq. The real veteran mercenaries get jobs protecting oil shipments and CEOs, which pays way more than fighting in Iraq and is a lot safer.

23   freak80   2012 Feb 16, 6:35am  

Technology is no gaurantee of peace and civility. Technology can be used as a tool for "good" and "evil." Technology is just the tool for the job.

A lot of technological advancement occurs from warfare and the need to out-gun, out-innovate, and out-build the "enemy"

Metallurgy: the need for better and stronger weapons

Steam ships: the need for a more powerful navy

Space program: came from fear of the Russians winning the "space race"

Nuclear Fission: came from the race to build the atomic bomb

24   freak80   2012 Feb 16, 6:38am  

Internet, Computers, GPS, weather forecasting: much of the technology developed for the military

25   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 6:48am  

wthrfrk80 says

Technology is no gaurantee of peace and civility.

No one ever said it was. What I said is that over the long course of history, scientific and technological advancement, not religion, has spurred all of the social and political advancements while, if anything, religion has held back society. I stand by that statement, not the one you made.

26   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 16, 7:04am  

Truth of it. I just think the girl dosen't like seeing her friends lied to. Like I said you can believe anything you want to believe out here. Worship a squirrel. The squirrel isn't going to care. God dosen't. The neighbors may think your eating mushrooms.

But doping an entire population with nonesense. Like were good and they are bad. Is obviously waaaay beyond reality.

They just need to say it. Hey we want something there it is we are going to take it. That would incur the wrath of a lot of people however. They just can't afford to do that. So one must be portrayed as good, harmless and humane. Otherwise they couldn't do what they do again, again and again and get away with it. In my opinion. Just about everyone but the minorities in charge have had enough.

27   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 8:20am  

Dan8267 says

There's a lesson to be learned here, and it's "the religious are not tolerant of others and often become violent when their power is threatened".

I agree the lesson is about religious tolerance.

Here is what the girl says: "I was really taken aback and a little bit hurt by it because it is entitled 'School Prayer,'" Ahlquist says. "It really does kind of make you feel like you don't belong if you don't believe in a heavenly father."

I see she has about as much common sense as the usual atheist of the extremist variety. She did it because she wanted to feel like she belongs. Right.

More like she saw a button and she had to press it.

Dan8267 says

marcus says

I wonder what percentage of the Christians in the community sent death threats or approved of them ?

Sent: definitely a small percentage of the community.
Approved: definitely a large percentage of the community based on the community's treatment towards the girl.

I think it would be easy to see her as a bit of a jerk, without at all condoning the death threats. In fact I see her as a bit of a jerk, and I don't particularly love the idea of having that prayer banner on the wall.

If I was going to fight it, in her shoes, I would have just brought the idea up at the student council, or some other group venue, and see if I could get some support for the idea of taking it down. IF there was a lot of strong objection, then I would back down. IT's not that big of a deal, and besides, it's a positive message.

Only the super religious type of atheist is going to make a big issue of this.

28   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 8:32am  

Let's say there's a group of 5 college students and they say let's smoke some weed and get high. But one of them doesn't want to, and objects
to the others doing it. What should he do ?

Should he say live and let live, even though he feels the others are hurting themselves, in a few ways, and just leave them to do their thing ?

Or should he report them to the police, for their own good, and get them arrested. Certainly the law would back him up on that if he did.

I say if he has them busted he's being a jerk, even if he strongly disapproves of that behavior, he doesn't have to impose his ego and his values on them to that degree.

I say a guy who does that is a jerk. Likewise I think the girl is a bit of a jerk.

Let the people have their banner with the positive message that's slightly religious in a general way. You can be their friend even if they are different than you. But because they are very much in the majority, yeah, you can either tolerate their behavior that you don't agree with, or you can take a stand that will turn them off to you.

29   omgbacon   2012 Feb 16, 9:46am  

Jesus says

Mathew 6:5-6
5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

The point: none of these Christians are Christians. If they were they'd do what Jesus tells them and we'd not be bothered by their nonsense.

30   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 10:32am  

Dan8267 says

Correction: Being a technologically and scientifically advanced nation means we are much, much more civilized.

Nope long long before that ...

31   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 10:43am  

Dan8267 says

if anything, religion has held back society. I stand by that statement, not the one you made.

You do realize the many European settlers who only had faith in GOD brought them to the new world. It wasnt technology, but faith and their religion that brought them here. Was that a move backward or holding society back. NO! And add to that the migration into the west.. all based on faith in God.

