Super Tax The Super Rich. An Idea Whose Time Has Come. Again.

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2012 Mar 1, 1:09pm   29,718 views  76 comments

by marquismark   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Super-tax the super-rich: an idea whose time has come. Again.
Posted on January 21, 2012

Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men in the world, is famous for saying that his tax rate (17.7%) is lower than his secretary’s (30%).* Mr. Buffett makes a valid point. Right now, multi-multi-millionaires in the USA are paying their lowest tax rates since the Great Depression. Fiscal conservatives insist that lower taxes spur job growth and stimulate the economy. They are only partly right. As I will show here, lowering taxes can improve the economy, but only if you lower taxes on the middle class. Not the very rich.

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20   marquismark   2012 Mar 4, 3:36am  

Yes, obviously, you're correct. But I meant that $250 K to a middle income person is huge -- like retirement nest egg huge -- whereas it is pocket change to a very wealthy person. Frankly, I don't think anybody with an AGI over a certain amount should get that capital gain break at all.

21   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 4, 9:40am  

Rich and stingy isnt unknown, how you become and stay rich. Making and saving $250K or more isnt easy, spending it is.

But even the super rich will tell you.. its about controlling your wealth. If you cant control the first $250K of spending, there is little chance your able to control subsequent blocks of $250K.

Even with all my wealth, $250K is alot.. yes one can spend on a Italian Super Car, or spend on monthly necessities (food, gas, bills, and some toys) for the next 10 years. For me its the monthly necessities, therefore, my future is better secured.

22   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 4, 9:52am  

marquismark says

Frankly, I don't think anybody with an AGI over a certain amount should get that capital gain break at all

The tax laws cover not only individual filers, but also Corporate (C and S Type), Partnerships, and Non-profit entities.

I would favor tax treatment which would encourage greater investments by individuals, enterprises and other entities. It has shown to work.

What would the govt do with all the excessive taxes collected, redistribution of wealth or expanding the economy.

As California state govt, has demostrated twice over the past 10-15 years, when tax revenues increase due to Capital Gains, they foolishly "lock into" long term spending contracts and other social obligations, which quickly fall into deficit spending.

23   Zakrajshek   2012 Mar 5, 12:04am  

Money gotten by speculation and manipulation (as most of the what the rich get is) should be taxed at 1950s rates to discourage them. Make these rich bums do some real work for a living and really earn money for a change... set em up with waiter, trucker, construction worker, teacher jobs.
The rich are but parasites who live off the backs of the real workers, and yet somehow in this bizzaro world we live in, they walk around as heros because they have learned the tricks of gaming the system.
They wouldn't have a penny if they weren't skimming it from the workers. Let all the workers stop working for one month and see what happens to the rich...

24   oliverks1   2012 Mar 5, 12:33am  

thomas.wong1986 says

If someone invests say $1M (from prior after tax earnings) into a venture, which hires employees to create products which generates revenues (collects Sales Tax), and incur salary expense (and pays Fed/State payroll taxes) and supplies/capital equipment(pays Use&Sales Tax) and rents Facilities (pays personal and real property tax)..and afterward generate a taxable profit( pays Fed/State Inc. Tax).. did i mention dinky..City Business Tax.

Thomas this sounds nice and it gets repeated all the time, but it doesn't actually work that way. The reason is new job creating businesses will consume that $1M dollars in expenses. The investors will get a tax break on their investment and hence, over the short run they will pay almost no tax on the $1M.

Today most investors want to sink their money into financial gambling. Most of those schemes focus on clever ways to shift costs to the tax payers, and strip assets, while calling them profits. These people care passionately about the tax rate for two reasons.

First they don't want to end up picking up the costs they have worked so hard to shove on to you the tax payer. Second, they don't have much in legitimate expenses to offset against their "profits".

Raising the tax rate would actually push investors from asset stripping to legitimate business investing, and help the economy.

25   bob2356   2012 Mar 5, 12:49am  

thomas.wong1986 says

What would the govt do with all the excessive taxes collected, redistribution of wealth or expanding the economy.

How about paying down the debt? Failing that just balance the budget.

26   Dan8267   2012 Mar 5, 1:39am  

I like the idea of the rich having to pay a large tax whenever the U.S. is engaged in military deployment anywhere in the world. I think if that was the law, we'd be at peace 99% of the time.

