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2013 Nov 1, 3:24am   70,157 views  357 comments

by AverageBear   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


I'm sure this has been posted alredy by now. But only six(!) signed up for Obamacare the first day??!! From what I read, over 4 million visits, but only 6 signed up?

I liken this scenario to a big fat highway, w/ 4 million cars slowing down to check out the 6 car accident on the side of the road, only to keep driving away/getting away from the gory fiasco.

And this shit show is only getting started...

- You want to put your identity, SS#, VITAL information into the hands of former-ACORN layabouts, ie, fresh-minted 'stewards' to these healthcare exchanges? I'll pass, thank you.

- Then once we get past this gaping hole of security, we get to grapple w/ the fact that there's more security problems ahead, when this site is hacked repeatedly, once your data lands 'somewhere'.

- Wait till the uneducated (or the naive liberals/independent voters; same thing) find out that Obamacare is a financial house of cards, that will collapse under its own weight. Tons of people 'signing up' for healthcare, that will be free, but a trickle of tax-paying people signing up, willing to get reamed in the digital age by the gov't....

- Obamacare is wealth re-distribution, pure and simple. Obama doesn't give a fuck about you, the health care he took away from you, or the higher bills you, the tax-payer, will have to pay. He lied to you 3 years ago, KNOWING you'd lose your health care. That's all you need to know.


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115   Bellingham Bill   2013 Nov 1, 4:29pm  

CMY says

While I hold out hope that joe average will wake up once the ramifications of his vote hit him in the pocketbook every month

A couple age 45 making $50,000 with 2 kids will have an after-subsidy cost of $4/mo for "Bronze"-level coverage.

Some "hit" to their pocketbook!

Let's cut to the chase here, rich conservatives don't want to pay for other people's health insurance.

We get that.

Good luck trying to take this away from people once the program actually starts enrolling people, LOL.

All the scare stories FOXNEWS and the other rightwing bubble sites have blasted into your brains is not the actual reality of "ObamaCare".

The actual reality is that it's just an incremental way to get more people insured. It's what Nixon wanted in the 1970s, what the Heritage Foundation first proposed in 1989, what Gingrich proposed in 1993, and of course what Romney implemented in MA.

Now, the question is whether or not our health system can actually provide the services we've promised for this health insurance enrollment.

That is a very good question.

116   upisdown   2013 Nov 1, 5:29pm  

smaulgld says

Funny you think I care if the republicans get their clocks cleaned?
I hope
they and their false rivals the Democraps both lose

LOL, now THAT'S funny! Everybody with a pulse knows that all glibertopians vote republican, because they're essentially a slightly smarter(yet more irrational)version of a teabagger.

I hope that you don't play poker much, or for any money.

117   upisdown   2013 Nov 1, 5:49pm  

AverageBear says

I'm sure this has been posted alredy by now. But only six(!) signed up for
Obamacare the first day??!! From what I read, over 4 million visits, but only 6
signed up?

6??? ONLY 6??????? LOL. Nice outrage, although you conveniently didn't compare the roll-out of the ACA to Romneycare, which only signed up 18,000 people in the first 2 months of enrollment out of 300,000.

But, MA. has the highest enrollment/coverage rate in the nation with a coverage rate of 96% of the state's citizens.

How about comparing the ACA to the roll-out of Medicare part D, and how well THAT went? LOL

118   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 1, 6:01pm  

Medicare Part D was not overly complicated and a fuck-up, because Bush did it, so stop saying that.

Besides, Medicare Part D never roasted tens of thousands of people alive on rusty re-bar spits, their eyes popping from the searing heat as their fat pooled in drip pans to feed Kenyan Muslim illegal immigrant children in a cannibal feast in front of the Smithsonian.

119   bob2356   2013 Nov 1, 6:18pm  

HydroCabron says

Besides, Medicare Part D never roasted tens of thousands of people alive on rusty re-bar spits, their eyes popping from the searing heat as their fat pooled in drip pans to feed Kenyan Muslim illegal immigrant children in a cannibal feast in front of the Smithsonian.

Shit I missed that, got any video clips?

