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Social Security is not a welfare hand out, you get to pay into it all your life.
We pay taxes into all of these. These are "SOCIAL" programs.
If one receives more benefits than they paid into SS in their lifetime they are Socialist.
I went to a state university, so I am a "socialist." I also went to public schools.
Obama's kids DON'T go to a public school. Perhaps he doesn't want them dumbed down, which is OK for the rest of us peons.
"Let them eat cake".
I use public utilities,roads ,police,fire,military, etc. I cannot begin to pay enough taxes to pay for these services. I am a useless freeloading Socialist pig living off the Gubberment & so are all the Republic Party Conservatives Tea baggers that have ever used any of these services. These services are paid for by that nasty TAX dollar.
Damn!The truth is not always pleasant.
Social Security is not a welfare hand out, you get to pay into it all your life.
It's a gov program. Don't obscure the point.
Social Security is not a welfare hand out, you get to pay into it all your life.
It's a gov program. Don't obscure the point.
So is air traffic control, does that make anyone that flies a socialist.
I must admit I'm confused by your use of the term 'socialist' here. Generally I'm confused when the term is used on this list.
To answer your question: Why, yes, it does. And the sooner right wing minded people get used to the idea, or die off - while using the services of Medicaid I'm sure - the better off we'll all be.
And to respond to "fort wayne's" attemp, it's not the money that's the point, it's the management of it.
Half of US social program recipients believe they "have not used a government social program Where do you fit into this list?