New Law: Anytime a single soldier or robot (including drones) is deployed anywhere for any time, that year the marginal tax rate is 95% for any income including capital gains over $1 million.

27   david1   2012 Mar 5, 3:11am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Has been on the books (passed by Congress) for over the last 15 years.

Huh? Yeah, except for this little clause, which is why nearly all salaries of key officers of major corporations are under $1M with Bonus payments many multiples of that.

"C) Other performance-based compensation
The term “applicable employee remuneration” shall not include any remuneration payable solely on account of the attainment of one or more performance goals, but only if—
(i) the performance goals are determined by a compensation committee of the board of directors of the taxpayer which is comprised solely of 2 or more outside directors,
(ii) the material terms under which the remuneration is to be paid, including the performance goals, are disclosed to shareholders and approved by a majority of the vote in a separate shareholder vote before the payment of such remuneration, and
(iii) before any payment of such remuneration, the compensation committee referred to in clause (i) certifies that the performance goals and any other material terms were in fact satisfied. "

Its a nice law, however, it does not appear to have any effect.

28   Honest Abe   2012 Mar 5, 3:20am  

What makes any of you libs feel entitled to someone else's money? Where did that entitlement mentality come from? What is the character defect that causes that character flaw?

What is it- Hate? Envy? Jealousy? A misguided sense of entitlement? Oedipus complex gone haywire? Dropped on your head? Both parents were lawyers?

Something caused the damage. Hope you all get well soon.

29   Dan8267   2012 Mar 5, 4:19am  

Honest Abe says

What makes any of you libs feel entitled to someone else's money?

I don't feel entitled to anyone else's money. However, I don't consider rent collection by parasites to be the money of the parasites. For example, banking is a common infrastructure component. Therefore, the use of money, including electronic money (e.g., debit cards, electronic checks), should not profit anyone.

The costs of developing and maintaining the electronic infrastructure (i.e., paying software developers) should be done via the miniscule taxation required to pay these developers. But no rent-profit seeking for the use of electronic money should be allowed. Right now bank executives rake in trillions for doing absolutely nothing. Furthermore, the bankers executives didn't build the system that performs electronic money transfers, software developers long ago fired did. Why should the bank executives get 1% of all debit card transactions? The transactions cost is like friction in the economic engine, it's bad for the whole economy.

The problem with the richest 0.1% is that they are that rich because they are parasitic rent takers. They didn't earn any of their wealth. They did not create any wealth.

I have no problem with people who have created the wealth they have keeping 100% - the costs of government services they use. I do have a problem with parasites keeping 90+% of the wealth they siphoned off of the rest of us while the wealth we created is taxed at close to 50% when you include Federal income tax, state income tax, sales tax, property tax, SS tax, Medicare tax, and so on.

When you add up all those taxes, the middle class producer who actually creates his wealth is taxed at 50% while Mitt Romney, who has never produced anything, is taxed at 14%.

Worse still, every person's employer taxes the employee before the government taxes him. A reasonable amount for an employer to tax an employee would be 10%, but in all profession it's much higher. I suspect that software developers are taxed 80-90% of their wealth production by their employee before the government even steps in. That is, a typical software developer probably produces 5 to 10 times as much wealth as he sees as pre-tax, pre-deduction income.

And you wonder why liberals have no problem taxing rent-seekers? If the alleged conservative principle of the grasshopper and ant were upheld, scientists, engineers, and other wealth creators would be paid far more than executives, stock brokers, and bankers. We all believe in the ant should be rewarded and the grasshopper punished. It's just that some of us are confused about who is which.

30   freak80   2012 Mar 5, 4:37am  

Honest Abe says

What makes any of you libs feel entitled to someone else's money? Where did that entitlement mentality come from? What is the character defect that causes that character flaw?
What is it- Hate? Envy? Jealousy? A misguided sense of entitlement? Oedipus complex gone haywire? Dropped on your head? Both parents were lawyers?
Something caused the damage. Hope you all get well soon.


The "libs" seem to be making arguments based on facts and logic, rather than emotion.

Any way you slice it, it's absurd for folks like Warren Buffet to pay less than his secretary. Now whether that means cutting middle class taxes to 15% or raising capital gains taxes to 30% is a different issue.