120   smaulgld   2013 Nov 1, 7:26pm  

Rushbot rushbot! Libtard! Teabagger! Moron! Leftwinger!

I win!

121   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 1:20am  

smaulgld says

Rushbot rushbot! Libtard! Teabagger! Moron! Leftwinger!

I win!

Oh, NOW he starts objecting to glib one-liners.

"Obama lied!"
"Pelosi said we have to pass it to see what's in it!"


122   Tenpoundbass   2013 Nov 2, 1:32am  

Homeboy says

If it walks like a Rushbot and quacks like a Rushbot, it's probably a Rushbot.

There it is, Dimlib doesn't have jackshit to say, there's not a damn thing he could say about Obama the Liar, or his fucked up shitty legislation that his lapdog cronies passed and want nothing to do with the damn thing, even if he wanted to. So therefore, shitbrick here resorted to injecting not only "Rushbot" the phrase, fuck no! This fool even found a picture, ah poor Liberal got it pretty bad on the whole Obama facade and sham imploding and shattering the young hipsters dreams of some utopian hope and change society.

I bet before this is over, a Rush picture will be all Selibus has to answer questions on why the site still wont work. She'll just show a picture of Rush. And blame Bush, and the Liberal senators will erupt in applause. You can't make this shit up.

123   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 6:12am  

CaptainShuddup says

There it is, Dimlib doesn't have jackshit to say, there's not a damn thing he could say about Obama the Liar, or his fucked up shitty legislation that his lapdog cronies passed and want nothing to do with the damn thing, even if he wanted to.

Riiiiight.... Keep deluding yourself that I haven't made coherent arguments over and over and over, and that you Rushbots don't always respond with:

"Obama lied!!!!"

"Pelosi said we have to pass it to see what's in it!!!!"

Or that your guy didn't post 6 stupid videos IN A ROW.

124   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 6:15am  

By the way, calling me a liberal is not hurtful, as I am proud to be one. I don't try to slink away from what I am like you guys do.

"Rush? Who's that? Never heard of him." LOL.

125   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 9:03am  

Jimmy Carter calls Obama care implementation "questionable at best" http://www.parade.com/222330/markupdegrove/jimmy-and-rosalynn-carter-an-intimate-chat/

There! I agree with Jimmy Carter I am a Carter bot!

126   Tenpoundbass   2013 Nov 2, 10:12am  

You dirty stinkin Carterbot.

Speaking of Carter, those must have been some damn good "Liver Pills" he had to take back in his presidency. He was known for needing liver pills, so much so there was a saying... ("Someone" has more "something" than Carter has Liver pills. )

Though through Google I have just learned that Carter liver pills were a 19th century patent and had nothing to do with Jimmy Carter. We definitely could have used the internet back in 1976.

127   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 10:50am  

Bill Mahler it was a lie- Debra Wasserman Shultze it wasn't a lie. Funny to watch the "it depends on what your definition is, is" panel trying to claim its not a lie.


Mahler makes the "No new taxes" comparison above

Mahler was making the better point-is a lie justified?

Its 100% disingenous to say it wasn't a lie.

"If YOU like YOUR plan you can keep YOUR plan." doesn't require the listener to start thinking that maybe they are in a 5% zone with 12 million others and he is not talking about me.

I am now a Bill Maher bot

128   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 11:10am  

National Public Radio Headline:Obama Ratings Sink As Trustworthiness Comes Into Question


RushBots!!!! NPR are Rushbots!!!!

129   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 11:17am  

smaulgld says

There! I agree with Jimmy Carter I am a Carter bot!

You agree with Jimmy Carter? You believe Obama has "done the best he could under the circumstances?" Interesting. I don't know that I'd agree with you.

p.s. You ain't fooling anybody

130   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 11:20am  

CaptainShuddup says

Speaking of Carter, those must have been some damn good "Liver Pills" he had to take back in his presidency. He was known for needing liver pills, so much so there was a saying... ("Someone" has more "something" than Carter has Liver pills. )

Though through Google I have just learned that Carter liver pills were a 19th century patent and had nothing to do with Jimmy Carter. We definitely could have used the internet back in 1976.