And not that long ago explores to the moon quoted the bible...I dont see anyone suing NASA or Apollo crew back in the 1960s for quoting the Bible or seperation of church and state. .

These great human achievements and faith in God is something to be proud of.. It make you proud being an American .. it makes you proud being a Christian.


32   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 10:54am  

wthrfrk80 says

A lot of technological advancement occurs from warfare and the need to out-gun, out-innovate, and out-build the "enemy"

Read or watch James Burke Connections ( see the TV episodes on YouTube). Add in the Day the Universe Changed.
It wasnt all warfare related and many warfare innovation came from normal day to day ideas.

33   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 11:01am  

Kevin says

A 16 year old girl is getting death threats and you don't see the issue?
Personally, I don't really give a damn what myths stupid people want to believe, but they have no place in any taxpayer funded institution

She is thin skinned and WILL NOT make it in the real world if something like 4 dinky years of High School gets under her skin.

At this point she needs to focus on more important things that will enhance here life.. like education.

34   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:20pm  

marcus says

I think it would be easy to see her as a bit of a jerk

So, she's a jerk for standing up for her rights? Is a Christian a jerk for insisting that he be allowed to go to church? Is an African American a jerk for insisting that his vote be counted in an election?

No person sticking up for his or her rights under the Constitution is a jerk, especially when doing so causes him or her to be ostracized. She's brave and should admired.

35   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:23pm  

omgbacon says

The point: none of these Christians are Christians. If they were they'd do what Jesus tells them and we'd not be bothered by their nonsense.

As Forest Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does.". Christians are what Christians do, not what Jesus allegedly told them to do. Jesus is irrelevant. All that matters is what people have done with the faith. Hell, Paul was more important than Jesus in the success of Christianity in brainwashing the masses.

36   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:26pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

You do realize the many European settlers who only had faith in GOD brought them to the new world. It wasnt technology, but faith and their religion that brought them here.

Actually, it was a giant land grab. Two entire continents populated only by easily conquered, less technologically advanced people. God had nothing to do with the Europeans taking over the Americas. If there had been no religion in Europe at all, ever, the Europeans would still have conquered the Americas simply because they could.

Man does not need a god to justify his lust for land and riches. Sure, it helps. But absent a god, man will find other excuses to slaughter the vulnerable and take their land and natural resources.

37   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:27pm  

Dan8267 says

So, she's a jerk for standing up for her rights?

And what right was that ?

The right to have something removed that virtually everyone didn't have a problem with, and that many liked ?

In my example above, the guy who has his friends busted for smoking weed (breaking the law) has the right to do that. Still, he's a jerk for doing it.

Keep in mind, when I say she's a bit of a jerk, I mean that she is to a vast majority of her classmates. And as I said earlier, she could have just brought it up to see if there are others who agree with her.

I don't care for extremism, although I know that on occasions the extremist adds something to a debate.

In my experience there are extremists such as yourself who have above an above average IQ. But I have never known of an extremist who I would consider wise, balanced or worthy of a lot of respect.

38   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:28pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

These great human achievements and faith in God is something to be proud of.. It make you proud being an American .. it makes you proud being a Christian.

The Apollo 8 mission was a product of science, not Christianity. Reciting of Bible passages in space carries no more weight than Yuri Gagarin's quote "I see no god up here.".

39   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:31pm  

marcus says

And what right was that ?

Freedom of religion. In order to have freedom of religion, you have to have freedom from religion. If you don't have the right to say no, than you are not free to choose.

Forcing a Christian prayer on a student should be as offensive as forcing an Islamic or Wiccan prayer on a student. Don't tell me those hypocrites would stand for that.

40   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:34pm  

marcus says

The right to have something removed that virtually everyone didn't have a problem with, and that many liked ?

You mean something like this?

So, if the majority of red necks in a Georgia town wanted the Confederate Navy flag posted in a high school, but the lone black student felt threatened by it, you're attitude would be "fuck you, bro!"? Can't say I agree.

41   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:35pm  

Dan8267 says

Forcing a Christian prayer on a student should be as offensive as forcing an Islamic or Wiccan prayer on a student.

How can that be if only one person has a problem with it ?

42   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:40pm  

marcus says

How can that be if only one person has a problem with it ?