31   marquismark   2012 Mar 5, 8:34am  

Dear Abe,

I honestly would like you to consider this: Who makes the rules? The wealthy? The middle? The poor? You know as well as I do that the wealthy make the rules. There are 47,000 registered lobbyists and the VAST majority lobby on behalf of wealthy people and their interests. So politicians (democratic and Republican) spend an inordinate amount of time with wealthy people and, naturally, over time, they begin to adopt some of their beliefs. How much time do politicians spend with middle income and poor people, besides photo ops?

Now, it's only natural that wealthy people see things from their own point of view, but because they back politicians campaigns, their point of view carries and inordinate amount of weight.

Imagine if POOR people made the rules...I guarantee the laws would be different. The minimum wage would be much higher, worker protections would be stronger, etc. It's only natural. Those are the things poor people care about.

So, to your point about whose money it is: While the rich people are in POSSESSION of more wealth, I submit that the majority of that wealth was obtained from bending the rules to their favor at the expense of everyone else.

Case in point: The Iraq war. Wealthy people at conservative think tanks lobbied for that war, got no bid contracts to service that war and future US taxpayers ended up being soaked for 1 trillion dollars + interest. Who benefited at future taxpayer expense? The oil companies who keep their supply lines open thanks to a taxpayer funded foreign policy, Halliburton, KBR, etc. Who lost? Mostly middle income and poor kids with no other option but to enter the military, our economy and our standing in the world.

So, I submit that the "wealth" which you state is "theirs" isn't. It was only made possible by the fact that they made the rules to benefit themselves and lobbied the right people.

That's why I feel that taxing Mitt Romney at half the rate I'm paying is unfair. No matter how you slice it, it is simply indefensible.

I'm really trying to be nice to you, Abe. I'm spending time gently trying to illustrate my point. I would like you to surprise me (and everyone else) and reply with some illustrations, charts, etc to support your points. But the "liberal" labeling thing you do is really not changing anyone's mind here.

C'mon. Challenge yourself. Let's discuss Really.



32   omgbacon   2012 Mar 5, 9:41am  

social security is self-funded and would be fine forever if the cap on taxed income was raised. it would still be find for a while as things are if the government was good for the IOUs it wrote itself.

and medicare isn't nearly as bad off as people would like you to think it is.

social security and medicare, the boogeymen of the right, both have their own dedicated taxes. warfare and the military does not.

that's where the money is disappearing. that's why we're broke. it's not because we're spending money on old people, it's because we're spending billions of dollars to defeat two-bit dictators armed with sharp sticks.

think about this: in 2003 we spent $54.4 billion on the Iraq war. the GPD of Iraq was $30 - $40 billion in 2003. We spent more in the first year of warfare than the GPD of the country for that same year and it still took us 9 years to leave a broken shell behind.

and right now the total cost of the war is estimated to be $3.7 trillion. that's $3.7 trillion send overseas and into the black moneypits of war profiteers and mercenaries.

that's where our money has disappeared.

33   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 5, 9:54am  

bob2356 says

How about paying down the debt? Failing that just balance the budget.

I like your comment Bob, i really do.. but govt only turns around and get into larger spending programs. Would you mandate restrictions on spending and excess going to paydown all debt. Good Idea.. will it fly ?

34   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 5, 9:59am  

oliverks1 says

Thomas this sounds nice and it gets repeated all the time, but it doesn't actually work that way. The reason is new job creating businesses will consume that $1M dollars in expenses. The investors will get a tax break on their investment and hence, over the short run they will pay almost no tax on the $1M.
Today most investors want to sink their money into financial gambling. Most of those schemes focus on clever ways to shift costs to the tax payers, and strip assets, while calling them profits. These people care passionately about the tax rate for two reasons.
First they don't want to end up picking up the costs they have worked so hard to shove on to you the tax payer. Second, they don't have much in legitimate expenses to offset against their "profits".
Raising the tax rate would actually push investors from asset stripping to legitimate business investing, and help the economy.

What do they exactly "consume" ? The capital given to them from Venture Capitalis who in turn get it from Rich Investors..
Consumption... i already listed...
New hirings.. which drives growth and increase in PR Tax
Purhases of goods for Inventory and Capital Equipment ... which drives growth and increase in Sales Tax
Rentals which drives ... new construction.. repeat in new hiring and purchases of material and capital equipment... and PR Taxes

Altogher the Spending multipler kicks in all from the investment dollars.

How else do you see the growth of Silicon valley over the past 30-50 years ?

financial gambling ? sure sounds like when some invested in new companies like Sun Micro, Seagate, and many others.. its all a gamble!