131   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 11:21am  

Washington Post turns Rushbot!!!!

Gives Obama's statement 4 Pinocchios -their worst rating.


132   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 11:24am  

Homeboy says

smaulgld says

There! I agree with Jimmy Carter I am a Carter bot!

You agree with Jimmy Carter? You believe Obama has "done the best he could under the circumstances?" Interesting. I don't know that I'd agree with you.

He has done the best he could based on trying to implement a monumental task.

It doesn't diminish the fact that he is failing

133   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 11:27am  

smaulgld says

He has done the best he could based on trying to implement a monumental task.

That's not what Carter said. He was referring to Obama's ENTIRE presidency.

On how he would evaluate the Obama presidency so far:
JC: “He’s done the best he could under the circumstances."

134   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 11:30am  

smaulgld says

Washington Post turns Rushbot!!!!

Gives Obama's statement 4 Pinocchios -their worst rating.


Wait. You mean Obama lied? Gee, that's the first time you've ever said that... in the last 5 minutes.

135   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 11:31am  

Homeboy says

smaulgld says

He has done the best he could based on trying to implement a monumental task.

That's not what Carter said. He was referring to Obama's ENTIRE presidency.

On how he would evaluate the Obama presidency so far:

JC: “He’s done the best he could under the circumstances."

Basically ACA is his whole presidency- it is a broadly ambitious plan named after him.
It is what he will be remembered by.

136   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 11:34am  

Homeboy says

smaulgld says

Washington Post turns Rushbot!!!!

Gives Obama's statement 4 Pinocchios -their worst rating.


Wait. You mean Obama lied? Gee, that's the first time you've ever said that... in the last 5 minutes.

Do you think he lied, and does it matter?

137   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 11:50am  

the retrospective on this is that

the bill passed with zero republican votes in 2009 and many of the dems that voted for it got replaced in 2010

republicans at the congressional and state level did everything they could to obsfucate- from trying to defund to states not setting up the exchanges

All major legislation has to have SOME bi partisan support. Can anyone give me an example of any major legislation where there wasn't some bi partisan support?

138   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 12:43pm  

USA Today Now a Rushbot- Adopts Rush talking points

Obama vows repeatedly you can keep your doctor


139   Vicente   2013 Nov 2, 12:46pm  

Call it Crazy says

Wow, When Bill Maher, the black dick sucking liberal ObamaBot turns on Obama, things are definitely NOT well in Liberalville...

GOP like a blonde, poop never stinks. Any odor must be Negro next door, so let's double down on denial and CONSERVATISM that'll solve it!

Everyone else (Libruls!), sometimes there's an odor. They acknowledge it, perhaps harrass parties into fixing shortcomings. It's called honesty.

140   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 4:29pm  

smaulgld says

Obama vows repeatedly you can keep your doctor

Rushbot Smaulgld repeats same republican talking point 20 times in same thread. Homeboy yawns.

141   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 4:33pm  

Call it Crazy says

Wow, When Bill Maher, the black dick sucking liberal ObamaBot turns on Obama, things are definitely NOT well in Liberalville...

Maher is not necessarily liberal. Sometimes he is, sometimes he isn't. Perhaps you are confusing him with Olbermann?

142   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 4:39pm  

smaulgld says

Do you think he lied, and does it matter?

Jesus Christ. We established that his statement wasn't literally true about 4 pages ago. Try to keep up, m'kay?

Does it matter? It matters, but it's not the end of the world as we know it, although you wouldn't know from the way you are carrying on about it.

The far more important question is: since they've been saying for 4 years that there will be minimum standards of coverage for health insurance policies, how is it that you weren't aware of that fact?

But I know YOU won't answer MY question, even though I answered yours, because you Rushbots only repeat talking points over and over, and never say anything meaningful.

143   Homeboy   2013 Nov 2, 4:42pm  

smaulgld says

Basically ACA is his whole presidency- it is a broadly ambitious plan named after him.

It is what he will be remembered by.

Not what Carter said.

144   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 7:47pm  

Homeboy says

smaulgld says

Basically ACA is his whole presidency- it is a broadly ambitious plan named after him.

It is what he will be remembered by.