A group of 200 hard-core convicts escape from prison and establish a town in the foothills. One day a lost woman wanders into that down and is viciously gang raped by the 200 townsfolk. Only one person out of the 201 in the town has a problem with this. That's how it can be wrong even if only one person objects.

43   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:41pm  

Dan8267 says

So, if the majority of red necks in a Georgia town wanted the Confederate Navy flag posted in a high school, but the lone black student felt threatened by it, you're attitude would be "fuck you, bro!"? Can't say I agree.

Perfect analogy.

Majority by most definitions means more than half. MY guess is that almost nobody had a problem with that banner. If there were more than one or two, then I would have a different opinion.

There's no point in my arguing this. Your extremism speaks for itself.

Besides, I have work to do.

44   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:41pm  

Dan8267 says

That's how it can be wrong if only one person objects.

Another perfect analogy.

45   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:42pm  

marcus says

Perfect analogy.

Majority by most definitions means more than half. MY guess is that almost nobody had a problem with that banner.

OK, so let's say that none of the white Georgian townsfolk have a problem with the Confederate Navy Jack and all of them like it. It's still wrong, and it's reasonable for the black student to object to it.

46   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:43pm  

Dan8267 says

Your perception of me does not reflect reality. Nor could your mind comprehend my thoughts. It's best you simply accept that you are incapable of understanding me as I can't dumb down me enough for you to understand.

Choice Dan quote.

You're an extremist, and that's a fact.

47   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:43pm  

marcus says

Another perfect analogy.

Counter-example, not analogy.

48   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 12:46pm  

Dan8267 says

Man does not need a god to justify his lust for land and riches.

The Jamestown colonist came here without anything and were not for any quest (lust) for land and riches.

49   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:46pm  

Dan8267 says

Counter-example, not analogy.

It would be a counter example, if the situations were analogous.

But then again, I'm not prepared to think at your level, so I'm probably wrong.

50   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:48pm  

Dan8267 says

No, you dumb ass. Saying that someone is an extremist is an expression of opinion

I know an extremist when I see one. And you sir are an extremist.

51   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:49pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

The Jamestown colonist came here without anything and were not for any quest (lust) for land and riches.

The Jamestown colonists didn't found America. If you are talking about the founding of a nation as being a great thing accomplished by Christianity, I would say that's not accurate. If you are talking about a few Christians fleeing other Christians to set up their own little power base, then I'd say that's not a great achievement.

52   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 12:50pm  

Dan8267 says

The Apollo 8 mission was a product of science, not Christianity. Reciting of Bible passages in space carries no more weight than Yuri Gagarin's quote "I see no god up here.".

As quoted in To Rise from Earth (1996) by Wayne Lee; some websites quote him as saying "I looked and looked and looked but I didn't see God." on 14 April 1961, a couple days after his historic flight, but the authenticity of such statements have been disputed; Colonel Valentin Petrov stated in 2006 that the cosmonaut never said such words, and that the quote originated from Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU about the state's anti-religion campaign, saying "Gagarin flew into space, but didn't see any god there."

Gagarin himself was a member of the Russian Orthodox Church.

53   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:50pm  

marcus says

I know an extremist when I see one. And you sir are an extremist.

Fine, call me an extremist. I'll call you a terrorist. Deal?

54   marcus   2012 Feb 16, 12:52pm  

wthrfrk said it really well in another thread.

wthrfrk80 says

Liv4ever, you make a good case for atheism.

Dan, you make a good case for religion.

55   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:53pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Gagarin himself was a member of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Any the significance of this is? As I said, it bears no weight. Would you give up your belief in your god if Gagarin had said this? Why would I accept Christianity because someone paid by the military with our tax payer dollars read a passage from the Bible in space?

It's irrelevant.

56   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 16, 12:53pm  

Dan8267 says

If you are talking about a few Christians fleeing other Christians to set up their own little power base, then I'd say that's not a great achievement.

Oh well .. another atheist. Your not getting any sympathy around here.

57   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:53pm  

marcus says

wthrfrk said it really well in another thread.

wthrfrk80 says

Liv4ever, you make a good case for atheism.

Dan, you make a good case for religion.

Hey, if you want to be religious, feel free to worship me. At least, I'm real. Donations are tax-free, right?

58   Dan8267   2012 Feb 16, 12:54pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Oh well .. another atheist. Your not getting any sympathy around here.

I don't ask for sympathy. I ask for reason.

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