35   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 5, 10:06am  

marquismark says

Imagine if POOR people made the rules...I guarantee the laws would be different. The minimum wage would be much higher, worker protections would be stronger, etc. It's only natural. Those are the things poor people care about.

We tried that, see the 60's-70s.. result foreign competition pretty much killed off the domestic industries. Auto, Steel, Semiconductors, etc etc.. And how many "Made in Japan" products do you have around your house ?

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 5, 10:26am  

thomas.wong1986 says

We tried that, see the 60's-70s.. result foreign competition pretty much killed off the domestic industries.

Helped by one-way free trade. Why? The US wanted to prop up Europeans, South Koreans, Malaysians, and Japanese economies to help them fight off their Communist parties.

With the Soviet Union gone, there is no reason to continue these policies.

That "Foreign Competition" was created by those governments taking an active role in nurturing industries, subsidizing both the capital and the training of employees necessary to create them. Again, there is no example of a country larger than a city-state industrializing itself without aggressive government assistance in the form of tariffs, education, and infrastructure.

Even 19th Century Britain came about from 400 years of non-stop wars and subsidies to encourage British Textiles and destroy Continental and, later, Colonial linen and cotton textile industries.

That's why Ghandi weaving was such a political act.

37   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 5, 10:32am  

thunderlips11 says

Helped by one-way free trade. Why? The US wanted to prop up Europeans, South Koreans, Malaysians, and Japanese economies to help them fight off their Communist parties.

Japan, South Korea or Europe had no risk of falling into some Soviet shere of influence.

Much of the High tech dumping that occured by Japan happened after the fall of USSR. Even today, So Korea has dumped Nand products below costs. We (US Govt) had nothing to do with this!

38   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 5, 10:36am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Japan, South Korea or Europe had no risk of falling into some Soviet shere of influence.

That's absolutely untrue. There was a nascent Communist party that emerged in Japan right after WW2, the Communist Party was a major player in Greece, Italy, and France - even Britain had Communist Labor unions in major industries.

One of the selling points of the Marshall Plan was to entice Europeans from Communism.

Economic and Clandestine warfare against Communist Parties in Europe started in the 50s and continued into the 1980s, particularly in Italy.


A good overview of the history of US policies in the Cold War to assist Europe and Asian economies - including supporting the creation of the Common Market - here:

39   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 5, 11:29am  

thunderlips11 says

That's absolutely untrue. There was a nascent Communist party that emerged in Japan right after WW2, the Communist Party was a major player in Greece, Italy, and France - even Britain had Communist Labor unions in major industries

Yes, there was a Communist party in Western European countries and in Japan as well. I never said there wasnt, but they were weak, except Italy in 1949. Chances of them falling into the Soviet block without Soviet Red Army occupation very little. And far less after the '56 Hungarian/Polish and '68 Czech uprising. After 1980 Polish Solidarity uprising that was the begining of the end of the Soviet Block in Europe.

40   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 5, 11:30am  

thunderlips11 says

One of the selling points of the Marshall Plan was to entice Europeans from Communism.

Which was also (wrongly) extended to the USSR, which thankfully they rejected.

41   oliverks1   2012 Mar 5, 2:59pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

What do they exactly "consume" ? The capital given to them from Venture Capitalis who in turn get it from Rich Investors..
Consumption... i already listed...

I am sorry, we are not communicating here or argument does make much sense. Let me try rephrasing this.

When you invest in a company, one that is starting out and creating jobs, you have expenses. These companies are usually created as LLCs or S-Corporations. When you do this, there expenses which are written off the taxes of the investors.

So if you invest $1M you actually get a tax break of about a $1M dollars. It actually is much more complicated than that, but it is good enough as a starting point. So a rich investor who invests in creating jobs pays no tax, not 15% or 30% but actually 0%. If the company does well, the investment becomes more valuable, but there is still no potential tax liability until the company is sold or profits materialize. Then you can covert your corporation (if you so desire) to a C-corp and avoid the personal tax liability on profits (the IRS is fine with this). So real investors creating real jobs don't need to pay much if anything in taxes.

People who want to buy fast cars and McMansions out of their earnings and profits do need to pay taxes. People engaged in financial speculation do pay taxes. If the income taxes on all earnings and income was raised to 70% you would have mad dash rush to invest in creating real businesses, because that is a legitimate way to avoid taxes.

What I am arguing is raising taxes on the rich (1%) actually helps create jobs. Is there something you feel is amiss with the above argument?