Not what Carter said.

True and rush also didn't compare obama to Reagan or the two bushes the way I did

145   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 7:49pm  

If you like your lies, you can keep your lies, Period.

146   upisdown   2013 Nov 2, 8:45pm  

smaulgld says

All major legislation has to have SOME bi partisan support. Can anyone give
me an example of any major legislation where there wasn't some bi partisan


smaulgld says

the bill passed with zero republican votes in 2009


smaulgld says

republicans at the congressional and state level did everything they could to
obsfucate- from trying to defund to states not setting up the exchanges

Not only did you answer your own question, but you even showed(some of) the results of the non-cooperation from the republicans. I'll highlight some of the important stuff that you conveniently left out. 42 times the republicans tried, and FAILED to defund/overturn the PPACA legislation. Then, the Supreme Court found the legislation to be constitutional, with the deciding vote made by the Chief Justice, a republican and nominated to the bench by a republican president. Of course the stupifyied mania didn't stop there and the republicans proceded to shut down the government and even wanted to try to defund it, but smarter heads prevailed.

Does that about sum things up?

147   upisdown   2013 Nov 2, 8:59pm  

sbh says


To answer your question I would be complaining and I am sure Republicans
would attack me as an unamerican democrat

+1 Well played. I don't agree with you a lot of the time, but you aren't a
categorical right winger, and I give you props for that.

Maybe not a categorical right winger, but definitely a camouflaged right winger. Glibertopians are in essence mulligan-republicans, whereas they always vote republican and hate all things liberal/progressive or even inclusive, but by not being a typical right wing extremist they can vote for GW Bush, and then pretend to hate him and all his shitty policies and legislation. I reall yfind it amusing when the glibertopians try and use their f-ed up economic theories to justify their racism and other shortcomings, instead of having the convictions to admit their faults/and things that they hate.

148   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 9:15pm  

upisdown says

reall yfind it amusing when the glibertopians try and use their f-ed up economic theories to justify their racism and other shortcomings, instead of having the convictions to admit their faults/and things that they hate.

I find it amusing that you can generalize in such a way to project convictions of others with no basis for such characterizations.
That is a classic form of false argumentation

149   upisdown   2013 Nov 2, 9:47pm  

smaulgld says

I find it amusing that you can generalize in such a way to project
convictions of others with no basis for such characterizations.
That is a
classic form of false argumentation

LOL, and yet you never denied ANY of my descriptions of glibertopians/mulligan republicans OR their behavior. Shocking.

Teabag morons wear their hatred and stupidity proudly, but not the glibertopians/mulligan republicans as they like to cloud it in some tax cut-preferred and deserving types of legislation dogma. Both types are equally ridiculous and annoying, but at least with the teabag ones you absolutely know not to take your eyes off of them.

150   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 10:10pm  

upisdown says

Teabag morons wear their hatred and stupidity proudly, but not the glibertopians/mulligan republicans

Name calling is another form of false immature argumentation

151   smaulgld   2013 Nov 2, 10:11pm  

upisdown says

LOL, and yet you never denied ANY of my descriptions of glibertopians/mulligan republicans OR their behavior. Shocking.

Generalizations stated as fact form the basis for all sorts of unjust characterizations like racism, sexism etc, so I won't comment on your generalizations.

152   upisdown   2013 Nov 2, 10:14pm  

smaulgld says


Teabag morons wear their hatred and stupidity proudly, but not the
glibertopians/mulligan republicans

Name calling is another form of false immature argumentation

It's THEIR name that THEY came up with. And morons is fitting, just watch THEIR behavior.

Any sane and rational person won't disagree with that, either.

153   upisdown   2013 Nov 2, 10:16pm  

smaulgld says

Generalizations stated as fact form the basis for all sorts of unjust
characterizations like racism, sexism etc, so I won't comment on your

As I posted previously, shocking. Or that there's no defense of those things, as you're smart enough to not try and defend any of them.

154   upisdown   2013 Nov 2, 10:17pm  

smaulgld says

Generalizations stated as fact form the basis for all sorts of unjust
characterizations like racism, sexism etc,

So what is it called when YOU do the very same thing?

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