42   bob2356   2012 Mar 5, 5:25pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

bob2356 says

How about paying down the debt? Failing that just balance the budget.

I like your comment Bob, i really do.. but govt only turns around and get into larger spending programs. Would you mandate restrictions on spending and excess going to paydown all debt. Good Idea.. will it fly ?

Of course not. Even if there were balanced budget amendment there would be trillions of dollars in off budget sleight of hand. Both parties have locked themselves into impossible positions that will only increase the debt until it all blows up. It's like watching 2 little kids going I dare you, I double dare you. It's madness that has no end that I can see.

Hedge every way you can. Get your money out of the country before currency controls kick in. It's not going to be pretty.

43   freak80   2012 Mar 6, 12:22am  

marquismark says

So, I submit that the "wealth" which you state is "theirs" isn't. It was only made possible by the fact that they made the rules to benefit themselves and lobbied the right people.

Well said. Most real wealth isn't "earned", it's obtained via shenanigans.

44   freak80   2012 Mar 6, 12:23am  

omgbacon says

that's where the money is disappearing. that's why we're broke. it's not because we're spending money on old people, it's because we're spending billions of dollars to defeat two-bit dictators armed with sharp sticks.

Classic. +1

45   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 6, 1:05am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Yes, there was a Communist party in Western European countries and in Japan as well. I never said there wasnt, but they were weak, except Italy in 1949. Chances of them falling into the Soviet block without Soviet Red Army occupation very little.

The Communist Parties of France, Italy, and Greece were quite substantial. In France in the 50s, Communists got the majority of votes, only France's bizarre electoral system prevented them from being the majority party. This is also why we put up with a lot of DeGaulle's behavior at the time - the alternative was Marxists running France.

Greece's Nazi resistance was led by the Communist Party, and hundreds of thousands of Greeks were members. After the war, the US and UK sent tons of money and military assistance to help the republic crush the huge communist party there.

The situation in Japan was less grave, but in all these countries the US had a vested interest in building up their economies - and buying their products tariff free. It didn't go the other way around, since we wanted our Allies to be able to finance themselves by taxing our exports to them.

46   freak80   2012 Mar 6, 1:13am  

thunderlips11 says

the alternative was Marxists running France.

Whoa whoa...what? Marxists aren't running France...?

47   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 6, 1:27am  

wthrfrk80 says

Whoa whoa...what? Marxists aren't running France...?

LOL. The socialists will, unless Sarkozy is the recipient of a miracle.

48   elliemae   2012 Mar 6, 10:35am  

marquismark says

Dear Abe,
I honestly would like you to consider this: Who makes the rules? The wealthy? The middle? The poor? You know as well as I do that the wealthy make the rules.

Abe likes me so much he wants to be my friend! Has he asked you? He's a secret liberal lover.

49   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 6, 12:45pm  

oliverks1 says

When you invest in a company, one that is starting out and creating jobs, you have expenses. These companies are usually created as LLCs or S-Corporations. When you do this, there expenses which are written off the taxes of the investors.
So if you invest $1M you actually get a tax break of about a $1M dollars. It actually is much more complicated than that, but it is good enough as a starting point. So a rich investor who invests in creating jobs pays no tax, not 15% or 30% but actually 0%.

Partnerships/LLP/S-Corp like many professional organizations set up by two or more people are a "pass through" entitiy, where taxable income (earnings, Capital Gains/Losses is passed through to the each partners tax return based on ownership interest. Prorated earning, actuaally paid or not to the partner, will be taxable at partners return.

The orginal $1M, isnt written off, since its the orginal base equity interest in the firm was already been taxed once.. why tax it twice ? The cash side of the $1M is used to pay for staff , buy inventory and equipment.

Many Partnerships/S-Corp/LLP are Engineering, Medical, Dental, Lawyers and Accounting Firms. As such the equity is "at risk".


50   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 6, 12:55pm  

oliverks1 says

If the company does well, the investment becomes more valuable, but there is still no potential tax liability until the company is sold or profits materialize. Then you can covert your corporation (if you so desire) to a C-corp and avoid the personal tax liability on profits (the IRS is fine with this). So real investors creating real jobs don't need to pay much if anything in taxes.

As the entity exist and earns income and capital gains/losses those earnings are reported to the IRS like the W-2, and are taxable to the partners on a quarterly basis.

Conversion still leaves you with a taxable event being reported and liable to each partner. No free rides here...

Ask you dentist, doctor, or anyone working in a S-Corp.

51   oliverks1   2012 Mar 6, 3:06pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Ask you dentist, doctor, or anyone working in a S-Corp.

Doctors and Dentists set up S-Corps to avoid taxes. They would go to work regardless of the tax structure (within reason) because that is what they went to school to do. So these small corporations to a large extent (with some exceptions) are not creating any net new jobs. Changing the marginal rate of tax on such people would have little effect on their work habits. It should also be noted that vast majority of such professionals no longer even qualify for the 1% (which is major change from 40 years ago).

Once again your argument doesn't address why raising the tax rates is bad for job creation.

52   oliverks1   2012 Mar 6, 3:38pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

The orginal $1M, isnt written off, since its the orginal base equity interest in the firm was already been taxed once.. why tax it twice ? The cash side of the $1M is used to pay for staff , buy inventory and equipment.

This is a more valid argument you are making so I want to break it down into two parts.

First if the $1M dollars is post tax dollars, then you don't pay tax on it again. You only pay tax on the capital gains or excess retained earnings. So there is no double taxation. If you chose to write down your basis, which is normal in many investments, then you are getting a tax break, that will be counteracted by taxes at later. However the tax break and the taxable income is entirely symmetric. In fact, you can deliberately (and to the best of my knowledge fairly) game the system by taking your tax break during high earning years, and try to realize your gain in years of little income. You can come out ahead significantly in such cases.

The second part of this question is more complicated. The argument is why should I pay capital gains tax. The correct way to think about this is real capital gains. That is money you made after inflation, minus your tax basis. Earnings from this should surely be taxed! It is income pure and simple. You are putting your money to work for you. Why should a man's labor be taxed but your capital not? This is not paying tax twice (as people like to repeat over and over) it is paying tax on your inflation adjusted earnings. You only pay tax once on any money you make. Once you have made it, your basis is secure from the taxman.

There is a problem with the current tax code unfortunately. Capital gains is taxed on your basis, not your inflation adjusted basis. In an inflationary environment (which is most of the time), your basis is eroded and you do end up paying tax twice on part of your money. That is why the capital gains tax was introduced. It was to offset this double taxation by offering a much lower rate on capital gains. A better solution would be to have the government index your basis to inflation, and then make you declare any gains as earned income.

So the simple answer to your questions is, income from investments, be it capital gains or profits should be taxed, because it represents new income (assuming inflation adjustment for the capital basis). Why should this be free, because as I explained it has not been taxed yet. It is no different than income from labor. Even with identical taxation rates, this still gives the advantage to capital, as it has more control over when to declare tax on profits than labor does.

53   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 6, 4:22pm  

oliverks1 says

If you chose to write down your basis, which is normal in many investments, then you are getting a tax break, that will be counteracted by taxes at later. However the tax break and the taxable income is entirely symmetric. In fact, you can deliberately (and to the best of my knowledge fairly) game the system by taking your tax break during high earning years, and try to realize your gain in years of little income. You can come out ahead significantly in such cases.

You cannot write down or revalue your basis due to inflation. Your basis can only decline due to losses in your business. The only thing you an do is impair and capital asset and take a gain or loss accordinly, but that also triggers ordinary income taxes before considering capital gains/losses. Many businesses have a CPA that do the books and taxes, so out right collusion of fraud is unlikely. The CPA will infact turn you in the the IRS.

Is this what doctors, dentists, accountants, engineering partners think all day in their profession.. " How to swindle and game the system?" I think not !

54   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 6, 4:27pm  

oliverks1 says

So the simple answer to your questions is, income from investments, be it capital gains or profits should be taxed, because it represents new income (assuming inflation adjustment for the capital basis). Why should this be free, because as I explained it has not been taxed yet. It is no different than income from labor. Even with identical taxation rates, this still gives the advantage to capital, as it has more control over when to declare tax on profits than labor does.

Income from Interest and Dividends are already taxed at Individual tax rates even for S-Corp and Partnerships LLP.
Capital gains/losses are transfered and taxed accordingly as short term .. Ordinary and Long term ... I have no idea what your trying to sell.. and it makes no sense.. Take time out and learn REAL Tax Accounting at your local community college.

I have no idea what your trying to say.. and

55   SFace   2012 Mar 6, 4:33pm  

oliverks1 says

So the simple answer to your questions is, income from investments, be it capital gains or profits should be taxed, because it represents new income (assuming inflation adjustment for the capital basis). Why should this be free, because as I explained it has not been taxed yet.

Thomas is technically correct.

There's really two types of business for tax purpose, There's taxable entity and disregard entity.

Taxable entity, mostly C corporations or other entities treated as C Corporations are taxed at the entity level. A 1M taxable income for the corporation means the Corporation pays 35% federal tax and whatever state tax. The retained earnings is net of tax. Dividends and or other release of capital (Capital gains or dividends which are essentially the same thing) are taxed at the shareholder level. The retained earnings (booked after tax is included) are already taxed at the corporate level so the release of equity represents taxation on the same income.

In theory that is why there is preferential treatment. Most of the world don't try to tax the same income twice. Without the capital gains break, 100 earned by the Corporation can be taxed at $40 at the entity level, leaving $60 retained earnings. Upon release of the $60 taxed at 40% again fed and state or $24. That means of the $100 in pre-tax income, uncle fed and Auntie State took $64 bucks. The BUSH tax cut relieve some of that.

In the case of a disregard entity or more commonly known as pass-thru entity, there is no tax at the entity level. However, if the business earned 1M in taxable income, 100% of the taxable income is passed to the shareholder(s). It's more commonly known as getting a "K-1" which is filed with the fed so they know exactly how much you made. There is no reduced rate as that is essentially income from your share of the partnership. There is no retained earnings in a partnership, the 1M income is allocated to partners capital and can be released upon cash draw. (based on partnership agreement). But as the partners capital increased, the K-1 means the partner have to pick up the income on the reporting year. If you manage to sell your share of the partnership higher than the basis, that gain is taxed at full as well.

56   oliverks1   2012 Mar 7, 1:12am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Income from Interest and Dividends are already taxed at Individual tax rates even for S-Corp and Partnerships LLP.
Capital gains/losses are transfered and taxed accordingly as short term .. Ordinary and Long term ... I have no idea what your trying to sell.. and it makes no sense.. Take time out and learn REAL Tax Accounting at your local community college.

All I am "selling" is the idea that taxes on earning and capital gains are not unjust. You keep complaining about you get taxed for this and that and you don't like it. I can't do much about that. In terms of REAL Tax Accounting, you keep trying to introduce new subjects. Reread my post and try to find a real error.

57   oliverks1   2012 Mar 7, 1:26am  

SFace says

In theory that is why there is preferential treatment. Most of the world don't try to tax the same income twice. Without the capital gains break, 100 earned by the Corporation can be taxed at $40 at the entity level, leaving $60 retained earnings. Upon release of the $60 taxed at 40% again fed and state or $24. That means of the $100 in pre-tax income, uncle fed and Auntie State took $64 bucks. The BUSH tax cut relieve some of that.

I agree with this statement. The double taxation on C corporation earning is a problem, but I think the BUSH tax cut are a terrible solution. Now I like the Bush break as much as the next guy come tax time, but the reason the Bush break doesn't work is that big companies are not double taxed. Most large C corps pay no or little tax, via the Double Irish or other corporate structures. Hence your argument above does not hold for large publicly traded companies (and even if it did your tax rate example is wrong even for high tax states).

A better approach would be to - a eliminate the tax on C corp earnings or - b allow corporations to tax deduct any dividend payments. The former comes with a whole host of problems, because of other tax distortions, so the later is probably preferable.

However what is more important is what started this thread. Thomas was arguing about new business creation and double taxation. My argument remains that raising the marginal tax rate will not hurt new business creation, in fact I claim it might well help new business formation.

58   Honest Abe   2012 Mar 17, 6:01am  

Tax the super rich...great! Right out of the Communist Manefisto!!

Like the irresponsible baffoons in DC (District of Corruption) need MORE taxpayer money to waste and squander.

Before DC was developed it was a swamp. It still is.

59   marquismark   2012 Mar 17, 1:19pm  

Abe, You have absolutely nothing to add to any discourse. I have asked you repeatedly to give me examples, detail your logic (if there is any) and you never can. Just a series of dumb, over-the-top, unsupported rants. You, my friend, are being played by Fox News (oxymoron if ever there was one) and its wealthy masters and they are laughing at you and they screw you up your red, white and blue butt. I just feel sorry for you.

Anyway, this will be the last time I ever hear from you because your are now on ignore.

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